The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-12, Page 38Pate 10.. —L w Seminal, Wednesday* September 19, 1979 There was a large turnout at the nearly completed Lucknow and District Christian School as members of the community enjoyed a barbeque and cornerstone dedication ceremony. Harry Burgsmla, Ralph Newman and Bill Welma unveiled the cornerstone at the ceremony Saturday evening: [Photo by Dave Sykes] Nurse speaks to Pine . River UCW Pine River U.C.W. met on September 11 in the 'church' and Mrs. Duncan Thorburn opened the meeting with an appropriate poem, and the hymn "Ml things .bright and wonderful". Mrs. Bill Scott read the June minutes, and the .'roll call was answered with, A thank you to God for something good that has happened to you during the summer": Mrs, Gary Courtney re- ported progress • on the Oct- ober 20 Kountry Kitchen, and reminded conveners of a final meeting October 3. Mrs. John Ferguson con- vened the program on the theme of World Citizenship. Mrs. Douglas Martin read the scripture. Prayer was offered, and a hymn "In Christ'. there is no east or west", was sung with Mrs. Bob Courtney as accompan- ist. Mrs. Charles Portland gave the history of two musical compositions which she played with talent on the piano. Mrs. Lois Kroeger, Kin- Trrrinity UCW meeting Mrs. Reg Broome held the September meeting of Trin- ity U.C.W. at her home, with an 'attendance. of 25. Mrs. Bill Andrewopened the meeting with a poem "Scene of Beauty", and she then read the scriptures from Proverbs. The meditation was taken by Mrs. Thos. Helm, "When Honesty Is Formed". Mrs. Andrew then ledin prayer. Mrs. Alex Hackett had two readings, "Slow Down and Live" and "Too Much • of; the Good Thing". Mrs. Doug Raynard gave the, Mission . Study, on the Canadian Indian, , which was very informative. The roll call was answered by "A Special Place I Have Visited". Mrs. Charles Wilk- ins had the Bible Study, which was on 1 Corinthians, cardine, showed interesting slides, and commentary, on her work as a nurse at a nursing out -post station. at Eskimo " Point, an isolated village on Hudson's Bay. She served bannock, a native food, and also displayed beautiful furs, articles of clothing, carvings, etc. Mrs. Ernie Thompson thanked the speaker and pre- sented her with a gift. Mrs. Douglas Martin, who is leaving our community, was presented. .by the U.C.W. president, and commended for her involvement. Prayer closed the meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Leonard Reid, Mrs. Cecil Humphrey and Mrs. Lloyd Campbell during a social chapter 1. Mrs. Chester period. Hackett reported on what had been sent to the Camp- bells. in Jamaica. The busin- ess followed, then all joined in singing a closing hyrnn. Mrs. Chester Hackett led in prayer to close -the meeting and all enjoyed a social hour together after the summer holiday. SJRio/,JIY/N�l �31En. is the word , SH(J Yi 1,1t. DUSK ,,Catchit Unit 3 UCS meets On Tuesday September 4, Unit 3 met at the home of Mrs. Jean Jardine with seventeen members and one visitor present. Mrs. Cook welcomed everyone and opened with a poem and prayer. We sang hymn "0 God Our Help in Ages Past", and followed with the reading of the minutes and their approval. The Roll Call was answered by a memory of our school days and comments regarding the teaching of religion in the schools. The convener reports were given and when the business was completed Mrs. Cook turned the meeting over to Mrs. Jessie Alton and her committee. The opening hymn "Come Ye Thankful People Come", was followed by the Scripture by Mrs. Neil G. MacKenzie. The meditation ``Man's Greatest Power" was taken by several ladies, which named many of the choices we takefor granted in our life; the power of choice is God's gift to man. Mrs. Annie Kilpatrick gave a reading "God's • promise to the Seed Sower". Mrs. Simon de Boer sang "Abide with me". We read'the hymn "Sing to the Lord of Harvest". Mrs. Alton gave each a piece of candied ginger which she : had brought with her from Australia and pictures showing it being processed. She told of her experience as she saw a huge whale" on the ea shore as it was about toshed its skin. Mrs. A�lCori' closed with a prayer, Mrs. Cook thanked the hoste'ss'.Mrs. Jardine and the corn mittee in charge of the We may not return the affection of those who like us, but we always respect their good judgement. • Update Your "Outlook" IN 0 i`1 0 l dI` r Make an effective business di N impression with letter- 0 heads and stationery that's distinctive. Consult us! i II Sepoy Stationery 1 1 & Printing II, 1 PHONE 528.2919 r \>--..__Z..._-7---L.--y---I..--7--'-2--7—.—Z..--7--L---j—'—/---r-__4 programme. Mrs. Eldon Bradley read a poem "My Old Quilting Frames". We closed with the benediction and Grace, and a friendly visit was enjoyed with our cup of tea. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Minister SUNDAY, SEPT. 23 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery Provided For Pre -School Children Jr. Congregation for 5 -8 Year Old Children LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Munshaw B.A. M. Div. SUNDAY, SEPT. 23 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. VanStaalduinen SUNDAY, SEPT. 23 Services 10:00 a.ni. 'and 8:00 p,m. Listen to the Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX At Schmid's Jewellery & China Looking for a good buy on a new ring? Joe and Dean Have An Excellent Selection: of Ladies And Men's STONE RINGS These Rings Were Put In Stock Before The Price Of Gold Skyrocketed Many, many excellent buys with TERRIFIC PRICE SAVINGS Schmid' 5 S JEWELLERY AND CHINA OWNERS -- W. JOS. AND`UI,AN E ACNEW LUCKNOW PHONE 528.3592 Open 6 Days A Week soAD lir