The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-18, Page 20Page 20---Lacknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 18, 1979 Folks spend Easter Sunday in Kinlo ugh BY MAY BOYLE Ladies from the Presbyter- ian W.M.S. attended the. Synodical at Goderich during the week. Mr. and Mr"s, . Tom Mc- Donald visited with relatives at Kitchener on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bell of Prince Albert, Saskatche- wan visited on Good Friday :frith Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were dinner guests•with Mrs. Annie Scott on Wednesday evening, and also visited with their relatives from Prince Albert, Saskatche- wan. Mrs. Clare Sparling and son Douglas of Walkerton called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haldenby on Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. Iman Mo- hamed and Michael of Toron- to spent Easter with Mc, and Mrs. Fred Page and family. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Brown, Eleanor and Hugh of Strathroy visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lane, Janet, Joyce and Judy. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ellacott of Toronto visited over East- er with Mrs. George Gra- ham. Mrs. Agnes Hodgins and Mrs. Marjorie Thompson re- turned this week from Van- couver where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Teixiera and family. The many friends of John Hodgins who is still a patient in Owen Sound Hospital send along their get well wishes and we hope when his cast is applied, he will be more mobile and not right in bed, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Yeandle and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Poser and Tracy of Kitchener spent Easter with. Mr, and Mrs. Ken MacDonald, Carl and Lisa. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bert- rand and family of Simcoe, Donald Barr of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell of Wingham and Mrs. John Barr were dinner guests of Miss Winnifred Percy, Bill and Brian Percy on "Good Friday. KINLOUGH A.C.W. The Anglican Church Women met on Thursday afternoon at the home of. Mrs. Midford Wall. The president, Mrs. Delbert Hed- ley, was in charge. Mrs. Roy Schneller read the scripture from St. Luke, and prayers followed. 1 Mrs. Ronald Thacker read Munn shows slides to Happy Hearts Club BY MISS CHRWENA ROBERTSON Over 70 people at- tended the Happy Hearts meeting held in the Ripley Legion Hall o'n Thurs., Apr. 12. Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Arnold.: werehost and hostess and welcomed guests and members at. the door. The Legion Hall Was decorated for Easter. Mrs. J. Kirkpatrick was song leader . with Mrs. R. MacKenzie as pianist. The business meeting with Mrs. W. Arnold president and Mrs. D. Blue, secretary was held first. Mrs. R. Elliott read a letter from the Arthritis. Society. The program com- -mittee was Mrs. Marg Reid, and Mrs. Lock acting for Mrs. . O. M'cCliarles Mrs,. Joe Hodgins and Mrs. Steve Bell with their little children 'Jackie. Bell Kelly Hodgins . and Michael Hodgins and all dressed , up in old fashioned gowns and hats sang 'In your , Easter bonnet". Mrs. Ambrose Gamble was ac- companist, Mrs. Lock read a poem entitled Government. Mrs. Donnie McDonald introduced Gordon Munn who showed pictures. He had some lovely slides of flowers, pictures taken at a birthday party held for his mother at the lake a few years ago, and candid camera shots taken on the bus trip to Gananoque last summer showing Casa Loma, Old, Fort Henry and Hershey's Chocolate Factory at Smith Falls: Mrs. Connie Van- derHock sang two beautiful solos. "In the Garden" dedicated in memory of Mrs. Chas. Liddle and "Come to the Water", portrayed a lovely Easter . message. with Mrs. Mary Stewart at the piano. Gail Bell and Janice Hodgins with 'two. little white dancing Easter bunnies Kelly Hodgins . and Jackie Bell sang "Here comes Peter Cotton tail hopping down the Easter trail" and how those little bunnies hopped with Mrs. Gamble as accompanist • Gordon Munn showed a few more pictures bringing back memories of the Ripley Reunion of Aug. 1-4,1975. The courtesy remarks were given by. Mrs. Ann McCosh . Lunch was served : by Mrs. R. Cumming, Mrs. Cornish, Mrs. A. McAuley; Lettie Gaw.ley and Mrs.E. Pollock, tea and clean up committee were . 'Ross Cumming and Reg Godfrey. Ripley WLe kcts executire at meeting BY MRS. MARGARET GEMMELL. About .25 members of the Ripley . Women's Institute met at Mrs. Donnie McDonald'shome for a delicious pot luck luncheon for their annual, meeting. Mrs. James Kirkpatrick gave an excellent report. of the District Director's meeting which was held at Belmore. The District Annual will be in Kincardine on May 15 and the delegates. are President, Mrs. Walter . Lock. Secretary Miss Christene Robertson and Mrs. Joe Scott and Mrs John. Gamble. Branches are asked to 'hold one meeting next year with the "year of the child" as theme. A poster depicting • this same theme will be presented by elach Branch as the roll is called' at the Distract.p,Annual. The Area Convention will ,be held in Meaford on Sept. 11 and 12. Mrs. Kirk- patrick gave the can- vassers the rnrterial for the Cancer. Society Canvass being held in the next two. weeks. Mrs. Francis Gemmell reported that plans are well under way for the 75th Anniversary of Ripley Branch when The Honorable Pauline McGibbon will be the guest, a luncheon and tea will be held at - Si. Andrews . United Church on May 30. The President later called on Mrs. Gemmell for electibn of the following offices. Past Pres. Mrs., Ross Cum- ming; ,_President -Mrs. Walter Lock; 1st vice president Mrs. Nick Peet; 2nd vice president - Mrs. Oliver .McCharles; secretary Miss Christena Robertson; treasurer -Mrs. Walter Culbert; dist, director - Mrs: Joe Scott. Standing committee convenors -Agriculture. and Canadian Industries - Mrs. John Gamble; citizenship and world affairs -Mrs. Frank Fair; the minutes and correspond- ence which included a letter of appreciation and a gift and the notice of the annual conference at London. A committee was appoint- ed to arrange the luncheon for the parish service here on the last Sunday of the month. The roll • call was "A biblical verse with the "Cross'. The convener for the pro- gram was Mrs. , Ed Green who had arranged a program with the theme, "Easter". Those taking part in the "Easter Story" were Mrs. Garratt, Miss Edna Boyle,, Mrs., Roy Collins, Mrs. Eric Thacker, Mrs. Bert Nichol- son and Mrs:- Midford•,Wall. Miss May Boyle sang "Nail- ed to the. Cross", and "The Old Rugged Cross", in keep- ing with Good Friday. Poems about Spring and the re -birth were given by Mrs. Arthur Haldenby, Mrs. Roy Schnel- ler, Mrs. Ronald Thacker, Miss May Boyle, Mrs. David Haldenby,. Mrs. Delbert. Hedley, , Mrs. George . Gra- ham and. Mrs: Gertrude Walsh;, Rev. George Garratt was the speaker and : based his thoughts on Hbly Week and its observance. The review of the Huron Church News was given by Mrs. Eric Thacker. Julia Haldenby, Angela Collins and, Krista Wall sang "Jesus Loves Me". Mrs. Green thanked all who took part in the pro- gram, and; Mrs. Eric Thacker expressed appreciation to Mrs. Green - for the lovely Easter program that she had prepared: Refreshments were served by the lunch convener, Mrs. David Haldenby and the hostess, Mrs: Wall. Intended for last week Mrs. Glen Haldenby and Sara returned home from, a visit in Winnipeg with her sister, Sandra for a week. Mrs. Isla Elliott and her. daughter, . Edith and .their friend,JvIrs. West of Hamil- ton and Mrs. Edna Whytock of ` Teeswater visited Wed- nesday with Edna and May Boyle. The Women's Institute card .party at the Holyrood --Hall•on.Thursday night was a pleasant and sociable leven- ' ing. Those winning prizes Were high scores, Mrs. Ell Educatio and Cultural Activiti s -Mrs. Oliver McChar es; Family and Consumer Affairs -Mrs. Nick Peet; Public Relations Officer -Mrs. Francis Gemmel] 'Resolutions -Mrs. Joe Scott; Curator -Mrs.. Donnie MacDonald. Branch birectors-Mrs. Frank Scott; Mrs. Ross H. Martyn, Mrs. rRoy MacKenzie; Mrs. James Kirkpatrick. I Auditors - Help Mrs. Frank Scott; MrS. Easter Seals Wm. Chappell. Pianists - Mrs, Ross Martyn. Area Convention delegate -Mrs. Mrs. 'Roy MacKenzie, help crippled children. wood Elliott and Eric Hald- enby; lucky players, Mrs. Alex Percy and Frankie Dore. We are sorryato report that Levi Eckenswiller of London and formerly of here , is critically ill in a London Hospital. HOLYROOD W.I. The annual meeting of the Holyrood Women's Institute was held on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Lorne Eadie. The following officers were elected for the coming year. Past president,. Mrs. Wil- liam MacPherson; president, Mrs. Alex Percy; 1st vice president, Mrs. Lorne Eadie; 2nd vice •,pxesirdent, Mrs. Gerald Murray; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. John Scott; assistant secretary, Mrs. Frank Maulden; assistant treasurer, Mrs. William MacPherson; public relations officer, Miss Edna Boyle; district director, Mrs. Wil- liam MacPherson; assistant district director, Mrs. Bay- nard Ackert; curator, Mrs. William MacPherson; audit- ors, Mrs. Fred- Page": and Mrs. Ellwood Elliott; branch directors, Mrs. Frank Maul - den, Mrs. Charlie Murray and Mrs. Gerald Murray; pianist, Miss Edna Boyle; cheerio committee, conces- sion 8 and 10, -Mrs. Ellwood Elliott; concession 12 and 14, Mrs. Frank Maulden. Standing committee con- veners: Agriculture and Can- adian Industries, Mrs. Ger- ald Murray;. Citizenship. and World Affairs, Mrs. Ellwood Elliott; Education and Cul- tural Activities, Mrs. Harold Smith; Family and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Lorne Eadie; Resolutions, Mrs. T. Hod- gins. Mrs. John Scott read the minutes and the correspond- ence which included a letter from the Blyth Centre of the Arts and an invitation. from Brucelea Haven to attend their spring tea and craft sale in May. Mrs. Alex Percy conducted the installation of the officers and a short program followed with readings by Mrs. Wil- liam MacPherson and Mrs. Frank; Maulden. A flower contest was conducted by Miss Edna Boyle who,. also gave the. courtesy remarks. Refreshments were served and Happy Birthday was sung to Mrs..Marion Harris who is a Life. Member. Phone 396-3548 NTERIOR & EXTERIOR LANDSCAPE PLANNING DESIGN PRESENTATIONS, ILLUSTRATION, GRAOHICS, MODELS, SURVEYS & REPORTS FOR COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL, INSTITUTIONAL & RECREATIONAL ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT ROD KEARNS LANDSCAPE DESIGNER KINCARDINE Walter Lock. a