The Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-06-29, Page 24THE SWIMMING POOL fund jumped by $2.70 on Monday when Trudy MacKay and members of the cast of a play presented fund treasurer Harry West with the pro- ceeds of a performance in a backyard on Frances Street. Seen with Mr. West are members of the cast, Ellen Reid, Christy Lewis, Trudy Archer, Trudy MacKay, Ray Robinson, Ann Balser, Bobby Henderson, David Reid and John Kennedy. The play, aptly entitled "A Dream Comes True," was written and directed by one of the per- formers, Trudy MacKay. —Advance-Times Photo 1 ..... ....... ...... ........ 1 ..... 01 .... ........... 1 .............. ....... 0.00001 ....... 000.000 ......... 00010000100,0000000000 ,,,,,,,,,,, 0000000000.00.01 ..... Johnson of London, Mrs. M. Bradburn of Wingham, Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Ballagh and fam- ily of Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adair and family of Moles., worth and Mrs. Dill Johnstone and family of Lucknow for a family picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brydges, Diagonal Road. Goforth presents life memberships to three members The June meeting of the Go- forth Evening Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church took the form of a pot luck sup- per. A large number of mem- bers and guests sat down at 6;45. The committee for the pro- gram included Mrs. S. Forsyth, Mrs. R. Nixon, Mrs. H. Brooks, Mrs. K. Currie, Mrs. P. Clark, Mrs. P. Campbell and Miss Irl- ma Casemate. Mrs. J. Lloyd, the president, called the meeting to order and after a hymn, Miss Betty Ann Lapp, a recent graduate of Tor- onto Bible College read the Scripture lesson and meditation on the subject "Knowing God Himself', Basing her remarks on Psalm 65, Miss Lapp explain, ed the mercy, sovereignty and bounty of God. Mrs. K. Currie dedicated the offering. A duet was sung by Joan Cur- rie and Esther Fish. Mrs. S. Forsyth gave a history of the Go- forth Auxiliary from its begin- ning in 1927 as a senior Mission Band with Mrs. Donald Rae as leader. Mrs. Rae spoke briefly on the highlights of her term of office. Other former presidents who were present were called on for a few words of greeting. These included Mrs. T. Currie, Mrs. I. Gurney, Miss C. Isbis- ter, Mrs. J. McKibbon, Mrs. G. Scott, Mrs. J. Donaldson, Mrs. I. Day. Tribute was also paid to former leaders who are deceased. Mrs. Fish presented a Life Membership certificate to Mrs. Lloyd in appreciation of the splendid leadership she has giv- en. Life memberships were al- so presented to Mrs, C. Perrott and Mrs. B. Corrin who are moving from town. Mrs. Brooks introduced the speaker, Mrs. Allan McGill who has travelled to New Zea- land andeAustralia. Mrs. Mc- Gill showed a number of slides of her trip which were most in- teresting to the audience. Mrs. Campbell expressed the thanks of all, The meeting was clos- ed by prayer by Irlma Case- more. The typical old maid who is most difficult to get along with is one of the male sex. For Happy Holidays.... Wear the Right Clothes! LOWLY "PEDIGREE" SWIM SUITS The smartest you've ever seen Priced at $13,00 - $15.00 $17.00 BEACH TOWELS $2.98 to $4.98 in real sharp designs HANDBAGS $2.98 - $3.98 Summer Straws in White, Beige or Brown A vent lovely selection of SLEEPWEAR for Summer Short or Long Crovms„ Capri or baby Doll Pyjamas —from $2.98 t)ON'T OVERLOOK OUR SELECTION OF SPORTS WEAR *Shorts and Tops *Slims and Shells *Pant Suits Hetet real Holiday style at Poptilar prices I EDIGHOFFERS (Wingham) Limited tHt FRIENDLY STORE 1,0001.0010,0001010110000.0111100111101 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.11E ,,,,,,,, 11110011. ,, 1 tttt ttttttttttt 1111 ttttttt ttttttttttt GRADUATES AT THE Sacred Heart School were honored at a banquet at the parish hail on Monday evening. Guest speaker for the occasion was Rev. Father Mooney. Members of the .Orade Viii graduating doss are, front row: Stacie Desmarais, Marion Willie, Diane e.auer; second rows Barbara Skinn, Maribeth Vath, Connie Slosser, Edward Skinn, Frances Whiter Elaine Kieffer and Betty Ortlibb, Absent when the picture was taken was Valerie King.—A4 Photo. OPENING #&sis ts0— BEAUTY SALON OPENING SPECIAL 20% OFF REGULAR PRICES FOR FIRST TWO WEEKS 176 DIAGONAL ROAD - PH. 357-1117 ig11Ii11111111111111110111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111114 WI ..,--• i Affenfion— i a . IE Regular Store Hours MONDAY to FRIDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 12 noon • r- 1 Page 4 ingharn AdVano0,,Titnes, 'Thursday, jUne 29, 1. 97 Home and The Housewife features from The World of Women Regional conferences are announced by executive ift U 1 1_ U U 1 n U U U n 1 1 U tit U U U U U U At the June executive meet- ing of Huron Presbyterial United Church Women, the president, Mrs. George Michie, made three announcements which should be of interest to all the members. 1. The Ethel Child Scholar- ship which comes to Huron Presbyterial this year and cov- ers the expenses of one dele- gate to the Alma College School of United Church Women has been awarded to Mrs. Ben Gibson of the Fordwich Church. G. A. WILLIAMS, 0.D. Optometrist 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 2. Miss Marjorie Smith, field worker for the Soaed of Women, will hold two work- Shops in this P.msbytery this autumn on the theme "AMore Vital U.C.W," The first will be at He Vast on ft.ober aroLAW 10;00 a.m. to and the second at Birth on October 3, Miss Smith will al o speak at an evening, meeting on Oc- tober in Ontario Street Church in Clinton. 3. The fall regional con- terences will be held as follows; South Region at Greenway, Cot. 24; North Region at St. Helens, OCT, 25', West Region at West- field, Oct. Se; and Centre Region at Moncrief, Oct. 27. The departments of Christian citizenship and social action,. leadership development, fin- ance, and co-operation in. Christian and missionary educa- tion are to be emphasized. W.M.S., Ladies' Aid met on Wednesday WHITECHURCH—Chalmers W.ei."S„ held their June meet- line on Wednesday at the home Je'nnston Cenn with an attendance of 12. The 1st vice- 1.,_reseedent, Mrs,Bel? R tool, eresideei for the teeetine in the absence of the preside y:, Mrs. Victer Emerson„ Mrs. Rintoel op.ezed the reeetine with the call to worship poem, " These Endeze" 'Faith of Oar Fathers" was suns and Mrs. Albert McQuil- lan gave the Glad Tidings prayer. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Jas. McInnes and Mrs, H. D. MacDonald gave the meditation. Mrs. Elroy Laid- law gave the message, "God in. Man's World". The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs.,. Russel Ross, The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Russel Mrs. Andrew Gaunt conduct- ed a Bible quiz and the closing prayer was given by Mrs. Rin- rota., The Ladies' Aid meeting fol- lowed with the financial report given by Mrs. H. D. MacDon- ald ,-Mrs. Frank= of Wood- bridge has been visiting during the past week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Don Cameron, Lower Wingham, --Prof. and Mrs. Bill Laid- law and two children of Cal- gary, Alta., have been visit- ing with his father, Mr. Robert Laidlaw of Turnberry. Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw will attend Expo before motoring back to Cal- gary`. —Lloyd Martin of Eyebrow, Sask. , who lived last year at the home of his uncle, Mr. James H. Currie, Centre Street and attended the Wingham high school, left at the conclusiorrof June exams and toured Expo be- fore leaving for his home in Saskatchewan, While here he at times spent week-ends with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. John Aitken of Culross, —Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Har- court of Edward Street left by train on Saturday for a vacation at Victoria, B.C. —Many in this district will be interested to know that Mrs. Elgin Currie of Toronto is en- joying a trip at present. Mrs. Currie left a Florida port last week for an extended boat trip, going to the Caribbean and through the Panama Canal, back north to San Francisco where she will be joined by her sister-in-law, Miss Olive Cur- rie and will then proceed to New Zealand, spend a week at Australian ports and then on to Singapore and Tokyo. —Miss Anne Geddes spent the week-end in Toronto visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Ged- des. —Mrs. Alfred McCreight re- turned home Sunday after visit- ing relatives in Welland and Buffalo. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gib- bons and family of London visit- ed over the week-end with the forrner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbons. —Mr. and Mrs. Bill Conran and family returned from a two weeks' trip to Expo and the East Coast. —Mrs. George McKay of Hamilton and Miss Mary McKay of Toronto spent the week-end with friends in Wingham, —Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vin- cent of Belgrave were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Per- cy Vincent of Bluevale. —Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kerr, of Minnie Street have returned from a ten-day visit to Expo and with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kerr and family at Lachine, Quebec. —Mr. and Mrs. Ken Downie and family of Penetang and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Rousselle of Scarboro spent the week-end with relatives here and in Luck- now Sunday afternoon. They were joined by Miss Myrtle E. WILLING WORKERS WROXEER—Mrs, harry Ad- ams and Mrs. John Snell were the leaders for the meeting of the Willing Workers last Tues- day, when various passages of Scripture were read and com- ments made on each by the leaders. The theme was, "We are all members of one body". Mrs. Adams led in prayer and 11 members answered the roll call on word power. Mrs. Snell took the chapter from the study hool\k;rs. Rae Loutitt took charge of the business in the absence of the leader, Mrs. McLean. It was decided to have no meet- ings in July and August. The September meeting will be in charge of Mrs. John Fraser and Mrs. Wrn. T. McLean, Ar- rangements were made for the unit CO prepare the worship ser- vice for the August meeting of the U.C.W. The remainder of the after- noon was spent quilting and sup- per was served. Children with problems need foster homes GODERICH—"It is easy to find homes for fair, curly- haired blue-eyed baby girls without problems, but we do want more people really inter- ested in the child who hasprob- lems. Won't you help us?" In these words, Miss Clare McGowan, local director of Huron County Children's Aid Society, appealed to the 37 members of Huron County Council at their session in God- erich last week. She reported that the society now has only six babies looking for adoption homes, with 20 children on adoption probation. One of the six babies is almost a year old and a Roman Cath- olic; another one of the six has a physical handicap. "We need more people want- ing to adopt children who are NOT the prettiest, healthiest, best-adjusted little people," Miss McGowan declared."Every child needs a good home wheth- er he is adoptable or not. Some children, so-called unadopt- able, have become so loved and wanted by their foster-par- ents that adoption was a joyous experience for all concerned." The local director pointed out that many handicapped children can be adopted when parents are found willing to ac- cept and love them for their own sakes and not for what the child can give the adopting family. "Not everyone can ac- cept a handicapped child and we must not blame them for this, " she said. "It is far bet- ter to be perfectly honest about it from the beginning. "Some adoption applicants ask for a handicapped child. There are different kinds of handicaps besides mental and physical. Sometimes, we have no knowledge of the baby's fa- ther. Sometimes, the child has mixed racial blood -- partneg- ro, Indian, or Oriental, etc. Some communities cannot ac- cept such a child. Particularly from teen-age on, there are social complications. Yet many of these mixed-racial children are our cleverest." Vincent$mith A quiet wedding took place on Tuesday, June 20, at 2 o"- clock at the Belgrave United Church manse when Rev, Hugh Wilson united in marriage, Mrs. Winnifred Smith and Albert Garfield Vincent, of Belgrave. The bride wore a turquoise crepe sheath dress accented with a lace bodice, white ac- cessories and corsage of red roses. She carried a white Bi- ble. Her bridesmaid, Mrs, Amy McCrea, Blyth, daughter ofthe bride, wore a multicolored printed sheer dress„ white ac- cessories and corsage of pink carnations, The bridegroom was attend- ed by his son, Harold Vincent, .Belgrave R, R. 1, Following a wedding trip to points north, Mr. and. Mrs,.Vin- cent are residing in Belgrave. Just received five boxes bit- ter oranges for marmalade; fresh maple syrup; oysters 350 per quart. R. Hill. Wing- ham Times 1893. NEW LOCATION Summer Clearance SALE 50 % OFF ALL REMNANTS Sale Starts JUNE 26 - 9a.m. Ends JULY 15, Noon NOTE: OPEN MONDAY, JULY 3rd CLOSED SATURDAY, JULY 1st TUESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. NW II N G NAM MEAT MARKET 01 • L. 357-1570 ---- ACROSS FROM BENNETT'S -- --- BURNS SAUSAGE 6 lb. box S 2.69 PORK LOIN 69 ROAST lb. SCHNEIDERS STEAKETTES Delicious roik Barbeg for oes 271 PORK CHOPS 1016. s box DOBBIE INDUSTRIES LIMITED Fri (NEWLANDS) Textile Salesroom Corner Queen and Water St. N. II (Below the Bowling Alley) GAIT, ONTARIO n n S • a a Direct from Mill to You 1 22-20-613 • ilf1111411,1111111114111111111111111•11,11111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111