The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-17, Page 14Nelson, Hill, manager. The Lucknow District 'Co- operative. will officially open ;its new store arid warehouse on County Road 1, Huron, at their annual dinner meeting this evening. • The new 60 x 100 •foot `—facility will • house a store,. heated war` #louse, another unheated warehouse, offices' and an outdoor garden .cen tre. The building will increase the :• efficiency of -operating the; ` Lucknow Co=operative ' because of the expanded space,whichwill be 3,600, square feet, 'whereas. the • previous;store location on the main . street, provided' less than 1,000 square feet. The display area, in. thee. new store, is sufficient that producs will not haveto be stored in an area, where the :. .customer cannot 'find -them, which will addto the conven- ience of the customer: Expanded store and ware house space will allow -all the farm • supplies,' hardware, • seed and chernicalsto be sold from one location There will • ho longer be three .different warehouses at three loca- tions and .the store. .at ;a fourth. The increased. office space means adequate • space .fir the' accounting staff, with unknow er is privacy for the manager and patrons.. New and efficient facilities works .up enthusiasm .for day-to-dayactivities for ` the • staff and gives the optimum service to the customer. The new store and warehouse generates pride in the Co- operative on the part of employees and .patrons.. The manager .andstaff of the Lucknow :Co-op.' look • forward toerving the people of Lucknow attd district from their new location. • • 1"WW 111MW.1 "ANN ...•1•NM1 N'N'�•r.'�1'VV1'�'�M 1",WW. lnr i"1" N m1.. N.�r�.N.vww�N•wV The Village •of Luc.know.• would like to Congratulate The Lucknow •District Co-op Your new facilities are an to the community'. BEST ,.,on your Gram Opening asset. Andmay you have many successful years • Smoking costsboth in 'health and dollars. Join the Majority, - Be a Non -Smoker. • Saturday night, January A 9:00 - 1:00. At the new• Lucknow Co -op Music by Summer Rain Door Prizes New location: 1/2 mile south of Lucknow on Huron County Road No. ,1 C