The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-07-11, Page 12J Page 12—Lucki ow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 11, 1979 _:Discuss organization of seSior citizens' group BY MRS. FRAN RIEGLING `A meeting 6f about 20 people took place in Kings- bridge Parish ..Hall on June 25th with Richard Hewitt of London as guest speaker. Mr. Hewitt is with the New Horizons program and ex- plained the many projects which the grant will cover: Mr: Hewitt came at the invi- tation of the ' Kingsbridge Genealogical Society who are preparing a parish history for the 75th anniversary in 1980 of the opening of St. Jos- eph's .Church, Kingsbridge. As the meeting was called to discuss forming a Senior Citi- zens Group in the area, this could be part of one of the ' projects, Mr. Dewitt sug- gested finding out -how many senior citizens would be involved in the different pro- jects and how many would • benefit. The group could plan their own recreational and social' activities, and would include all interested senior citizens. Mrs.' John Austin thanked Mr. Hewitt, for coming and for hisen- couragement in getting a program underway. Lunch, was served. A. second meeting was held in Kingsbridge Parish Hall on ;July 4th with 14 interested people of the area g attendin . Nominations took place and co-chairman Helen' McCarthy and Dennis'Dalton will contact all senior citizens ` .who •would be interested in -forming a group for Recrea- tional and Social Activities. The nett meeting will be Kingsbridge held on Thursday, July 26th in Kingsbridge Parish Hall. At that time, 10 directors will be selected and a name for the group. Come on out and show your interest and en- thusiasrim for Happy Times. We'll be there -- . will you? Mr. and Mrs. Gys Milten- burg from the Netherlands are visiting with Mr: and Mrs. John Miltenburg and Mr. and Mrs. Reis Milten- burg and families. Gys is the youngest brother of John and Reis. Joseph fudge and child- ren, Karen and Tim of Jack- son, Michigan visited with the Austin and Courtney families during the past week. Karen hfas remained for holidays with her great aunt, Grace Austin and John and::family. Tim is holidaying with his , great uncle, Joe making; other additions'to the ski lodge there and enjoying the outdoor sports of skiing and hiking, Before travelling to New Zealand, Wayne and: his friend, Reinhardt Voel- mie had been working and sight. seeing in the Fiji Islands and in .New South Wales, Australia. Mr. Harry VanDiepan of Tillsonburg, visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Theo VanDiepan and family over the' weekend. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Donnell who were married in St: 'Jos- eph's Church on Saturday, July 7th. A large crowd attended their wedding re- cep"tion at the Lucknow,Dist- rict Community Centre. .. MOORE REUNION The family . of Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, .. the This week in KINGSBRIDGE Courtney, Theresa and fam- ily. Mr.. and Mrs. Joe Court- ney received word from their son; Wayne telling them he is now:working with a local contractor in Metliven; New Zealand. Wayne, a carpent- er, has a one yearworking visa for the Southern Pacific.. Combining work with plea -- Lire, he is now building a•ski hire and clothing store and CWL mee• t, parish hall The July meeting. of the g Kingsbridge C: W..L.. was the . Sick ,Children's .Hospital held in the Parish Hall with . in. London and would not he Mrs. Pat Howard presiding. present for graduation. Father ' Dentinger opened The annual garage sale to with prayer and the minutes be held at the Hall July 14 of the last meeting'were read was discussed: It was decid by Delores VanOsch and.,. ed to advertise in the local adoptedas correct. The cor-. papers and put up posters. respondence was read ; by . Ladies are .reminded to bake .Karla Hogan followed by the for the bake sate to be held at •treasurer's- report by Mary the same :time. • Clare. Grace Austin reported that Church Life report was Mr. Hewitt from .London given by Fran Riegling. It came to a meeting at Kings - was was decided to. have a � Mass bridge the previous week and said for all deceased mem- spoke about the New Hori bets . and benefactors of the zons grant for. Senior Citic League twice a year: ens. The group, the Geneol- lt ' was :moved by Grace ogical. Society, was inquiring Austin, seconded by Fran on how to apply for a grant to Riegling that get well cards help publish the History of be sent to past. parishoners Kingsbrid8e to be completed as well, if the League knows for the 75th anniversary pin about their illness. 1980. He also suggested that Correspondent for the loc- since there is already a group al papers for Julywill be , formed and that two-thirds Fran Riegling. must be senior citizens that a Pro -Life report was given program could be set up and by Clarice Dalton. The pres- a grant applied • for. This entation . on abortion to the could be something of inter- grades 7 and 8 was success- est for all ages in the corn- ful. Clarice read a report munity. Some -suggestions explaining the difference be -were carpet bowling, square tween the many Alliance for dance group, card games, Life Groups. Betty Doherty table shuffle board etc. A reported there are now 68 meeting for interested citiz- paid up members. ens is set for July 4. Cultural Life report was A motion was made by .gli en by Tina V.anDiepen - Marion ,Austin, seconded by -twenty pen and pencil sets Grace Austin, to buy a new were given out to the grade step ladder for the Hall. eight graduates. , It was moved by Tena An early graduation dinner Vanbiepen, seconded by and a surprise for Peter Loretta Doherty that the Doherty was . served by the meeting,,,,be adjourned. A League. Peter had to enter social hour followed; former Dorothy O'Neill, gathered at the home of her brother, Michael O'Neill to hold a family reunion arid. attend the- O'Donnell and Stewart wedding. Those at tending from a distance were Mrsd. James Moore Sr., Mr. and. Mrs'. Jim Moore and 'family from Huntington, West Virginia; Mr. and Mrs Henry Brace andfamily from Satellite Beach, Florida; Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd t3erken from Los Angeles, California Mr. Eugene Moore of. Corpus Christi,Texas;. Mr. and Mrs; Charles Schindler and family, of . Marysville, Michigan; Mrs. Janet Ormerod and family of Wichita, " Kansas; Mr. and Mrs: David'Middel. of Algonac, Michigan and Mr. Gerald Scala of Warren, Michigan; Mrs. Elenore Mc- Lennon of 'Collingwood at-.:- tended: the wedding and re- .I mained, to . spend a.. weeks .. holiday visiting . friends. The Annual Pilgrimage to, the Shrine of . St. Mary's, Ontario, will leave by . 'bus from St. Joseph's Church on Friday, July 3th. The Annu. i Parish Picnic - will be held my . 22nd at North Ash. d Park. Come and ' ri the family and , enjoy an afternoon of fun;. games and treats. Circle July 14th on the calendar for the Garage Sale: at St. •Joseph's Hall. Home baking, produce' fresh from the garden and lots of useful articles just waiting for the right buyer._. . Recent Visitors with Mrs: Bernadine Kinney were her sister Norine, Mrs. Harry Schmidt of Blue Bell, Penn- sylvania, her daughter, Maureen Schmidt, Philadel- phia, and Kathleen Prezbin- dowskei and daughters;. Apiy. and Laurie of Cinncin- ati. Also( welcomed that weekend Was Virginia Coz- zolino, .a granddaughter of •" Michael Griffin who left Ash- field for Buffalo in'. -181F0, (a brother of gooier Joseph Griffin in • Goderich from 1896-.1922), grandfather of Mrs: Kinney. Virigina was accompanied by her hus- 1 band, Ed A. Cozzolino, com- ing from South Plains, New- ark, New Jersey, Brother Michael Murphy, M.M. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to visit Father Raphael. O'Loughlin who is visiting here for ten days, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O'Loughlin of Bay City, Michigan enjoyed two days searching for their roots. The community would like to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Kasten of Kitchen- er, The Kasten's recently purchased the former George Brophy home,. originaliy owned by Mrs. Bernadine Kinney. Weekend visitors with Clarice Dalton `and family were Mr, and Mrs, . Bruce Pritchard (Ann Dalton) and Marie Deitrich, a niece of Mrs. Dalton, all of Mississ- auga. Mr. and Mrs. John Plaster were presented with a fare- well gift by friends ' and neighbours, before their de- parture from their faun on the 'ninth concession. They had resided on the farm for the past 16 years,and have returned, to . their original home in . Toronto. Happy retirement wishes to both of you. 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