The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-02-14, Page 3L Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesdey,,,February 14; 1979—Page 3. FEBRU1 B TOMATO 11 OZ. BTL. HEINZ KETCHUP 49° FROZEN REGULAR CUT, :CRINKLE ,CUT; JULIENNE,' BEEFEATER 2 LB, ,PKG.• r COLOURFUL BURNING THREE HOUR 6'S FIRE LOGS • Iova:e FoocJ va . ues 6.. 99.!.EACH. :, CU LIQUID,. 1.5 L PLAS. BTL. IVORY DETERGENT E. D. SMITH APPLE, RAISIN, APPLE/RAISIN, STRAWBERRY/RHUBARB 19 OZ. TIN ° PIE FILLING MAXWELL HOUSE - aL LB. BAG ALL PURPOSE COFFEE STUFFED 1V11ANZANILLA • 12 OZ. JAR CLUB HOUSE OLIVES CARNATION 16 OZ. JAR COFFEEMATE BRAVO PLAIN 28 OZ. ,TIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE SPAGHETTI; SPAGHETTINI; READY CUT MACARONI 2 LB. PKG. LANCIA PSTA ORANGEADE; GRAPE, LEMONADE FLAVOURED DRINK QUENCH, CRYSTALS 233`oz SAN EGG NOODLE -AND CHINESE .175 G _PKG: KRAFT DINNER GAINESBURGER 1 KG PKG. BEEF PET FOOD NABISCO 600 GM 'PKG. [21.1 OZ.] SHREDDED WHEAT ALL PURPOSE • 10'S PKG • J CLOTH TOWELS • KRAFT PROCESSED CHEESE LOAF VELIVEETA •CHEESE 2 LB. PKG. SOFT 2x8.OZ AL MTUBS IMPERIARGARINE 6,l4 AD, NO..1 ONTARIO 3 .03..„ 11A LING ONI! l.ualau.Ie�uIaIaIlaIa.uuIIIInh - 6• 52.19 85' 53.39 $1.19 $1.39 89° i 1. $2.99 meas POLISH COIL $1:6916. C.P. RANCH STYLE BY TE PIECE BOLOGNA 99* M. M/LEAF- 1 LB. PKG... WIENERS $L29 fresh produce PRODUCT OF ISREAL NEW CROP NAVEL;: ORA NGES si 69 DOZ. U.S.NO. 1 FLORIDA CELERY U.S. NO..1 FLORIDA SWEET JUICE ORANGES . 5LB°BAG PRODUCT -OF MEXICO NO. 1 SLI,CING: !UM Bi LUCKNOW T PHONE 528-3001 Iangside BY LILLIAN YOUNG .. Winter weather is still causing bus cancellations. School children in this terri- tory had two das off last week due to stormy condi- tions. Sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to relatives of Clarence Adams who passed" away in London hospital after being injured in a car accid- ent. Congratulations to •••Mr° and Mrs. Jim de Boer of the 2nd of Kinloss on the birth of a baby boy, Matthew, in 'Winghant hospital on Fri- day. A brother for -Michael. Several from this district attended the John Deere Farming Frontiers° held in Teeswater last Wednesday evening. • The Teeswater immuniza- tion clinic held in the town hall was a busy place on Fridays' afternoon. The next clinic wilFbe held' in March. • John Martin of VVingham visited with Jim Young on Thursday. Mr. aid Mrs. Len Cough- lin of the 14th of Culross visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young on Saturday evening. • . Mr. and Mrs. Ron George spent last weekend with friends in London. HY