The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-04, Page 14(P, Page 14-4ncimow Sentinel, Wedneaday, April 4, 1979 ping • .M.Doggon's grade three.andlour Clams at LticlmOw Central . Public School tapped trees On Wednesday of kat week to collect . • sap for making maple syrup Left, Tony Gallon drills a hole in • . the trunk ori maple free and right, Mita Glenn hangs the pall on .the spigot. . • - • . . • . , • of the ...,....1110011:7.7.Brojcre.„:•Federal.••:. • •• ProgresOye..0001servottite..- : . Association at tile • Saltford ValleyHall,'.Gode rich .. TUESDAY., fAkpRIL. 1.00979 cit. 8:00 P.M. I • . • GUEST SPEAKER: SINCLAIR STEVENS member of Parliamont for York-Stmcoe Conser- vative Critic. Proposed candidates to ghio 411 hours written , notice to President par�r to nomination. MRS.. MARGARET BENNETT Prosident MRS. BETTY GRAHAM, S.crotory.Treasuret • '•, • CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 • DEMONSTRATORS 1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA, fully equipped •1.078AYMOUTH FURY; 2 door hardtop _ 1978 MERCURY BOBCAT 1976•PLYMOUTH GRAND FJ1tY, 4 door sedan 1975 DODGE ROYAL MONACO, 4 door sedan, V8 . automatic, power steering, power brakes andradio 1975 CHEV, 4 door „.1975 CORONET, 2 door hardtop. 1974 FORD, 1/2 ton • 1970 OLDS CUTLASS, 4 door eilli."111111.11.1111.111111‘." THEjSI'GrNi OF.A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR . . . THESIGN OF A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE ... • This emblem identifies the civic -minded businessmen who .sponsor eithmArg* in the community. LTO. For information call Phone. 357-1963 • %1111•11111110111•11.11M111111.110 .. • •