The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-06-06, Page 28Page 28---Lue!mow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 6, 1979 33 bikers in Leo bike.a-thon .Y=.�. BY DEBBIE SEARLE On Sunday, May 27th, 1979 33 riders started from the arena for a 40 kilometre ride to the Nile and back. Despite attempts by the rainy weather todiscourage the riders, all 33 persons completed the ride: They are as follows: Sherry Baker Melissa Doreen Hartin graduated from. Georgian College, Or- • ilia,. as 'a mental retarda- tion counsellor on. Satur- day, May 26 at graduation. ceremonies held in St. Paul's United Church, Orli- lit.. She has accepted a• posllion at the Bluewater Cen.hi Goderich. Doreen is the daughter. of Mi, and Mrs. W ib Hartin, R. 1 Dungannon: Bernadette C. '[Klefferj"Scott of Ripley,,'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kieffer, Teeswater, received her Honours B.A. degree in the Co-op Recreation Program, May 24, at . the University .of Waterloo. Attending the con-, vocation ceremonies were Mr. Jim. Scott, Ripley; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelffer, Teeswater; Mrs.: Mary Roth, Cambridge; and Miss Kath- leen Kieffer, Morristown, New Jersy. A dinner and dance. was held at the Beaverdale Golf and Country Club for the graduating class and their guests. Bernadette is presently employed by the Vanastra Recreation Centre to establish Recreation pro- grams for people with Spec- ial Needs, in Huron County. Graduation Sandy McQuillan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McQuillan, R. 1 Wallow, received a Bachelor of Arts degree .from the University of Waterloo, May 24th at the Spring -Cont , on. Sandy ' is a to er at St. Aloysius Sc ` 1, Stratford. Becker, Tim Becker, Cathy Chisholm, Trevor Crawford, Joanne Culbert, Steven Free- man, David Hawkins, Doug Kaufman, Gordon Farrish, Craig Irwin, Cecil Little, Mark Londry, Etta Belle MacDonald, Robbie Maize, Dianne McBride, Kelly Mc- Bride, Molly McBride, Joan- ne McDonagh, Rod McDon- agh, Tracey McDonagh, Dar- ren McKim, Nancy Moran, Leisa Rau, David Ross, Deb= bie Searle, Lori Stanley, Sharon. Struthers, Donalda Thompson, Susan Thomp- son, Craig Treleaven, Cathy Treleaven, Diane Wilson. About $1600 'was pledged at the bike-a-thon and this will be donated towards the tennis courts. Congratulations to Doug Kaufman, Sharon Struthers and Lori Stanley on being the top three money earners. Thank you to everyone who made this ride a suc- cess. Remember that money must be turned in to Debbie Searle by June 15th or to Ashton's Store. On Monday, May.28, the Lions were host to the Leos for dinner. We would like to thank them and ask presid- ent Perky "Do you know where your gong is?" Lawn bowling season opens The Luckiiow Lawn Bowl- ing season opened on Friday evening June 1st with a delicious pot luck supper on the laws -i# 'Dr. and Mts. Dick Treleaven., A short meeting was held at the club house, followed by an hour of bowling. The club was happy to see some new members out and would welcome more. The regular weekly jitneys Locals Mr. Oscar Hodgins is a patient in Wingham Hospit- al. Mrs. Mary Graham of Fordwich and. Mrs. Betsy Crawford of Tara, visited last week with Mr: and Mrs. E. W. Rice in L;ucknow. .. • will be held on Tuesday evenings at,7.30 p.m., every- >., one welcome. The officers for the coming, year are: presidents, Jack and Jane Treleaven; vice presidents, A. J. and Tillie Wilson•, secretary treasurer, Maudie Fisher; games com- mittee, Thelma Brown, Betty Finlayson, Kay Crawford, Donalda Moffat; social com- mittee, Tillie Wilson; Isobel"". Hall, Bert Moffat, A. J. • Wilson, -:Wib Brown, Jack Treleaven, Harry Lavis; tele- phone committee, Dora Brooks,Helen Todd, Audrey Macponald; caretaker, Omar Brooks. treat you roYallY Miller; tournament commit- tee, Roy Finlayson, Jack MacDonald, Alex MacNay, Isobel Miller; grounds com- mittee, Omar Brooks, Lloyd Births MILLER Mx. and Mrs. Albert Miller, R. 2 Lucknow, are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter in Wingham and District Hos- pital, on June 3, 1979 JANSEN - Cindy and Randy.. Jansen, Cochrane,.:Ontario, are- happyto announce the arrival of a son, Scott Wil- liam, on: May 14, 1979. A first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jansen of Coch- rane and a first great grand- child for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy of . Holyrood. (Gifty IdeaS FOR MD) For your Number One Man, we've got a Number One selection, of Pop -pleasing gift ideas OWNERS - V `. JOS. AND DEAN. E. AGNEW PHONi:"528.3532 LUCKNOW • Ban's Groceteria lucknow 528-3420 t2 '�•:£.f ..Ifp.: t;01,,M: ?' ti^�:';if i;<' ',t ••• •••• ;• ty �t:t: G.. f•Yr �ti.h��i�fe�.'v'i::1,tiC£;G:A;f*�:n+:t'',•.ti.,;:i. a .Fbk;ivs5:f;•tRit��` JUHC F000 SPCC1ILSI. SCHNEIDER'S 1# PKG. Weiners $1.35 ALLEN'S PURE Apple • Juice 48 Oz. 89' JELLY POWDERS, 3 OZ. Jello 4/$1.00 Carrots 2# BAG 594. Can. Pop' PEPSI, GINGERALE, COKE 24 - 10 OZ. $4.99 STOKELY PEAS OR Cream Corn 10 OZ. 3/89' LUCKNOW . AND DISTRICT Swimming Pool WILL REGISTRATION AT THE LUCKNOW TOWN. HALL Saturday, June 9th:. FROM. 9:00 A.M. TO.4.P.M. Saturday; June 16th FROM '9 A.M. TO 12 NOON There will be two summer swimming sessions - for the Month of July and August ..o PRICE PER .SESSION 0810.00 FOR ONE $16 FOR TWO $20 PER FAMILY Please Note The size of the beginner swimming classes is limited to 10 per instructor per period of time. So come early to get the time of your choice. The Junior, Intermediate and Senior classes are not restricted. ON REGISTRATIQN DAY PLEASE KNOW SWIMMING LEVEL ATTAINED TIME PERIOD DESIRED, IN WHICH SWIMMING SESSION YOU WANT TO BE ENROLLED - [July or August or both] DON'T ENROLL SMALL CHILDREN WHO ARE LESS THAN 44" TALL THANK YOU