The Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-07-27, Page 13TWO•atallk.141061444.1.• wen Net with warwite, WO RAW PR11:11C01 - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ,ROOlAYIOR•lfiEVONNOWARDIJINSIJOHN THE EilftliDATOIt' ?"' 2,01,111 A PARAMOUNT PICTURE lICAINSCIX" 01111•011.1111•110W h Rock /Paula !Entiisteliioyment., PrentISS PN's- 14.1,1!" Mill/1101111 0131(1. ft.... woo. ••.•nol SUNDAY MIDNIGHT AUGUST 13 MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY AUGUST 144546 - DOUBLE FEATURE Oitis*Ans Alltl •Itobe WPM *At gait tamest no tat titan savavaiumulawatRaormaasammot •••••••ii•i•iiki•Ima 44 4400••••Leii••••••••••0•••44iiitipia• THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY AUGUST 10.11-12 — DOUBLE FEATURE — AikAsEioaimwtsT TawyCortitTirsamiCesrigeCAlcett NIARG A REY NN- DEAN MAR11 I MATT HE N LM KARL MALDEN eitommitif Kew plus)' MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY JULY 31 - AUG. 1.2 .i AM . .. DOUBLE&FEATURE ---/ iiii rogionu •Trrt ..4 1.4.44,r,..sointu-1...**talnx ,-,----,, 7 r'"::', 4 g E NIGHT I EIF ! THE - .,• GENERALS PANAVISICV • TECHNICOLOR '0 THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY AUGUST 3-4-5 — DOUBLE FEATURE Pares... 4)CCITEMEArtir JERRY SISTU,IICAS111 LEE KWH • ROBERT RYAN •• JACK PUNE plus RAIPHBEIDAY 1...GIAUDUCARDItig —,tasPIROVISSiOMAILS-- ADULT CNTERTAINMENT AC01.4411.111CTUM n441,4n404.11C4•0=01e ' SUNDAY MIDNIGHT 'AUGUST 6 ISMICAt; utcE 010/1 M'A.' ALSO "DEVILS OF DARK NESS" MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY AUGUST 7-8-9 — DOUBLE FEATURE — troultwoo ROES FROM ONE NOT-BED OF INTRIGUE TO ANOTHER! also also Tli *ga4) ‘RINIVIS ',F., secritaixicaie CORCORM.Wt SUNDAY MIDNIGHT JULY 30 c17• Eta* BkeY SMILING LIKE astronauts off to the moon, these youngsters at the day school at Riverside Park find the space ship a dandy place to do a little climbing. Seen are Andy Wilson and Murray Gardner, front; Jeff Watson, Ro!.-,sbe Wharton, Michael Hall and Patricia Wharton. Other activi- ties include swincs slides. arts, crafts and supervised games. Leaders at the school are Sheila Cl ewson and Inn Va.th—A-T SONSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE HWY. B WORTH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524.998 ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS THURS., FRI., SAT. July 27-28-29 aLVIS' 60 °i L Sunset Drive-in Theatre Has The Largest Screen In Huron County rnINIVOle• taninaaum . 1.411111111011•1(1114! and Second Feature MUM •TURNER WO GOT 9 NE AMON: 0%.* 'oteS TW FL-GE1HER THEY'RE OUBBERGASTIN GI WAIT DIStiat bra IOU Art Md.1 WALT DISNEY'S',`" . , WED., THURS.. FRI., SAT. August 2-3.4-5 MONDAY Aril THURSDAY GIMMICK NIGHTS Children Under 'II iii ears fete NAM 1=r4 ATURE BTAIITS AT DUSK GODERICH SUNSET ok,vi IN THE AI nA • I k ALOW "1,("17' 0.1 N TON MON., July 31 and TUES, August 1 and Second Feature 4aCfhlt 461 40SEPII E. LEVINE presents iffif *i-7:4fr "The 2nd ReST _ _ro SeCReT AGe :1•%fir,cliiiii in the whole wide work! ;A, tmo,,,e,c10, Hot., 'vame ,-Time.s CALLAN SHO YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WI G11 3574840 SUMMER, SHOE 'CLEARANCE ,Terrific Values infootwear for he 'Entire family oil the oaf trio s at East W wanosh. Twp. Centeno Saturday, Sunday, Monday, ug. 5-6,7 —nests with Mr, and Mrs. . Wade on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. William Westialic cf $altfoi‘i, accompanied by e012. 4111$, loft, and Mrs, Will West* lake of Plymouth, England. •, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armour end Robin 01 Toronto visited Mr, ' And. Mrs, Robert hiontgomery pver t h e ts,ee k..ehd.. Mr, and Nits. Wes Paulin, aceompanied by the Ross To ))t'an's, spent Friday at Lion's tioad and Owen Sound. Week-e. id guests with M r . ;,11-K1 Mrs. Clarence White were 'M'r. and Mrs. William Cullen 'caner family of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greer and Scott, Alio ladies and children are re-, Wroxeter Personals ACADEMY AWARD WINNER SHELLEY WINTERS THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY JULY 2748-29 — DOUBLE FEATURE •••••1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS nlals 1411tH PSI PIE STONEY WEB A SH81EY HOS nztninnnnn,dnE rrieining far .a longer visit, Mr. wand Mrs. ili'cb&rd cram spent several days last week at .;14 tome of 'their . danghter, Mr, and Mrs. 'Fred Noble of Rothsay. They attend. ed .the centennial celebrations at Moorefield. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson and Murray',. Mrs. Weir .and Miss Gertrude Push vis red Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green and family of ,i:7"oderich. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weir and family of Etobicoke visited at the. same home. Miss Glen's Gibson, who has been attend- ing summer camp near Goder- ich, returned home with her parents, Tin, [Oiled Stql6rot Smelt PAJ_ RADIN FALL PROGRAMMING' Performers frcr,7 tale. vas.on sencs, arc hard at work these' hot srt-nn.er days new television set cs that will be coining our way in the fall,- ikinter season. Some of the CB C, shows that ,,yon wal lie alale ro see on Channel S have been angounced by officials at the Toronto stndies. Some fine shows will calm- ate from Canadian televis..on stud,,os and sound stages. "We- icek" scary of the fist;-city coroner. will return again axes eAtrennely snocessnd season wherein the series on the Monte Carlo ,award. and the annual Wilderness award. John Vernon will again be starred ;n the tide role, Another old ser- iNt, Ouentln bite? Bins MP' will also return, that one start- ing Gordon Pinsent as the young member of parliament, A new Canadian series v. ill be "Hatell's Mill", an adven- nize ecnnedv winch tells of the rife of a p;oneer family in Up- per Canada in the 1S0s. This comedy ser:es t's gar Robert Christie, and his name w,11 probably ring a bell as Sir John A. MacDonald. a role that he has lived all during cenreamal sear. Two full-length motion pictures which have been fam- ed this year by the National Film Board of Canada, will al- so be seen on television. "Wait- ing For Caroline" has been film- ed in Montreal, Quebec City and Vancouver; it stars Alex- andra Stewart, a Canadian act- ress now working in 'Paris. The other is "The .Ernie Game-, a Montreal-made movie directed by Don oven, who also made "Nobody Waved Goodbye'", which rek--olved.wide acclaim in Hollywood. In addition to the yarietv speeial "O'Keefe Centre Pre- sents", mentioned in an earlier column, there will be four Wayne and Sinister Hours, and other variety hours, Four specials entitled "Centennial international", to be produced by Drew Crosses n, will tell of contributions of other countries to Canada's entertainment, and Iis Show Biz trice versa, and will star asnott others. Barry Morse and SerFno French), FeSta-al will! be 1,4ek. vat:: musncal concerts ,and operatte News shows. public ,aftairs shows, coverage C:entetintal events and Expo happenine,s, plus historical and edncatiOnal Mrs. Wm. Sehinef ranuout and Art Wheeler, Winvoten; Mrs. Fred Ohm, Wingbam and Art Dario, Harristern Bill AM. tin of &aforth; Mrs. Newman, Clintont Mrs. Art Wheeler, Wroxeter; Mrs. Robt. •Mont. gomery, 'wingharn; Mrs, Der- becker, Vv'ingharri; Mrs. Blli Austin, Scafortht Mrs, George Soiling of Wingham and Fred Ohm, Winghatni Mrs, Drum. Ifarristoa and Nancy Riley, Winghern; Mrs. 3. Molnnis. dykieln Mrs. Bill Austin, Sea. forth, shows. kill also be part of the Specials: Mrs. Derbecker, prograrnir,'::7g, Sports events 14111 include golf, hockey. ffc?t-1 and the Pan-Americati games from Winnipeg. There will by shows for the young. and for the women; a religions series to replace itese'; a I, -week,af- fairs series which w ill trace the course of the Com:ma:1st revol- ution iti Russia from 1.917 ro 1:)tt': (Patrick Watson, Of the old 'This Hour Has Seven Days' will be Bost); and a special en- titled "The Battle of The Plains ot Abraham-. ty.) be shown in November. This will be film- ed on location and is produced Ivy Ron Kelly. Theta's the. Canadian high- lights; for a peek at what the 1-!, S. ‘' in have to offer, watch a later column. I tYingliam; Mts. Pert;, Riley. icingham; Mrs, Drum, Harris, ton. lackpot consolation plus bo- nus All Seaferth. FOMWICH-Ctingratulationt tea several of our Fordwieh folk w ho were lucky the past couple weeks, Cliff Stewart, who is em- ployed by Borden Milk Compa. ay was the winner of $100.00 from the BA Company and the gas was purchased from the Ford. wick General Store and BA sta- tion. Ken Graham won a new- bicycle from Lloyd Nickel BP dealer and Harry Parsons won a bicycle light and 13111 Millar won a helmet from the same dealer, Prize winners °wick lions Ingo winners DRIVE-IN THEATRE HARRISTON WED. 26 • THUR. 27 • FRI. 28 "THE PROFESSIONALS" In Color—With an all-Star cast Burt Lancaster • Lee Marvin Jack Palance • Robert Ryan and many more — Plus "Alvarez Kelly" In Color - Stars Wm. Holden Richard Widmark (Adult Entertainment) SATURDAY ONLY JULY 29 Jerry Lewis in "WAY WAY OUT" The result of a fast moving side splitter—For the Western fans "Fort Courageous" Both in Color SUNDAY LATE SHOW July 30 "THE CIRCUS OF HORRORS" — Plus — "The Terror is a Man" (Adult Entertainment) -MONDAY 31 - TUES., AUG. 1 Walt Disney's Immortal "BAMBI" , — Plus — "The Pony Soldier" A real family treat WED. 2 - THUR. 3 FRI. 4 "A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM" In Color—I3e prepared to laugh your head off — Plus "Return of the Seven" Stars Yul Brynner in this fast action dramai (Adult Entertainment) SATURDAY ONLY -Aug. S "SMOKY" In Color — Stars Fels Parker The lovable story of a horse called Smoky — Plus "Convict Stage" HOLIDAY LATE SHOW Aug. 6 A Big 3 Unit Shocker SPECIAL "MONSTER on the CAMPUS" Alfred Hitchcock's "THE BIRDS" — Plus — "Francis in the Haunted. Free Coffee and Donuts for everyone before Start of lest feettire First show starts 6f 11:00 WIT0M0M0110MITIARIMIMO ra la 10 I a 1:111 Monday to Thursday at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday — 2 shows at 7:15 and 9:15; Sat. Matinee at 2 p.m., unless otherwise noted , Prices: Adults 81.00; Students 75c; Children 40c WED.-THUR.-PRI. July 26.27-28 "DOCTOR, YOU'VE GOT to be KIDDING" Colour-CinemaScope — Starring: Sandra Dee • George Hamilton Dwayne Hickman - Allen Jenkins This is a fun romance that will have viewers laughing all the way to the hospital, SAT.-MON.-TUES. July 29-31, Aug. 1 (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) "A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY to the FORUM" Colour — Starring: Phil Silvers - Zero Mostel Buster Keaton Fun is the order of the day in these on-screen proceedings based on a bit stage presenta- tion that ran and ran to the de- light of viewing audiences, WED.-THUR.-FRI. Aug. 2-3-4 — Walt Disney Feature — "THE ADVENTURES OF BULLWHIP GRIFFIN" Colour — Starring: Roddy McDowell - Karl Malden Suzanne Pleshette This is a wild and wacky Western adventure that adds up to non-stop laughter for the whole family, SAT.•MON,TUES. Aug. 5.7.8 "HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS WITH- OUT REALLY TRYING" Colour - CinetnaScope—Starring: Robert Morse - Rudy Vallee Based on the stage hit of the same name, this is a fun-filled Pulitzer prize winning musical comedy. WED.-THUR.6FRI. Aug. 91041 "AFRICA, TEXAS STYLE" . Colour — Starring; Hugh O'Brien John Mills This is a different kind of adventure thriller about two cowboys in Africa. SAT.-MON.-TUES. Aug. 12.14-15 (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) "NEVADA SMITH" Colour-CiriemaScope — Starring: Steve MeCitieen)Garb) Malden Suienne Pleshette This is the exciting story be y - hind Nevada Smith, the cowboy in "The Carpetbaggers." The second show on Saturday night will start at 9:30, COMING NEXT: WEO.-THURoFftt. Aug. 164740 "ONE MILLION YEARS Et.C." 001110MmAI 1 INIT0Moomm0m0 4144 ,!E41,141.1.441,41401411/541111410.0.0 ttt tt t1”144, ttt 411414,11.1,,1014F1111.044.144..1 Whitechurch News BROWNIE'S Drive-in THEATRE — CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 THURS., FRI. — July 27-28 THE GLASS BOTTOM B AT 9:10 and 11:00 P.M. DORIS DAY ROD TAYLOR ARTHUR GODFREY COLOR CARTOON SAT. MON. - TUES. July 29.31 - Aug. 1 — DOUBLE FEATURE — The Biggest Country Music Jamboree ever filmed ROAD TO NASHVILLE 9;10 P.M. ONLY MARTY ROBBINS HANK SNOW JOHNNY CASH AND MANY OTHER GREAT COUNTRY MUSIC STARS COLOR — Plus — "THREE ON A COUCH" 11:00 P.M. ONLY JERRY LEWIS, JANET LEIGH COLOR CARTOON WED. - THURS. FRI. August 2.3-4 WALT DISNEY'S MONKEYS, GO HOME 9:00 and 11:00 P.M. MAURICE CHEVALIER BEAN JONES YVETTE MIMIEUX COLOR Plus the Color Peeturetto "TATTOOED POLICE HORSE" CARTOON On Sunday Mrs. William MacDonald and her daughter, Miss Irene Lynch of' Hamilton, brought Mrs. D. MacDonald, who had spent last week with them, to her home here, Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, Earl and Charles left Tikmday to spent a-few days with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wart and family, at the cottage at Kenissis, tialiburron. Mr. and Mrs. Ge rshom John- ston of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Gershon' Ferguson of Sas- katchewan visited Tuesday with. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMichael and faintly of Seatorth.. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Gros- korth returned home on Satur- day after holidaying for a week on the Bruce Peninsula, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Rit- chie, Barbara, Brenda, Stephen. Donald and Mary Ann of the 4th Con. Kinloss, were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gershon' Johnston. On Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs. Gershoin Pergnsen and Mr. and Mrs. 3ashen' Johnston visited at Stroud with the former'srela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, on the return trip, visited at Thornton with Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Peacock and family and with Mrs. Mary Pressick and Nancy Johnston at Painswick, Visitors on die week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Taylor and family were Mr. and Mrs, Bob c.;ordon of Waterloo and Mrs. Len Coyne, and Mich- ael of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Coyne also at- tended the Robinson-Bauer wed-, ding held on Saturday at Gew- anstown Lutheran Church, and the reception held at Brussels, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Rintoid, Sharon and Doris were in Kiv- cheater on Sunday and visited with Ann and Donna Riinoul who had not been home for a few \v‘s.eks„ Mr, Donald Gaunt of Kitch- ener and Mr. and Mrs. Den Dirstein of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs: Russel Gaunt and with their father, Mr. Russel Gaunt, a patient in. Whigham and District hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Cool-. tes and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultcs and family of Dresden were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert lingle and family dl Gaylord, Michigan. Mt, and Mrs. Richard Aar- sett, Donald and Paul of WM,- laeeburg were Saturday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Russel. Ross. Mr. Aarsen was a co-worker with Jim Ross whet, he was etn. ployed at Wallacchurg. On Friday evening Mrs. nester Falconer And Mr, George Falconer of (..;ertnany were eat.. lets at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Casliek, Mr, and Mrs. Wallace r'an't and Mr. and Mrs, Russel Rost, Visiting with Mr, And MO; licit Meclenaglian and attend- ing the funeral, cif theft ihe late Mr, limy Mecletw- Om on Thursday, were Mr, and Mrs, Irwin Mectenaghan and tawny, st, Thomas. Mr. and MrS, Melvin Ma:LOIN:than of Waietloo, Mt. and Mrs, Par- her of Luedn, Mrs. ciatettee Mc Cienaghan and Clgiti of Wig demere and Mr, and kW, tool Muss of Nat:to/Ole. Mr. mitt Mrs. Mecienaghan returned home iOr at few weeks' elill Willi the tatter, Miss Joan' (Artie visited cast week with her ftttlid, Mist Jackie Oltsteliw or IIIMOVer,