The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-10, Page 10P•40 le—Lithsur CAMEO *,liquid Embroidery • • fun ,hobby, easy to° do 77 colours • paint on Velvet, crimp, cotton, leather, 'even ceramics • stamped goods; such as - tablecloths, quilt. blocks, ' wall hangings, etc., etc. • guaranteed .machine Wash'' able and drycleanable • v For more information cail Donna Snyder 529-7685 LUCKNOW ' i• PRE'SBYTERIAN CHURCH .; Rev: Wm. Munshaw ' B.A.M.Div. SUNDAY, JANUARY 14 `10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.. l Morning Worship Everyone. Welcome :LUCKNOW :.' UNITED. :CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Oto WF'ed.e.rlay! Jiivaa0 10, 1979 DICKIE • to Mr. and Mrs. HUBER - Mr. and Mrs. Ross William , Dickie,R. R.5 Huber, R. 3 Teeswater, wish Lucknow; a daughter, Kar-" . toannounce the arrival of a issa Lorraine, in Wingham daughter on January 4, 1979, and District Hospital on in Wingham and District Sunday, Deciber-31Y. 1918. Hospital. • MAIER -- In Wingham and " District Hospital on January 5, 1979 to Mr. and Mrs. Philipier, R. 1. Wroxeter, a daught r, Julia Martha. WORMINGTON'' =" Mr.—and Mrs. Robin Wormington (nee Beth Hallam), R. R. 1 Bluevale, arehappy to an- nounce the birth pf a son, i . ,KLJKevin Brian, al Wingham � e 4 Sizes .. . i January 5th, ,1979,.. weighing ! 12 -18 = 25.30 R,p, • ..1 . 7 lbs. 14 oz.. A' wee brother. % •Brent andRearpr0 for Cherie and Jeff. . % 'and -District Hospital. on % 3 PointInitcl► } •Ikluid.Cooled Mesas % FERGUSON - To Murray and 2 and 4 Wheel Drive. % Susan (nee Miller) of R. R. # Available with • 1' Ripley, their first 'child, a W.I. B:oard dir�ctor reports Executive membersof the Grey -Bruce District of, the Women's Institute met on December 4, at the home of. Mrs. William Middleton, Chesley...Mrs, _Middjeten_at- tended , a board meeting November 20 - 24 in Toronto, as board director represent- ing ;Sub.. Division 17, Grey - Bruce Area. This meeting was called to, pass on to members of Women's Insti- tutes, the business of: the work•. of Women's Institutes of F,W,I.O. The' Erland Lee Home "Foundation -Fund has almost reached $70,000, itis .the only project of the R. :I.C1. - -hope to get over the top by 1980. The Officers' Conference t "*Cabs. Loaders, son, Adam Murray, 8 lb. 9 obstetrics.... Blades, Mowers, • oz., Friday, December 29th % Trenchers, Plows, i at' $t. Joseph's Hospital, { ' Harrows, Back Hoes, ' l.- • . 11,011bVilt004 Snow ' t Kincardine and , Mr. • and ! Blowers % Mrs. Jbhn Ferguson, R. R. # - Ctith 'atorstDisx; I • London: A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Miller of DOUPE'S 1. Ripley. • E • • t• • • iACK'ETT Mr and Mrs , qutpment Ltd, • Robert° Hackett, R. R. 3 I SALES -SERVICE -RENTALS Goderich, wish. to. announce - 395 -2685 the arrival of Wesley Robert, %HWY.-9"KINCARDINE at Wingham and • DiStrief j . [AT M LLARTONi ' l Hospital on December 3.1 LUCKNOW „ % S • CHULTZ -� In Victoria Hos- ] %pita, London, on Saturday, CH'RiST1AN December 30th, 1978 to•Mr % .arid Mrs, -Dennis Schultz. a` REFORMED ,. -1 lbs. 5 oz: CHURCH % ' , ' a sister for', F Minister t daughter, Erin Lindsay, 8 SUNDAY, JANUARY #1 j ' 10 a.m. Sunday School .11:00 a.m. Morni erg-Worsh ip Nursery Provided .• ▪ For Pre.School.Children • Adrienne. . Eadie - happily announce the .. 'j SUNDAY, JANUARY 14 j birth -'of their son, 'Matthew, % . David, weighing 8 lbs 5 oz., \. 1. • Morning Service % t ` 10;00 a.m. arid 2:30 n.m. 'j on. January 8; 1979 at Wing••- -•-• end of • .ter• CONTINUED ,FROM P.-9 writing in the day book. , on November 17 that the date rang a note- with Miss Cook:'' . Twenty-five' years ago , on that date she began her job as supervisor.. Her job is far . from. finished. Except for several bouquets of flow- ers from friendsand associ ates, the day passed the same as, any other Miss Cook is : not retiring and she'll be the first to tell *you so. She doesn't • think 25 < yearsis:worth making a noise about, claiming there are many nurses who have done as much,, and more. will be May. 1 - 3 in ' Kitchener, cost .•75.00 per delegate. This Conference is for Tweedsmuir Curators at all levels, Curators or mem- ber at large. in Branches. 1979 has been designated as the "International Year of the Child" (IYC) and in order • LUCKNOW U.C.W. UNIT 1 •d. Unit 1 of the Lucknow •U,C,W. met. January 2nd, in the church parlour. Mrs. Isobel Havens welcomed ev= eryone and read a. short r�� poem on the "New. Year". "Mrs. Shirley- Bolt took charge of the program and, gave a reading on . the "Old and ' New 'Year". Timely readings were given by Mrs. OliveIrwin and Mrs. Edith Webster. Kay and Karl Mor- rison favoured with two lively piano duets;' • r The devotions were given by Mrs. Vi ' Arnold and scripture, loading .,by Mrs:. Phyllis :Morrison.. The new study books for- 1979 were introduced by Mrs..L Hav- ens. The, unit will be stud ing about "Human Rights": Mrs. S. Bolt gave an excel:; lent report..on:. the 1978 givings:.A small stocking for special givings will be given to each member and it"'was' decided to use a .birthday jar at each meeting. During the year two Hobby SaTes will bp herd. . January and 'February vis- itation will be done •by Mrs. P " .Morrison and Mrs. Vi Arnold. Mit' P. Morrison ;asked for donations of food and helpers for the .Agricul tural Society banquet Janu- ary 18. • i j . % ham. and' District Hospital. Jr. Congregation for Listen to the Back to God Hour .10.30 a:m. Proud ;grandparents,;:are Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eadie, Holy - reed and :Mr. and Mrs. Frank:, : 8 Year Old Children CKNX ! % 5. % MacKenzie, Lucknow.: MON;UME g$ For sound.counseLand a fair price on• a' monument correctly' designed from quahty=material, rely on $KELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY.YEARS ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS: yALKERTON PHONE :881.0234 ONTTARIO Johnston Bros. (Bothwell Lill.) " Dungannon. Ontario New. Gravel Prices Cash. a Carry Effective immediately Ton •.15c .95c .90c .95c ' .95c 1.75 ..95c., .40c Fill ' Stone, Dust Sand Crushed Gravel Cement Gravel Drainage Stone -• Oversize Stone Pit Run Gravel . iOpin iDalIYy'7•*" • Dungannon Pits Only67 . • ot ` a bee Write a letter to the editor j0RG:I4N COLLEGE ixnrt'iv EVENI . Alternative Lifestyles, and % Poisitve ' Thinking' Applied Energy Alternatives Aviation Ground School Aviation - Instrument Flying Regulations Backpacking Ballet. Exercises Ballroom Dancing Bartending . 1 Business Law Cake ,Decorating [Beginner*.ti ^„ C,.I.M. - Org' tional &' Human Behavour . Op rations 'Management Policy and : Administration Certified Technician-.& Technologist: Coaching :Clinic [Level 1] Theory % Conversational French [Intermediatej % Conversational Spanish Current 'Issues in Psychology % Defensive Driving t' Effective Supervision in Hospital t Administration Electrical Theory for Tradesmen Farm Safety Fireplace Construction' d ` Flower.. Arranging- !, Furniture Refinishing Gardening Under Lights 1. General Insurance Program Courses Golf. .l, % Gourmelt Cooking • Guitar '(Introductory] [Intermediate] • Hanging a .Garden: Hardwood Lumber Graders Indoor Plant propagation. industrial 'Mahttenance : Mechanic Jewellery Making . . Kripula Yoga .Life Drawing Motorcycle Riding ' Music is .for Everyone Photographic Silkscreening Pottery Psychology of Professional Selling Purchasing Real Estate Courses Safety . Sheet Metal Drafting' Shorterhand` 1 & 2. • 1 Skiing - Cross. Country Small Appliance Repair,.. Spinning & •Dyeing [Level 3] Taxidermy 1 I . The Secretary and Her Management Skills Typing 1 & 2. Welding We're Buying a Home Yoga Weekend ' ' For full information on courses contact Georgian College, Box 700, Owers Sound (N4I(5R4) or te1:,phbne.519-376-0682. Better still, 'drop into the campus at 1150 - 8th .Street East, any day from Monday to Friday. 1 % 1 I I .•1.•��..r'\... '.:ii'W..t�• . ..Y' .r' .9''r:..Vr•r•ti.�r�...'.r�.ri:.IiY../"�.i\�.'�.r'`404.40w./+V10.....44..4.4r,44,44.Y.44'•144✓I to•have all reinbets aware or this, the;Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario . are sponsoring an IYC Poster Competition on "The Rights of the Child". F. W.I.O. Project will fie, that the Women's ' Institute Branches undertake a local 'action' project whereby they encourage parentsto review the immunization charts of their children and . take ad- vantage of this protection. Mrs. Middleton said she was sorry to report a drop in WI members from 33,000 ' to 28,734 members. But happy to report I5. Branches :of Jr. Institute and a growing membership•; ,. Women's Institute week at .-Erland Lee 'Home •will- be— held June 4 - 8, 1979. There were 17 Resolutions sent in -. one was sustained from• a. Bruce South which originated from Teeswater Branch.• National Convention: is to ' be held'.. in June, Saskatoon 10 voting dele- sgates will. attend from the Toronto office. Each District IS to give a gift for the Gift Stall: A vote of thanks was expressedtaMrs. Middleton for her kind hospitality as host to' the Meeting.. SOUTH KINLOSS WM:S• a The December, meeting Of South Kinloss was held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd. Mac- Dougall. Mrs. ` Philip Steer presided. " The'meeting opened with a Christmas ,reading by. Mrs Olive Needham, The first ` part of the ggeeting,was tags, ken.from .Th'e Glad Tidinentitled "Caine to Christmas", led by : Mrs. Philip Steer with Mrs. Allan MacDougall tak- ing party A Christmas meditation, prepared by Mrs. Leonard Machines, was read by Mrs:: Allan MacDougall, followed with the Prayer Circle by WS, Willard Downey, Mrs.., Harold: Campbell . and Mrs; - Evan Keith. The Study Book , chapter was by Mrs: --.Allan MacDougall. '`"l'liis • being the; annual meeting, reports were given by, each secretary; followed with the report of the nomin- ating committee: Courtesies' :were by Mrs Willard Downey: Mrs. Steer gave the closing prayer.. Lunch was served by the hostess and directors, Mrs. Allan MacDougali, Mrs, Leonard Maclnnes, and .Mrs. -Willard Downey. ; South Kinloss W.M.S f ficers for 1979 are Prelsitl-. ent, Mrs. Philip Steer; vice presidents, 1st, Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall, 2nd, Mrs. Evan Keith, 3rd, Mrs. John Mow- bray; : Secretary . and . Press, Mrs. Harry Lavis; Treasurer, Mrs.' Fraser MacKinnon; Supply,, Mrs. Harold How - aid; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Herb Buckton; Friendship and Ser., vice, Mrs. Olive Needham; Life Membership, Mrs. 'Leo- nard MacInnes; Sunshine, Mrs. Allain MacDougall, Mrs. Donald C. Maclntyre; Ladies Ail, Mrs. Harold Campbell; Bible : Society, Mrs. .)im4Burt; Daily Devo- tions,' Mrs, Ted Collyer: Literature & Library,' Mrs , Bruce Hamilton; Historian Mrs.' Ira Dickie; Ass't. ,His• torian, Mrs. Douglas Gra. ham; ,Pianist, Mrs. Alvin Schtriidt. •