The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-05, Page 10Page 10--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 5, 1979 NFU want farm quotas to be non-negotiable e Region '3 (Ontario) of the Mr. Casey said he believes National Farmers Union has "the Ontario government requested a meeting with the has a very heavy obligation Ontario Farm Proditcts Mar- to ensure that the largest keting Branch . to discuss possible number of farmers concerns about negotiability have the right to produce of marketing quotas among certain commodities, without farmers. The NFU has for heavy capital outlays for the years followed a policy that purchase of quota. This obli- marketing quotas should not gation is to both farmers and carry a value and should not consumers, for society will be negotiable or transferable be the big loser if there are among producers, but redis- too few farmers in the tribution should remain un- future." der the control of the respect- "Farm marketingquotas ive marketing board. with a value add to the cost of Joe Casey, NFU Co-ordin- production, and must come ator for the region, said that out of the end product and some marketing board eventually consumers. It's people and some individ- reasonable to assume that if ual producers have the atti- quotas go tothose with the tude that marketing quotas most capital available then should be easily transferred there would soon be few among farmers who have the producers in various corn - capital to purchase moreand modifies," Casey said. more quota. At the same time many farmers disagree ith a marketing quota hav- ing any value and believe that such quotas should re- main under the control of the marketing board. "Marketing Boards were established over the years to bring about orderly market- ing. and quotas were imple- mented to give all producers a fair share .of an available market. and to help stabilize production and farm in- come." he Said. nra Honeymoon on east coast Rev. Gerald Thompson of Teeswater officiated at the double ring 'ceremony unit- ing Jeannette Barr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.., Jack Barr, R. R. # 1 Holyrood, and Gary Fair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bev Fair, R. R. # 2 Kincar- dine, on Saturday, July. 28th, 1979, at 7.00 p.m. in the Kinlough Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Bruce Hamilton, aunt of the bride, was organist and accompanied the soloist. Mr. Cecil Fry, grandfather of the groom, who sang "Love's Grown Deep" and "0 Perfect Love". The bride, given in mar- riage by her parents, wore a gown of white jersey with pleated skirt and lace trim- med cap sleeves. The Queen Anne neckline was trimmed with guipure lace and pearls. Her fingertip veil featured a -1-"± FaCul "-l- Faculty the people who get what's left after the football coach is paid. MAKE I.T.A..-10af;.... USE WANT ADS, A HANDY 1001 look lit listen to fhe tonnage terror that hums while if works C�� 2310 Fox c,Armin perms • Look at new,low, compact styling • Listen — to the hum, so smooth running you hardly can hear it over your tractor • Fox cylinder and separate blower handle heavy tonnage. ! Power matched to big, modern–tractors-a Super capacity in corn or hay • It's a new breed of Fox. See the big FOX 2310 here Teeswater Farm Equipment Ltd. Teeswater 3416825 LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Munahaw. B.A. M. Div. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 10 a.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. VanStaalduinen SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Services 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Listen4o4fie Back to God Hour 10:30'a.rn. CKNX LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kauffman Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m, Morning Worship Nursery Provided For Pre=School Children Jr. Congregation for 5 -8 Year Old Children headpiece with pearls and lace. She carried a cascade of yellow roses, carnations and white daisies. Miss Susan Barr, sister of the bride, was maid of honour, and bridesmaids were Miss Patti Fair, sister of the groom, Mrs. Lori Bushell and Miss Anne Ham- ilton, cousins of the bride, and Miss Susan Wilson, friend of the bride. They were gowned alike in mint green polyester gowns. with pleated capes and em- pire waisted cumberbands. They wore a yellow carnation in their hair and carried nosegays of yellow carna- tions and white daisies, as did the flowergirl, Tania. Johnson, cousin of the groom. She wore a white eye- let tiered gown over green polyester cotton. Doug Hill, friend of the groom, was best man, and ushers were Steven and Kevin Fair, brothers of the FAIR - BAR'R : groom, Murray Barr, brother of the -bride, and John Kloos- terboer, friend of the groom. Chris Hodgins, cousin of the groom, was 'ring bearer. The groom and his attendants wore chocolate brown tuxed- os and white ruffled shirts trimmed with brown. Following the wedding, a reception was held at the Kincardine Complex, with music by Sound System 70. For their honeymoon, the couple travelled to the East Coast. Prior to her marriage, the bride was honoured at sever- al showers held by relatives, friends and neighbours,, as well as a trousseau tea hosted by her mother, . The couple was also feted by a Stag and Doe, 101N WEIGHT IATCHERSNO. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSES ..thought 1 was born to be chubby. But on the Weight Watchers Program, you don f have•to stay that way!' Why is Ih„ E.togrant ti.tinuse Weigh) • Watchers tackles your wi*gkit rinblorti throe dif h,• Ent WO y',� Weight Watchers allows you .all this for lunch: lt's more than just carrot sticks! First. there's the fomous Eating Plont Scientifically de - .signed .help you lose .weight while enjoying o wide. vor, ty.of, foods', Three meals o day plus. snacks' You con also do fhe PEPSTEP— Personal* Exercise Plan. it's terrific! • Snrond the nowand ox,ting rxorcisepinn&Opbonol Easy And jun Combine PE PST E P " with the Eating Plan and you. ould iusir weight o little iaste't OVER 330 CLASSES IN SOUTHERN ONTARIO Weight Watchers is fun. les just learning fo eat sensi bly, the way thin people eat. You ought to • fry it. • • . 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