The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-12, Page 16r • Paige 16—Luckasw Sentinel, Wednesday, September 12, 1979 Neighbours hold farewell party for Gambles Mr. and Mr's. Jim Tout of Ripley spent the Labour Day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Evans and David of the Orangeville area and also visited with Mr. Fletcher of Orangeville. They attended the Orangeville Fall Fair: Mrs. Tout presented the prizes to the winners in the Pony Class in which her nephew four year old David of Penarth Farms was one of the winners. The September meeting of the Ripley Huron Agricultural Society was held on Mon. Sept. 3 with president Dan A. MacDonald and Secretary Don MacTavish' in charge. By the large number in at- tendance the . feeling of the coming of the Ripley Fall Fair shortly on Sept. 28 and 29 was evident. The president is calling "the first work meeting for 8 p.rn. on Mon. evening Sept. 24 at the Complex_ Morley Scott and Jack Farrell who were second Last year again volun- teered to represent the Society in . the Lucknow .,,.fall fair log sawing competition. Mrs. Joyce Farrell, Con. 10 east,1 was present to discuss the showing of the Ripley 4-H Horse Club. It will be held on Sat. morning Sept. 29. General preparations were discussed. Those present at the meeting were Barbara and John Gamble Lester Ferguson, Ray Ful r, Bob Osborne, •bon MacTavish, Morley Scott, Gloria and Bob Rutledge, Sheila and Dan A. MacDonald, Janet and Jack Farrell, Keith Van der Hoek, Wilma and Cecil Sutton, Bob For- ster, Joyce Farrell; Gordon Patterson, and Ab Wylds, for a total of Toronto motored to the Ripley area last week. Bill attended the Holstein show at Walkerton on Thursday. .In this show, neighbour on the Tenth concession of Huron township, Jim Needhaln of Mandeen Farms had several entries. This week in by Ab Wylds 20, the largest number since last January. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ramsay of Toronto spent a few dayus with Mrs; Martha MacIver of 'Ripley. Last Thursday evening the folks in the Malcolm Street area gathered at. the home of Miss Noreen khacDonald in Ripley. e occasion was a rewell 'party for Mr. d Mrs. Wilfred Gamble aid family. The address and presentation • was made by Mrs. Mabel Barnard. Wilfred ..and Dianne were presented with a beautiful white and green oil lamp, daughter Shelley with an initial locket and son Jeff with a. pen and pencil set. A- social. time , and lunch closed the' party with best wishes to the family. William Robertson of snow Lo In the evening, Bill visited with Fran and Ab Wylds and several in- •cidents in local history were discussed. Bill also told about his recent tour of Black Creek Pioneer Village in Northwest Metro Toronto. ' Last Friday morning Frank van ` Kooten of Ripley was noticed away up, near the roof peak of St. Andrews United Church repairing the west end brick wall. Dianne MacKay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKay, con- cession 10 east in Huron township registered this week in her final year at .the University of Guelph. Dianne is majoring in History. During the past summer she was em- ployed in Port Elgin cataloguing material from the old 132nd Bruce Battalion and its suc- cessor at the time of the First World War, namely the 160th Bruce Battalion . which served in the trenches in France. Last week Dianne was back home,helping her father sowhis fall wheat at his faims on the Tenth. Dianne called here last Thursday shortly before noon while sheaf building [was going on in the backyard. Home for the weekend was John D. MacKay visiting with his wife Mrs. Joan MacKay and family at their home just north of Ripley on the Fif- teenth. , Earlier in the !summer Johntran- isferred from -the Bruce Nuclear. Plant to the one at Pickering. Also home' for' the weekend with her sister Noreen at their place on Malcolm Street was Jean MacDonald of the staff at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home in Lucknow. Mrs. Patricia MacLean of Thornbury, District. Ten. Lady Director for Bruce and Grey Counties on the Association of Ontario, Agricultural Societies . will officially declare the Ripley Huron Fall Fair open on Saturday afternoon Sept. 29. Mrs. Frances Elliott wishes toinform the folks in this area that Mrs,, Betty Jenkei))of Hanover, area representative of the. Arthritis Society will beshowing the film "Halfway to Promise". It Turn to .page 17• IN ■ Owners ofsmaikr busthesses... weprovide: *Fnan;ralassrct nce * Management counsel ng (CASE) * Management twining * Information ong t .rnment tvgramcforbusinei Can wela4 u? See our . Representative Randy Brown and or Bob Furtriey at: The Bedford Hotel, Goderioh EVERY TUESDAY on: 'Neat Visit:I September 18th FEDERAL BUS/NESS DEVELOPMENT BANK (Branch Office Address) . • -> For prior information call 271-5650 [collect] or write 1036 Ontario St. Stratford ��:FredHasc 100°° off f Snowblowers! Don't get stuck in the snow with that old, un- dependable snowblower. Come into McGee Auto Electric now, and we I I give you a s100"' discount off list price on the snowblower, 3'/2 h.p. and up, of your choice. ;4 Snowblower .... in September? Yes, we know, it's early to be selling snowblowers, but we want you to be prepared. So bring your old snowblower or even your snow shovel into McGee Auto Electric and we'll give you a further reduction. Sbbwers! McGee Auto Electrihave all name brands, such as Ariens and John Deere, in stock. They range in power from h.p. to 10 h.p. and some have an optional electric start. FRED McGEE AUTO 'ELECTRIC " "SALES BACKED BY SERVICE" 355 Josephine Streit, Wingham Ph. 357-1416 CHARGEIC Other financing is available with a small down payment. 1 11 1