The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-04, Page 44s• Ileac Ili--Larknew Sentinel, Wednesday, April Il, 1979 Dungannon churches ung LUCKNOW-DUNGANNON PLAYOFFS Ladies high single, Audrey Durnin 231. Ladies high triple, Elaine Steer 619. Ladies over 225: Audrey Durnin 231, Elaine Steer 225. Men's high single and high triple, Harvey Culbert with 324 and 741. Men over 250: Hary Cul- bert 324, Keith Tyler 292, Jelle de Jong 285, Ron Dur- nin 279, Lorne Cook 273, Clarence Greer 255, Ron Stanley 251. Team points: Chipmunks 0, Foxes 3, Tigers 0, Gophers 7, Zebras 7, Polecats 7, Squirrels 7, Cubs 0, Lions '4, Coons 0, Wolverines 0, Kan- garoos 7. Standings: Group "A", Kangaroos 26, Polecats 16, Tigers 14, Lions 13, Cubs 12, Foxes 3. Group "'B", Zebras 21, Gophers 17, Squirrels 14, Chipmunks 11, .Coons 11, Wolverines 10. MEN'S BOWLING High single, Ron Elliott 277. High triple, Jim Bain 731. Games over 225: Ron Elliott 277. Jim Bain 276, 241, Brian n Stewart 259, Bob Cranston 252, Ken'. Adams 241, Gordon Fisher 234, Ron Stanley 233, 232, Gerry Ross 228.. Team points: Olds 3, Fords 7. Mustangs 3, Dodges 0, Pontiacs 4,. Buicks 4. Team' Standings: Olds 103, Fords 107, Mustangs 109, Dodges 88, ' Pontiacs 85, Buicks 117. LADIES 9 O'CLOCK BOWLING •' High single, Dianne'Carter 314. Hightriple, Kay Craw- ford 633. . Games over 200: Dianne Carter 314, Kay Crawford 220, 213, 200, Joanne Searle 275, 2081k Sharon Petteplace. 210, 209, Chris. Sticklend 206. Team points: Robins 0, Doves 7, Cardinals 5, Canar- ies 2, Orioles 0, •Bluejays 7. Team standings: Doves 12, Cardinals 10, Bluejays 9, Canaries 7, Orioles 2, Robins 2. LADIES 6:30 P.M. BOWLING Pat Livingston bowled the high single with a 306. Anne Anderson bowled the high triple with a 726. Games of 200 and over: Pat Livingston 306, Anne Anderson 277, 227; 222, Bertha))' Olson 283, Evelyn Henderson 279,. Betty Finlay- son 215, Roberta Whytock 233, 212, Kathleen .MacDon- ald 200, Linda Culbert 207. Team points: Pat Living- ston's Sundrops 15, Grace Elliott's--Bluebells 15, Jean Phillips' Poppies 12, Joan Livingston's ' Trilliums 9, Dorothy Bain's . Cosmos 7, Carol Adams' Camellias 5. Team standings: Trilliums : 38, Poppies 34'/x, Sundrops 33, Bluebells 32'/x, Camellias 26, Cosmos 25. 6 KINLOSS MIXED • BOWLING High man. was Evan Keith with a single of 260 and a triple of 640. Men '200 and over: Evan Keith 260, Bill Hunter 239, Je11e de Jong 229, Harry Laois 227, 208, Jim Lavis 213, Harold Campbell • 206, Hank llartemink 206. Ladies high single Beryl Hunter with 214. High triple Beryl Hunter and Betty Lou Dalton each with 516. Team points: Kings 5, Snows 2, Wealthys 5, Spys 4, Macs 3, Pippins- 2. • Team standings: Pippins 9, Wealthys 9, Kings 7, SnowC7, Spys- 7, Macs 3. , Next bowling date is Wed- nesday, April 18. ,• TOWN AND COUNTRY BOWLING Isobel Tiffin had high score for the ladies with 'single of 193 and double of 371. High for the menwent to' Harry Lavis with single of 238 and double of 410. Team points: Reds 4, Oranges . 3, Yellows 1, Greens' 0, .Blues 2, Violets 5. Kingsbridge Kurriculum :Observe Palm Sunday DUNGANNON , UNITED CHURCH Palm Sunday was observ- ed with special prayers and the anthem by the choir, "Blessed Redeemer". Rev. C. G. Westhaver spoke on, "The Silences of Christ dealing with Christ's silence in the face of questioning by the High Priest, Pilote and Herod on the night of his betrayal and -capture. He knew communi- cation had broken down and words would accomplish nothing so He remained silent, "and they marvelled at his silence". The Sunday School child- ren and teachers received an African Palm Cross present- ed by Rev. Westhaver as a Palm Sunday gift. These crosses are made in seven mud villages in the Masasi area of Tanzania on Africa's east coast. They're manufac- ture from dried palm leaves helps to provide community servicessuch as schools and public health clinics among a family people whose yearly income is about $55.00 (in our money). , Wayne Snyder was induct Montreal, August 24-25-26 1979 For all your building needs contact: Bere.'Bros. Construction CUSTOM BUILDERS Homes Cottages Additions ..Renovations = Farm Buildings 524-4217 or . 529-7894 The Grade 3 students made their first Confession on Sunday, April 1st in St, Augustine Church. Father Dentinger administered the Sacrament before Mass. During • Mass the children were each given . a candle with their names on it. The. children who received ' the sacrament are: Lisa Durnin, Lisa Card, Armand Forgett, Billy .Kinahan, Colleen Van Osch, Sean Wilson, Maureen Stapleton, Ronald Plass- chaert, Mary Anne Franken.' ' Mrs. McDonagh has .pick- ed.the junior girl's floor hockey team. They all practising hard. The Grade 7 and 8s have started :their IMPACT program. In the house leagues, Toronto is still leading with 271, points. There was another P.A. Day on Monday, April 2nd. Mrs. O'Keefe and Mrs. Eedy were at Kinkora for Social. and Environmental studies and science. Mr. Zyluk was part of a team presenting the program. Mrs. Park was at the music meeting in Dublin, where the . music teachers prepared a presentation for the other teachers for June 4th, Mrs. McDonagh was at .. St. Cohimban for -history, . geography and the English curriculum. On April, 12th Mrs. Park was at a music meeting. BY LISA FRAYNE AND HEATHER ANN _--CSTAPLETON 20°C is a good room temperature 30°C is swimming time. 10°C - wear a coat . WHY BUY A ROYAL HOME? Here are just a few reasons: 1 Terrific heat savings, with R28 & R12 In- sulation, 2. Superior -built home using top quality materials and excellent workmanship. 3. Live in your new home in 8 weeks: 4. Built anywhere; on your lot or ours. 5. Guaranteed -S year HUDAC warranty.. home m m time for you 6. A souse! o cans are y v a your family. . Come and visit our MODEL HOME and see for yourself what we mean. (W. can give you another dozen reasons!) r ROYAL HOMES LTD. Box 370 WINDHAM, ONT. 357-2444 .Sand for free brochures 1 \ Name Address Town Phone s Post. Code .. 4 r; 1 have a lot: Yes f) No D - - - ed ass an elder in a brief induction service, before the congregation followed'' -by a handshake from the minister and members of the session. The final confirmation class was held on Sunday • evening in preparation for joining the church on Easter Sunday. The first meeting of the Bible Study group was held, on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Park. Invitations to the U.C.W. members to attend" Easter Thankoffering meetings have been extended to Trinity, Ashfield on April 22, evening with Rev. Hummel as guest speaker on China; and to Auburn on April 22, the same.. evening with Donald Jardine as speaker on the Retarded Child. CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH. On Thursday eveningof the past week, som 25 ladies from Zurich joined in a time of profitable fellowship. Norma Martin led the,µtmeet- ing calling on Ruth Johnston to lead in the singing of a few hymns. Florence Frey then gave a brief devotional mes- sage. This was followed by a slide presentation by Marion Lawrence who gave an illus- trated talk:on the work of her son, Marshall., who is in linguistic work • in Papua, New Guinea.. The meeting closed with a time of refresh- ments and visitation in the basement of the church. On Palm Sunday, four young people received 'Be- lievers Baptism'. They were Ray Martin, Kathy Metzger, Paul Strong and Betty Wag- ler. Pastor ,Lawrence's mes- sage was taken from Exodus 15:14, where the Lord said unto Moses. "speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward" challenging not only the new members of the church but eachmember to "go forward" in his or her Christian life. /. • / i _ev RUIIY GUARAATEED USED CAR a 7 a, 1979 FORD F 100, pickup 1978 ASPEN, 2 door. 1978 ASPEN, 4 door 2 1977 DODGE, vans 1977 ASPEN, 4 door,.6 cylinder automatic 2 1977 ASPENS, 2 doors, 6 cylinder_ automatics 1976 HORNET, 4 door, 6 cylinder 1976 FORD F. 150, pickup 1975 DODGE CORONET, 4 door 1975 FORD F 150 pickup, 1975 ' FORD, pickup 1974 GMC, van SEE THESE AND OTHERS ON OUR LOT SEVERAL OLDER`CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ••e•••s•••••••••••••••e i HAMM'S CAR SALES LTD . BL YTH PHONE S23-4342 Harvey Webster, Lucknow Was The Winner Of A Provincial Ticket ++:.+., ..........++.:::rcif.+...+:•+,•.,'::i+.%++;:•?;•r.'.: �i.::t¢++f::Sid...::.:+r,•r.++:'•:•.•ri',}i/fr+6c:.++M•:Ca..'r:s.'+ .++%•:.•: x• :.a:l+ n The "Loser's Draw I AT THE Lottery Shoppe "WHY DON'T YOU GIVE IT A TRY?" 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