The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-30, Page 5Lacicnow-Senthiel; Wednesday.t Msy 30; 1979.7Page .3 Electi6n recap McKinley takes Huron -Bruce • •from page 1 The 50 year old took a shot at attempts by Liberal workers to impress voters here by bringing in cabinet ministers to politic. Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan • made a whirlwind, tour of the • riding and minister of employment and immigration Bud, Cullen spent a Sunday afternoon in Clinton helping the Liberal cause. Whelan won his election but Cullen was ousted by Conservative candidate Bill Campbell: MCKinley didn't miss that fact and told his supporters Cullen "should have bloody well stayed at home and taken care of himself.." Despite -his impressive victory. McKinley was non -committal . about his political future. Rumours about a possible cabinet seat in a Joe Clark government have been common in the riding during the campaign and there'. has been suggestions that the Huron -Bruce incumbent is thinking about, leaving politics. - iHet said he didn't know how those rumours got started claiming he plans to keep -running campaigns until "I announce that I'm retiring." He added that he couldn't say if he was being considered for a cabinet post in a Clark government. • He` has served as agriculture critic, party whip and finance critic .for the Conservatives. H+esaid during his campaign that he felt one ..of the biggest jobs facing the govern- ment was cleaning up problems in the Post Office. He hinted that he would like the challenge of doing that job. McKinley saidit was unclear what would happen to a Conservative minority govern- ment. He said he doubted if the Liberals and .New Democrats would combine their power to bring about another election. He ' said the NDP will not force an election pntil they have enough •money for another campaign. claiming the New Democrats will. "sell their souls to savetheir seats.'." Graeme Craig, a Walton area breeding technician and farmer, was disappointed with his showing at the polls. Craig looked tired and saddened with -his loss' when he arrived at the PC rally to congratulate the winner. NDP increase support Although NDP can- didate Moira Couper,, a .community educator from Bayfield, came, in third in the Huron -Bruce riding;. both .Mrs. Couper and her party are pleased with the upswing in party support. , . In past campaigns, the most the . NDP .pa(rty,,,,;., received was six percent: of the popular tote in this riding. In this campaign, • the percentage was almost doubled. . Mrs. Couper said the. increase in voter support "represents some results fbr all the work that was done (in the campaign). She said . the *overall results ..didn't surprise her, since..they were as expected.. PC. candidate Robert McKinley of the. Zurich area won . the ridingfor the sixth consecutive time' with a majority of 9,000 votes in the Huron -Bruce riding. Mrs. Couper said one interesting restilt of the election is that 'Huron County will have a government represen- tative this time instead'of, a " member of. the op- position, She said When ti.she 'Was' campaigning many peopl®bld her that traditionally goes against the .government in electing their representatives. Mrs. Couper and NDP Supporters- ` gathered at the hayfield town hall to: listen as polls repottted'- the election results. When asked if she will run for political office in the future, Mrs. Couper said that decision would depend a great deal on her own personal situation at the time. She said her husband is retiring next year, and the couple will be making some, decisions at that time. Mrs. Couper said she IS interested in continuing her association with the NDP Organization, ;,saying the party in this riding needs building. She said. some new blood is needed, and "I hope to tap that."" Mrs. Couper thanked 7'ui nt page 8 • _— ow: they voted Poll 94 .95 97 98 99 100 101 LUCKNOW Couper Craig 16 88 13 59 7. 62 17 32" McKinley 106 127 78 69 KINLIOSS TOWNSHIP 17 12 37' WEST WAWANOSII TOWNSHIP 49 79 121 155 125. ;152 153 154 154-1 11 4 14 10 67 53 43 53 ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP $1- 23 82 14 ,.g3 1l'i 84 20 ... 85 87s 88, 89 90 91 87 67 88 55 HURON TOWNSHIP 10 39 7 53 7 8 15 92 13 93 25 27 82 32 • 119 33 41 33 RIPLEY 63 74 106 51 93 75 $ 114 179 90 192: 99 67 78 ADVANCE POLL - LUCKNDW 2 29' 4,7 He said he expected to do ri'much better than he did" and that he expected the race in Huron -Bruce to be "close"; He said he felt the national trend towards the Conser- vatives didn't help his campaign here. He said he felt voters' doubts about Clark's ability to lead the country would counter any anti-Trudeau sentiments in the riding, quipping that he was "obviously not right:" " McKinley felt the anti-Trudeai senti- ment earned him 3,000 to 4,000 votes. Craig -said he didn't know if he would take another shot at upsetting McKinley here. He said he would have tq take a look at the situation when the next election rolls. around. . Couper said she found the campaign a "really interesting experience" and that she "might run again in the next election." SUZUKI'S GOT A FREE CAP JUST FOR YOUR HEAD! Come in and get your head into the great Suzuki line, and Suzuki will getyourhead intoafree blue and gold Team Suzuki cap. Now's the best time to talk to us. We'll tell you all about the Suzuki GS 4 stroke street machines and tough off road bikes. And we'll tell you how to get a Team Suzuki cap for your head. 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