The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-31, Page 13y. ; 4 110 flow Sea*,It Wedreed4y, laniary 31, 19794 -Page r13, - Grandson of Rpl,eyites dies in bus cr y Early last. Thursday' morning the, happy boys and girls gathered at Weston' Collegiate in Northwest Metro. Toronto, •This was the time for their annual outdoor activity day.• Plans had been made to hold it as usual at the Honey Pot ski slopes near Maple just .north of the city. However, the January mini thaw which started last Wednesday afternoon putting the temperature ,a . couple of degrees above freezing and then rain falling in Toronto made I last minute change in plans necessary. Around six in the morning the students, • eager and excited with a day out of the clas'sroorns ahead, boarded seven buses and .• headed north on Highway •400 to Barrie and then onto the narrow -two lane extension, of 400, which was to be widened last year. Besides three miles north there is a sloping "S" • shaped curve. Locally it is a well-known. treacherous spot seven. crashes there in the past. two years and one person killed there last year: By this time it seems that two buses Were away :ahead or tookanother road. That left `• five' travelling together more or less. The 'firs[ one in this • group made the double curve- alright and on to St Louis another 15: miles... or so But ;unseen: death was riding •.on the second one. From. diagrams °-anddotted lines showing its path .it. must have 'gone into a skid on . the first curve which was sloping down hill, back across theiroad On Saturday it was mentioned in •a newscast that .the ::bus driver said that he then had, the skid under control, hut he was in the .path -of, a 'south bound . 'tan•ker' truck loaded with flour. Have youever been in such` a situation where just for an instant you can seethe accident coming but cannot get out of the • way? Time has run out? If you have, then with the writer, you will un- derstand but you will never forget it, The cab of the . tank truck sliced into the middle rear of the bus smashing it into pieces and throwing .seats with students clear out onto the made, The day of fund and skiing at Mount Saint Louis.15 miles to the north was ' gone. On the High- way crash scene, the first police officer to arrive said it was the worst thing he had ever seen in \his life. Ambulances came from seven com- munities. Five of the less seriously injured were taken to Seidier's Memorial Hospital • in Orillia.Other ambulances took 24 of the injured to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie where ..doctors and nurses rushed to examine', assess, and treat the injured: The most,' .critically injured were rushed to Toronto hospitals by helicopter ambulances-, Two of these were shown settling down on the landing area at the Sick Children's Hospital and .another :one at Sunn brook Hospital. Othe • were taken . by ambulance to Humber Hospitaland Toronto General. Three boys and a,girl:lay' dead - covered'. with blankets at;the crash site: ,;The • parents' of the students made: their way to•the school to seek news about the safety of .their Children.. Two' of: these .., mothers going to Weston Collegiate were Mrs. Murray Cameron and' Mrs. -Jim Mills, first cousins - the former Oral Finlayson and.: Mary Smeltz'er, of. Huron township and : graduates of the Ripley District High School. The parents '. ,filled the halls _as they anxiously awaited any news. They were in- structed by the principal to wait in the school auditorium -As bus after- bus fterbus of the remaining six arrived, parents clasped their children thankful for. their safe return, Mary's son Blair was one of those on the six buses. Not so`for Oral, there was no son to clasp, only shock and tears of grief as her son Scottwas one of the four dead at the crash. While many in this area listened to'the late •ni.ght news on. Thursday,. they heard the name but thoughtthat it couldn't be. On Friday morning upstreet in Ripley people- learned for sure .that, Murray and- .Oral - Cameron had lost their only son. To therm goes our heartfelt •sympathy.. and ,that of this whole community. Once they were our students • as were Murray's brothers Gordon, of Pine River and Delmer", of London and. Oral's sisters Mrs. Verene (Alvin) Thom- pson of Kincardine township and Mrs. Marilyn (Bob) Johnston of Ripley, . Our sympathy also , goes' to Weston Collegiate for. twice in 1967. the students and, teachers here ex- perienced that paralyzing„ ,numb feeling. as.tragic deaths removed students from. the Ripley District High School: The funeral service for' Scott James Cameron •of. Weston was "'held last Sunday '''afternoon, January 28, 1979 at the MacKenzie McCreath Funeral Home in Ripley. Rev. •Bob Putman of Reid's. Corners, Minister of . both Pine River and Bethel :United, Churches conducted • the , service which had a large at p tend'ance: The ' service Was • carried, to ''those Outside in cars : over ' a P.A. system, On the calm afternoon.. it . Would ..be clearly . heard upstreet. FARM SUPPLY BONUS IT'S CO here in . Ripley. •The procession of carsmade their way down the main street then to Ripley cemetery for temporary winter entombment in the chapel there. Spring burial will be in the Ripley cemetery. During Saturday af- ternoon and evening many people called at the Funeral Home. The coffin was banked and all across the front and back with . floral. wreaths, Scott, in his 16th • year, was born in Hamilton on September 4, 1963 when •.his parents Murray and Oral resided in Dundas, and as mentioned before he died on Highway 400 extension near Barrie .last Thursday morning, January 25, 1979. Sur- viving are his parents of Weston, his sister Susan of Prince George, British Columbia, • his two grandmothers Mrs. Violet (Peter) Cameron of Pine River and Mrs. Verna . • -(Orville) ••Finlayson ' of' Ripley, besides his aunts, uncles, and cousins: To all we extend sympathy at this sad time •sof their bereavement. '.fohnny MacKay ` is back home to his apar- tment in '• Huron Villa,. Ripley, after spending a few weeks' vacation in Detroit. . The Canvass for •. donations .to the March of Dimes. campaign will be cgnduCted in •, Huron •township, and Ripley =.by ' mail, .this .year, Mrs. Nadine Danforth of Point, Clark_ . is the local chairman and the ladies of .the Ripley Huron,. Legion Auxiliary will assist The March of Dimes into help disabled. persons. Darryl S•ittler 'captain "of . the Toronto Maple.' Leafs is the Honorary Chairman: Mrs. Danforth' and assistants will be sending out letters .this week; , Word was received of the passing of Mrs. Annie ING FROM Monsanto • (MacLeod) Calder of innisf ail, . Alberta,. The late Mrs. Calder was in her 99th year. 'The. last of a family. of 10 born to Edward MacLeod and Isabella Murray she was born and raised in Huron township. She married George Calder in 1921 at* Olds, Alberta. She is survived by two step- children, several nieces and nephews. Nieces in this area are Adelene Hackett • of .Ripley, Florence MacKenzie '.of Lochalsh and Isabelle MacKay of Lucknow. Early last week' several Ripley people were sorry to learn on reading the Free Press newspaper about the death of Dr. Lloyd Hession of London. As a specialist in St. Joseph's ;Hospital over the years, the late Dr. Hession had treated patients from this .area. The notice of his passing was reported to be in.the paper of January 22 but the writer does riot have it so no.lfurther details are known to him With Mrs. Gladys Cameron in 'Kincardine, this 'past weekend were her • daughter Kathy' Cameron of. London and also her brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Huston. . They attended the funeral of Scott' Cameron in Ripley. • • A confirmation . and baptismal " service was. held last Sunday morning at St .Andrews United - Church in `Ripley. Joining prey :�.ekey by confirma Lorna: Middelktionamp were anal Bill Vander Wal while three children were 'baptized..• They were Christena Anne Vander Wal, daughter of '.Bill and • Dianne Vander Wal, Amy Marjorie Jean Alice Middelkamp, daughter of Albert. and Marjorie Middelkamp, and Ryan Allan McCharles, son of John and Mary Anne McCharles•of Petrolia. A specially fine duet was. sung by sisters • Mrs. Gayle Bell and Mrs. Janice Hodgins both of Ripley. Rev. Jim Bushell spoke on the topic •" We believe in Heaven". On February 11, after the morning service a pot luck dinner will be.served and the annual meeting of the congregation will fol Rolow.bert 'van, Horne of Ripley who lives in .the former Gemmel house on McGill Street next to Mr. and • Mrs. George Dickieson's home is•.`the new ` Fuller Brush man and is already snaking house calls.•. ' Mrs: ' Margaret Gemmell passes• along the date , of the next monthly meetingof the Ripley W;ornen's Institute. It. will •be this Friday February 2: at the home. of Mrs. Frank Scott at one thirty in the af- ternoon. f terrioon: For roll call. • members • are asked . to bring along a half .dozen'` metric cookies with ,. recipe., • • The Atom -`A" 'squad won their first game this • week, by .° a tight 1-0 margin_ : Jeff Gamble and :Doug .•Hawrylyshyn combined for :the lone tally in the second period. At home to Lucknow the -,next night, they proved to. be good hosts, losing 4-2. Clint .Twolan,. from Jeff 'Godfrey, opened the scoring' in :the second period, and Jeff.Godfrey, assisted .by Clint Twolan' and . Steven Keelan, : scored the last goal of the game: The Atom "B" boys were fefeated by Mahoods 3-0. John; Forster, from Andrew ;Bir tie, scored the only Ripley goal in a game .With Kiitie Pee Wee "B"s, They were defeated 31. The next game with .'.Broadway ended in a,3 all tie. Mike Nicholson . scored all 3 Ripley, goals, withassists fromGreg Dahmer, Mike Clement and Bob. Black- well: In Bantam "A'acfion, it was Ripley 6'.; Teeswater 1. C•amille. Poirer and Paul Irwin each scored twice and Made 1 assist,',. Kevin Boyle one goal' „and one assist, and Mervin Storey one goat Terry Lwin [made • 3 assists,. Dave.' Gamble 2, and Harold • '•Feet. and Ian 'Elliott 1 a piece. Children's •