The Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-12-21, Page 14WINGHAM SHUTER STREET
Here's wishing you
a holiday season •
aglow with all the
good things
that help to make
our lives brighter.
CLOSED SUN. MON. - TUES., DEC. 24-25-26
CLOSED SUN. - MON., DEC. 31 - JAN. 1
As we gather together
on Christmas mom, to
hear once again the
story of the birth of
the Christ child, we
value more than ever
the good Will of our
loyal patrons. To you,
sincerely, "Thank you."
Al and Clare Cantelon & Staff
for a Party Dress
If you're looking for a dress with youthful style
and a sensible price, shop at HAYES FAMILY
CLOTHING. You'll always find, as Lee did, just
what you're looking for.
Page 4 v- Wingham AdVanee,`I'imes, Thursday, Dee. 21, 1967
am,d Ui W.D.+1 S.
CANDIDATES FOR Students' Council
managers addressed the assembly in
week. Extreme left, Linda Elliott,
for Jane Harrison on her right; Anne
and their campaign
the school gym last
campaign manager
Meyer and her man-
ager, Pat Walker; Phyllis McKague, manager for Donna
Mundell on her right; Mr. Kopas; Lloyd Michie, manager
for Bill Phelan on his right; Marilyn Strong and her
manager, Neil Graham.
"SWIGGY" RATHBUN was one of Ann Meyer's support-
ers in the campaign.
On December 12 an Assem-
bly was held for the Students'
Council candidates. This
year there are seven students
running for office, Sheila Crew-
son, Doug Elliott, Jane Harri-
son, Anne Meyer, Donna Mun-
dell, Bill Phelan and Marilyn
The chairman, Mr. Kopas,
introduced each campaign
manager who in turn introduced
his or her candidate.
Some of the highlights be-
fore the candidates' speeches
occurred when Donna Mundell
was carried to the stage in a
procession led by piper Bob
Worrall; Andy Rathbun led the
line of Anne Meyer's supporters
playing the part of Swiggy and
prior to Sheila Crewson's
speech a record was playea
called "Sheila" . All the can-
didates had some form of pro-
cession or cheers and songs
from their supporters.
The ideas of the candidates
varied but all had one promise;
to do their best if elected to
the Students' Council.
Doug Elliott had a new ap-
proach. He promised to all
babes who voted for him a kiss,
if they so desired. Bill Phelan
and Jane Harrison spoke of
their honesty and ability to
handle the job of treasurer.
Marilyn Strong summed up her
speech by saying "You can't go
wrong if you vote for Strong".
Anne Meyer thinks the stu-
dents should be allowed to
smoke on School property as do
the teachers. She wants a
smoking lounge in the new
Donna Mundell sums up her
speech in the following way
(Replace every X with an E.)
Xvxn though my typxwritxr
is an old modxl, it works quitx
wxll xxcxpt for onx of thx kxys.
It is trux that thxrx arx 46 kxys
that function wxll xnough but
just onx kxy makxs thx diffxr-
Somxtimxs it sxxms that our
Studxnts' Council is somxwhat
likx my typxwritxr.
You may say to yoursxlf.
Wxll I am only onx pxrson. It
won't makx much diffxrxncx
but you sxx , thx Studxnts'
Council nxxds thx activx part-
icipation of xvxry pxrson. So
thx nxxt timx you think you
arx not nxxdxd, rxmxmbxr my
typxwritxr and say to yoursxlf,
"I am a kxy pxrson and nxxdxd
vxry much."
Author unknown
All in all the election
campaigns have been the best
Jr. boys'
On December 13 the juniors
went to Listowel to challenge
their men in blue. Wingham
seemed to have the game right
up to the last minute with the
score 27-31. Then Listowel
came back to score 3 baskets
to make the score 31-33 for
Our top scorer was Bill Skinn
with 20 points, then Gary
Bauer with 3 points, Jim Wheel-
er with 2, Bruce Corrigan with
2, Les Tervit with 2, and Len
Johnston with 2 points.
Girls' basketball
Once again the basketball
season has started. On Decem-
ber 13th the junior team,
coached by Mrs. McLennan,
played an exhibition game
against Listowel in Wingham.
In the first quarter the score
was a close 4 to 2 for Listowel.
Wingham tried hard but Lis-
towel tried harder and the re-
sult at the end of the second
quarter was Listowel leading
13 to 3. The third quarter fol-
lowed much the same pattern
with Listowel still in the lead,
20 to 7. At the end of the
fourth quarter the score was 31
to 12 for Listowel. The leading
Wingham scorer was Ann Kief-
fer with a total of 5 points.
Pull up your socks girls; better
luck next time.
Prior to the juniors' exhibi-
tion game, the senior team,
under the coaching of Mrs.
Underwood, played an exhibi-
tion game against the Listowel
seniors. The game got off to
a swinging start with Wingham
in the lead 4 to 0 at the end of
the first quarter. At the end of
the second quarter Wingham
was still leading with a score
of 14 to 1. The third quarter
saw Wingham leading 14 to 3.
Our team consistently piled up
the score in the fourth quarter
to end the game with a 17 to 10
The best scorers for Wing-
ham were Bonnie Willie with a
total of 6 points and Jill Mc-
Pherson who also scored 6
Our girls may not be jump-
ers but they play to win.
Sr. boys'
Last Wednesday the senior
boys' basketball team journey-
ed to Listowel for an exhibition
game. With great expectations
It's Happening
At W.D.H.S.
It seems that last Thursday
a young man, whose name I
will not disclose, jumped off
the gallery of the girls gym on-
to the trampoline on the gym
floor. Result: his mother had
one extra pair of pants to mend.
There seems to be an in-
creased number of students in
the cafeteria lately at noon.
Maybe it's because candidates
Doug Elliott and Sheila Crew-
son are playing records over
the lunch hour as part of their
campaign programme. It's a
terrific idea and I think most
students would like it to con-
tinue the year round.
Do these look familiar?
Napoleon needed Strong at
Neither wind nor rain nor
fire can stop Anne Meyer.
Sheila Forever.
Vote Bill Phelan
Nice things come in little
packages: Vote Donna Mundell
Doug was Captain of the
Mustangs, make him Captain
of our school
Think higher, vote Meyer.
She can read.
She can write,
She can spell,
Vote Mundell
Just a few of the slogans
used in the campaigns.
the boys formed themselves on
the court in their starting line-
up only to find that they were
playing a far superior team.
They were out-jumped, out -
dribbled, out-shot, and out-
scored throughout the entire
game. As a result Wingham
went down to a humiliating
defeat. Our boys did their best
but this was not nearly good
enough. With practise our
team will become better and
next time we play we will
promise a better show for we
can and WILL do better.
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Candidates introduced
144 Wei
Add to the good
things of Christmas —
our wishes for a joyous holiday!
DOUG ELLIOTT, candidate for Students' Council and his
manager, Mary Lillow, put up a poster.