The Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-12-14, Page 1620 % TO 50 % OFF BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Must be sold out by January 1st, 1968 Will continue Optical service only W. R. HAMILTON 2 rrb r CLOSE-OUT SALE ALL RINGS, WATCHES and DIAMOND RINGS FROZEN Food Features 6 Varieties SCHNEIDERS• - COOKED MEATS 2/53C 6-oz. UCW shows appreciation for long service, Gives Christmas customs at BELGRAVE— The Decem- ber meeting ot Knox Presbyter- ian W, M. S, was held at the home of Mrs. Alan MeStuney with a good attendance. Mrs. J. Dunbar presided and opened the meeting with a poem, "A Christmas Wish", followed by prayer. In the absence ot the secre- tary Mrs. Bruce, the minutes Were ;:ead by Mrs, Mae Scott, Fourty-four visit. were reported. Mrs. Alan M,,Burney told ot various Christina , customs and emphasized that m many cases these customs and opportunities ill li°e are very tew. The poem, ' I Said to .the Man at the Gate ot the Year" conclud- ed die topic. Mrs, Dunbar conducted the husiness and read a letter from Mrs. Ernest Geddes ot Seaforth, expressing her pleas,. ure and appreciation as a guest at the 80th anniversary of the. W.M„S, in October,, Plans for helping with the Christmas social evening for the Sabbath School were made, and a committee Appointed to he in charge as follows, Mrs. Mac Scott, Mrs. Alan McBurn- ey and Mrs. Robert Purdou, The meeting was closed with prayer, A social time followed when the hostess serv- ed a delicious lunch, Weekly euchre 13ELGRAVE-- There were seven tables in play at the Belgrave euchre held in the community rooms. High lady was Mrs. Robert Purdon; high man, Mark Armstrong; luw lady, Mrs. Robert Higgins; low man, John Adams; novelty prize for most lone hands, Janet Adams and Gordon Hig- gins. Belgrave Recent visitors with Mrs, Robert Purdon and Mrs, Eliza- beth Anderson were Mrs. Mina MeRitehie, and James Currie ot Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon ot Lucknow, Mrs, Arn- old Chadwick and Philip chad., wick, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Procter are patients in Wingham and District Hospital, We wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. David Walsh has been a student teacher at Homesville school this past Rev, John M, Roberts of. lieLiteci at the baptismal Ser- vie(' in the Belgrave United ;••11zicliiy morning when Donna Jean, iMant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Higgins and Randy William Leslie, intant son cm Mr, and Mrs. John Nixon were baptized.. " • - " "Mary turned me down when I asked her for another dance." "Well, she knows her bunions." PresbyterianW,M.S monthly meeting DLUEVALE-, The W.,M,S, of the Presbyterian Church was held in the basement of the church on Tuesday of last week with Mrs, Wm, Robertson pre- siding.. She opened the meet- ing with the call to worship, followed by a hymn with Mrs, Keith Moffatt as pianist, Mrs. Harvey Robertson read the Scripture and Mrs.. Wm. Robertson read a poem, "Keeping Christmas", Mrs. Wm. Elston led in prayer, The roll call was answered by a verse containing the word joy by 17 ladies. The reports from all the officers were read and adopted, The officers will be installed at the January meeting. The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction was pronounced. Mrs. W. de Vos and Mrs. Ross Mann served lunch. BLUEVALE-- The general Meeting of the U.C,W, was held in the school room of the United Church on. Thursday, with Mrs. Jack Wickstead pre. siding. Mrs, Wickstead conducted the business which consisted of a review of recent activities, the presentation of reports and future plans. Mrs. J.C. Johns- ton, treasurer, showed a large balance on hand, resulting from the activities of the four groups and from projects, at a garden party and a bazaar, ob- tained by the main association. The allocation was fully met, also a contribution to the "Over and Above" fund. Worship service and mission study are carried on at each group meet- ing. A feature of the program was the presentation of a U.C. W. pin to Mrs. Milton Fraser, a long-time valuable member of the church and community, The gift was presented Uy Mrs. Charles Boman, an address of appreciation being read by Mrs, M. L, Aitken, Mrs,. Fras- er, in expressing her thanks, said she would not he far awayy, in the vicinity of Brussels. Unit one gave the study program conducted by Mrs. W, J. Peacock and consisting of Christmas carols, Scripture passages read by Mrs. Peacock, alternately with quotations and poems read by several readers, all using the Christmas theme-- Mrs, Carl Johnston, Mrs. Mel Craig, Mrs. C.B.Hoffman,Mrs. Jas. Johnston, Mrs, Milton Fraser, Mrs. George Hethering , ton, Mrs. Walter Willits gave the topic, quoting from writer Bill Smiley as to the value of a real Christmas. Mrs. Carl Johnston played Christmas hymns, The mem.- hers sang as a concluding hymn "Gentle Mary Laid Her Child", composed by a Bluevale Metho- dist minister, of long ago, Rev, Joseph Simpson Cook, Unit two served refresh- ments and a social time was en. Med. eporoiin mwpfiwiimphy.rieurwIrM01!0!0.0."0,000!,,, Y. R, HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINCHAM FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 3$74361 Page Wingham .Advance ,airnes, Thursday, Dec„ 14, 1961 The I,Vingham Advance-Times, Thursday, December 14, 1967 111111165 PRODUCE ';‘HrE RED FRONT Special Values OCEAN SPRAY FRESH Cranberries HEINZ FANCY — 48-oz. MATO VICE 3 a '1 ONTARIO—LARGE FIRM HEADS CABBAGE 2 lbs. U.S. RED EMPEROR GRAPES lb 29` Maple Leaf Grade A Oven-Ready 8 to 28 pounds. • Large shipment in stock now.—Balance to arrive Dec. 20. TURKEY PRICES VARY ACCORDING TO SIZE Heinz PICKLES *Sweet Mixed *Broad and Butter *Kosher Baby Dills 3 OF R OLD SOUTH — 12 oz c Orange Juice" 9 FRASER VALE — 2 lbs. Fancy Peas 49' 94 25c 3 Shortbread Cookies III INIIINIINIINIINIIIII11111,11,14111.1111111 1111111111111011111111111111111111111111116111011111111111,111111111111111116 IIA ro Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce WHOLE or JELLIED 14-oz. 2 i 45' WITTICH'S off Clover Leaf Rolls co\x' IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR HOURS the Red Front will be open each WEDNESDAY after- noon during December and until 9:00 p.m. on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21st. ALL PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE TO CLOS- ING TIME, 6:00 P.M., DECEMBER 23rd, (except as indicated). iliBeEEaF kettes lb 59' Breakfast Bacon 69' Chicken Legs COTTAGE ROLL sTE7filEC1,(FLED LB. (9 '4 Maple Leaf Fresh Fresh Pork lb. WESTON--10z off-24-oz. Raisin or 011( Apple Pie 07 DAVID-114z. Kist Ginger Ale Pepsi Mountain Dew 5 R 8 r 28-oz. •••••••• FRASER VALE FANCY — 11 oz MIXED Vegetables 2/39( FRASER VALE FANCY — 15 oz Strawberries 43c SCHNEIDERS WIENERS Pkr f 39C SCHNEIDERS LINK SAUSAGE lb. 59' SCHNEIDERS RING BOLOGNA lb. 55' PRICES EFFECTIVE TO DECEMBER 16th ONLY Devon Sliced lb. Maple Leaf Fresh 65' clA "._•4„ ;Chicken b5c mom Alt( !Breasts Shoulder " ram emorrimali