The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-16, Page 17P Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 16, 1979—Page 17 Kingsbridge children take c BY ELIZABETH FRAYNE Congratulations go out to the nine First Communicants from St. Joseph's School. They are Wendy Miltenburg, Patricia Durnin, Christine Connelly, Lisa Smith,Sharon Van Osch, Elsner Foran, Jimmy Sinnett, Marcia! . Le - Breton,, Vince, Doherty. It was an impressive ceremony with Father Dentinger . con- ducting the service. The school children sang and Nancy Park, music teacher at St. Joseph's sang a solo at Communion. the nine Com- municants did the readings along with their teacher, Barb. Eedy and at the end of the ass the children were pressnted with gifts from Fran Riegling, on behalf of St.. Joseph's CWL, Kings- bridge; Margaret MacDon- ald, on behalf of St.' Mary's CWL, Lucknow and Emma Franken, on behalf of the St. Augustine CWL. Congratulations to . Mr, and Mrs. Terry Dalton on the birth of a son, Patrick Mich- ael, on Monday.,May 7, a wee brother for Colleen. Mary Frayne returned to her home here after spend- ing the winter months in London. °. Jim Sinnett spent two days recently with his family, while his boat was in at Port Stanley. Several ladies of this area attended a tupperware party at the home of Mrs. Bert Sloetjes on 'Tuesday after- noon. The demonstrator was Maggie Zaeher of- Clifford. On 'Monday. afternoon, Mrs. Tim. Reurink and Mrs. Antone Van Osch visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robb at their home in Goderich and pres- ented them resentedthem with a'gift of four • redwood lawn chairs, a red- wood patio coffee table and a redwood planter on behalf of their former neighbours. Mr. and Mrs. Robb moved to Goderich just before the new year. Ray Dalton has been re- leased .from hospital in Pick- ering and is convalescing at the home of his sister, Mrs. Margaret O'Connor in Pick- ering. Clarice Dalton and family spent Mother's Day at Glam- is with her daughter, Louise and Peter Martin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hackett and family moved toPort Albert recently and -Bob's father, Tom has moved- into their house in Kingsbridge. Danny Wilson who has been home with his wife, Eileen and family for the past six weeks went back to his boat . in Halifax. During the hot spell last week Danny was swimming in Lake Hur- on and we believe he is the first one in the vicinity to have taken the plunge this season. • Eddie Sinnett and Carol Bowler went out West to Calgary . to visit his. sister, Sheila and her husband, George Nelson. Bonnie Bow- ler of Toronto is visiting at the Sinnetts this week. Mrs. Yvonne Sinnett and family, Eileen and Danny Wilson and family and Leona and Fred Vassella spent Mother's Day with Betty Lou and Mike Dalton and family, The sympathy of thecom- munity is extendedto the family of the late Bob MacGregor' of Ashfield. The funeral was on Sunday in Goderich with burial in Kin - tail Cemetery. Rose Frayne and Margaret visited with Margaret Dwyer Students °hold • mock election • BY BETTY JANE FORAN AND ROSEMARY GIILMORI1 Monday, May 14th. Grades 5- and 6 have their election. The candidates are 'Christine. Stapleton, ton, representing.' the Liberal Party, Kenny Van Osch representing the Pro- gressive Conservative Party, and Sally Van Osch repres- enting the N.D.P. Party. The election starts at 10.30 and ends at 11.30 a.m. Mary Kennedy, religion consultant for. the Huron - Perth Board visited the Grade 5 and 6 room on Thursday, May 10th, The Grade 5 and 6 have started a visual novel called "Follow Me" Mrs. Park went to a music meeting on May 10th and on Mother's Day in London. Congratulations to the fol- lowing pupils of St. Joseph's School who are students in Highland Dancing and who successfully passed exams on May 7: Denise Connelly, Theory Grade III and First Gold Bar, National in High- land; Lisa Frayne, Theory Grade III and First Gold Bar in Highland, Silver Jig and Hornpipe; Melissa Martin, successful in beginner's ex- ams. Present chalice Of interst to people an* relatives in the area was a presentation in honour of the late Morgan O'Connor, nephew of Ray Dalton. The Mrs. Karla Hogan supplied. Mrs. Park is also teaching the Grade 7 and 8 class how to play the ukelele. 'The Grade 2' children re- ceived their First Holy Com- munion on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 13th at St. Joseph's Church, ' Kings- bridge. The Student Council are planning a '50's .day on May 15th, May llth was a P.A. 'day for the teachers all day. May 18th is Arbour Day at St. Joseph's, Kingsbridge. On Wednesday, May 16th at 4.00 p.m. there will be a Nutrition Workshop led by Cathy Thomson from the `Huron Country Health Unit in Goderich. Everyone is welcome, MAKE IT A RULE... USE WANT ADS, A HANDY 1001 • 4.w.-u..,1Wr.�.r..�r.6M..'�wr.. • late • Mr. O'Connor of Pick- ering died June 3, 1978. A gold plated memorial chalice was presented to his family at St. John the Evangelist Church, Pickering at• a mass. organized by the fourth degree Knights of Columbus of which Mr. O'Connor was a member. The , chalice was presented by :the Knights of Columbus to Mr. O'Connor''s mother, Margaret O'Connor. The family has the choice of presenting it to a priest or sending it to' a mission of their choice. A guard of honour for the mass was formed by the Knights of Columbus. About 100 people including 46 members oft the O'Connor family were pres- ent. Morgan O'Connor was very involved in Catholic Willits Tire Service Lucknow Firestone Dealer We have a mobile tire repair unit for on -road or off-road work with chloride equipment. All tractor, truck and car sizes in stock Call Lucknow 528-2742 Ei S; 3'as!` i r <is r'.`•.: i '' - iiia-`- .. ininurior education in Whitby and served on the Whitby, Ont- ario County and - Durham Region Separate School Bonds from 1963 to 1976. In 1977 he was presented with the Award of Merit by the Ontario Separate School Trustees Association • and also received the Queen's Jubilee Medal. He was a 30 year member of the Knights of Columbus and had been a fourth Degree 'Knight for 15 years prior to his death. He served as District Warden in 1963-64. Mr. O'Connor lived on Maplehurst Farm, on the third concession near the Whitby -Ajax border. St: Joseph's School, Kingsbridge requires for Summer Playground Program One Playground Supervisor 18 years or older . . One Playground Leader minimum of 15 years This project, cosponsored by Ministry of Culture and Recreation, is part of the Ontario Govern- ment's youth summer employment program Experience '79 Program 0701. Apply in writing, stating qualifications and experience, if any, to: The Co-ordinator, St. Joseph's Community School, R. R. 3, Goderich, Ontario, ;1,j7A 3X9. Deadline June 1st, 1979. 1IFMOIJELIJ we can help r � ffortiecare BUILDING CENTRE 411 III es is PATIO M' N 40 Es is DOORS . L:E ....me M Millenium 5' x6'8" Less rebate from Dashwood 1 1 11 Millenium 6'0" x 6'8" , Less rebate from Dashwood [Expires' May 31st] •.. N M O .o M N M' N M N OW N SOOSM N 411 S449.00 N' M 11110 $399.00- 1 N N. MII r $429.00 S N w M M 1 y MO M 1 50.00 $479.00 50.00 Now in Stock SAKRETE We Invite You to See Our Line... Ready To Use Cement Mix Concrete Mix Sand Mix Mortar Mix Decorative Stucco Social invitations and announce- ments; business cards and sta- tionery. We ctin handle any job! 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