The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-10-17, Page 23,' Jahn V. J.,/ M.,. .1"«,"P.4r Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 17, 1979.—rPage 23 -I�KEENCE AS. w4.. .rwv..2s n SI E, la jr /7 01,,Nhr m — moi'-.,. = .000...1101.0 1. Articles for sale 1973 - 250 ELAN snowmo- bile, twin cylinder, good shape. Phone 357-3459. —42x ELECTROHOME, 2 manual organ, with foot pedals. Excellent condition, phone 357-3459. • --42x NOW TAKING ORDERS for ducks and geese. Allan R. Miller. Phone 528-2299. —39tfar SPECIALS ON RECORDS, TAPES AND CASSETTES Cheap Trick - Dream Police, limited quantity, $6.99 each. Several other new arrivals in records, tapes and cassettes. Sepoy Stationery & Printing, Lucknow Phone 528-.2919 QUANTITY OF USED lum- ber, sheeting, ,studding. Phone 528-3149. —40x HARD WOOD, split and dried, phone Dungannon, 529-7751. —42 GOLDMINERS - CONCEN- TRATOR. Recovers 98% of gold dust fromyour black- sand or other concentrate. Nothing like it before. Phone 604-823-6491. —42nc USED RAILWAY TIES, all pressure treated, best qual- ity, . prompt :.delivery, _$9,00. per tie.; also cedar rails. See. . ; ties at Huron Landscaping, 4' miles south of Lucknow on Huron Road. 1.' Phone 529- 7247:.1j-42,43ar ONE PAIR OF boys shoulder. pads; one pair of Lang Laiser Ii skates, 2 years old; one pair of hockey pants size 32-34 waist;,one pair of boys kneed pads. Phone 528-2724. —42,43 40 SINGLE RABBIT cages. Phone 395-3451; —42• LAMES SNOWMOBILE suits, girls and boys clothes to 12 months; girls: Size 2 and 7 -. 8`and women's size 18; men's navy blazer and pants and Carhartt jeans, size 36; twin bed headboard; laundry tubs; 60 amp: electrical ser- vice; toaster oven. Phone 529-.7972.. —42 NUBIAN GOATS. Phone 528-2941.. -42x PIE AND HALLOWE'EN pumpkins. H. M. Greer, phone :528-5353. -42x HOCKEY SKATES sizes 12, 4, and 7; girl's skates sizes 1 and 2. Also some hockey equipment. ' H. M. Greer, 1 phone 528-5353. —42x 1. Articles for sale BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday, and Thursday Cuiand'wrapped to your • specifications 1-� Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Res. 528-2119 —40tf Canada. Savings Bonds Your Safest Investment Agent H.• M. Greer Phone 528-5353 4. Articles wanted DEAD STOCK We pay highest cash price for fresh. animals over 500 lbs., smaller animals picked up free. Radio equipped trucks. Call 881-3459 or 1-800-265.3011. Graf Animal Foods Ltd., R. R. # 1, Chepstow. 26tfar GRADE 13 BIOLOGY TEXT, "Biology and its Relation to Mankind" (5th edition). Call 528-3543. —42ar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1974 chrysler n,ewport .4 door, in good condition.. Phone 395-3435 after 6 p.m. —42 7. Real Estate for sale GOOD BUILDING LOT on Victoria Street, Lucknow. Phone 528-2924. —42 2' RIVER LOTS on quiet street. Phone 528-3234 or 529-7272.-29tfar DUNGANNON, 3 bedroom mobile home, partly • furn- ioiied, landscaped lot, 66 x 132, completely ';serviced. Give us an offer. Phone 529-7923. —40-44 20 ACRES plus lot, next to Christian Reformed Church. Property consists of pasture, cash crop land, some bush, with a "spring with Lucknow river flowing through. All this for 517,500.00 with terms. Call Jack Cummings, 524-9624 or Bill Clifford, Realtor,.'Goderich, 524-8951. —42,43x APPROXIMATELY 12 cord 9. Accommodation -of hardwood, cut and piled, to rent Phone 395-5231. —42 without advertsingl you could lose your shirt! FOUR BEDROOM house in Lucknow. Phone 528-3004. —38tf SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment in Lucknow. Available now. Also 1 bedroom apart- ment, frig and stove. Avail- able November 1. Phone 528-2174 or 528-3134. --39tf 014 • — MN, �1- OFH • Print.al—f,n sin 9. Accommodation to rent BACHELOR APARTMENT, available October 1, heated, one bedroom, newly decor- ated, $115.00. Phone 528- 203.1. —39ar FURNISHED BED -SITTING room, heated. All utilities paid. Phone 528-3723, Oliver Glenn.—34tfar • 3 BEDROOM FARM HOUSE on Highway 86, near Am- berley. Phone 395-5220. —37tf 3 BEDROOM country home available November 1. Phone 528-6844. —42x UPSTAIRS APARTMENT in Ripley available November 1. Frig and stove supplied. Contact 395=2614 or 395- 5828, —42tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment, Lucknow; two bedroom fur- nished apartment, . Ripley; one bedroom apartment, fur- nished or unfurnished, Tees - water. Phone Glennhaven Apartments, 528-3234. —42tfar 12. Help wanted Applications are now being received by Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, Lucknow, for nurse aid positions.' Those interested must be able to work all three nursing shifts. If interested please contact Mrs. P. Dymer, Director of Nursing or Mr. David New- bold,•. Assistant Administra- tor at 528-2820.—42,43ar Hairdresser required one to two days per Jveek beginning November 1, at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, Luck - now. Qualified applicants should contact Mr.. David Newbold at 528=2820. =42,43ar BUS DRIVER required. Phone 529-7888. -42,43,44 PERSON TO DELIVER Tor- onto Star, $12:00 per week. Apply to V. Munroe, Phone 395-5415. --42 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL Requires A Teacher's Aide for Kinder,- garten. Musical ability an asset. Duties ..include super- vising group activities and preparation of instructional materials. Apply in writing to J. T. Chapman, Principal, Exeter Public ,School, . P.O. Box 599E Exeter, . Ontario NOM 1SO before October 24, 1979. Resume should include age, qualifications and • experi- ence.. R..1. Elliott D , J. Cochrane Chairman Director --42ar CET SOME BREAD WITH AWANTAD 12.. Help wanted The members of Ripley Ship- ping Association require a shipper, duties to commence November 15, 1979. Written applications are to be sent to the President, Bob Harris, R. 3 Ripley or Secretary, Leon- ard Irwin, Box 197, Ripley by 6 p.m. Monday., October 29, 1979. —42,43 14. Employment wanted WILL BABYSIT.preschoolers of any age in my home by the week or hour. Phone 529- 7972. -42,43 15. Tenders TENDERS for show plowing streets of the Village of Ripley will bereceived by clerk William McCreath, Box 130, Ripley, until six p.m. October 22, 1979. Tender to state equipment to be used, and price per hour. Equip- ment to. be available Decem- ber 1, 1979„ to March 31, 1980. —42ar FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be accepted until the 24th day of October, 1979, for the farm property belonging to Carl Menno Schlueter and Margaret Schlueter, inclusive .of. all buildings, situate in the Township of Huron, County °of Bruce, and known as the West Half of Lot 30, Con- cession 2, consisting of 50 acres more or less. Tenders should be accom- panied by a deposit by certi- fied cheque .of 10% .of the tender price. Cheques should be made payable to Goodall, Campbell and Brophy In Trust: Any and all tenders not. necessarily accepted. Tenders should be mailed or: delivered to: Goodall, Campbell &.Brophy Box 190, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0 —40,41,42ar HURON COUNTT BOARD. OF EDUCATION TENDERS FOR SNOW REMOVAL :: et Brookside Public School, Colborne Central Public School; East Wawanosh Public School, Huron Centennial Public School, Turnbury Public', School a Usborno Public School. Plainly marked sealed tenders will be received up fo 12:00 noon Mon- day, October 29, 1979. Tender forms may be obtained at, the school in question or et the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. R.J. Elliott D.J. Cochrane Chairman ,Director ".A4C14120W42. 12. Help wanted HARD WORK HEAVY CASH For people with cars 524-9077 Here is the chance you've been waiting for! WE HAVE OPENED A NEW OFFICE OF A RAPIDLY EXPANDING CANADIAN COMPANY AND WE NEED STAFF NOW. GOOD EARNINGS, NO LAYOFFS,NO EXPERIEN- CE NECESSARY. RAPID ADVANCEMENT. PART-TIME, FULL-TIME. CAR NEEDED. CaII NOW! DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Call 524-6092 WANTED SILVER CANADIAN COiNS I 10' 1966 and older. 57c 1967 35°.- 25' 1966 and older $1.07 1967 82c 50' 1967 and prior $2.35r *Prices subject to change 'without notice, in' •accordance • with market value at time of transaction.. PHONE 524-9412 ASK FOR GORD -a; Classified Advertising Deadline Mondays S p.m. 17. Auction Sales CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALES at Lucknow Community,. Sale MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 15, AND 29 400 HEAD Phone 528.9912 or 395-5230 35-41 AUCTION SALE OF SERVICE STATION AND EQUIPMENT FOR ROBERT iRVIN DUNGANNON (MAIN ST,i SATURDAY, OCT. 27 AT 10 A.M. SHOP EQUIPMENT Bench grinder; : floor jack, 1.500 volt electric Plant. % inch sockets, cash register, chain falls, etc., desk, misc. sockets and tools, vise, etc., etc., etc. NEW SHOP INVENTORY Batteries,' car tires. tractor tires, .cases . of motoroil, gasoline anti- freeze, app'roximately ntifreeze,:approximately '2,000.00worth of bolts andnuts ap- proximately '2,000.0.0 worth of parts, plow points. snowmobiles belts; Coca-Cola machine; LUMBER 40 plank - 3" x 12'' - 14' to 26' long. 9 - planks - 3" x 17" - 40' long. STEEL, (New and Used) 200 - %" pipe .10' long, angle iron up to 40' long, pipe of all sizes, scrap iron. PROPERTY . Will be offered at ap. proximately 1 p.m. selling with a reserve bid if not previously sold. 10°. down; balance in 30 days. TERMS: CASH ON CONTENTS SELLING BY NUMBERS AUCTIONEER: GORDON H; BRINDLEY. SALESMEN! Excellent automotive aftermarket opportunity If you are 'aggressive, self motivated, sales orienated and have a solid working 'know- ledge of the automotive aftermarket [parts equipment and machine shops] we would like to discuss your future with you. We are one of the leaders in the industry [with over 100 outlets in Ontario] and have a lot to offer to the right candidate. Calf us to see if you qualify! Contact Dennis Hutton Manager, McKed le -Millen 482-3445