The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-30, Page 25Attention'Fanners wows - A. For sale 4 BOARS, 7/8 large black, serviceable age, 4 gilts 7/8 large black. Number of pure- bred large black younger boars. Lloyd Eskrick, 396- 7717, 7 con. of Kincardine Township. Phone and in- quire. —21,23 1-IOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due in four to six, weeks. Allan 'Farrell, Ripley 395-5176. ..--21,22 TREFOIL AND RED clover hay mixture, $1.10 ib. Phone 395-2869. .1--18-22& MASSEY, FERGUSON Mod- el 560 large round baler, used three seasons. Peter Edisbury, 395-2438. —22,23 For Your Complete Line Of Grain Handling Equipment • BULLDOG *Grain Bins *In Bin Drying Systems. •Elevator Legs •Hopper Bins Call Doug Martyn R. R. 3 Lucknow Phone 395-5343 TREFOIL, ALFALFA red clover mixture, 75c lb. Phone 395-2869. -18-22x 3 GILTS due soon. Also a Palomino yearling. Phone 395-5207. —22 BALED STRAW; also 8 week oldheavy roosters. George Detzler, 392-6486, —22 Give Your Chicks A Heid Start With SWIFT CHICK STARTER. Containing everything they need for fast growth and good feathering. We also have Duck and Goose Start- er. Johnstone's Mobile Feed Service, Lucknow, Ont. 528-3534 —22,23x PUREBRED HAMPSHIRE boars. Paul McNally, Wing - ham, 357-3724. —22,23 TOWER KING.PRESSED Stave silos. Ideal for, storing sileage, haylage or high moisture grain. Also oxygen limiting silos with or without ,,Laidig bottom unloader for kernel corn: Also manure tanks. Representa- 1 tive Francis Boyle, R. R 3 Ripley. Phone 39.5-5088. -18tfar C. Wanted. MIXED GRAIN, barley and corn. Snobelen Farms Ltd., Ripley, phone 395-5167. —11tfar Awns dm. amt. maw •4",•• 'maw arm 22. Lost and found • POUND on Campbell Street, Lucknow, ladies ski jacket; Phone 528,2822 and identify for return.—20tfnc FOUND - young black Lab- rador dog. Answers to the name of Pete. Phgne 528- 5551. —21 31. Cards of thanks, LUCKNOW HORT. SOC. As convener, of the Lucknow 'May Flower Display and Tea, I wish to thank my committee and all who helped in any way to make ' the day a success. Belle Mole, Convener —22ar HODGINS I would like to express my thanks to Drs. Corrin., Mc- Kim and Bradley and staff on 2nd floor for the good care I received; also to friends and relatives for their visits, cards, letters and flowers, Also special thanks to those who.brought my wife over to visit me. - Your thoughtful- ness and kindness will never be forgotten. Oscar Hodgins —22x SUTHERLAND The family of the late Martha Sutherland wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all friends and neighbours, Drs. Corrin, McKim and Bradley, and Rev. Munshaw fortheir support and comfort during this sad time. Betty and Jack'Burch —22 WILKEN We would like to thank all our family' and friends, 'for cad fld 'ft cards Owers. an gm s, received since Jonathan's birth. A special thanks to the Lucknow Medical Centre and the Wingham and District Hospital. Murray and Isabel —22 ORDER NOW.w) FOR FOR SPRING SEEDING Clover, Grass Seed [Free Mixing] Seed Grain and Corn Custom Seed Cleaning and -Treating ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL AND TRUCKING CALL LUCKNOW 528-3500 Representative for AARE SEEDS LTD. Harriston LLOYD COLLINS, CONSTRUCTIO '395-5240 R. R. 3 Goderich Backhoe Grader Bulldozer Sand Hy -Hoe Gravel Trencher ' Fill, Topsoil Arammomortommin 410 31. Cards of thiinks TIFFIN We want to sincerely thank our family, relatives, neigh- bours and friends for. all the' lovely gifts and cards receiv- ed. Also for the good time we had at the Teeswater Com- plex on the occasion of our 35th wedding anniversary. It will always be remembered and greatly appreciated. Joe and Marian Tiffin --22 HOUSTON We wish to extend sincere thanks to Drs. McKim,. Cor- rin and Bradley for the safe arrival of .. Angela. Also thanks to all for their visits, cards, gifts and flowers while in the hospital and since' returning home. , 'Ken, Joy, Amy and Angela —22 LEDDY Mr. and Mrs. Dan Leddy would like to thank the Lucknow Business Associa- tion for the lovely potted° plant presented to them at their new business: —22 32. Coming events COMMUNITY SINGERS The Ripley Agricultural Soc- iety is presenting the'Kincar- dine Community Singers "in" music Friday, June 8 at 8 p.m. in the Ripley District High School: Tickets $2.00 for ,adults; $1.50 for senior tickets; $1.00 for children. Tickets available from direct- ors. 21,22ar. SPRING DANCE Lucknow Community Saturday, June 2, 10 per person. available atdoor. 'includes lunch. Sponsored by St. Community School Associa- tion. Centre, to 1. $4.00Tickets alsoAd- mission Joseph's - OPEN HOUSE The family of Mr. and Mrs. Redvers (Meff) Johnson ex- tend an invitation to friends, neighbours and, relatives to an open house in 'honour of their parents' 50th wedding anniversary at Huron Town- ship Hall, Ripley on Satur- day, June 2. Open House 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Lunch prov- ided. Good wishes only please. -21,22 LUCKNOW & DISTRICT KIN SUMMERFEST June 22, 23 and 24, Dance, midway, car show, .ball tour- nament,bed races and beer garden. —22-25 TROUSSEAU TEA A trousseau tea will be held on Saturday, June 2 from 2to 5p.m. and 7to4p.m. at the home of Mrs. Orville Elliott in honour of her daughter Karen's forthcoming marri- age. All are invited to attend. —22 CONCERT AND DANCE The Teeswater Agricultural Society presents "Donna and Leroy" from The Tommy Hunter Show, Saturdays June 9 at 8:30 p.m. in the Teeswater Culross Commun- ity Centre Arena. Concert` and dance $5.00 per person. Tickets available from any director or Button's Meat Marj,et, Lucknow, Holyrood General Store, Ripley Paint and Wallpaper, Kinloss Gen- eral Store. Also a teen dance to "Sound System 70". Admission $3.00 per person,. 22,23ar MM. fa.M1 maw MIMI , 32. Corning events • RIPLEY LIONS BINGO Will be held on May 20 at 8 p.m, at the Township Hall.., Pot of Gold; 12 regular games at $15.00; one share the wealth; one jackpot' of $350.00 on 57 calls; consola- tion game of $35.00. —22ar CENTENNIAL LUNCHEON AND FASHION SHOW The Auxiliary to Wingham "and District Hospital are holding a Centennial Lunch- eon and Fashion Show on Monday, June 18- at 12.:30 p.m. in the Sunday School Room of the Wingham Unit- ed Church. Dress is optional. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Jane Treleaven, —22,23 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH PICNIC Lucknow United Church wor- ship and picnic at --Silver Lake, Sunday, June '3 at 11 a.m., rain or. shine: Ham- burgers and beverage prov- ided. Please . bring tarts, squares, cookies for dessert. , Fun and games for all agesl —22ar SOTH ANNIVERSARY The family of George and Isabel. Tiffin of Lucknow invite you to attend an :open reception and dance: in hon- our of their 50th wedding anniversary in Whitechurch Hall June 9, 8:30 p.m. Music by Tiffin's Orchestra. Every- one welcome.—22,23x OPEN HOUSE An open housewill be held Sunday; June 3rd from .2 - 4 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Irwin, Huron , Street, Ripley on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Best wishes only. —22 GARDEN PARTY Trinity U.C.W. Garden Par- ty, Tuesday, June 5 in Sun- day School Room, front 5 p.m: to 8 p.m: (1' block west of . Belfast). Adults 54.25; children 10 and under $2.00 and pre-school free., Take out dinners available. 7-24 SOTH WEDDING.. ANNIVERSARY The family of Tom and Tillie Hackett invite everyone to attend a receptionin honour of their parents 50th wedding anniversary on Friday, June 8 at 9 p.m. in the Lucknow District Community Centre. Boyd's'Orchestra. Best wish- es only please. —22,23 25Th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Friends and neighbours are invited to a dance at Formosa Counity Centre, on Sat- urday, June 2 at 9 p.m. in honour of the 25th wedding anniversary of Leo and Im- elda Murray. Best wishes only. —22 OPEN HOUSE Edna and Dynes Campbell invite relatives, friends and neighbours to Open. House on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary, June 9th, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 in Dungannon United Church S.S. rooms. No gifts please. Best wishes only. —22x Why did the chicken cross the road? He went to see his friend Gregory peck. Lgcknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 30, 1979,—Page 25 32., Coming events a s ..r- — — . HOWICK LIONS BINGO Howick Lions Bingo will be held on Friday, June 1st at 8:00 p.m, in Wroxeter Com- munity Miall. Admission 51.00. 12 Regular games for $10.00; 2 Share the Wealth; one 525.00 Special; Jackpot 5130.00 on 55 calls; Purple Ball $90.00; Door and Con- solation Prizes. —22ar VOICE FOR LIFE Community Program June 1, 8 p.m. Lucknow Christian Reformed Church. Film, Ab- ortion - How It Is. Speaker Mrs. Sally Campeau. Every- one welcome. —22 Auto Body t) ? Oiling i Maclyn Manufacturing 1'/4 miles north of Amber• Ei ley, west of i#21 Highway. Phone 395-3352. Open I from 8 to 6" Monday to� Saturday. Closed Wed -i # nesdays. "A Cheap Way • For Rust Protection" The Workshop Wal & Dan Martin. R.R. 1, Dungannon, Ont. New Furniture Built Old Furniture Repaired AndRefinished FREE ESTIMATES Phage 529-7205 GET YOUR .MA)L WITH A Want Ad Free Estimates On Aluminum Siding Soffttts and. Facia • Windows and Doors Local Representatiye DINER GLENN. ALUMINUM SALES LUCKNOW • LOGS WANTED Standing Timber For top prices and instant cash Call your local sawmill CRALG'S SAWMILL AUBURN =Craig Phone 526.7220 AI Craig Phone 526-7512 MORTGAGE MONEY DON DENOMME *BEST RATES *BEST TERMS *BEST SERVICE Call Don Collect anytime at 524-2747 ADVANCED REALTY FUNDING CORPORATION 150 Cambria Road N. Goderich BACKHOE Drains,Septic Tanks Basement Excavation And Open Ditch Charles C. Culbert R. R. 6, Goderich' 529.7571 -21,22,23 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY ,WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons in possession of lands in any. Municipality In the County of Huron in ac- cordance with the revised Weed Control Act, 1972, Section 4, 14 & 20, and a mendmen• is thereto, that unless "noxious weeds, growing on their lands are destroyed by. June 9th, '1979, and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all citizens is solicited. JOE GIBSON WEED INSPECTOR COUNTY OF HURON