The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-12, Page 36IN& 8-11mcke•W Seedied• WelbeeedaY, September 19, 1979 Lucknow Fall Fair Results • PROGRAM, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 14 M. C. - president Lorne Hackett. Local entertainment, accordian instrumentals by Lori Hackett; solos by Larry MacPherson, accompanied by Mrs. Anne Pritchard; piano instrumentals by DaleGilchrist; baton twirling by Tommy Gilmore; dancing by Donna Raynard. Special guest - Jim Reed, reporter for CTV W-5, spoke for a few minutes, followed by Log Sawing Contests. PROGRAM SATURDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 15 M.C. - Lee Paul. Entertainment, Miller Sisters from Dashwood; Norm Dunsmoor from Kincardine; Paul Bros. and 'Shirley from Kirkton. Beauty Queen Contest, organizer Charles Webster. M.C. - Robt. • Finlay; Judges - Miss Dominion of Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Glinka, Dance music - Norm Dunsmoor's Orchestra. OPENING CEREMONIES [SATURDAY AFTERNOON] M. C. - Murray Gaunt, M:P.P.; Reeve Ueorge Joynt, Lucknow; Warren Zinn, Ashfield; Barry Johnston, Kinloss; •Leo Foran, West Wawanosh; President, Lorne Hackett. Official.opening by Jim Reed, CTV W-5. • BABY CONTEST UNDER 4 MONTHS -6 ENTRIES Melissa Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Greenway, Wingharn; Lisa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kwan, Lucknow; Christine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Farrish, Point Clark. 4 - 8 MONTHS -11 ENTRIES Timothy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lantinga, R. 2 Lucknow; Dianne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed McCutcheon, R. 3 Lions Head; Matthew, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jim de Boer, R. 5 Lucknow. 8-12 MONTHS -11 ENTRIES Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Drennan, R. 3 Goderich; Sara - Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cameron, R. 7 Lucknow; Tyler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Brooks, R. 3 Lucknow. MISS MID WESTERN ONTARIO BEAUTY CONTEST -17 CONTESTANTS Queen - Vicki Lee Bryce, Paisley Nifty Needlers begin fall program BY SHARON ALTON The first meeting of Trirlity was held September4 at the home of Miss Joan Hackett. The meeting opened with the •4-H pledge. The election of officers took place and they are as follows: president, Michele Humphrey; vice president, pail Kemp; sec: etary, will be rotating and press reporter, Sharon Alton. The next meeting will be Wednesday, September 12 at Mrs. Jayne litchie's at 7.00 p.m. Achi- evernentl Day will be in December and our club is doing a skit, "Let's Barge - low". The leaders discussed the • project requirements. Miss • Joan •Hackett discussed the types of canvas. Mrs. Jayne • Ritchie discussed the types of yarn and tlie needles. For • homework we are to fill• in the chart, "Colour •Is". Miss Hackett discussed the terms of the Individual colours e.g. •hue, value, intensity and neutrals. Mrs. Ritchie demonstrated the marking of sampler 1 to juniors and Miss Hackett demonstrated the marking of sampler 2 to the seniors. The members participated by marking their piece of canvas. The meeting closed with refreshments. The second meeting of Trinity, was held September 12 at the home of Mrs. Jayne Ritchie. The president, Michele Hurnphrey, opened the meeting with the 4-H. Roll call was answered by the girls. We chose the name of the club as the Nifty Needlers. The next meeting till be September 19 at Miss Joan Hackett's at 7.00 p.m. •Mrs. Jayne Ritchie discus- sed How to thread a needle, •length of yarn, begin to stitch, how to end yarn and stitching methods. Miss Joan. Hackett discussed tension in stitching, and suggestions for easier stitching. Mis.s-Tikkeft demonstrat- ed the Gobeln stitch. Mrs. Ritchie demonstrated, • the Continental. They also show us how to graph a picture so we could transfer it to the canvass. •' We did the sample of a Gobeln stitch and the Con- tinental on canvass and we are to have it finished for the next metting. We each did a monogram on a piece of graph paper. • The meeting closed with • refreshments. • Jr. Farmers collect for Heart Fund The West Huron Jr. Farmers held their monthly meeting on Sept. 10 at Brookside School. We started off by singing the Jr. Farmer song. The— minutes and treasurer's report were then given. The float for the Lucknow Fall Fair ' has been started. We are also helping out with the tug-of-war, pole clim- bing, and wheel barrow races. ' We have been asked again if we will collect for the Heart Fund and all were in favour. Congratulations to the boys' baseball team for winning • the B charn- pionship.on Sept. 8 and 9. Looking ahead on Nov. 24 is our fourth annual banquet and lance and in April a spring'dance. Also we have been asked to have our food,booth at the Dungannon Centennial, The next meeting will be Oct.r8 ,and it is nierriburghip• iffe-eting. Agricultural society; lst runner up, Jeannie Windus, Grand Valley; 2nd runner up, Karen Wood, Centennial Queen, Wingham; Miss Congeniality, Kathy Rowe, Walkerton Chicken Fest. SPECIAL EVENTS LARGEST FAMILY AT THE FAIR Chas. Murray, R. 1 Holyrood (10). LONGEST BEARD, Harold Smith, Holyrood; lan Clarke, R. 5 Lucknow; Tony McQuail, R. 1 Lucknow. OLDEST LADY AT THE FAIR, Mrs. J. A. Sully (85), Goderich. OLDEST MAN AT THE FAIR, Alex McKenzie (94), Lucknow. PERSON COMING THE FARTH- EST.DISTANCE, Mr. Dirx, Southern Hol- land. COUPLE COMING THE FARTHEST DISTANCE, Mr. and Mrs. Kiln Ramage, Wisconsin. TUG-OF-WAR (ELEMENTARY) - Brook- side Public School; Lucknow Public School. TEEN-AGE - Lanes, Lucknow. ADULT - Ashfield Federation, Kinloss, CLIMBING THE POLE (16 & UNDER) Wayne Phillips, Tim Ward, Mike Smolen- aars. 17 & OVER - Jim Simpson, Frank Dore, 'Dave Hartin. WHEELBARROW RACE (14 et NDER) COUPLES - Lisa Husk and Wayne Philips; Tracy McDonagh and Brian De Groote; Heather Stanley and Ken Irwin. (15 & OVER) Debbie Price and Bill Pike; Barb Stanley and Rick McArthur; Brian Hackett and Janice Londry. PARADE PRIZES • ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FLOAT - Brook- side, Lucknow, Kingsbridge. BEST SOCIETY FLOAT - Dungannon Agricultural Society, Lucknow Horticultural Society, Ripley Agricultural Society. BEST COMIC FLOAT - Bargers, Tim Treleaven, White- church Jack Asses. BEST PATRIOTIC FLOAT - West Huron Jr. Farmers, Kinlough Pentecostal Crusaders. BEST COMMER- CIAL FLOAT - Johnstone Furniture and Cut and Curl, Kinsmen Club, McIntee Real Estate, MOST ORIGINAL ENTRY IN PARADE - Howard's B.P., Ruth MacKen- zie. BEST CLOWN (CHILD) - Mae and Brock Raynard, Lynn Alton, Christine Turn to page 90 We can't help it...prices are going up BUT YOU CAN BEAT THE PRICE INCREASE BY SUBSCRIBING OR RENEWING NOW READ ON! HERE'S HOW. • • • Purchase a new subscription * Renew your present; subscription •• Extend your subscription for as many years as you wish BEFORE SEPT. 28, 1979- FOR ONLY • Olf tEP'0 Asoo ot O iffollro 621 lt tC YEAR Senior Citizens only 59.00 year AFTER OCT. 1 - $12.00 PER YEAR ANO%R. CITIZENS - $10.00 PER YR. --Sorry, CaUadion Subscribers Only— ( 444k f`1,1,4 ......,4211 0 0 o The Lucknow Sentinel Lucknow Phone 528-2822 • •