The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-18, Page 8WEDIIMDAT TO SATURDAY ARIL 25 TO 2$TN ONE SNOWING EACR AY AT 9:00 P.M. O$LTIl Page 8--Iacknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 18, 1979 Hold court of appeal on Reid Drain The regular April meeting of West Wawanosh Town- ship Council was, held on Tuesday, April 10, 1979, in the office of the Public Works Building. All members at- tended. with Reeve Foran presiding. The minutes of the regular March meeting and a special session held March 22nd, were read and adopted on motion of Councillors Hickey and Durnin. Grant Chisholm presented an Offer of Purchase for an acre of land adjacent to his own off the township gravel pit farm, which was signed on behalf of the township by Attend Easter • • sunrise service BY LILLIAN YOUNG Baster weather turned out to be rather wet but this didn't keep the Easter Bunny from getting around. Sympathy of the commun- . ity is extended to relatives of Mrs. John McGee, the form- er Marjorie Gordon, who passed away in : Victoria Hospital, London on Sunday, April 8, in her .90th year. She was bot n at. Langside and spent her girlhood here. "Sympathyis also extended' to relatives of Mr. Bob Mowbray of Whitechurch who passed away in Wing - ham Hospital., He was one of the oldest members of the Whitechurch Presbyterian Church. Some of the Langside Whitechurch young . people attended the sunrise service and breakfast in Wingham early Sunday, morning. Mrs. W. Osband: and daughter of London visited withfriends in this'commun- ity on Friday. Graham Moffat of. Tees - water is a patient in Victoria . Hospital, London and- his rwife is a patient in Wingham Hospital recovering from a broken hip. Graham's sister, Margaret Moffat of Toronto spent a few days in Tees - water last week and visited with .them. Some from this district attended the hockey game in Teeswater Saturday after- noon when the Teeswater Juveniles defeated Port Carl- ing 6 to 2 to win the All Ontario Championship. Mr. and Mrs. Jim' Springer and family entertained a number of friends and rela- tives on Saturday afternoon. Russell Young and Debbie Ferguson of Toronto spent the Easter weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Clif- ford Young and William. Other visitors at the same home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. .Jirn Young, Marty, Jamie, Karen and Liane, Ken Young and Russell' prtnger. Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Wynne and daughter, Jane of Kitchener spent the week- end at their farm home and 'also with their daughter, Mr, and. Mrs. Jones and. Chris. GO CLASSIFIED FRI. 20, SAT. 21, SUN. 22 Nobody does It like the teenagers;.. and they do it all in 1.0.e1 .W,'i,v ►-•. r.+w, •.......- .uwn...-,rn •...•va.n ..r.wrw.,n.-.:.. min is the symbol for minute h is the symbol for hour km means kilometre m means metre cm means centimetre. g means gram' mL means millilitre L means litre mm means millimetre . II the Reeve and Clerk. At 8.00p.m., on a motion by Councillors Hickey and Cranston, Court of Revision on the assessments under the Reid Municipal Drain Repair and Improvement By- law was opened, with Coun- cil 'members sitting as the Court members. No written appeals were received, and now owners on the Drain appeared before the Court. Therefore; at 8.30 p.m., the Court was closed. on a motion by , members Aitchison and Cranston. By-law #5, 1979, The Reid Municipal Drain Repair and Improvement By-law, was given third reading and finally passed on motion of Councillors Hickey and Cran- ston. Tenders for the construc- tion of the Reid Municipal Drain Repair and Improve- ment mprovement were opened, discus- sed and considered. Motion by Councillors Cranston and Durnin: "That West. Wawa - nosh Township hereby ac- cepts the tender of Hanna & Hamilton, Listowel, at $825.00 for the construction of the open portion of the Reid Drain, Repair and Im- provement; and the tender of D. A. Inglis" Contracting, R. R. 3. Walkerton, at $20,400.00 for the closed portion of the said drainage project" Dave Reed, of Frank Cow- an Insurance, and Frank For- an, local agent, attended the meeting and Mr. Reed re- viewed the municipality'' s coverage with Council. A number of . increases.•. were authorized to cover the:rising. cost of insurance claims, and these will be .incorporated into the policies . for the coming .year. Gravel tenders - received were opened and considered. Motion by Councillors Aitchi- son and Cranston: "That West Wawanosh Township hereby accepts the tender of Bannerman Contracting, Kincardine, at $1,49 per cu. yd. for the supply, crushing and application of approx- imately 15,000 cu. yds. of 5/8" crushed gravel on township roads, and at $1.15 for supply and stockpiling approximately 3,000 cu. yds., subject to approval by the Ministry .of Transporta- tion and Communications". The quotation of Pollard Bros. at $103.50 per flake ton equivalent for liquid calcium chloride, was accepted on a. motion by Councillors Hickey and Durnin. Motion by Councillors Durnin and Aitchison: "That Building Permits be author- ized for W. Shetler (office and workshop); J. Moss (barn); A. Webster (barn); R. Delbergue (barn); and T. Lawlor (implement shed). The applications received for township employee and grader operator were opened and considered. Motion by Councillors Hickey and Cran- ston: "That the Council hereby accepts the applica- tion of Glen McConnell of R. R. 2 Auburn, as grader oper- ator for a 3 -month' proba- tionary. period". Two applications for Tile Drain loans were accepted, on a motion of Councillors Hick- ey and Durnin. The road accounts were ordered paid on motion of Councillors Hickey and Ait- chison. A motion by Councillors Cranston and Hickey accept- ed the quotation of Symes ; Construction, Lucknow, at '$24.06 per ton for paving the main street hill in Auburn, The Road Program 'for. 1979 as submitted by the Road Superintendent in March, was approved by Council on a motion by Councillors ..Cranston and. Hickey. A motion by Councillors Cranston and Aitchison auth- orized the Clerk to advertise '•••aa • • • • • • • •• ••••• ENDS;THURSDAY, APRIL 19TH Showing 8 0.O:P.M. v WINGHAM 357-1630 STARTS FRIDAY! FRIDAY, APRIL 20 TO TUESDAY, APRIL 24 — PLEASE NOTE SHOWTIMES = FRI.•SAT. T:00-9:00 P.M. *SUN. - TUES. 8:00 P.M. ONLY! The original spaceman! Buck Rogers swings back la earth, flags it on the 25th Can THE 2St/1 CE/$T1111Yio ■twEtsACEittwr'„ 1 �.,.:.. u AMNIA ratualiv, matanuotale how r.r•.11l,,l.hl!!%.1A8S•IrJ-i1[t;G`i:.`r„it:.hllrfUJlhr:lll•I`f.', . WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY sEPARAT[ ADMISSION APRIL•2STo28TH FOR EACHFVGM :.. sommopM�.. , WALT OI$NEY °onto.. DARE AT 1L\1 14 t:N F.M MATINEE MAT o� M for tenders in three papers for 2 weeks for walk construction in gannon. local side- Dun - The general accounts were passed for payment on mo- tionof Councillors Durnin and Aitchison. FRI.-SAT.-SUN. APRIL 20-21-22 11 ?O nitSON3 EARS of Aof OR OYER A NEW EXPERIENCE IN SENSUALITY Emanuelle in "BLACK EMANUELLE" PLUS ADMITTANCE To POISONS II.'IfARf OP AGE OR.OVU SWEATER GIRLS HWY. 8 000ERICH AT CONCESSION RO. 4 • • PHONE 524-9981 Gob inICHe I' ! 1 , ; i Please note SHOWTIMES SUN.-THURS.8AO p.m. THESE ARE THE ARMIES OF THE NIGHT. Tonight they're all out to get the Warriors. rS° rN AREA WO *SH°w T11EATR 30 THE SQUARE GODrrncl , 52I4481l Program.ubiurt to change without *Oki.