The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-06-20, Page 12, • , Page 12—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 20, 1979 IRVIN - RITCHIE Spring wedding White and mauve lilacs and gol4 candelabra decor- ated Lucknow United Church for the spring wedding of Elizabeth Eleanor Ritchie and Murray 'Ito'bert Irvin on Saturday, May 26, 1979. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Leonard Ritchie, Lucknow and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Irvin, R. 7 Lycknow. Rev. Douglas Kaufman officiated\ at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Bruce Johnstone was organ- ist and the soloists were Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Cranston who sang Follow Me, You Light Up My Life and Annie's Song, during the service. 'The bride given in mar- riage by her parents, looked lovely in her elegant gown of sheer polyester. The dress featured a round neckline with three layered frills over cap sleeves. The frill also touched the hem of the skirt. Shining importepl daisies trimmed the front of the • bodice, and the edge of the long chapel train which fell • from the back waistline. A large picture hat trimmed with •matching daisies com- pleted her ensemble. The bride carried a cas- catle bouquet pf uanda or'- chids and co,16etts leaves. Matron df honour was Mrs. Nancy Aitchison, sister of the bride, and maid of honour was Miss Audrey Ritchie, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Jo- anne Pentland, •sister. of the bride, and Miss Susan Irvin, sister of the groom. They all wore identical gowns in polyester satapeu in deep coral with pleated skirts. The dresses featured matching capes accented NA with tiny covered buttons. The maids carried bouqu- ets of nose -gay talisman and white day lilies tied together with bronze ribbons. The flower girl was Mary Ackert of Holyrood, friend of the bride. She wore a white dress with short sleeves and a headband for her head- piece. She carried a minia- ture bouquet similar to the bridesmaids. The ringbearer was Marc McKewon of Napanee, cous- in of the bride. He wore a tuxedo similar to the groom and carried the rings on a heart -shaped pillow. The groom was attended by ' VVilliam Armstrong, R. 4 Wingham, friend of the groom, as best man. William Irvin, Dale Irvin, and Alex Irvin, brothers of the groom, ushered the guests. The • groom wore a light. beige tuxedo with a white rose boutonniere. His attendants wore tuxedos with light beige coats and dark vests and pants. Each wore a peach - rose boutonniere. The mother a the bride wore a polyester satapeau dress in beige with orange, '11)lue and yellow flowers feat- uring a pleated skirt falling from an empire waistline. Her corsage was of orange and yellow roses. The mother of the groom wore a mint green polyester dress with matching jacket and corsage of whte anc1,peach roses. A dinner and reception followed at • the Lucknow •Community Centre. The couple travelled in Eastern Ontario for their honeymootrand since return- ing they are residing at R. 7 Lucknow on the groom's farm. NOTICE TO BRIDES In an effort to keep news columns currgnt...after six weeks from the wedding date, a 415 charge will be made for wed. ding pictures and a brief story/cutline. • • Social worker speaks to WI The Lucknow Women's Institute held their Family and Consumer Affairs meet- ing on June 12 with 24 members and 2 visitors pres- ent. Following a delicious des- sert served by the committee in charge, Mrs. Mary Mac- Gillivray opened the meeting with a thought-provoking reading entitled, "Are you an active member or do you just belong?" Minutes of the May meeting and corres- pondence were read by Mrs. Bert Gammie. The business dealt with included plans for the Lions Club banquet to be held June 15. Arrangements were final- ized for our bus trip to Niagara' Falls on June 28th. Plans were made to cater to a banquet in September. Mrs. J. MacDonald was convener for the following program which she introduc- ed with a poziern. op, Roses, followed by a sing song: Mrs. Ross Shiellsgave an inter- esting motto, "Nothin cooks your goose more than a boiling temper". Mrs. Bert Gammie and Mrs. Omar Brooks, delegates to the District Annual held in Kin- cardine, gave excellent re- ports. • The guest speaker, Mrs. Pine iver UCW plan Country Kitchell project Pine, River_ U.C.W. met in the church on June 12. The purpose was repeated, fol- lowea:by a poem, "A Spring Creed", read by the presid- ent, Mrs. Duncan Thorburn. Mrs. Carl Funston gave more information on the October "Country Kitchen" project and gave a. list of the conveners to contact. • Mrs. DelbertWilson, pro- gram convener, i`ead- some . thoughts bh the theme, Just - ice and peace. Mrs. George Messenger read the scrip- tgre. Readings were by Mrs. Bob Rutledge and Mrs. Lynn Lowry. Mrs. Bill Scott and Mrs. Perrin Lowry sang a pleasing duet. The guest speaker, Camer- on McAuley, shoWed inter esting slides and commented on a five week OisfretrOhe Republic of4Olii1iz.:Afrie,W A social-tifiefAft#41.rer luriCh Geis, was introduced by Miss Elizabeth Robinson, Mrs. Geis has previously been a clerk with the Juvenile and Family court in Waterloo County and Justice of the Peace. She is presently work- ing for the Ministry of Family and Social Services in Huron, Kinloss, Culross and Carrick Townships. Mrs. Geis dealt mainly with our everyday problems, alcoholism and the drug problem, the curse of credit cards and excess buy- ing, the increase in the divorce rate, T.V. as a form of education and its effects on the family, etc. "The family unit is passing and life within the family changing", •states Mrs. Geis. She sug- gests that perhaps the W.I. by using their experience and understanding in the community and by joint par - LUCKNOW • PRESBYTERIAN • CHURCH Rev. Wm. Munshaw B.A.M.Div. SUNDAY, JUNE 24 • 10 a.M. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worshiti" Sacrament of Holy COMMILMI011 Everyone Welcome ticipation could lend a help- ing hand. Mrs. Geis was thanked by Mrs. Gordon Fisher and presented with a gift. • • ....ISO.... 1.-4 ▪ LUCKNOVV • CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. Van Staalduinen SUIrAY, JUNE 24 ▪ • Morning Service 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. • Listen to the Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX r^1411 1."...1111,S. • 1,,,1••••....• FS. • 1,40.. • LUCKNOW • UNITED ? CHURCH Rev.Doug Kaufman -- Minister • SUNDAY; .111111E-24--- --- • f97:4;mT Sunday School • 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship The Rev. Bob Putman " _LT WM be, Guest Speaker Nursery Provided For Pre -School Children Jr. Congregation for 5 - Sirear Old Children ) • SANYO • HOOVER EUREKA WHITE $24,4301 WESTINGHOUSE