The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-03, Page 8Page 8—Luclat.ovf Sentinel, WednesdaY, .111unary 3, 1979 r•••"" 6 ' • BY VALETTA EMERSON Your. reporter extends to all the community Best, W,s1ie for % .Prosperous and Happy New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon LUCKNOW. REFORMED- )? CHURCH . j Rev. L. Van Staalduinen ; SUNDA Y JANUARy • 10000 ervice mernIn s ? and 2:30 p.m. Listen to the ; Back to God Hour 1030 a.m. CKNX •••••••••••—ra...41,-- •••••••.0.......er•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••; LAICKNOW I T. E. • 'I.,: • iRev. Doug Kaufman i Minister . • / SUNDAY JANUARY 10 a.m. Sunday School • II:00 a111 . • . / 1 • Morning Worship, f Nursery Provided 'For Pre -School children 1Jr.. ) . • Congregationfor : • - 8 Year Old Children t• 1,.......*••••••••••••••••;....orrft, ..o•—••••••••••..*,44•••••,....• e Emerson, Darlene, Sharon and Brenda of St. Catharines visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. • Norman MadDonald and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig Lana, Ryan and Jarret celebrated,. New Years on Friday last whenCragMrs.hrevn1411 aaay ,and off work.Others present were and Mrs.Ho and Lisayrverig Lail of Wingham .and Albert Coultes. On Saturday evening the - Laidlaw relatives held a Christmas 'Pot Luck Dinner in ,the Whitechurch Community Memorial Hall• where over 100" .gathered to celebrate the_ -occasion. After the meal, dancing was enjoyed to music supplied by' T Joe Ducharine:' Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw, were. also celebrating a 'wedding anniversary. , • LUCKNOVV -PRESBYTERIAN: CHURCH • 1, Rey. Wm. Munshaw. - - . •- SUNDAY, JANUARY 7 l000am Sunday School 1100 aan. :Morning WorShip • - Everyone Welcome „ . • • IfOT(HINSON ISLAND You want an unhurried and relaxing vacation yet still want to enjokan active resort atmoSphere.. Visit Indian River Plantation ResOrt. Mill enjoy peaceful Hutchinson' island with secluded beaches, , • exotic nature and all th'e facilities.yoU'd expect in ari exciting resort , . golf tennis, swimming. fishing, Sailingand just plalriWaxing. ' •r4.,• • Challenging Executive Golf Course • • 11 Har Tru Professional Clay Tennis Courts lit) •: The Porch Restaurant 'arid Bar • Swimming Pool (.Expansive/Heated) • All Adcommodatioris Are Fully Equipped Oceanfront Resort Apartments • Complete Hotel SerOce. • • Major airlines serve Palin Beach International „Airport (45 Mlles, South). where limousine: taxi or rental car service is availableor private jets may , land at Stuart Airport, just 'Minutes away from the . Plantation.. - • . DiStover all that Indian River Pjantation has for you. Contact our 'resort office by 'calling (305) • 286.3700 or .write 38$ N.B. Plantation Road. Hutchinson Island, Stuart, Florida.33494. Vite Presidentideneral Mariager 440r ado . "Itit3— •••• • • Stuart Palm Wadi Simms • • , e r • Mr.' nd Mrs. Cameron _Simmons •of London at- tefided the • Christmas party in the Hall and on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. -Lorne Durnin visited , with his parents,' Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon •Simmons of Wingham. . . Guests on New Year's Day with Mr: and Mrs. Tom Day,' John • and Richard were Mr.-- and Mrs. Peter Day, Gordon and Alison of Bluevale and Mrs. Day's .mother Mrs. Christopher— . Mr. and. Mrs: •Gary Chapman and family of Wingharn Were Monday.. Visitors with his" parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. "•Russel Chapman. Mr. •and' Mrs. Dave, . Q-11?1, and Murray visited on the weekendwithMr. and Mrs John Gibb and Ryan of Kitchener. Rev. Wilena Brown visited Monday.evening with ' Mr. an - Mrs. Harygy Oskorne and family. Recent visitors with Mrs. Ella Johnston were Ruth Ann and Carol Ann and Paul Johnston of • Listpwel on Friday, Mrs. Earl Weltz Thornburg Mr.- and. Mrs. Bob Bur- chill on Saturday. •On New Year's Day, Mrs. Johnston ac- companied her daughter, Mrs. Ted Robinson and Mr. Robinson of Don- nybrook, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritchies for •New Years. We are sorry to report George Grigg to be a patient at Wingham Hospital% and wish him a speedy recovery. This community received a shock when they learned on Friday. -Bob Adams had passed away suddenly. He had - suffered a severe heart Lowe litereStR(Itet .NOW AVAILABLE -• 1St cand.2ettiltioitgpgsis ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND FARM PROPERTIES • . • ve• Interim Finaneisig. For Nei; Coitatrucdon and Land • . Development FORREPRESEN'TATTVES ybeR AREA•PHONE.- FEVVAY INVESTMENTS •CONSULTANTS LIMITE Evenings call Gord Page,(519)*881-010l • Head Office, 741 King St. W., Kitchener [519]519-400- ranch ;Office:* 705 Goderich St , PortEight [5191832-.2044 , • We buy existing mortgages for instant cash - • • .• • MONUMENTS • ;:Forsound counsel and a.fair price on a monument correetly designed froni quality material, rely tin, • .SK-ELTON.::MEMORIAL4 Pat CY•Hogari, Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS''',',"'""'" ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS' :• ,WALICERTON s* PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO' Johnston .:BrOt; • '(Bothwell Ltd.) • Dupgannon, Ontario New Gravel Prices Cabh.&Carry Effective -Immediately Fill Stone Dust 'Sand .• Crushed Gravel Cement Gravel ., Drainage Stone ' Oversize Stone' Pit .Run Gravel. .40c Open Daily 7 a.m. 5 p.m. Dungannon Pits Only 529-7947 15c .95c .90c' \ .95c, ”--• .95c 175 .95c •r• .9 a attack a few weeks "ago but, recovered from it . enough tobeable to drive .' the car and move about but under doctcirsorders; he. was not to work, The community extends to his wife, Pauline, and'famt of five daughters and tw •sons their sincere sYmpathy. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson, Dar.lene,• 'Sharon, and Brendaspent Christmas Holidays from Wednesday to Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. - On Sunday • they went to •visit with • Mr. •and Mrs-. J. McKenzie and family of - IVIildmay.* • Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Osborne, Bethany, Anna and Laura arrived home from visiting with his - parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Osborne and family at' Markdale on Friday. -The' 'community' learned through Mr. and. Mrs. Wesley Tiffin that Bob Henderson of London passed away on Friday. The community had nota been aware th%t Bob had ' been in failing, health. • • Bob is ,well-known in Whiteehtirch where he .grew up with 'his parents the late Mr. and Mrs., Tom Henderson. He at- tended Public School at S.S. No., 10. and the church at Chalmers 'Presbyterian and farmed the farm across from 'the, late Jameson .Peitypiece on 4th . for many years prior to moving to Londan. The community extends 'tO his wife -Agnes and• his'family their sincere sympathy. On' Thursday last Mr. and Mrs. Ted Evans and • family of Ballinafacl and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans Of Hyde Park celebrated Christmas with their " parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans. • •, New Year'S guests,with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Faconer,.Amy, Timmy and Tony were Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer and • eKleavxj.,an,,' Mr . and*Mrs. Wallace . Milligan and • Mr. and Mrs. .:1•,t4FaoolwrIcobFnrareiryd.anyf,arenniiIttigwalerre., and Mr. and MrS. Robert visitors with Mr..and ' Mrs. WallaceCMilligan and Mrs. Joe Ducharme •• of Goderich had as their •guests Mrs. Jane Laidlaw. of London Mr, and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw, Mr and • Mrs, Paul , Laidlaw --and Michelle of Windsor,IVIr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin, ;Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons, London, Mr. • and Mrs. Howard Long, London, ,and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz,and Kenton Goderich. • Those attending _the, _funeral of- the • late Mr. Robert Henderson of LondOn from here on Monday were Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Tiffin, Mrs. \Robert Mowbray and "Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon. ut in loss : • CONTINUED PROM P. 7 Brian "Keith of Toronto and Murrayrof Waterloo and Wanda Linner and Mr. and Mrs: Douglas' Graham. Betty, Ann and Currey Colwell held Christmas dinner for the ,Eaie family Others ,that I wasn't talking to, epjoy6d. having friends and family gatherings for the holiday' • and I wish each and every one all theBesf ircip7g. • • • ' • ' • • • • , S year member: loan 91/2°AI onnusily . 10 year member loan10;Yo -annually • 15 year member loan 101/2%'annually' •20,year member loan 11% annually Information available from your, directors or Coop office Lucknow District Coop Plume •