The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-12, Page 11Lucknow Senthie11 ',Vethiefithiy• .$0014,100F 1[2, 1979,-,1!age 11 October is blanket ...fuhd. month for Unit .,2 UCW • The September 4 meeting of Lucknow U.C.W., Unit 2, was held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Houston. with 14 members present. Mrs. Grace Gibson opened the meeting with a poem, Summer Slips Away. Mrs. Gibson read a note of appre- ciation from Mrs. Clark at Pinecrest Manor, Mrs. Andrew Ritchie gave the treasurer's report. The birthday jar for July, August and September was passed. Miss Ada Webster report- ed on Community Friend. ship. Mrs. Chas. McDonald read a note from the Pres- byterian W.M.S. and also from Mrs. Hamilton and family re lunch after funeral. Mrs. W. G. Hunter report- ed on Welfare. She asked, that anyone knowing where help is needed to contact either the Welfare convener of your own unit or Mrs. Harold Greer. October is "Blanket Fund" month in Unit 2. The offering was taken and dedicated by Mrs. Gibson. The meeting was closed with prayer. Mrs. W. G, Hunter con- vened the meeting. The topic was "Fruit Bearing". Mrs. Hunter opened the meeting with a poem, The Fruit of the WMS invited to Knox Church, •Godetich Sunday The September meeting of. South Kinloss W.M.S. was held in the Sunday School room of the church. - Mrs. 'Ira Dickie was hostess. The President, Mrs. _Philip Steer, presided and opened the meeting with prayer and the repeating of the. Lord's Prayer in unison. The Roll Call was answered with a Bible verse with the word "Gather". Twenty members were presirt. The Bible Study - he Wheat and the Tares, was by Mrs. Leonard Clarke reading from Matthew 13. This was followed by a Sing Song led by Mrs. Clarke. The Study Book Chapter munity for Self was the Com - and the Search by Mrs. Harold UCW plans hobby sale Fifteen members and one Visitor attended the September meeting held in the Church. Isobel • Haness opened the meeting with a reading, Come September, Hymn 582 was " sung. Reports were read and the of- fering received. China topic at WMS The Aftemoon_ Auxiliary of thw W.M.S. of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church met on Wednesday, September 5 in the church. Mrs. Austin Loree presid- ed and opened the meeting with a harvest verse. Mrs. J. E. Little .had 'the Bible study;- the Miracle of Blind Bartimeus. Through the medium, of tapes, the group enjoyed music by a quartette, Austin Loree, Norman Taylor, Dale. Haldenby, Cyril Brown, and solos by Allan ird Lloyd Stewart. -• The afternoon W.M.S. is invited to the Evening,Auxil- iary pot luck supper on September 18 in the church. Donations of money and books to the newly formed • church library were discus- sed. A reading .by Mrs. P. Stewart. on "The Year of the •Child" was much enjoyed. Mrs. William Porteous had the topic on China, which dealt with Community, Life in China. Chinese' people com- prise one quarter of the people in the world. They no longer have missionaries or church life in China: Christ- anity is virtually nil in, China, with few coriverti. The meeting closed with a. taped solo by Allan Stewart. Induction service in Dungannon church Rev. Maurice Francis of Thamesview Church, south of Mitchell, was presiding officer at the Service in .Dungannon Church on Sunday evening for the Indttctfon of , :Mr. George Cowan into the Dungannon -Nile Charge of the United Church, Rev. Cecil Wittich of Blyth United Church preached the sermon, "The Ultimate . Reason • • • for Worship". The choir sang the anthetn, "Did You Stop to Pray Today?" led by organist, Mrs. Jean Elliott. Mr.. Cowan was presented t� the people by the Secretary of. Presbytery, Rev. Eric Le Drew of Brussels United Church. Following the service the congregation gathered in the Church Hall for a reception and social hour. • •"4,..i.;:.• • • • • • • ••,•:•).*. Mrs. Olive Irwin and Mrs. Jean MacLeod will do the visiting for Sep- tember. The hobby sale for November was discussed.' The meeting was then turned over to Jean MacLeod for the following program. A minute's silence was observed in memory of Mr. Gordon Ritchie. A reading on the theme Joy and Happiness was read. Hymn. 488 was sung follOwed by prayer. Jean MacLeod gave a reading in connection with the scripture which • was read by Olive Irwin and Jean read a prayer. A piano solo by Mary MacGillvray was enjoyed and Freda Burton gave a reading Fear and Faith. Mary MacGillvray in- troduced the guest speaker Mrs. Edyth MacKenzie who spoke on her trip to England. Everyone enjoyed her presentation. Fr. Arnold , read a reading on Joy and Hymn 249 was sung. Jean MacLeod thanked all those who helped with the meeting and close.d with the Benediction.' THE GODERICH & DISTRICT OPTIMIST CLUB . Presentin Concert • THE WIVES (FORMERLY BATTERED WIVES) MADCATS RAPID TEARS Sat. Sept. 15th, 1979 AT THE GODERICH ARENA ADMISSION *5.50 Advance '7.00 At the Door TICKETS AVAILABLE IN GODERICH AT: GODERICH SOUND CENTRE (Suncoast Moll) MR. STEREO,- (40 West St.) JERRY MatLEAN SPORTS, 4 HURON ST., CLINTON KINCARDINE AT MAKIN' MUSIC • WINGHAM AT ERNIE KING • STRATFORD AT RECORD WORLD LONDON AT SAM THE RECORD MAN • •Olson's Gravel Pit DUNGANNON, ONT. 529-7942 600 T. • 81 GRAVEL 65 B2 GRAVEL 60 . C. GRAVEL 400T. 200T. 70 75 so 65 70 75 60 65 70 LOAD FILL 60 65 SAND, STONE DUST, CRUSHED GRAVEL 140 145 CEMENT GRAVEL, 150 155 5/8, 3/4 STONE, 200 205 ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE DELIVERY UP TO 3 KM. Backhoe, septi tanks, area beds, dozer, scraper, leveler, available for a good job done. For further prices cal Freeman Olson Howald. Those taking part in the Prayer Circle were Mrs, Olive Needham, Mrs. Vera Schmidt and Mrs. John Mowbray. The Offeratory Prayer was by Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon. Members were reminded of an invitation to Knox Church Goderich, , the 95th Anniversary of the Afternoon Auxiliary, September 18,2: 30 p.m. The meeting closed, with Prayer by Mrs. Evan Keith. Lunch was served by the hostess and directors Mrs. -Harold Howald and Mrs. Leonard Clarke. LUCKNOW • UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman' Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.ni. Morning Worship • Nursery Provided For Pre -School Children Jr. Congregation for 5-8 Year Old Children Spirit. The scripture was read by Mrs. McDonald. Mrs.. Eva Freeman read the meditation. Mrs. Houston played a piano solo. A reading, "Heads Bent low", was given by Miss Ada Webster. Mrs. Hunter gave a reading, "Gardening". The meeting closed with prayer by Miss Ada Web- ster. Lunch was • served and Mrs. Gibson gave the cour- tesy remarks. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. VanStaalduinen SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Services 10:00 a.m. and MO p.in. • Listen to the Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Munshaw B.A, M. Div, StifiDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome • CRAIG DAVIDSON Kon and Al McGee of McGee Pontlac,Butek inGoderich are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Craig Davidson of Goderith to their staff. Craig is merited, with onedaughter and has lived In Gochirich for th* past few years. He Is looking forward to meeting the people of this area and to show them our line of products. PONTIAC-BUICK -, CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS Hamilton St., Goderlch 524-0391. -aminumm•h...