The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-24, Page 11Ripley Curling 'Madill•wifls BY DON McLAY Grant McDonald's rink from the 2nd concession took the trophy at the annual Cooke bonspiel last week. Gordon Roulston called the shots and hewas helped by Jeff MacTavish at vice, Nor- man Stansell playing second and Grant throwing the lead rocks. Elmer Smeltzer's Rip tey rink came second on the late draw.with Fred Crawford of Goderich coming in third. Jim Hawkins' .Goderich rink, with Cam Bogie skipping, took first -place in the early draw, with John McKenzie in second place..and;Phil Foster 'taking third: The' club is indebted to Chris Cooke and son Harold for their contri- butions to this annual event. Congratulations to the Rip- ley entry . in the SOLCA curling competition held last week in Peterborough. Diane Brooks, with Hilda Andrew, Dianne Farrell and June Pa- quette made a very credit- able showing curling against the pick of rinks of lady curlers from all of Southern Ontario: Well done, .ladies! The 'first day of compe- tition for the Harrison trophy and the fifteenths al renewal of the Kincria din - Ripley rivalry was held at the local club on Saturday last. The Ripley Club goes to the lakeshore town next Satur- day to continue the event and are carrying a twenty-seven and one-half point lead into the second day. President Bert Elliott with wife Marj .and. Elmer and. Marianne Smeltzer took first place in the early draw. Howard Hodge of Ripley was second, Jack Pym of Kincar- dine third and Doug Mac= - Donald of Ripley was fourth. Other Skips were Charlie Matheson and Henry Em- merton from Kincardine. Ron Farrell's local rink took first place in the ,later draw. Ron and wife, Diane and Terry and June Paquet- te. Second and third places went- to two. Kincardine rinks, Dick Pockett and Allan Parberry. Fourth place went to, Ken. Dahmer curling for the locals. Skipping the other two entries were Brian John- son of -Ripley and George MacDonald of Kincardine. 'A CHALLENGE! 'What challenge? The Midget boys basketball team was really foolish at challenging the Junior boys to a basketball 'game in their own gym. They should have known better, or so thought the true fans of the midget boys, The first quarter was totally debastat- ing for the midget boys as the Junior boys walked all over them, by showing Out- standing ballhandling, base- line drives, and supreme re - bowling. The Junior boys left the Midget boys in a daze after showing them that they were up against more than they bargained for after leaving them with a thirteen point lead, This lead was maintained up until . the fourth quarter when the Junior boys slacked off and SUTTON PARK INN KINCARDINE'S NO.1 NIGHT SPOT •Cover charger Friday& Saturday Nights NEXT WEEK, JAN. 29 - :FE. 3 ro seemed to be in trouble but pulled through in the clinch. After the game neither coach would give me a final score, but the fans tell me that the Juniors won by . twenty points. SCOTT MARRITT.11E Donations • fora Garage Sale wW be accepted it Adrian Keet's Farm, 2nd farm west of Whlte- church. Proceeds for the Ass. for the Mentally Retarded ,and Voice of .Life. Your support greatly appreciated. PICKUPS ARRANGED 357-3099 WINGHAM PHONE 357-1630 Wednesday Jan. 24 to Saturday 27 • PLEASE NOTE'SHOWTIMES - WED.-THUR..8:00 P.M, ONLY! . Fill -SAT. 7:00-9:30 P.M. The only thing that could follow "Murder" Is "Death" First, AGATHA CHRISTIES "MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS" Now,"DEATH ON THE NILE" .ADULT WTRTAINMINT L1A CHRISTIES TIVENILE Foxe Me creators of "Muter on the anent Ere.ess- SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY ONE SHOWING JANUARY 28-29.30TH DAILY AT 8:00 P:M. 'After all what are. friends for?" . BURT REYNOLDS m "THE EN A comedy tor you and vou,„e AOW,TT'A?". RESTRICTED TI YlARSTOO. VAt4 li O OYU Cover Charge THURS. to SAT. Proper dress, please. We are accepting Age of Malority Cards as only proof of ago. Start planning now' for a summer holiday in Britain or Europe. Take advantage of • "advance booking' airfares". Book soon. SUTTON PARK INN Hwy. 21 N. Kincardine Ph. 396.1444 BROCHURES AVAILABLE AT Locllaow Senthiel, :Wednesday, January 24, 1479 -Pais 11 1 ATTENTION LADIES Ripley District High School was the first in the area to offer a custom Drapery and custom Sheer making cour- se. - Again Ripley District High School is presenting a first. A CUSTOM BED SPREAD MAKING COURSE.TA Tho days are long and the pressures are great. You owe it to yourself to end the day in a luxurious bedroom. Fantasize • the bedroom of your dreams. Draw. plant. Find pictures. Bask in the thought of the elegance that can be yours for little more than the cost of the fabric. It can be yours! I� Miki Beese's 28 years experience in her own Interior Design business will -help you make the spread you probably thought you could never afford. Register on or before Feb. 3 by phoning. Miki 529-7271. or the school .. , ........... , 395-2695 Classes will be held from DAYS AT RIPLEY DISTRICT 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on SATUR= HIGH SCHOOL for a fee of '17.00. • LAST. NIGHT:. THURSDAY JAN. 25 8 p.m. FORCE TEN FROM ENTERTAINMENT NAVARONE FRI $ SAT. ONLY 7:00PAC &9:00P.M.. They went into the unknown and returned with startling revelations about life after death. BEYOND Some will believe — others will not. 'DECIDE FOR !YOURSELF! recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT S N. - THURS. JAN..28 -. FEB. 1 One Showing 8'P.M. fins SI06d LS DEDICATEDTO ODER WOMEN AND ADORFSSEDTO IDI "VG MEN AND THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TK.'OLS'IV PROPOSITION KAREN BLACK TOM B E1VG R SUSAN SIRASB1RG • A.S•AS•IR.V FH I.MS RFI FAY. .. ADMITTANCE:' REST ESTRIC tE® TO MI r'. lan'e w w *i& 1 nged IAS ES. .I� AND - P A K STARTS FRIDAY FEB. 2nd . GLINT EASTWOOD WILL TURN YOU `Evart WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE' COMING SOON! "SUPERMAN" • 11INVASIQN OF THE BODY SNATCHERS" THEATRE 30 The Square, Goderich, 324.1811 Program subtect to change without notice