The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-02-21, Page 25CLUB Kairshea Wardrobe BY LINDA VANDERKLIPPE The first meeting was held at Karen Doelman's on Feb- ruary 10. Officers were elect- ed as follows: president, Dianne McBride; vice pres- ident, Nancy Haldenby;csec- retary, Karen Doelman; press .reporter, Linda Vander Klippe. Debbie Moran detailed the history of accessories. What are included as accessories was discussed. • The second meeting of the Kairshea 4-H groupwas held on February 17 at the home of Debbie Moran. The girls decided ' on a name for the club andrehose Kairshea Kreative Konglom- erants. The girls discussed tie dying and used sample strips to demonstrate. They discus- sed the care of hats and preparation of material while the 'samples' dried. They also discussed the types of gloves for different occasions. When the samples were dry the -girls; discovered they had made some interesting designs on their samples. Zippy Trinettes BY DONI?A HACKETT The fourth_meeting of the Zippy Trinettes was called to ^ order -February- 14, at the home of Mrs. C. A. Becker by the president, Cindy Nixon. Ann Alton 'read. the min- utes of the, lastmeeting and, Mrs. Cranston checked the'. members pamphlets to ,see. if the members were keeping their records up to date. Mrs. Cranston discussed purses, according to selec- tion and care, and also shoes, pertaining to fit, selection and care. Mrs. Nixon .discus- , sed athletic shoes and the members filled in a consum- er's decision list .. ranking items according to their importance while purchasing a purse or. \bag. Mrs. Cran- ston displayed' to the' .mem- bets a variety of samples of different seam finishes. Kingsbridge The first meeting of °the Jingsbridge . 4-H took 'place at the home of Ann Andrews on February 3. Election of officers took place. Results are as follows: president, Donna Van Osch; treasurer., Donna Drennan; secretary and press reporter to rotate. Leaders of the club are Ann Andrew and Barb Van Diepenbeek. They started off the meeting by reading . the History of the Accessories. The girls chose, the colours that suited each. MEETING TWO °& THREE The second and third meeting was held together. The different types of hats the care of hats, how to inake� different types of hats and how •to tie different types of ties were subjects of discus- sion. Wizards 'BY BRENDA HACKETT Trinity 1 4-H club met at the- home, of Mr's. Mayne Wilkins. on February 6. The .corer for the mem- bers' record books was sel- ected and the name, Ward- robe Wizards, chosen for this club. - Mrs. Wilkins discussed Selection and Care of Hats and Mrs. Hackett discussed Selecting the Fabric and notions for a hat. Elizabeth Wilkins demon- strated Fabric Preparation. Mrs. Hackett demonstrat- ed the making, of a visor. Mrs. Wilkins: conducted a contest for the girls.. The meeting concluded with refreshments. The Wardrobe Wizards of Trinity I 4-H club met on February 13 at the home of Mrs. David Hackett. The girls considered ,the accessory, scarves at this meeting. Mrs. Hackett dis- cussed scarves, selection and care and Mrs. Wilkins dem- onstrated how to make and buy a scarf. The girls demonstrated making a bias scarf. They learned how to tie different kinds of scarves. The rneeting closed with refreshments. f• Fancy Finishes The second meeting of the Lucknow. 4-H club was held February 15 at the Lucknow School, Grace Alton read, the min- utes of the last meeting, She also . read the :'treasurer's report and decided on a fee of $1.00 per person. The discussion for this meeting was the accessory, hats. The girls discussed how to make rain hats, jean hats and toques. West Huron Junior Farmers On Monday, February 12 the Jr: Farmers met at Brookside for their monthly meeting. A thank you note from Jim Pentland was read. Don Ritchie then ,mention- ed different events coming up. "A Farm Safety Assoc- iation Card Party; : the Jr. Farmer Conference up corn- • ing in Toronto, a dance on March 24 at the Lucknow Community Centre to "Feel- ing". The Jr. Farmers will be canvassingfor the Heart Fund in Ashfield Township. The meeting was then adjourned. DRINKING DRIVING r- .m DONT MIX Lodtsew SawtIrt 1, Wedseaday, 'F 1,79---.4044•45 Business irotor MURRAY MOFFAT Electrical Contractor LUCKNOW Phone 528.2913 or 392-6061 ilmonimoolmimim The .� Co-operators HOME - AUTO COMMERCIAL INSURANCE - AGENT JEAN WHITBY LUCKNOW CHISHOLM FUELS HEATING OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 • BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm, Home and Industry THIS SPACE IS FOR SALE Call Today Without Delay Special Rates PHONE 528-2822 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL INSURANCE AUTO - FARM - HOME COTTAGES COMMERCIAL. 1 INVESTMENTS R.R.S.P. and Trust Certificates - Victoria and Grey - City Standard Premier Trust Companies McDonagh Insurance Agency Ltd. BARRY` - ROD Phone 528-3423 or 528-2031 SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEEL WORK AIR HAMMER WORK CK HOEING RN•OLD STOTH,ERS PHONE 529-7403 FOR.ESTIMATES VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST CO. For Information On TRUST CERTIFICATES INCOME AVERAGING REGISTERED. RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN STANDARD TRUST Call Their Representative LLOYD [HAP] HALL 528-2045 " MacKENZIE and [1ICCREATH FUNERAL HOMES A MEMBER OF ASSOCIATE11 FUNERAL, DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted 'accord- ing to your wishes at your Horne, your Church; or at our Funeral Home •at no " additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 or Ripley, Phone :395- 969 Day or Night Garry Carruthers 395-5268 Rep: Wingham Memorials KARL C. LENTZ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT WINGHAM, ONTARIO TEL. 357-1087 WM. A. [BUD] HAMILTON. AGENT FOR BP OIL LTD.• Gasoline Heating Fuels Burner Service and Furnace Installations Trucks Radio Equipped m For Better Service Dial 528-3006 Res. 528-3616 Wholesale and Retail' WM. R.., NELSON CARPENTRY Area Representative For, TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS AND VANITIES Free Estimates No Obligation LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2949 mommommamilmi\INI11 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH d The Square [Phone 524-7661] ' Reid & Petersen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS .WINGHAM 357-1522 Phone 528-2016 '<? J. A. Peterson, C.A. P.O. Box 29 Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2110 Anderson Flax Products Ltd. Division of Mike Snobelen Farms -Ltd. DEALERS IN ALL TYPES OF GRAIN After?Hours:. Mike Snobelen 395-5167 Sandy Liddle 395-5052 Business (519] 528-3203 Askes giros. CoMatru�_ Custom Homes Cottages - Additions Farm Buildings = Renovations RICHARD ASKES • BERT ASKES OFFICE, LUCKNOW, 5284726. WINGHAM,:357-3053 A1Io ntGHAM ,... MEMORIALS GUARANTEED.'. GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Rep: • MacKenzie Funeral Home Bus. Phone 357-19--10---- Res.: Phone 357-1015 INVESTMENT" THE STERLING • TRUST CORP. FIRST CITY TRUST CO. Prevailing Interest Rates Your Representative ALEX'MacNAY. LUCKNOW Rep. Stratford Memorials' MacGillivray & Co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 380 Wallace Ave., N., Listowel, Ontario 291-1251 40 The Square • Goderich, Ontario, 524.2677 Montreal • . - Toronto Brampton Ir Harilton St. Catharines Pod Celli -erne. Listowel *innipeg Calgary Edmonton Vancouver Goderich Telephone 529-7848 RR 7 Lucknow; Ontario CAMERON REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING SALES - SERVICE -INSTALLATION Commercial - Industrial = Residential, JACK CAMERON �� Guaranteed Service Box 580 LUCKNOW APPLIANCE CENTRE SALES AND SERVICE • r, CALL KEN OR PETE 528-2946 Lucknow, Ont.