The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-30, Page 20...,,: .......7-1.:••••-• .-..•::7.-•-,:-.,w:--,:rr7-::::.:,*::,-,r*^*..**P:N:,rt:',•..'tot:*A:w41:No,,f4:.4.*44...r.1441;:''..t.:.t•EtaAPIV•ZA.XAC:X;:.4,'Z,':;,r.,7...: To.,..,....,':':—T.,44..4„....1;,..7.VZ.4:..,.....2.'..Z:,7‘ ..";.1".4. ':".-..7 '7 ',..!=g,',..,,,;;,.Z..............• . ...',...7::.÷....."7-[: .....,....• ••....,v.t...,...,..............:....—.•,,,J,...:. ....A ..,... FTWIP*1417,0477,..?".?lom,:71,4wKrrorfl.lv,,,,,,wwww:,,,,,,,Mr.,:n,...,,,,,r,,,,,,r7,,,,,,,...7.,..r.,:,,, •••ff ::::-:,•1 . • . • . • . 1 1Pags 20—Laadinkew SentInel, Wednesday, May 30, 1979 Anniversary service at Chalmers Presbyterian Mrs. Muriel Thompson and Mrs. Agnes Farrier at- tended Westminster End Re- treat at London from Friday to Sunday. • Orland Irwin has purchas- ed the 5 acres on the sonth side of. Highway 86 inthe village. Anniversary services were. • held Sunday at Chalmers Presbyterian Church. The sermon in the morning,.. Holding Fast or Letting Go, was given by guest speaker, Rev. R. T. A. Marshall of Strathroy. Choir selections • were Little Brown Church and God .is still on the Throne. It the evening the 'choir Message was In My Hea4 there rings a Melody • and a duet,/Over the Sunset Mountains, by .Clara Milli- gan and Karen Young. Mrs. Jean Ross was the organist. The community is sorry to learn that Murray Gibb on the weekend had to undergo • surgery in Wingham Hospit- al for appendicitis. The com- • munity wishes Murray a speedy recovery. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cpultes were Mrs. Tom Miller, Palmerston, and Mr. and Mrs. Entpey; • Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace • Conn are spending a few .dayk :with . Mr. and Mri';'. • George COW.' and family of Quebec. • • Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert SchWichtenberg\ Lori and Kerry of. Port Elgin visited •5unday,,, with her father, Albert COultes. lyfrS. Mack Stuart of Wat- erloo visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClen- aghan and Mrs. Ben Mc- Clenaghan. On the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson, Bili, Greg and Rhonda attended the wedding of Brian Rivett and • Kathy Robson at St. Marys United Church and the re- ception at Pniondale. Guests on Sunday with • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and family were Rev. and Mrs. R. T. A. Marshall of Strathroy, Mrs. Elliott of Winghatn; Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Elliott and Jeffery Of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Laidlawt and Michelle 'of London and Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Blake of ,EIrusseli. Mrs. Susan OliVer of Don -1 '2. Aploney,_ Ia2. V 1. • and Mr. and billateXItich-. ardsokof I44.niarIvlichigan, haVe..1 'visiting Hugh thdnd on 'Sunday a pion wa • held Vb4E. arid Mrs :\ :Jack :q4olVliehael and Miss Beat- rice. Joynt ofLiitowel, Mr. .1. and» Mrs. Archie ' Hertel, Kitchener, Mrs. MacMillan, . Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Glen • Sinnamon, Wingharit and • Mr. andbirs$E. W. Beecroft. and Karen joined the others. Steven, Scott and Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Cardiff, Brussels, Bradley and Brent Robinson, Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson and. Steven, 'and Mr. •and Mrs. Bill Rintoul. Mrs. Lewis and his sister, Mrs. Hall of Wingham, were " Sunday visitors with Dawson Craig and attended anniver- sary services. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McBurn- ey of Toronto spent last week 00•••=•••••11M," This week in WHIT EC by Valetta Emerson „ On Sunday Tracey Lee. Robinson was christened. at Calvin Brick Church. She is-. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robinson and -has a brother, Mark. Also present • for her christening were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer, • Jeffery and •Sulie, Waterloo, i Mr. anti Mrs. Harty Gutos- kie, Michelle and Michael, Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Camp bell arid Heather, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul, • ., • • 4 with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson when Bill painted the outside of -the Emerson house. After the movers left on Friday "," Rev. and Mrs. Har- vey Osborne, and , family spent the tip with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osborne. of Markdale. Rev. Harvey Osborne returned for anniversary services on Sun- day. Rev. and Mrs., Harvey Osborne; Bethany, Anna and Laura left on Monday on the first crossing of the Big Canoe for their. trip to Thompson, Manitoba. This community is sorry to learn that Mrs. Ethel Stewart of Wingham is in hospital and extends wishes for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Moore, Cindy and. Richard • spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore and family in London. Jane Laidlaw of London' spent the weekend with her • parents,"Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. Too fat? Too thin? Too tired? Too often? Do something for somebody , Your !Daly! 2,0 AllINE go surfactant Oil Concentrate 101 WEED CONTROL IN CORN POUR LE CONTROLE DES mAUVRISES HERRES DANS LE MALS UFA AIME LSIFIASLE 2,0 AMIE II 6 GALLONS non RIAU, Talk to the crop expert at your CO -operative for the exact • recommendations to control your weed problems, most effectively. The many herbicides on disp(ay at your CO-OP are the result of years of research and testing under Canadian'growing conditions. You can b� -sure that each herbicide iaa quality product effective for purposes claimedt Your problems may range from brush control in barnyards to very sophiSticated selective control for your corn fields or pther • , specific Crops. ' Next time you're at your Co-operative Pie* up one of the handy guides on the selection and use of CO-OP Agricultural Chemicals and stiv „growing the things you dont vvant • - , • to groW. 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