The Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-11-23, Page 9Do You Want It or Not? tItl.T3 Val ';; %Volt* 110 MiCra VI Via Tritzusuir.ricint1.0satto.v euvatzoizt4usmeorattti Aitirlreaeuezte.e.tariuw e l m "-t-nutyintnnliv - tti "i'Acin is • vi 21//# Utlit WINNING COUNTY HONORS at the 4-H Achievement Day on Saturday were, back row: Barbara Reigling, Lucknow; Bonnie Fischer and Mary Grasby, Brussels; Beverley Speir- an, Ethel; Wanda Wilson, Auburn; front: Lorene Erring- ton, Lucknow; Judy Work, Brussels; Gail McLennan, Blue- vale, and Linda Snowden, Lucknow.—A-T Photo. ing an ciem Zim ft am Wingham, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 23, 1967 SECOND SECTION while -playing with a friend on Diagonal Road and went head- long into a passing vehicle. Upon examination by the doc- tor it was found that he was suffering from nothing more -than a shaking up and a bump on the head. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis were visitors at Union where Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sparrow and family, formerly of Wingham, now reside. Roy is working in a garage in nearby St. Thomas Oh boy! I know every man leads a life of quiet despera- tion, according to Thoreau. I'd settle for that, if mine were even quiet. This has been one of those days that make me wonder how the hell I can be the sweet, gentle person I am un- derneath. It started at five a.m., when the Old Lady's alarm clock failed to go off. She had checked it four times between 11 p.m. and 5 a,m., switching on the light and waking me up each time. At 4.45, she settled into a sound sleep and woke with a great lurch and a scream of dismay at 5.30. She takes off for the city at 6. Scrambling. Tea and toast. Eyes like rubbed by sandpaper. Turned on the outside light. Six inches of fresh snow, first of the year. More scrambling, for winter boots, long laid away in some hidey-hole. Shoved her into the snow and tottered about from 6 un- til 8.30, having cups of tea, shaves and anything else that was reviving. Off into the bliz- zard with Kim. No snow tires, naturally. Was going to put them on this week. This is not my fault Minor hockey is a complete and utter non-essential to those residents of our community who, are either too old to take part or too old to have children taking part in a sport which is as thoroughly Canadian as anyone could wish. The consensus of opinion in this com- munity, however, is that minor hockey is still a very important part of any winter's activities. Most of the people here believe that a normal male child must at least be exposed to hockey. Such being the case there is every reason to believe that when the town hires a recreation director to set up all organizational framework for minor hockey mothers and fathers of team members might at least show up to back his efforts. Jim Ward, our new director of recre- ation, comes to us with a valuable back- In all our years of trying for new in- dustries for this town we have often won- dered whether or not the cart was being hitched in front of the horse. It was taken for granted that if new industries were attracted to the community housing for the labor force would naturally follow in its wake, Possibly the reverse is true. If we had more houses right here it might be a great deal easier to get industries. In any case two recent announcements have been en- couraging. A new apartment block will be built next spring near the Separate School and a housing subdivision has been started in the north-east area of the town. In both instances, whether the accommo- dations are tailored to the needs of the labor force or not, the resulting additional homes and apartments will ease the strain on those already in existence. Despite the fact that there has been considerable industrial expansion in the past ten years the town has not shown any spectacular growth. The reason for this apparent contradiction is that many who work in Wingham still reside in Lucknow or Bluevale or Wroxeter — because they cannot locate suitable living accommoda- tions in Wingham. One aspect of the housing development Finance Minister Mitchell Sharp's re- cent announcement that there will bean added tax burden for Canadians shortly is sour news for a nation which feels it is already paying some pretty stiff fees for the cost of government and welfare w pro- grams. The finance minister explained that the chief purpose of the added tax would be to prevent inflation—presum- ably by allowing Canadians to keep less money in their pockets for uninhibited spending. There is a solid school of thought which simply does not believe that higher taxes do, in fact, curtail inflation. Indeed it may well be argued that higher taxes act in quite the opposite way in times of near-full employment. Take the case of the factory worker who is making fairly high wages but is also finding that it takes every cent he can bring home to look after his wife and four children (and there are millions of Canadians in this category). If he finds his pay in January of next year is short by four dollars a week because of higher income taxes, he has but one choice open to him—he must ask for and get higher wages than at present. So his employer will soon have to get higher price for the products of his plant to cover the increas- ed wage bill and the consumer will have to pony up the difference. He, in turn, has to seek higher wages or profits to meet the increased cost of living. And that, friends, is inflation. If, as we suspect, the higher taxes are in fact needed to meet increased govern- Representatives of the nearby munici- palities and the executive committee of the Wingham and District Hospital Board heard some good news last Wednesday evening when a spokesman for the Emergency Health Services Branch of the Ontario De- partment of Health announced that boVern- ment would assume the major portion of ambulance costs. The good news, however, was a little bitter for the people of this area, It turns out this way. The Ontario government will in future pay 100% of the capital costs for ambulance equipment and storage fa- cilities. It will, too, pick up the tab for any deficit incurred in the operation of such services if they are within the coun- ties which have agreed to co-operate in an over-all ambulance plan. Under the plan the county (and Huron has already agreed) will pay 25c per head of population and the province and the patient will pay the Obalance. Sadly enough, we in the Wingham area, ground of training and experience. He knows how to handle all aspects of a well- rounded recreation program—but such a program does not envision a one-man re- creation genius who can do everything by himself. He is here to co-ordinate and to advise, but he cannot accomplish much without the help of the people of the com- munity, Minor hockey is for the benefit of the youngsters, but it takes many adult bodies to keep the program running at full speed, Adults are needed for coaching and man- aging, for transportation jobs and gen- eral guidance, If minor hockey founders it will not be the fault of either the elected officials or the recreation director. The parents will have themselves to blame. scheme does arouse some impatience, how- ever. Provincial government planners ,have a stipulation that any new sub-divi- sion must contain a definite minimum of land set aside as a park, This may be a very wise and far-sighted requirement in the spreading sub-divisions which sur- round our large cities, but in places the size of Wingham it amounts to pure non- sense. As an example, the new sub- division at the mill lot is required to con- tain such a parkland area so the develop- ers have set aside a strip along the south boundary to meet the regulation, Two or three blocks away are no less than two town-owned parks and the long stretch of the Riverside Park. The park- land set-aside in the new sub-division is not needed for this purpose and will re- main either a constant bill of expense or a weed patch for years to come. And of course the developers have to increase the price of building lots in the remainder of the property to cover that portion which regulations prevent them selling. Like many another rule laid down in Toronto or Ottawa, the basic idea is good, but the planners don't seem to get down to the practical aspects of the laws they make. ment spending rather than to curtail in- flation, it is high time that government started to look a good deal more closely at the bills it is paying and the mistakes which are being made in its management of the public purse. How about the Edmonton international airport, for example. The federal Depart- ment of Transport spent 32 million dollars seven years ago to construct this field and its terminal buildings—and it sits there to this day accommodating only four inter- national flights a week and a small hand- ful of domestic flights in the same per- iod. The old city airport is closer to the downtown area and is still carrying the bulk of the traffic, How much over 100 million dollars an- nually is being poured into the CBC? Who has ever proven the point that Canadians need or even want a broadcasting system so extensive and so costly? The National Film Board gobbles up more millions. These "cultural" institu- tions are wonderful—but can we actually afford to be quite this cultured? A recent story from Ottawa stated that 11,500 civil servants had been added to the federal payroll in the past few months. Any one who has seen the goings- on in the parliament buildings and the grotesque efforts of hundreds of clerks and stenographers to look busy when they had nothing to do cannot avoid the thought that a thorough housecleaning of government offices might result in some very realistic savings for the nation. have possibly lost several thousand dol- lars by meeting the need for a proper am- bulance service before this plan was an- nounced. The department spokesman was quite sympathetic, but could not promise that we will be reimbursed for more than 50% of the money we have already spent. He will try for more, but there is no guarantee. Thus the municipalities which did nothing at all about the need for ambul- ances will get all they require for noth- ing, while the Wingham area people, who have on many occasions provided ambul- ance service to meet emergencies, in the lagard towns and villages, may never get all their expenditure back. Apparently a firm policy on this ques- tion has not yet been formulated, so we may still hope that the provincial authori- ties will see the justice of the case and place all communities on the same footing as far as capital costs are concerned. REMINISCING NOVEMBER 1918 Nurse Grace Few= of Delgrave is sick in Wingham l'lospital with influenza, having contracted the disease while nursing a patient.. Mr. Ed Lowry of Wroxeter received a cable stating that his son, Pte. Edgar Lowry had been wounded in the knee. William A. Taylor and Jamieson Pettypiece, who spent the past two months near Redjacket, Sask, have return- ed to Whitechurch, Rev, John Little of St. Helens Presbyterian Church has accepted a call to Rockwood in the Presbytery of Guelph. Miss Myrtle Little, his daughter, had an excellent voice and has taken part in nearly all the entertainment in this vicinity and will also be missed. NOVEMBER 1932 George Henderson, Bluevale Road, arrived back from the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto on Monday evening. George was the representative of the local calf club at the fair and was the guest of the Ontario Govern- ment while in Toronto. Rev. Fr. George of Cormac, near Ottawa, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gibbons last week while on his way to see Judge Costello in Godcrich, who lately under- went an operation. One-Finger muleskin work gloves, the better cuff, 17¢ a pair at The Hub. Miss Grace Mitchell and Miss Eva Rintoul are in Toronto this week to write the examina- tions qualifying them as regist- ered nurses. NOVEMBER 1942 A surprise party andpresenta- tion was held Friday for Pte. Wilbur Hogg at the home of Mr. Robert Hogg of the B line. Wilbur has enlisted in the Ar- moured Division and is now stationed at Camp Ipperwash. Mr. Bruce Vogan who has been employed by the Ontario Hydro Electric Commission for the past several years has ac- cepted a position with an elec- trical company at Shawinigan Falls, Quebec. Mrs. Vogan is the former Miss A. MacDonald of town. Among the recent enlist- ments at the Windsor Depot was J.E. Carr of town, This is the third enlistment in this family. At the annual meeting of the Wingham Fish and Game Club on Thursday, held at the home of Mr. E. M. Snell, George Orvis was elected pre- sident and Percy Stainton, sec- NOVEMBER 1953 The latest word of the Roy Bonnets, formerly of Wingham, is that Roy has been working at Buckerfielel's which is the larg- est fertilizer firm in British Columbia. Roy has been mov- ed to Armstrong in the Okana- gan Valley where ite will be manager in the feed mill. This move means that Fran, who is still at Campbell River on Van- couver Island, faces the old problem of finding accommo- dation in Armstrong. Bobby Lewis, 8-year-old son of Provincial Constable and Mrs. Bob Lewis tripped SUGAR AND .SPICE by Bill Strijey Taught all day. Committee meeting at 3.15. Department heads' meeting at 3.30 until 4.30. Column to write but went around to the garage to get the snow tires on. Three hundred other people had the same idea. Home at six. Two kids (that useless Hugh's home) sitting listening to records, with the breakfast dishes in the sink. Blew up, Got the dinner organ- ized and a few home truths off my chest. But no rest. Out into the bleak night for another meet- ing at 7.30. Lasted until 10. Accomplished? Zero. Home at last for peace, quiet, relaxation. Kim hit me the minute I got in. A proposi- tion. She's been asked to play the organ with a rock group. It seems the in thing for groups these days is to have a girl in them. She'd also sing. No catches whatever. Except that she'd have to buy an or- gan for $150 and spend about 20 hours a week practising. Nothing to it. She has a hun- dred in the bank from summer earnings. She could easily bor- row the other $50 from the bank. Brief lesson in economics. "What do you have for securi- ty?" She wanted to know what that was. I explained that if you have $5,000 in government bonds, the bank will lend you $50. Maybe. The only assets she could think of were: her bicycle, leaning against a tree in the snow in the backyard, unridden for three years, a portable record-player with a broken arm; a guitar that was worth $40 in its hey-day, ten years ago; and "her" piano, which I pointed out was owned by her mother. New Housing a Forward Step Do They Really Have the Answer? Penalty for Progress THE. WINGHAM ADVANCE a TIMES Published at Wingheni, Ontario, by Wenger Bros. Limited W. Barry Wenger, President Robert 0: Wenger, Secretary-Treasurer Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. Member Canadian Weekly Newspepere. Association, Authorized by the Peat Office Department u Second .Class Mall and for pityniiiiit of postage in bath Subscription Atte: 1 year $5.60; 6 months, .016 in advance; USA, $7.00 .1kit, yr.; Foreign rate, $1.06 per yr, Advertising Oil •litiplication THE NEW OFFICERS of Huron Chapter No. 89 of the Order of the Eastern Star, Wingham, were installed at a special ceremony last week. Seated are: Mrs. Gwendolyn Adams, treasurer; Lloyd Henderson, Associate Patron; Mrs. Lloyd Henderson, Associate Matron; Mrs. William Wherry, Worthy Matron; Wherry,' Worthy Patron; Mrs, Finish MOffet secretary; Mrs. Kenneth Leitch, Chaplain; standing: Mrs. Lawrence! Van- , Student teachers from the Stratford Teachers' College teaching at the Public School this week are Mary Elliott of Ripley and Carolyn Eskrick of Kincardine, teaching in Grade V1 for Mrs. Thornton; David Wenger of Wingham and John Hartley of Clinton, teaching in Grade 1V for Mrs. Montgom- ery; Kenneth Smith of Kitchen- er and Miss Ann Gemmell of Ripley, in Grade 1 and 11 for Mrs. Nicholson. Family night held by U.C.W. DONNYBROOK -- The Nov- ember meeting of the U.C.W. which took the form of a fam- ily night was held Saturday evening in the Donnybrook Un- ited Church. The theme of the meeting was "The Bond of Peace". Mrs. Stuart Chamney gave the call to worship. A hymn was sung and Mrs. Chamney led in prayer. Mrs. John Hildebrand read the Scripture lesson and gave the meditation. Rev. Roberts showed pict- ures on Argentina and com- mentated on them. Mrs. Chamney thanked him for showing the interesting pict- ures. John Thompson and Ray- mond Hildebrand received the offering. Rev. Roberts closed the meeting with the benedic- tion. A delicions lunch ),,,as ser- ved in the basement by the ladies and a social time was enjoyed. Student teachers at public school Adv6hce-Times Photo. "But do you know how much this means to me, Dad?" "Yes, and now get to bed." Lip stuck out about three inches, she remembered to in- form me that her mother had called while I was out, and wanted to talk to me. It was 16 hours since I'd seen her. Since my wife went back to college, my phone bill looks like the national debt of Egypt. But I called her. Fortunately, she was in a terse, taciturn mood. Talked for only 20 min- utes. Went off at 11 p.m. to at- tack the column, while Hugh was brewing up a little snack for himself consisting of on- ions, cheese, beans and salami, all in the same pot. Got a couple of hundred words of soggy prose down, and he came up and interrupt- ed me, for a chat about his prospects. Which are nil. Worked until two, and I might just as well have been watching television, or sleep- ing, because it turned out to be a lousy column, as you have just discovered. Just to top off the day, checked the closet and found I didn't have a clean shirt for tomorrow. Said, "Gosh darn it," and hit the sack. NAMED TO EXECUTIVE OF LIFE - UNDERWRITERS W.B. Conron was elected as bulletin chairman when the Saugeen Life Underwriters Association met in Clifford last Friday. Members of the association from Durham, Hanover, Walk- erton, Wingham and Lucknow were in attendance. nan, organist; Mrs, Allen Macintyre, Associate Conductress; Mrs. James Dunbar, Electra; Mrs. Bruce Chambers, Adah; Mrs, Harold Congram, Conductress; Mrs. Murray Taylor, Esther; Mrs. John Gnay, Ruth; Mrs. Jack Fisher, Martha; Mrs. Robert Ahara, Marshal; Harold Congram, Warder, Walter Conn, Sentinel, was absent.