The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-02-14, Page 21Ripley........ CONTINUED FROM- P. 20 was shown. on the London Television show FYI last Friday evening demonstrating how a disabled person can use a wheel chair to obtain books in a public library. A few years ago when Sharon was seriously injured she devised this method to help. herself. Sharon hopes that other disabled, persons will be able to do likewise. The Olivet United Church women's group met on Tuesday af- ternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Katherine Coiling in Ripley where they were welcome guests.. Ur. and Mrs. John G McLean, Catherine and Shannon of Agincourt spent the weekend with Mrs. Steve Irwin in Ripley. Among those attending the recenthorse sale in the colise,um. in Exhibition Park in Toronto was Stewart Needharn--of Ripley as a` spectator. Amongthe buyers was Ernie Walden. formerly of Pine ` River .and now of Owen. Sound. Ernie bought a Belgian. horse and so will have a heavy team for showing at the fairs next fall. St. Andrews Unit 2 of St. Andrew's U.C.W. met in the church Feb.6. The president, Christina Robertson opened the meeting with a prayer and , suitable poem. Mary Culbert conducted the worship period. Lenore . Hooey prepared an interesting paper on. `=Understanding. Human Rights' She dealt with many aspects of this' timely, subject and also told us about ' the fine work Murray .Meyer Goldstein has been doing in Kirkland Lake,Ont. Violet McKenzie presided at the piano; and Christina took charge of the business. ,Lunch was served by Mrs. Dot Culbert and helpers. Mrs. Grace Peet of Ripley has been con- ducting a class in needlepoint for the past. few weeks. There are 36 attending the class. Group one of St. Angirews U.C.W. met at the home of Marjorie Reid on Tuesday af- ternoon Feb. 6 . Margaret Gemmell took4- charge of the meeting opening with prayer Gladys Mason readthe scripture from the 31st chapter of Proverbs. Anne McCosh as con- venor called . on Mary Worthington who gave an excellent talk on the theme "Human Rights", Joyce Farrell conducted two contests "Scripture Cake" and "The fruit of the Spiriti" Irene Boyle led in singing rounds Get well cards were si'gned for Helen Cornish, Gertie .Kidney and Mrs. A, E. Forest. Janet Needham gave the courtesy remarks. The meeting closed with prayer and lunch was served by the hostess. e. Unit 5 St. Andrew's United Church, Ripley, met at the home of Katherine Coiling on Feb. 6, at 2.p.m. Blanche Hamilton opened the worship service with a Poem followed by scripture and comments. Ethel White gave the mission study "Understanding Himan Rights and what' it has'to do with missions" Doris Blackwell offered prayer, Mary Black closed the worship part of the meeting with a Valentine.. Poem. - The president. Evelyn Coiling . opened the business part of the meeting with a prayer In the absence of Secretary, Lorraine McGuire, .Judy Coiling read the minutesof the last meeting. Letters were read from two of our adopted children. The Smorgasbord Luncheon scheduled for April 19, was discussed. World's Day -of Prayer will be held in .the Knox Presbyterian Church, Ripley on March 2. Offering. ; was received and . dedicated. Lunch was served and a social hour spent. RIPLEY W.M.S. The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian in Ripley met at the home of. Mrs. Ellis Gossel on Tuesday Amelia Cumming opened. the . • meeting with the "Call to Worship" and' prayer; . also words • of welcome to everyone and especially to Mrs. Donald Gillies Jr. who is our new recording secretary for Maitland Presbyterial. The devotions' were given by Effie Sutherland. The second chapter of. the "Study Book" on China was well given -by Donalda . Gossel. The headingof her topic was "A Revolution Is Not a Picnic." An offering of fifty cents per member was taken for the "Expense Fund" of the Maitland Presbyterial. Our 1979 allocation is nine hundred dollars and our "Bale" • allocationis. sixty-three dollars. A letter of appreciation from the "Dock Project" for one hundred dollars sent in was read by Effie Sutherland. A full report of the "Annual Meeting" of .Maitland Presbyterial held in Wingham - was given by Amelia Cum- ming. The minutes of our last meeting were read by Violet Martyr'. Thirty six visits were reported and four pounds of used stamps were sentto the "Leprosy Mission" in Toronto. The books from the Presbyterial were well displayed and orders were taken for some. The courtesies were expressed by Adeline Hackett; Grace was sung • and a cup of tea served by the committee Donalda Gosset and ` Effie Sutherland, , Luclmow Seatlnel, Wednesday, February 14, 1979 --Page 21 ATTENTION MR. FARMER IT'S TIME TO THINK SPRING Proper farming methods and the right use of AGRICULTURAL will mean a better harvest in Autumn This being the off season, we have lots of time to help you plan and to choose just the right chemicals for your corn, boons, ` l grain, or whatever your crop. We have an excellent selection of ,r) all your farm chemical supplies. Come see us today. "Buy with Confidence" We will not knowingly be undersold HWY. NO. 21 JUST NORTH OF PORT ALBERT PHONE: 529-7135 or 529-7700 "ALL OF OUR FACILITIES ARE: TO SERVE YOU BETTER" At The tucknow Arena Sunday, February " 18, 1979 Goderich Oldtimers [Gold Medalists at Zurich, Switzerland] vs o Lucknow Oldtimers Hockey at 2:00 p.m. Figure Skating Displays Skating Races with CASH PRIZES Followed by. Free Skating „ADULTS $1.00 STUDENTS .roc PRE SCHOOL FRF PROCEEDS TO CYSTIC FIBROSIS 1