The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-31, Page 1Bog crashvi One of four Weston Collegiate students, . who were killed in a crash between a chartered school bus and a loaded tanker trailer on highway 400, north of Barrie last. Thursday; was buried, in Ripley Sunday. Scott -James Cameron-, 15, is the son of Murray Cameron, Toronto, formerly of Pine River and his wife, the former, Oral Finlayson, formerly of Huron Township. tlittburiod The bus was one of a convoy of seven headed for Mount St. Louis, where the students were •planning to go skiing on their annual outdoor education day. The crash occurred at an S-bend on the slush covered road about three miles north of Barrie. The 'bus, second .in a line offive, skidded as it came off the curve, crossed the highway 1 Ripley and ended up in a snowbank. It was strucl• by a tanker, loaded with flour, which demolished the rear 'of the bus, tearing the bus in two. Four students died, five were critically injured, 15 others, including the tanker driver, were in serious condition and 16 suffered cuts and bruise Scott is survived' by Nisi parents„ one • sister, Susan, Prince George, British Col- umbia, and his grandmothers; Mrs. Violet Cameron, Pine River, and Mrs. Verna Finlayson, Ripley. The Natal was held Sunday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. from the MacKenzie and Ivicereath-Funetal Home, Ripley'„,and buriat. followed in Ripley Cemetery. $11 A Year In Advance. S21.50 To U.S.A. and 1Foielgn WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1979 . • • Single Copy 25c 24 PAGES 4•• Wingham hospital will close beds There will defintely be a clogure of active treatment beds at Wingham and District Hospital in view of the budget restraints announced recently by the.. .Minister -of , Health Dennis Timbrell, • , "We have no:choice," said the hospital's executive director,, Norman Hayes, who estimates. approximately - 18. beds • , closed this• year with fewer beds closed in following years The hospital board has not, as yet, met to discuss how tileY. will handle .• the budget • restraint, The :.hospital •will receive the sante atibUtit of money in their: 1979 budget as last year. While this is not a budget cutback, it does not keep up with the OA Per cent inflation rate. . • The quality of actual are itself Will, net change said Ilayes. "Quality 'should remain. the same," said Hayes. "It is quantity that Will be affected." "We will have to bemore stringent about our admission procedures," he Cothinented. • - ,* . The Wingham and Districts.HosPital Board will meet on February 14 and the public is Stu Rea**, Lucknow, right, won firat. plaee 14 the 13,000:fitack class invited t� attend. , , and fourth in.the 10,000 stock class In the Western Ontario Tractor Pullers' Association for 19713: The ASsOciation's awards dinner was • held at the tkeEtOW Coininunity Centre on Saturday ovenhig. when , • . the awards presentations were *ode. Shown with Stu are the first place , -winners In the other classes. From the left, .they are Ralph • A 'i,";•34; , Al, • A ,,m.'•'4A.4.400,,,,,,, . • A..„ ''''"'• • A fire on the farm of J. C, Drennan, concession 6 Of Ashfield Township, com- pletely destroyed a driving shed and the. 'machinery it housed on Saturday night.. The fire was discovered around 8 p.m._ by. neighbour, Doug Blake, who had been •Welding in the doorway of the building earlier in the evening. The cause of the fire, which originated in the back of the shed, is still unknown. • Mr. and Mrs. Drennan are vacationing in the south and have not been informed of the loss. Their sons, Paul and Shaun were home at the time of the fire, as well as Dave Gorrel who was helping do chores. • Lost in the fire were a 'Massey Ferguson 65 tractor, a -mix mill, two gravity boxes, two forage wagons, a corn planter and a manure spreader. Lucknow District Fire Department an- swered the call, but were unable to do mudh to save the building. n There is no estimate of damage aVailahle. Thede, Port Frei, first In the 7,000 truck class; Bill liendertion; R. 3 Kippen; •first in the 7,600. Open and the 9,000 open claimed; Paul • Murray, R. SS.eaforth, Wit in the 16;000 stock and the 18,000 stock classes and Fred. Dutot, R 7 Clinton; first In the 10,000 stock, and. 12000 tock classes. .• [Sentinel Staff Photoj • .o • . • • • • . • • • , 1 , • . ,,-Appoilifforattitotit,co-ordinator. - ^ . Denise Dalton; Kingsbridge has been appointed community co,OrdinatOr for St. Joseph's .Community School, after the school received a government grant to further the use of the school as' centre for community A graduate of the University of Guelph, Ms. Dalton has worked as a freehmce artist. ...She wants to bring more 'cultural groups into the school, and ififfiaiiiiies in thiii — periods when the school is not already being used. As community co-ordinater, Ms. Dalton will train .people who are good in certain areas to teach others in night school or supervise' programsf. - She wantslo start new programs in sports, crafts and recreational activities. Ms.. Dalton sees the advantages ' of a community school as beneficial to the com- munity, She feels that the government grant will support the prograins already started, to Make sure of the school outside its education • format, ' The comniunity, involvement will provide job training for youth in community and an opportunity to find summer employment. The co ordination of community activities will also set an example for the youth as to ways they can .use their spare time wisely, she said. - "Eventually it will be up to, the people themselves to keep the community school operating,': said Ms. Dalton, and a co-ordinator will help get, the idea of a community school firmly established. ucknow firemen wi *:aIIAshf1dd pr BY DONALD SIMPSON The Township of Ashfield has decided not to sign an agreement for Fire Protection with the Town of Goderich for the South West portion of the township. All fire protection in Ashfield Township will come from the Lucknow District Fire Department. In 1978 an agreement was made between the Townships of Aihfield, Kinloss, West Wawanosh and the Village of Lucknow to form the Lucknow District Fire Department with each municipality sharing in both .the capital and operation costs. A new fire truck was purchased. The Tovvn of Goderich was advised that they could no longer provide fire protection for Ashfield Township without a formai agreement. A tentative agreement was reached for the balance of 1978. ' At a meeting of council held January 23, 1979, a new agreement was presented whereby Ashfield . 'Would be assessed $3,371.000for 1979 for protection. Council voted- not to sign the agreement but to use the Lucknow District Fire Department for the whole of Ashfield Township. In future all residents are instructed to call the Lucknow Fire Department in case of fire. \ The telephone number is 528-3131.