The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-02, Page 16Page W.-Incblow Sentinel Wednesday May 2, 1979 ea couple return from Holland trip • Mr. and Ms. perk Log- tenbert have returned from a two weeks vacation in Hol - ` land. Derk had not been back to Holland for 29 years and Tint for 25 years. While there they visited with Derk's two sisters and families and Tini's brother and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mole (nee Mary VanDiepen) who were married on Saturday at Kingsbridge with reception at Saltford Valley Hall. • Mrs. Florence Shackelton spent a week recently with her daughter, Carol, son-in- law, Alvin Becker and new granddaughter, Heather Ann at Dashwood, Benson,Flor. ence and son, Gerald visited last Sunday with the Beck- - ers. Mrs, VioletiBrindley was a patient one day last week in A.M. and G. Hospital, God- erich where she required • surgery on her foot. Connie Trommer of Fort St. John, B.C. is spending a couple of weeks. with her parents, Elmer and Eileen Trommer. Frances. Logteinberg who has compl5ted her legal sec- retary course at Westervelt College in London looked • aftei things .at home while her parents were away. Miss Irene Logtenberg whb is in nurses' training at Sicitford is spending a week at her home here, EUCHRE PARTY There were 13 tables of euchre in play at.the Agricul- ture Hall on Wednesday ev- ening. High lady was Myrtle Fowler; low lady was Louise Brindley; high man was John DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Westhaver spoke on. the topic, "The name that is above every name", at Sunday's service. The choir sang the anthem, "My God and I", under the direction of organist, Mrs. Jean Elliott. The children's story was, 'Springtime" , This week in DUNGANNON by Marie Park Fielder; and Mike Austin was low man, Door prize was won by Donna Adams and two plants of hyacinths don- ated by Louise Brindley were won by Ruth Johnston and Clarence Allin. An intermediate Sunday School class from the Chris- tian Fellowship Church, trav- elled to Kitchener on Situr-• ' day to attend a two_ hour service -conducted , all • hi Hebrew, at a Jewish syna- gogue. Saturday is the day of • the Jewish Sabbath. Flor- ence Frey is teacher of this class., BROOKSIDE BROADCAST Brookside teachers were among the 430 or so elemen- tary teachers who took part in the ethics • workshops presented for Professional Development Day in Exeter High School on Friday. Trus- tees, administrators, parents and, some, 'secondary school teachers also particiapted. • Ways to 'help children discov, er what morals and ethics they need to steer their lives by was the subject of the all day seminar. The workshops •were presented by about 12 representatives from the Hamilton and London boards of education, both of which urban centres haye policies on teaching ethics and full time staff consultants to deal with how the values will be integrated into the regular curriculum. Several work- shop leaders explained the goal of schools should be to work 'with parents and chur- ches •in instilling values- in children. SIXTH CENTRE .FOR THE ARTS presonts a SPRING. FESTIVAL. • OF ANTIQUES AND • CRAFTS: SATURDAY MAY12th 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. • BLYTN COMMUNITY CENTRE Special Advance Tickets • Now Available •;5: These young ladies received their Provincial Honours for , completing 12 homemaking projects at the achievement night held at Brooktilde School on April 25, left to right, front row are Karen Campbell, Linda Feagen, Lori Haekett, and Gall Hackett; back "row are Ann Drennan, Heather Clark; Mary Foran, Marg Foran and Sharon Alton• . [Sentinel Staff Photo].. •COtinty Honours tettificatei ;Were presented to these homemakers for. completing- SPC club projects at the •Dungannon area achievement night at Brookside School on April 25, left to right, ,Ellzabeth Wilkins, Cathy VanDlepen, Anne Alton, Cent& Wlllis and Yoarksie Culbert. • [Sentinel Staff Photo] The ball season is with us again and on Sunday "Gregs Girls" had their first practise with a real good turnout. Any ball news to be reported please give me a call at 9-7719. • POINT CLARK BOOK EXCHANGE o13$ Sauk Court in Point Clark (Just off Sonic° St.) • PADARBACKS • HARDCOVERS • COMICS All kinds of Books Bought. Sold and Exchanged OPEN 7 days a week. Phone: • a.m. to • p.m. 3954579 VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW Grass Cutting for 1979 Quotations will be received by the unclerSigned at the Municipal Office for cutting grass at the following locations MEDICAL CENTRE - VICTORIA PARK • . TOWN HALL • .PUMP HOUSE - ROSS STREET SWIMMINGPOOL ). Grass to be cut as necessary Quotation to show cost for each time cut Closing datet oiclOck May 11, 1979 • A. E. HERBERT, 'CLERK TREASURER. Concerned Citizens , Invite.YOU to a • • PUBLICMEETING Addrssecl By Ken Campbell of TV Fame, Founder of Renaissance Canada at Central Huron Secondary • School Clinton Thursday, May 3rd • SEX IN SCHOOL TEXTS? Come and Speak Your/kW • . A.