The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-02-28, Page 9• L , ion e erect use. • • • , The Lucknow DistrictLions, Chub have collected over 100 pairs 'of used eye glassea to, be sent to underprivileged countries, during their recent drive. The local club will receive used glasses at any time and are happy to receive as many' as they can says Joe Agnew, past president of the Lucknow Club. Used glasses may • be contributed at Schmid's Jewellery or McDonaghInsurance. Last year the 40 clubs. in District A-9 Lions • collected about 5,000 pairs of used eye glasses which were shipped to Toronto and from there to various countries including the Phillippines, France, Oman, Arabia, • India, Africa and South America. Literally thousands of people will benefit by having their • eyesight corrected and improved. The glasses are distributed free of „ . ! „ , •• • •••• . ... . • ow. . • I • lisses charge by Lions to those unable to bear the cost (oftentimes several months' wages) of a new pair. To these people the efforts of those who contribute to the eyeglass campaign mean a blurred or distorted world can be brought into focus, enabling them to participate in literacy programs, get better -paying jobs and see more dearly the world around them. All types and parts of eyeglasses - lenses, frames, prescription sunglasses - are urgently neede'cl. It doesn't matter what condition they are in. The glasses will be polished and grinded, catalogued according to prescription strength, determined with the aid of a "lensomefer” and filed until needed by Patients, whose prescriptions are carefully •matched, after examinations at Lions' free clinics or eye camps. Easter Seal campaign starts March 5 • This. year's Easter Seal appeal will get under way officially on March 5 jaccording to campaign chairman Ted CollYer of tire Lions Club of Lucknow 'and District. • In announcing the start of .t • long .campaign which runs until Easter Sunday,. April 15, Mr. Collyer expressed confidence in his club's ability to meet their local objective of $1400.• —, Throughout Ontario, 236 service dubss4 affiliated ,with the Ontario Society for •crippled •Children will be aiming at • a • provincial objedive of $3,000,000 needed to maintain essential rehabilitation services • ix -week •IP for thousands of Ontario's physically handi- capped children. - • "1 don't know if people fully realize just • how Much time and effort goes into getting this appeal ready each year," said Collyer, "but it's for a good cause andour members are • glad to volunteer their time to work on •• Last year, residents in the Lucknow area contributed $1219 "to the appeal and chair- man Collyei is confident that this year's response will be even better. , "We are asking everyone to help by • sending in their Easter Seal donations as soon as possible." , , • 00 The illness you'll never see corning. Get in shape — and don't give the • enemy a big target. • Fitness is fun. Try some. 4.011 PaRTICIPOMOn Dates . Available • Lucknow & Distrkt • Community Centre • MARCH APRIL Friday 2 . Saturday 7 , Saturday. 3 • Friday 13 Saturday 10 Saturday 14 Friday 16 Friday 20. • Friday 23 Saturday 21 Friday 30 Friday 27 MAY , •• Friday..4 • Saturday 5 Friday 11, • Saturday12 • Friday 25 oR.FuirtitER- • • INFO] TION AND .4th •• WEEK BOO.ACMS:' 528-154 LIICIIDOW Sentinel, Wednesday, February 28, 1979,–. Page 9 • \ • ! • - • • %,•• • Canada's favourite family is back! . „. stump ROBERTE LOGAN • SUSAN9AMANTE SHAW' • HEATHER liATIRAY • HAM LARSEN fl,! GEORGE "BUCK': FLOWER • offin..i. Itaitm0i, ARTHUR RI OURS o,0,••••FRANA ZuNIOA•m•pc wOOLIGLAS LACKEY GENE KAUER spi.mes by BARRY WILLIAMS • A PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISES INC RELEASE • Color byC I . 1:119711 VVILCERNESS iNc STARTS FRIDAY ONE WEEK ONLY • PARK THEATRE • 30 THE SQUARE GOENERICIN 524-701 • SHOWTIMES: 7:00 -9:00 • SAT. 8 SUN.: 1:30, 7:00 & 9:00 ONLY PIE PASSES ACCEPTED INGHARIFINARE • WEDNESDAY TO TUESDAY FEB. 28.11) MARCH 6TII ijoo AND 9:00 PM AU OPER PAYS 840 P,M,ONLYI NOW PLAYING CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM, ONTARIO • PHONE 357.3862 DEMONSTRATORS 1978 CHRYSLER LE BARON, fully equipped 1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA, fully equipped, 1978 PLYMOUTH FURY, 2 door hardtop 1977 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER, 4 door Wilton 1976 PLYMOUTH GRAND FURY, 4 door sedan 1915 VALIENT DUSTER 1975 .PONTIAC LE MANS; 4 door sedan 1975 DODGE ROYAL MONACO, 4 door sedan; V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes aid radio 1975 CHEV, 4 door 1975 CORONET, 2 door hardtop 1974 DODGE CLUB CAB, pickup, % ton 1974 DATSUN B210, 2'door 1974 SATELLITE, 2door hardtop • 1974 FORD, '1/4 ton 1974 DODGE, % ton Mf 414* 4 , March 2nd - Sth "WILDERNESS FAMILY" PART 11 STARTS MARCH 9th -.15th • WALT DISNEY Productions presents CLINT EASTWOOD WILL TURN YOU 'EVERY WHICH WAY UT LOOSE' • MIDNIGHT PECIAL SAT MARCH 10th 12:00 MIDNIGHT START. The ifloiyofa.eirl ohorefused FRIDAY to Ihiget she was •once a Champion. ' MARCH. ICTLS 9TH.•.41:0/AT ENTERTAINMENT , • ' America's favorite family is back! "ENTERTAINING AND EXCITING • WA" Z=111 "SUPERMAN THEATRE TIM Squartt, Gotlorlth, 524-7111 Program suIttitct to change Without natio, • • . I . , ....Is. r Ii • • • ).$-• • r'v,, REft AIWA ROBERT E LOGAN • SUSAN DAMANTE SNASA/ kigiNDED •41. Align p/FITRAy . HW 1 4 Clqf 4 P44.1iIr MIFRNATKINAI 0'fi'ItP/41$C5Ite. RELEASE • CCANOVG 11 WEDNESDAY -THURSDAY MARCH 7 AND 8TH 2 DAYS OHM AT 7:00 - 9: P.M. • • FE) .•'