The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-02-21, Page 16• • • • • • • • A•:g4•"•••.•. Foga 16-1Iarlknew Sentinel, Wednesday, February 21, 1979 !Ta. "NAV 11,eeet14, v.km- \ 4.1 Nile United Church holds annual meeting • The annual meeting was held on Thursday, February 8, 1979 at 8.30 p.m. in the • Nile United Church. The meeting was opened with prayer and scripture by Rev. Clyde Westhaver. The officers elected were as follows: secretary, Cliff McNeil; session, Rev. C. Westhaver, Jamieson Ribey; Clifford McNeil and Doug McNeil; •clerk of .session, Cliff McNeil; board of stew- PETTIS - MATTHENVMAN , Candelabra" trimmed 'with orange tiger •lillies, sweet- heart roses and fern decorat- • ed Pine River United Church • for the October 14th candle- light ceremony at 5 p.m. • uniting in marriage Margo, only daughter of Major and Mrs, A. W. Matthewrnan of R. 3 Lucknow, to Terris, son • of Mr. and Mrs. B. pettis.of Guelph. , Rev. Robert Putman per- formed the double ring cere- •,moriy. Organ 'music was •provided by • Mrs. Douglas ; Martyn. • During the ceremony, • Margo and Terry each lit a candle and then. together lit one candle to'grnbolize two becoming one in ,inarriage. . The bride, given in marri age by her father, wore a floor length gown of Spanish late with fitted. bodice and full tiered skirt:with bottom tier falling into a irain. The collared; neckline and long *sleeves were trimmedwith • seed pearls. A Spanish tiara, accented by seed:pearls held her lace veil in place. She carried an arm bouqu et of talisrtian roses, baby's breath and fern, Margo wore . the pearl necklace her moth- er wore on her wedding day, pearl earrings, the gift fromi, the groom and a six pence in her shoe which her grand- mothel and mother wore 'on their -wedding days. Maid Of honour was Miss Loraine Hansen of Guelph, friend of the bride, and the • bridesmaids, all sisters Of the groom, were Mrs. Robert Muller, Misses Wendy, '.Del- ores and Ann. Pettis. The maid of, honour and bridesmaids were attired in • shades of green and pale rust knit long„dzeses fashioned with full high waisted skirts • gathered in front. They all wore long sleeved ; hooded jackets over their. v -necked dresses. Each wore a gold and pearl necklace, gift of the bride. • Maid • of honour and bridesmaids, • carried •arm bouquets of tiger lilies, dais- ies, roses and fern. Best.man was Stan Pettis of Guelph, brother of the groom. Ushers were Steve Pettis, and Randy. Pettis, brothers of the groom and Wayne. Edwards, friend of the"groorn. • The •groom and ushers wore identical dark brown cutaway tudedos with .coral trimmed ruffled shirts. Following the • ceremony, dinner was • served in the dining room ;at Sutton Park Inn; Kineardine. , - The bride's mother receiv- ed wearing a floor Jength • sleeveless gown of dark. orange knit, fashioned with a full high waisted .skirt and V-neck; over which she wore a sheer matching shoulder cape, Her wrist corsage was of brown and ivory roses. • Douglas Matthewman •of Sault Ste. Marie, brother of the bride, was master • of . ceremonies at the reception and dance which followed.... • Margo is a. specialized homes graduate of the Uni versity of Guelph. Terry is a graduate in Engineering Technology • from Mohawk College, Hamilton. Both aft', employed in' Sudbury where they are now making their home. Prior, to her. wedding the bride Was feted at a rniscel- • laneous shower given by Mrs. K. L..MacKenzie, R.3 Lucknow, a kitchen shower 'hosted by Lorraine, Hansen, Guelph and *a bathroom shower given by Mrs. H. K. Watson, Etobicoke. • The staff of O.H.C.; Sud- bury entertained at dinner and presented ' Margo with gifts and she received a gift from the Sudbury Housing' Authority. .. ,0,010,0kq.- :iz. Ottegforio There will be, a 15:00 charge - • I , for publishing .0 wedding Ipicture not received by the Sentinel within six weeks ... 4 , after weddinidate. , ttiettOGRAGet*WRAogi*Pe ' •••• • ards, Mrs. Yvonne Kerr, Mrs. Myrtle Kerr, Mrs. Arn- old Stothers, Mrs. Hugh McWhinney, Messrs. Arnold Stothers, Glen Ribey, Charlie Johnston, Frank Scott, Ron Pentland and Glen McNeil; board of trustees, Cliff Mc- Neil, Ron Pentland, Glen Ribey, Len Christilaw and Doug McNeil; U.C.W. rep- resentative on the board of stewards, Mrs. Charlie John- ston; .manse committee, Mrs. Randy Kerr, Mrs. Frank Scott, Mrs. Ron Pentland,. Doug McNeil, Arnold Stoth- ers and Ron Pentland; audit- ors, Mr. and Mrs. Doug McNeil; treasurer, Mrs. Beth Rutledge; church .organist,. Mrs. Harold Elliott; press re- porter, Mrs. Cliff McNeil; custodian janitor, Mrs. Wil- mer Rutledge; anniversary committee, Rev. C. West - haver, Mrs. Harold Elliott, Mrs. Winnifred ' Girvin and i ,- nstitute wants books Grey -Bruce authors line River IL C. W. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Scott. Sunday school superin- tendant, Mrs. Alvin Kerr; S.S. secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Randy. Kerr; Explorers leader, Mrs. Dorothy Brind- ley; Hi -C leader, Rev. and Mrs. C. WesthaVer and Glen and Vanda McNeil; presid- ent, Susan Pollock; vice pres- ident, Jack Miller; secretary, Cindy Brindley; treasurer, Kathy Kerr; U.C.W. presid- ent, Mrs. Alvin Kerr; secret- ary, . Mrs. • Jack Clements; treasurer, Mrs. Hugh Mc- Whinney. The meeting was closed with the benediction. Th.e. Kinloss Kairshea Counties to display at Heri- her handbook, Women's Institute held their Curatpr'S meeting on Febru- ary 15, at the home of Mrs. Harry Lavis. The president, • Mrs. Evan • Keith, opened the meeting with a reading on the origin Of old sayings. She welcomed all to the meeting. Mrs. Cliff • Roulston read the scripture. The assistant secretary- freasurer, Mrs. Donal&Mac- Intyre, read. 'the minutes, treasurer's report and the correSpondence. A letter from .the Provincial Presid- ent, Mrs. Diamond, was :read. • The •Grey ';Bruce Arts Council would like books of --authors from Grey and Bruce Aslifleld W.M.S. tage Fair, to be • held in Walkerton in. May. They were interested in Dean McLeod's book, and if en- ough local interest is shown, Kairshea will again .get cop- ies published for sale. Kairshea will send a dele- gate to the Officer' Confer- ence to be held in May in Waterloo, A motion • was pagsed to enter a display in the Lucknow Fall Fair. Bylaw amendments were .given • each member to be placed in Ashfield W.M.S. Meeting : for February was held at the hOnae of Mrs. Neil MacKen- zie. Mrs, Waccen Wylds opened the meeting with a poem, "Heart Gifts". Mrs. . Allan MacDonald gave the devotional on "Love of. GOd" • • , Mrs. Warren Wylds very. capably • gave the second chapter of our study. book, -"A revolution is not. a • picnic", telling of :the differ- ent wars awl...the leaders and what yeari. they „took place. 114r5. • •Allan MacDonald gave the offertory prayer. An old: sayings quiz was pres- ented to the members by Mrs. Wylds, followed by a poem, , "If God Went on • Strike". • • Business was. conducted. A thank you note was read from Mrs. William Ross. Lunch was served by the hostess and committee and a tiine of !elloWship, concluded the meeting. -• i_____....,..._,.......,___.....,7 1 LUCKNOW i i t 1 CHURCH • Rev. DoukkattfOlito: Minister ",•,.• •:" f. SUNDAY, \FEBRUARY 25 10 a.m. Stniday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery Provided •For Pre -School Children • Jr. Congregation for 5 - 8 Year Old Children 1; The curator, Mrs. Leonard • Clarke, conducted a game. • The Standing Committee reports were given and Mrs. Clarke read the Curator's report from the District An- nual. • Mrs. Harvey Houston gave the courtesies to which Mrs. • Harry Lavis replied. The. Tweedsmuir gooks were .op- ened out for MI to enjoy. A delicious' lunch was served by the hostess and director Mrs. Hank Hartemink. Shows needlepoint On Tuesday, February 13 the -Lticknow Worrien's Insti- tute met combining their January Curator's meeting (which was postponed due to. inclement weather) with the February Education and Cul- • tural Activities meeting.. " The committees served- a delicious dessert of cake and ice cream. The secretary -treasurer, • Mrs. Winnifred Gamtnie, read the minutes of the December meeting and the financial report. •• Thank you messages were received:front Miss Elizabeth Robinson, Miss • Luanne Clare and Mrs. Winnifred Fisher• . Mrs. Mary MacGillivray presided for the ' business meeting. , • Mrs, Edith Webster was appointed district convener for Education and Cultural Activities, :Mrs, Gertrude Leddy was ftppointed dele- gate to the officer's confer- ence to be held in May in WaterlOo. An invitation was received from the'Erland Lee Home to visit there in June. Mrs. Susan .McNaughton displayed • very, attractive samples of needlepoint which she completed while attending the coarse, "Need- lepoint for Beginners". Plans were made to have the pbt luck supper, (post- 1 LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN • • REFORMED /7 CHURCH. 1. Rev. L. Van Staalduinen• SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25 i Morning Service ,..i• 10:00e.ni. and 2:30 p.m. i ( . • Listen io the Back to God Hour 1, 1 — „.10:30 a.m. CKNX ) poned due to stormy weath- er) at a. later date. „ The quilt top, donated by. Miss Elizabeth Robinson for participation Lodge will be quilted at the home Of Mrs. Ruth' Helm. Mrs. Grace • Campbell had charge of the Program. • The January motto "To be • 70 years. young is better than being old at 40" and the February motto "Wisdom is knowing when to speak your mind aid when to mind your speech' ' were ably.dealt with by Mrs. Isabel MacKenzie and Mrs, t icirothy Brown respeCtively. , • Mrs. Philip. Stewart read • humorous poem. Mrs: Greta Rice favoured with piano • solos. • Mrs. Olive Kennedy spoke on her. recent trip to Cuba depicting the progress.on-the Island under Castro's Com- munist Government during • the past 20 years following the Revolution. • 41, The meeting closed with a Valentine poem. Pine River United Church VV.omen iitet in the church on February 13 with Mrs. Dun- can Thorburn presiding. During the business, per- iod, several • •projects •were :cliscussed. A .fall project, "The Country Kitchen", will be held, in October. Mrs,. Wayne Lowry. reported that 'the overhead projector is being ordered, Mrs...Glen Boyd was pro- gram convener with the , theme Stewardship tom- . • passion. The Litany of. Stew- ardship was read responsive - y. Mrs. Jack Campbell gave •a reading and Mrs. Boyd told • of• the joy of service: Mrs. -Leonard Reid clOsed with prayer. • Mrs.. Leonard Courtney, • Mfg. Elmer • Smeltzer and Mrs. . Mac Boyd served lunch, and a social . time folloWed. ' Donnybrook U.C.W. • • The February meeting of Donnybrook • U.C.W. was • held at the 'home of Mrs. William Hardy on February 13. Mrs. :Roger 13ieman opened the meeting, with the theme, Love, McConnell read a poem followed with prayer. Mrs. ;Bieinan gave a reading and Mrs. Robert Jefferson • gave 'the study book on The • Winning Power of Love. • Mrs. E. Robinson gave a poem, Mrs. Jefferson took over for the business. The ladies have been asked to do a quilt. Mrs. Bieman closed with prayer:, • • . • Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. S. Chamney assisted the Mist- ess for a social hour. Donnybrook. 44-1- •• BY DIAN* HANNA • The first meeting of Don- nybrook 4-H club, Accessor- ies, the Final Touch, was held at the home Of the assistant leader, Mrs. June Robinson. • LUCKNOW • PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Munshaw B. A.M.Div. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25 1 10:00 aan; 1 Sunday School 11:00 a.m. • I I Morning Worship ,tveryene Welcome • • . • The leader, Kathy Foran, was in charge for the election Of officers as follow: presid- ent, Ellen Thompson; vice president, Mary Ellen Foran; tmasurer, Carol Foran; press re oi ter and secretary by rotation; telephone helpers, • Doreen Jefferson, Carol Fir - an. . Kathy outlined the club requirements and discussed the history of accessories, choice • of accessories and • basic wardrobe colours. All did a total look test and singed the registration sheet. With different colours of material the girls were able • to Judge which colours suited different girls. Models were Doreen Jefferson, Heather Ann Stapleton. and Mary Ellett Foran. Ellen 'closed the meeting with the motto. h