The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-03, Page 1731. Cards of. thanks PORTER • A sincere thank you for" alt , the cards, giftS, flowers and prayers -that 1 receivodwhile a patientospitaL Thanks • also for 'al the baking and food brought to our home,and a special "Thank.youu to all whewere so helpful with the 'children'. These acts of kindness will iong be remembered. •Marianna, .Porter. -lx ' _ _ , We wish to thank everyone' for their cards, gifts and visits while in hosfiltal; also to 0.13. staff at Wingharn and District. Hospital for taking - such good care of Tara for • three weeks,. &special note - of appreciation to Dr. Mel Corrin who delivered .our baby on such short notice. • Herb, Rosalene and Tara Barger. -1 . BARGER • AGNEW •Howard and Margaret Agnew would like to thank all those who rernembered them with cards and visits over the, „, holiday season.--1AR HUNTER My sincere thanks to all those who ,visited me; sent cards 'and -gifts while 1 was a patient in St.. Joseph's HesPital, London.. Special thanks to those who helped out at home. Vern •Hun- ' ter. -lx " . . • 32. Coming „events RgC6ION A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Ritchie (nee Jane Wat- son) wW be •held Saturday, January 13, 1979. Music will , • be proitided by Cactas Graz. -52,1,2 ,• BLYTH BINGO Bingo every - S,aturday -even- ing at the- Blyth . Memorial Blyth, at Ati p.m. Regulk games,. share-the- m/eat& -and jackpot $150. First Bingo September 16. -37tfar J •- OPEN RECEPTION An open reception will be held for Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman (nee ,Janice Zinn). on Friday, January. 5, 1979 at 8 p.m. at Saltford Valley Hall, Goderich. -Everyone weiceme,f NEEDLEPOINT . CLASSES • The Lticknow Junior and Senior Women's , Institutes are sponsoring beginners needlepoint classes en January 9, 10 and 11 at 8:30 p.m. at the. Lucknow Town • hall..To, participate: in, these classes you must contact Grace Alton at 528-3205 by. January 5, 1979' and pay a • $2,00 registration fee,which includes the kit.a4 • SHOOT PAR Tie' • At St. Thur-. sday,. January 4 . at 8:30 P.m.H1 • • . '• LES CANADIENS - Theatre • Passe Muraille's play about Hockey, Hockey, Hockey .written by.. Rick :Salutin assist Ken • Dryden, per- • formed: on roller Skates at, Blyth Memorial. Hall, January 17, 8 .p.ni.. Adrais-Sion- Adults $4.00 Children .$2.50.Reservations • 523-9403,--1,2ar •••••••••••f• Conley Construetion LUCKNOW Cement Work • Framing FLORIDA CIRCLE TO'LJR.,- : MacP your FP4i.O.tYatkinS'sogn -for this foUrteen' day tour to the 'sunShine" state': This All • Star Tour iIdeel for those who "are interested' in sightseeing in Florida. Many little extras are included in the price.. For full details on • this. tour, . contact yOur All Star Tour representative in: Lucknow, Mrs. Merle -. Eitiott.-lar • RECEPTION, A reception foi- Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ritchie (nee Jane Watson) will Pe held Saturday, JanuarY 13, 1079 at the • Lucknow • District Community Centre. Music will be provided by Cectas Graz. -52,1,2 •• •• ANNUAL MEETING .Renova•tions . The Luck.rthw Agricultural For Freeistimates • CALL 528-2338 • l'- aposlesoilipe•ows:' Society will hold their annual supper' meeting on Thur- sday, January 18 at 7 pan, in the Lucknpw United Church. • MeMbers wishing tickets call 528-2073.-1,2ar ▪ .4 CLASSIFICATIONS' 1.. Articles for sale 2, Mobile Mimes - 3. Ankles for rent 4.. Artikles wanted, 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Reid estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Roomo and beard. 12. Help wanted 13.- Wanted [general]. 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 16, Mortgages 17. Auction Salesk, 18, Services' available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal .A 22. Lest and found • 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. Toogive away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages • 30. In Mentor= 31. Cards of thanks DEADLINE Claisifted Ads 5 P.m. ivioNDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 5 p.m. Monday for that week's paper. _ - • CLASSIFIED - itic per word, minimum $2.00 5 • 'EST. ATE .SALES-. • If yOu hcive recently entered the Real Estate profession or are considering'. it W.J. Hughes Realty Limited through • Rectify Worlds training programs • guarantee your success. ,far more In- formation on our Saturday 10:00 am.; seminars on a real estate career, con. tact Deb Shawl/0Rres. 524.9581 or of- fice s24;$100 or Judy Andrigoi training centre 6844110. \ •Lock6ow &POW; cif January 3,1979-' 11. hove a four -word buyers rad: • Mtitidi say': "Shop First In ClossiRod" Mars wham this club WO; wailing 1,- • Till now 1. us• a borrowed club And must 'have rooked like quite a dub., Just couldn't hit a thing? 4ut efith this club, as you an $o*, My gaftio's irtiorovod . tromondousgY • Especially my swine, il.f, 41.11041/14 .1p111.:4V4silr V./ JACK1 PIACI Mgliwiiy 86 ' Just East of Lucknow USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES • LUCHNOW 5284625 COme to Tack's Place If you want to succeed • In MAIM your bpssphold . Ox cottage -needs We Buy; Sell Or Trade • Also Stociting MININAX • REFINISHING •PRODUCTS ;And We*111 Demensrliate How:TolCSe Ti4m • There was a man who live4d by .the side of the road aid sold hot dogs. • He sold.vry good hot dogs. - He put up signs along the . highway and advertised inthe newspaper telling hoW good they were. •_. • lie stood on the_side of the road.. and cried: -"Buy a hot dog, Mister?" And people. bought. He increased his meat and bun Orders. He bought a bigger stove to'. take care of his trade. He finally got his son home from college to help him out. But then somethirN happened. T. • ThAe's a big depression. The foreign situation is terrible, The do;riestic situation is. • worse.", • Whereupon the father thought, "Well, my son's been to college, he listens to the radio and watchesTV and. he ought to • know." So the father cut down on his. • meat and bun orders, took •• • down his signs and cancelled his• _ • newspaper ads and no longer 'bothered to stand out on the highway, to sell his hot dogs. And his hot dog sales fell almOst overnight; "You're righ-" the father said to the boy. "We His, son said, "Father, haven't certainly are in the Middle ypu been listening to the radio of a great depression." and watching,TV? No Matter What You Sell ...We'll Help You Sell More bf It! The Lucknow • Sentinel ge,