The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-26, Page 24Pap, 24_ Luck tow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 26, 1979 .Elect yearbook executiveWit: SECONDARY NEWS Preis Reporters: Nancy MacDonald and Michele MacTavish YEAR BOOK EXECUTIVE For 1979-80, the Yearbook executive is as follows: edit- or, Joanne Pollock; assistant editors, Debbie Gamble and Torn Wilson; business man- ager, Adrian Korten; adver- tising, Shannon Courtney; literary editor, Ann Court- ney; boys' sports editor, Jeff Mac"Tavish; girls' sports edi- tor, Heather MacDonald; photography and darkroom, Eoin MacKay, Susan 'Reev- es, Dave Benjamin, Mark Foulds, and Peggy Elliott; typists are Ann Courtney, Susan Cook, Peggy Elliott and Patti McLean. Good luck to the Yearbook Executive! EXCITEMENT AT It, D.S.III There was a bit of excite- ment last week, stirring at R,D.S.!;!!. On Tuesday there was some curiosity as no one .was allowed to enter the Science Room. On Wednes- day. at approximately 2.50 p.m.. all students andteach- ers were ushered .out of the. school. The reason for this mysterious happening ' was because there was some picric acid in the Science. Lab, . and under crystaline condition it. can explode. Two men from Toronto came to the school and removed the picric acid into the back of'. a truck. They were accompan. ied by the police. The picric acid is related closely . to. TNT; although Mr. Malhotra; stated that • it wasn't as dafigerous as the media claimed it to be. . B.I.A. GOLF RESULTS Last Wednesday, the., B.LA: Golf Tournament' was held at Sauble Golf Club. The Ripley boys .took fourth place. The .golf members would :like. -to thank the former principal of Kincar- dine Secondary School, and his wife;, Mr: and Mrs. Ars- cott, for going with them to Sauble, as Mr. Turvill was unable to go because of the incident with the picric acid. FALL FAIR Everyone is getting ready for the Ripley Fall Fair, this Saturday, September 29. The teachers are busy getting all of the entries tagged and the students are planning their floats, that aretobe entered in the. parade. Each class is creating its own float, and we're all excited • to $P9Mv,113 they turn out!!! TENNIS CLUB Ripley's first Tennis Club will be competing. at C.W.O.S.S.A on Thursday. Our representatives Brian Huston and Harold Vander Glas 'will be travelling to Cambridge to participate in this tournament. Good .luck Brian and Harold!!! ELEMENTARY NEWS By Tabatha MIddelkamp and: Llan. Murray Elementary Yearbook rep- resentatives for .1979-1980 are as follows: ,Class 71, Nicole Casemore; Class 72, Christine Cover; Class 81, Paul' Keelan. These Yearbook represent- atives are responsible for selling the 1979-80 Ripley District School Yearbook to the students. of their own classes. . [Intendedfor last week] . ELEMENTARY NEWS By, Tabatha •Middelkamp and Llsa Murray. The Elementary students at R.D.S. have elected class -representatives from each class, In`'Mrs. Henderson's class Alison__ Plowright and Ian Culbert, _ from: ' Ms. Mc- Gonegal.'s class, Dana Clam- pitt and Danny Wood, in Mr. Armstrong's class •Andrew, Birnie and:: Michele Burnett Were chosen. At noon lour the Elemen- tary soccer. . started With two, girls' teams and six boys' teams; Each team plays each other ' and the team with the most points at the end of the year will get a tab, SECONDARY NEWS By Michelle MacTavish and Nancy MacDonald This Wednesday, Septem- ber 19, , the annual B.I.A. Golf Tournament is taking place at . Sauble Golf Club. Students that are represent- pfry .District ,k,.hO0l ing R,D.S. in the tournament are Gregg Stevenson, Harold Peet, Scott McLean, Dave Murray, Harold Vander Glas, Paul Culbert, and our. principal, Mr. Turvill. The best four scores from Ripley District School will be added up. Good luck to the boys and Mr. Turvill on the . golf course! ELECTION RESULTS On Friday, September 14, the students of R.D.S. el- ected a new student council for 1979-80. The new pres- ident is Corinne Boyle, and Ric Irwin is •the vice pres- ident. The secretary for this year is Debbie -Lowry and our new treasurer is Joan Os- borne, The new student council would liketo see some school spirit in the halls this. year. Let's make this year as memorable as last at R.D.S.I BIOLOGY CLASS TRIP On Friday, September 21 the grade 12 and 13 Biology class is going to McGregor Park for .the day. They plan to study some aspects of ecology on this trip. VOLLEYBALL FEVER Volleyball fever, is catchy at R.D,H.S. this yearl The teams have been made up for -intramural •sports, held at • noon, each day. Inter -school teams have started practis- ing after school. Mr. Brown and Mr. Coultes are coaching the teams.. ENTER OUR WHAT'S COOKING AT YOUR PLACE CONTEST .Send us your •favo:urite recipe for publicaition :in our Spec a hall Cook Book Edjition. YOU OR YOUR GROUP 4 PRIZES .TO BE,;AW.ARDED•. PRIZE FOR $cfOo SERVICE CLUBS • CATEGORY PARTY FOODSS!' BEVERAGES $ SQoo CHURCH GROUPS • e CATEGORY: MAIN COURSE $,50Oo CHILDREN'S GROUPS • • CATEGORY: DESSERTS s5000 INDIVIDUALS • CATEGORY:,' YOUR FAVOURITE CHRISTMAS SEASON DISH (OPEN) Please submit recipes for only the - category assigned' above. The winning recipes' will be selected by a panel of . independent lodges. ENTRIES WILL BE PUBLISHED IN OUR SPECIAL FALL COOK BOOK EDITION/NOVEMBER 8,'1.979. ,t5 UGti---� Delicious Food and Atmosphere Harnihhon's Mayfair Restaurant. Open Dally 6 a.m. 8 p.m: Saturday 8 a.m. f► p.m. Closed Sundays 1 Banquet Reservations For Sunday Full Course Meals And Take Out Orders Phone 528-3932 [Clip This Ad For Telephone No.] please :Include the following information with your entry.... •GROUP NAME OR INDIVIDUALS NAME •CATEGORY (NAME OF CONTACT IF GROUP) •ADDRESS •PHONE NUMER Mail your recipe today to: WHAT'S COOKING AT YOUR PLACE CONTEST c/o The Luckflow Sentinel Box 400, Lucknow 1 r. ALL. ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY WED., OCTOBER 21979 1 1 1