The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-30, Page 28PIMP 28-4ucknew Sentinel, Wedaeatlay, May 30, 1979 MOts peN)alatter 34Hypars Bruce and Edythe McKen- zie of: Lucknow and their daughter, Beverley Mosher of Oshawa have returned from a trip to England and Scotland where they met a' • On May 27, 1979 Barbara Parrish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant. Parrish, R. R. 3 • Lucknow, graduated from Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, with a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring „,„in .1 Psychology.' She will attend • AlthOuse Teachers' College,. University of Western- Ont— . ario, London, in September. 0 Miarrage „ • . , STRUTHERS • IvIrs..R, Wilson of Kincard- ine, wishes to announce .the marriage of her daughter, Heather Janice, to'Donglas • : Mr. and Mrs. Herman De- Bruyn of R. 3:Wingham,. ,i.Ash to announce the en- gagement of their daughter,- Gemma, to Roland levesgae Of Owen Sound,. sonof. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrard Levegae, Kapasliasing. The marriage Will take place July 14, 1979 at 3 o'clock in St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Ow.: Gordon younger •penpal to whom Mrs; Mc- Kenzie has -Written for 34 years.. They left Mahon on April 28 and landed at Gatwich Engagements COOK - SIMPSON • Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. M. Simpson of Kintail are pleas- ed to announce the forthcom- ing marriage of their young- est daughter., Catherine Joan, to Kevin Malcolm Cook, son of Mr.: and Mrs. Graham L. Cook of Ripley.. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 23, 1979 at 3.30 p.m. in the 'Ashfield Presbyterian Church. CROSK1LL - LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon LyOns, Lucknow are happy to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their only daughter, Lynda Gladys, to Jeffrey Rowmayne Croskill, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Row Croskill of Mount Forest, on Saturday, June 16,1979 at 4 o'clock .in Lucknow Presbyterian Church. LEViSGAE - DeBRUYN • , ger son 91 Mr. • and' Mrs.. Gordon' Struthers • of tucknow. The marriage took.place in the Kincardine • Presbyterian 'Church on May 18. • —22 Births..' JOHNSTi/N--,--- -Doug. and Kerry Lyn are happy 'to announce the birth • of their daughter, Chloe Lyn, Sun- - day, May 13, 1979,. at Kin- cardine' Hospitat.-L--• Grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Harry• Forbes ' and'Mr. -and Mrs. Bert Ganimie. ' o MULLER - Ted and Judy Muller (nee Stewart) of Ed- monton, Alberta, wish' to announce the birth of their dan.ghter, 7 lbs. 1 oz., at University Hospital, May 25th, 1979, a wee sister for Aaron. -Proud grandparents are Mr. and M. Melvin Stewart, Mr. and Mrs, Char- les Muller, 'and great grand- mother, Mrs.. E. Wier, of Guelph - ,and : Mrs. Wilfred •Drennan. „of Lucknow. ' NEWBOLD - David and. Col- leen,.Lucknow are pleased to atibouace the birth of their son, David Robert Kendell, on Sunday, May 20, 1979; at Wingham and District Hos- pital. : JOHNSTON - Lyndon and Andrew are pleased to an, flounce •the safe arrival' of their new sister; Shelly Mar -q.'"- /few, born 'May 21, 1979; --) ,„ weighing 5 Ib. 11 oz. Wel- .' . , coming 'her with love are her parents, Barry and Malys, her grandparentS, Mr. and 14frs, Cliff Johnstott;, Holy. 'rood and 4,1t. and Mrs. Victor - 6a wley, Ripley, . en Sound. airpott. the following morn- ing, Mrs. McKenzie says she was a little nervous and very excited about meeting Olive aft0 all this time. Beverley has written to Olive for the past 15 years. * Oliv and her •husband, Alex Doughty operate a boy scout camp at. ?haselwood near King's Langley. The first weekend the McKenzies visited, 500 boy. scouts camp- ed and they found it fun to watch the scouts.' activities. During their stay with Olive and Alex they went to Hemel Hemstead where they cashed their travellers' cheques. ft "took some, time for the McKenzies to get used to: ,the money conver- sion from dollars to pounds, •"Bruce was a little slower to catch on and was really tipping too. much, --until we were told about how much to tip," says Mrs. McKenzie. • They'6ouldn't get over the fish chips stores which were always busy. People would come out of the store and stand on a corner, eat the fish and • chips and throw away the paper on the street. On May, 2 the travellers • ' •• .4.„1" went up to Scotland where the most noticeable thing was the sheep. They saw sheep everywhere and sever- al times had to move over on the road so the sheep could feed • their lambs in' the middle of the road. They travelled to many small towns which were very • pretty with lovely flowers everywhere. Both England and Scotland have many beautiful castles and the McKenzies and Beverley vis- ited several. At -Edinburgh • Castle, Bruce told the lady his parents were born in Edin- burgh and she gave him half his money back. "I guess the Scots are pretty good people, after all," quips Mrs. Mc- Kenzie. • The McKenzies are grate- . ful. Beverley was able t9' take the trip With them because if she had not been able. to drive the car for them, the • trip would only have been a dream. - The McKenzies arrived home on May 19 after spend- ing a week With Beverley's family in Oshawa after their return from Scotland. • The Supii Sco Op Ice Cream Parlour will be Open Circus Night Thursday, /Hay 31 Till 10 p.m. Lucknow Business Places Except those Who are normally open - • MU BE losed Friday Nig' fits During, the Sumner Months ' FROM HIGH FOOD PRICES - SHOP HEFiE I • SCHNEIDER'S BEERWURST . POLISH PEPPERONI •Viiitte eli • 8 OZ. $1 . 19 LIQUID DETERGENT Sun light • 32 OZ. '$L25 • IDA RED Apples $ 1 •91 5# BAG •3 McCORMICKS ICE CREAM Cones 20'S ' 594 kHNEIDER'S BOWLS • Head Cheese • 12 OZ $11.25 SlUNKIST Olinget 113S, $ • 1..99 ' • - • LUCKNOW. :.41TO7DIMICT • Swimming Pool WILL BE .1.10Lpogo. • • • REGISTRATION AT THE LucKNow TOWN HALL Saturday, June 9th , Saturday June 16th FROM 9 ,A,M. TO 12 NOON ' _ There will be two summer swimming sessions ot. th • • month of July: and August • • " PRICE PER SESSION' $10.00,- FOR ONE • • $16 FOR TWO $20 PER FAMILY ;fotects, Note: • e. • The size Of the beginner sviinimingelistes is limited to 10 per instructor per period of tinie. So come early to • get thetithe of your choice: • The junior, Intermediate and Senior classes are not • restricted,. • - I • , ON REGISTRAT-ION DAY. . ...„ . oi,•!wiw..•••%.0Wi;...wk,""Adwiwow% • • PLEASE KNOW • - • • SWIMMING LEVEL ATTAINED • TIME PERIOD DESIRED IN WHICH SWIMMING SESSION YOU WANT TO BE ENROLLED - f.htly or Aintust or.,!3oth) DON'T ENROLL SMALL CHILDREN WHO ARE • 'LESS•TI-IAN 44" TALL THANK YOU