The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-04, Page 28Page 28—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 4, 1979 Wingham Pro Life group meet The Wingham Pro-life group met on March 28 in the Wingham Bible Chapel. Mrs. Sally Campeau, pres- ident, opened with prayer. A report on new member- ships and donations was good. The group is thankful for the numerous donations and new members which are needed to support pro-life. We hear so much today Visit. Clelands at St. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Col - Iyer of Lucknow returned recently from an enjoyable five 'week vacation. The first two weeks were spent with Dr. and Mrs. Brock Cleland at St. Vincent, a small island in the West Indies, where Brock and Mary have been stationed for the past year. and a half under the CUSO program. Stuart and Kath- leen spent the other three weeks at New Smyrna Beach, Florida, along with former air force friends, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Grayer of Long Branch. Host broomball tournament The Lucknow Leo Club hosted a broomball tourna- ment on March 23 attended by teams from Belgrave, Teeswater, Blyth, Artht.r and Brussels. Lucknow and Brussels played the first game with Lucknow •..winning. Belgrave won their game with Brus- sels •.by default putting them into the consolation round. Lucknow and Blyth played for the championship. The experienced Blyth team won 4 - 0 taking home the St., Helens BY KATHRYN TODD' Intended for last week' Sheila McQuillan and girl friend of. London returned home from California where they spent the March break. Sheila is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Wilfred McQuillan. Lucy Taylor spent the week visiting her cousin, Debbie McRobert. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.:Jim Aitchison were .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aitchison, Nancy and Laurie of R. 2 Ripley. They also visited in Wingham at the home.of Mr.' and Mrs. Bev Brown to help Jennifer celebrate her first birthday. tournament trophy. Arthur and .BelgraV'e /hay- ed for the consolation 'trophy. The game ended in a tie and Belgrave took the consolation round decided on penalty shots. Lunch was provided by, the Leo members. Area weddings �s DORSCH - CLYMR Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clymer of Agincourt and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Dorsch of New Hamburg are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children, Marilyn Irene, to Roderick Nelson of Calgary, at First Alliance Church, Agincourt, on May 12: Rod received his from University' of Waterloo, in 1978. MOLE - Van DIEPEN Mr. and Mrs. Arie VanDiep- en, Goderich are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Maria Anna, to Mr. William Allen Mole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Mole of R. R. k.1 Dungannon. The wedding will take place on Saturday, April. 28th at St.. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge at 4.30 p.m. Reception at Saltford. PPLIC TIOdNS Air 4'4' Am, Ami ..- WILL BE WILL,BE RECEIVED BY LUCKONV RECREATION COMMITTEE FOR ROLLER SKATING MANAGER AND ASSISTANTS Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Evenings Please apply in writing by April 20, 1979 Stating qualifications to WM. R. HUNTER -"`' LUCKNOW RECREATION COMMITTEE Box 32, Lucknow, Ontario about Canada being in the doldrums ' economically speaking, Canada is spiritu- ally in trouble as well. One of the symptoms of our spiritual malaise is abortion. Dr. Colin Harrison says about liberal- ized abortion laws: The payment for this monument- al folly is the sanity of the law, the credibility of med- Births TAYLOR- Terrence and Di- anne Taylor, R. 1 Ripley, are .happy to announce the arriv- al of a son, Rodney Banner- man, at Kincardine General Hospital on April 1, 1979. Proud grandparents are Nor- man and Grace Taylor, Luck= now and Margaret Banner- man, Kinloss. McBURNEY - At Wingham and District Hospital. on April 1, 1979, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald, McBurney, R. 3 ingham, ' a 'son, David Gordon. icine, the (inadequacy of medical ethics, the tremen- dous theft of life, the culti- va't'ion of basic human intol- erance, and a flight, in panic, away from gentleness. Since the present abortion law was passed it 1969 more . then 350,0.00 unbornchildren been killed by abortion in Canada. ALTON - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Alton, R. 7 Lucknow, announce the safe arrival of a daughter, Sandra Elizabeth on March 31, 1979 in Wing - ham and District Hospital. BANNERMAN - Janet and Don wish to announce the arrival of their daughter, Melanie Margaret, on March 24, 1979, at Kincardine Hos- pital, weighing 8 lb. 8 oz., a sister for Michael and Scott. Gi Kindergarten Registration PARENTS DESIRING TO. HAVE A CHILD ATTEND KINDERGARTEN AT LUCKNOW CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL During the 1.979-80 'School Tenn are Requested to Register with Mrs. Nancy Maclntyre At the School Friday, April 6, 1979 From 8:30 —11:30 a.m. Proof that the child will be five years of age before December 31st, 1979, is required and if possible the child shouldaccompany parent at time of registration chneiders Week at Bain's Grocetria r 1 SCHNEIDER'S BREADED it SCHNEWER'S SCHNEIDER'S BONELESS I. �, • •. Oiicken . Kilbossa picnics,I. - 1, ,s „ Breasts ' Loop. � r _ $2.19 � ;' 1�,z BAG 2 99 $2.19• Ib. a'..a*-_-.i.ssarIII _MN Ell w■-<sasN.MIs,s,<s-..In....:asiss,iii R-- - • SCHNEIDER'S j SCHNEIDER'S SLICED 1 SCHNEIDER'S. BOWLS OCTOBERFEST 1 ' REGULAR -: ALL BEEF - 1 11 THIN 16 OZ. 1 Heal Mustard . Bologna .80Z. 1 i 1 II $1.19 1 $1.49 1 1 .12 OZ.. a,. s,Es,u..■..raw.mom NoENIlr.ss somsmum am ammNosol s,sootmia,Nasso SCHNEIDER'S FRESH ' ; SCHNEIDER'S 1# PKG. I1 AYLMERS 32, OZ. Ch.fck�en ' Keit l . Side ,Bacon 1 .. 99 Breasts x'1.49 lb . `ICO . . �. ..aa.... Legs' $1.191b. ; 111-11 MACARON10 CHEESE 4 : � 1� 49 1 CA` ELLI 7 OZ81. Wings 95 Ib. : Dinner 3/$1 MIN MIEN MI -. III .MIMI.. A..MIN ..... III . III ...:MNI-MIMN-- Mill MIMIINN FANCY IDA RED :5 # BAG 1 ONTARIO # 1 . 20 # BAG • SAVARIN 8 OZ. Apples $11.J9 1 potatoes $1.19 :i Reef Pigs . 2/994 ill in.....l...��i.NE�i.IN.■i..■I10in..IN.ii. r.sin��.�t�MI��.. 6 LITRE I E.D. SMITH 28 OZ. \ Tide • $3.09 i Garden Cockt II ■■iwa1..'w...Immo CAMPBELL'S 10 OZ. Tomato Soup 4/954 Cocktail 7S4 Bain's Groceteria LUCKNOW ' 528-3420 1 ,