The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-06-06, Page 9Update JACK HAeARTY FARM MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST , When did you last update your insurance policy on farm assets? Was it .within the last three years? A manager 'of one farmers' mutual insurance company astnres, me that most farm- ers update their policies at least every three years. Be • cause that is the life of the contract. Many contracts last only one year and updating is done annually. That's good! Most insurance companies offer a farm package policy that offers protection on all personal and farm property • Including •comprehensive farm liability. For those who , need complete' 'coverage, there are savings because 1' you are buying "bulk" rath- er than individual The young farmer is the gne who 'Most needs the insurance and can least afford it. Those borrowing from the banks (financed with a lien) have no option.'A bank will require an endorse- • ment • from the insurance company stating that in case of loss the bank will receive the funds directly. • Read the fine print on agreements, endorsements, and clauses. Sometimes you get a surprise! For- example, you may not be covered for loss or . damage.,, resulting from electrical failure. In controlled atmospheric hous- ing a build up of moisture and heat could cause respir- atory. problerns. A farmer in this area lost over 300 pigs in April. One night power went Huron La Leche League formed two years ago The La Leche League of. 'Canada was started ten years ago: It his grown from two groups to 300 groups, With 500 active leaders.. Each group is responsible for a •-gmall areain order to main- tain mother -to -mother , con- tact. •The group in Huron County began two years .ago and celebrates its second anniversary:in June, with • Mrs. P. Bisback• as leader. • Mrs, Bisbaelc has a busy life, within the League, holding meetings, speaking ;to org- anizations and •students; 1 • Writing letters,. andtele- •phone counselling, all .done as volunteer Work. She and • her husband believein the ideals of the La Leche League • as a- • means of striving • towards good mothering and Closply.-knit families. Each La 1 !•• Leche group holds a series of four meetings • thieughout the year, coveting the topics: Advantages of Breastfeed- ing. Art of Breastfeeding and overcoming Difficulties, The • Family and the Breastfeed- •, ing Baby, and Nutrition and Weaning. -Mothers are wel- come to comet° a meeting or series. •• The May Meeting of the ,Huron., County La Leche league was held in. Goder-• ich. This was the fourth 'topic in the..series •- "Nutritionand Weaning" and was combin- ed with a couples meeting. •\ Mrs. P. Bisback began by thanking Mrs. D. Rutter for having been hostess for the spring series. It was much. appreciated. Plans were made for the summer series and it was deci ed to hold •meetings in . Er ter begin- • ning June 13th, at the home • Of Mrs. R. Criaham. The • • fathers were welcomed to the meeting. Mention was made of the philosephy° behind the • League in relation to mothers and fathers who make sin-. • Cere comnittmetits to family life while they are parenting. It was emphasized that each • parent may take out of LLL • philosophy only those ideas which fit their own family situation. The fathers then met together for a discussion on their involvement in rais- ing infants and family life. The mothers emphasized the importance of good nutri- tion for the entire family. They were conteious of -a' healthy diet beginning with • pregnancy, • while nursing, and1,7 preparation of balanc-. ed, meals for the • whole family.'Many households fol- lowed the Canada Foo. d Guide, Everyone agreed that • the availability of nutritious snacks were an advantage, especially when toddlers hit •a fussy stage in eating 1or went on food binges.. It Was • felt that a variety of food was the key to good nutrition. off at 12.30 a.m, while every- one was asleep. The farmer woke up at 5.30 a.m. and noticed. He rushed to the barn. And started the genet.- ator. But, the damage was done. The ' pigs died from gases rising from the in barn manure tank. An Option is available to cover such "con- sequential losses". Other options are available such as earnings insurance to cover a portion. of the loss suffered during interruption of busi- ness. A . rebuilding clause will usually provide an initial payment of S0% of the amount of loss payable on •buildings. The remaining S0% is payable if the• build- ing is repaired or replaced within twelve months of the Further discussion con- cerned weaning. It was noted . • that growth spurts in babies' • come , at regular intervals. •With this knowledge, • a mother may , best decide if the baby's needs are still met . • .at the breast or whether it is a good time to foods. .4 • ; date of loss. The .eoverage may be reduced to a total of 75% if the building is re- located more than three hun- dred feet from the site of the original one. Liability insurance for hod- . ily injury or damage • to, property of others is almost a must in, these 4lays of high court settlements. Most com- panies no. longer recommend coverage of $100,000. They I suggest $300,000 and prefer - $5 abl 00 000 coverage. Pr age One last thing. Don't take your animals to the races, .flying, or skating. *The en- dorsement may not cover livestock while on the grounds of any racetrack or while in any Aircraft; or loss caused by breaking or falling through ice. +RV Friday; 8, Saturday 9, Sunday 10 LAST NIDHT itiNE 7 aim iooiallo ONLY 8 P.M. I . vo recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT I $1. .'', el...614• Am • . STARTS FRI. JUNE '8th 14th FRI. IL.SAT. 7:00.& 9:10 • SUN..THURS. 8 P.M. ONLY • A m.1.1 who believed in war. , A man who believed in. nothing. And a woman whobelievecl in both of them. 10: f 4iirA • tfalAefr&A • t,Z;A:76'fueeAt fiCon4/70,Iteu A dit WINNER •IN ACADEMY AWARDS. A R BEST ACTRESS JANE FONDA BEST Actos JON VOIGHT BEST ORIGINAL SCREEN PLAY THEATRE 30 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524.7111 • Proem subject to champ without nelIci. -H • FRI SAT. ... •". JUNE 8_ 9 .1 () • EtOX OFFICE.OPENS8:00 SHOVCCIME 900 PA': 4,14., • ,416,,,V54 a 4' 4 _ t• Ifas the oettas aownst the rules... • • the-1111.916'AI •tiMtiotIAIL '•42 liAMPOON's • SOME SCENES'S. LANGUAGE THR. BR. oN,r. • MAY BE OFFENSIVE The robbery nobody thought could happen by the guys nobody tiftught cot' uIl Ltof s1*40ETER FALK *PETER WARREN OATES GENA ROWLANDS PROGRAM SUILIEa TO •pfANGi WITHOUT NOTICE .• 8 '• ot' oo• S24.91111 tYSTAW6-' ' P-77.16/11110 wow swam, woesoloy, haw 1,79-4**ge 9 Lim arms Now Avoilabio- . . „ Chemicals, fertilizer, spreadOr d1111110, water bowls, farm gates, pig feeders, big round and squawe bale feeders, - cattle oilers, animal health products. Alien Miller R. R.-5 Lucknow 528-2299 dr' 40.• AP ..07 41P ..ofr Air Air . . .... THE WALKERTON BLACK HAWK JUNIOR 'ao.• HOCKEY CLUB PRESENTS THE KENDALLS 1 (1978 GRAMMY AWARD WINNERS Friday, August t7th, 1979 % at the Walkerton Community Centre •SHOW - 8;00 - 9:30 PAL • DANCE - 10:00 -1:00 A.M. 1 — -Tickets Available At ° Becker Milk Store •- 1 •Or Write Box 776, Walkerton, Ontario •Show Tickets $5.00 Per Person Cumhination Show & Dunce S8.00 Per Person ..... NOW PLAYING -1630 • ............ •• WEDNESDAY TO SkTtilloAT •-JUNE.6-7-8-9T11 —tLEASE NOTE SHOWTIMES, Wed„;Thars. 8i00 p.m. * Fri. -Sat, 7-9, p ;'• His dream team's got a preaCh'ir, .... : a jailbird,le pool shark, a muscleman. . • And the best guy 4.7., - on the team . . , bill ::ii•a"t. \ ...:77 .,... .... . .„....., 11171111Al4miti7 COLUMBIA PICTURES .STEPHEN FRIEDMAN / KINGS ROAD..., SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY JUNE 10 -11 -12TH 3 DAYS ONLY! One Showing each Day at 8:00 p.m. Only! " YOU FORGOT WHAT TERROR WAS UKE... IT'S BACK A.•na•id a, 7111•AimMINI .toil !Nina IDE! CHILDREN •Roam Startt Wednesday, June 13th It could happen! It has happened! JACK MMO JANE FONDA Today, only a handful of people know what "The China Syndrome" means... Soon yon will know.