The Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-05-04, Page 12lea O. 4 Win ham. Advance.Tirnes. Th.
BILL JOHNSTON was on hand Saturday
morning to present prizes to the junior
bowling high doubles playoff winners David
Walker, junior; David Tiffin, bantam, and
Patricia Wharton, bantam; back row: Lin-
da Cerson, intermediate and Julie Foxton,
• -junior. Bruce Boyd, intermediate, was not
present.—A-T Photo.
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JUNIOR BOWLERS with high doubles during the schedule
were Roger Tiffin, bantam; Patti King-, intermediate; Mar-
On Irwin, junior, and Lois MdLaughlin, bantam. Ural le
to be present to receive their awards were Steven Lang,
ridge and Ron Goy.—A4 Photo.
Fordwich Personals
HIGH AVERAGE winners in the Wingham
Junior Bowling this year were, front row:
Marlene Foxton and Bradley Simmons,
bantam; Barbara Dauphin, intermediate;
back row: Bill Brown and Ruth Anne
GROUPED AROUND the score sheet at the
Wingham Bowling Lanes, high single win-
ners in the junior bowling regular schedule
were: Steven Watson, junior; Jim Hender-
Readman, juniors; Jim Henderson and
Larry Gordon, intermediates. The winners
were presented with the trophies at the
lanes on Saturday.
—Advance-Times Photo.
son, intermediate; Bill Staight, bantam;
Candice Foxton, junior; Barbara Hethering-
ton, intermediate, and Patricia Willie,
bantam .—A-T Photo.
Mrs. Wray Cooper was host
ess on. Saturday night for a 1111$"'
cellaneous shower for Miss Gail
Vince, bride'-to.,be of this
Mrs. Stanley Bride attended
the board Meeting of the F. W.
1, 0. held in the Guelph Univer-
sity. Guelph, last week,
Norman Wilson of Toronto
spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn,
Judy and Karen of Orillia spent
the week-end with Mr. and. Mrs.
Earl Ridley.
Mrs. Bert Winston returned
home from Zephyrhills, Florid;
after spending the past six
months there. Mr. Winston,
who has been very ill in a Flori-
da hospital for eight weeks, was
taken by ambulance from Tor-
onto International Airport and
is now in Palmerston Hospital.
A speedy return to health is
wished for him.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zur-
brigg and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hibberd visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Litchy in
Rev. W. C. Parrot, Rev. J.
W. Bird, W. A. Stinson and
Robert Hibberd attended the
meeting of Huron Presbytery
United Church held in Bay field.
Robert and Mrs. Hibberd .
visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ro-
bert Campbell of Winthrop on
Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klaassen
attended a B.A. meeting one
day last week in London.
Friends of Mrs. Russel Nickel
will be sorry to learn that she is
confined to Listowel Hospital,
having undergone major surgery.
Mr. Bob Bride of London
spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Stan
Master Gary Douglas is
spending a couple of weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Johnston
in Sarnia.
The C.G.I.T. members
held a very successful tea and
bake sale Saturday afternoon in
the Fordwich United Church.
Bowling league
holds banquet
FORDWICH—The Fordwich
Bowling League held its annual
banquet and presentation of
trophies in the Listowel Orange
Hall on Saturday night with the
Lodge ladies catering to a very
delicious dinner.
Russel Behrns, president, pre-
sided for the business and Mrs.
Jack Bennett, secretary, gave
the financial statement. Presi-
dent for 1967-68 will be Doug
Bunker with Alex Reid as vice-
president. Mrs. Mel Allan will
be secretary.
Trophy winners were, high
triples, Mrs. Mel Allan and
Earl King; high singles, Mrs.
Morley Johnson and Jim Stew-
art; most improved bowler, Mrs.
Lyle Forter; highest averages,
Mrs. Russel Behrns and Russel
High team of the year was
Lyle's Pipers, Mrs. Jim Stewart,
Mrs. Jack King, Mrs. Russel
Behrns, Lyle Murray, Jack Ben-
nett and Blake Gibson; highest
team in playoffs, Dave's Gang,
Mrs. Jack Bennett, Mrs. Earl
King, Mrs. Don bridge, Bob
Bridge, Dave Dickert and Rus-
sel Behrns.
Winner of the Kist Beverage
Trophy, high single for the
Fordwich Bowling Lanes was
Mrs. Russel. Behrns 380. Winner
of Danny's Restaurant Trophy,
highest single from the Ford-
wich Bowling Lanes, Jim Stew-
art, 358; highest triple, Russel
Behrns 832 for the trophy donat-
ed by Fordwich Feed Mill.
Mr, Ken Ashton of Brussels
visited Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. GeOrge Ashton.
Misses Maud and Esther Hard*
ing of Toronto spent the week-
end at their home here.
Sunday guests with Mr, and
Mrs. Tom MeClement were Mr.
and Mrs. Jim. Inglis of Acton
and Miss Lydia Fisher of Lis-,
Miss Mary Lou Bricker and
Larry Naumon of Baden were
Sunday visitors with Mr, and.
Mrs. Earl Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. George Rich-
ards and family of London were
week,end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Austin Stinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Con-
nell spent a couple of days in
Toronto last week.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Chamney of Carlyle, Sask.,
spent a few days last week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
ly Gibson.
Mrs. Ida Versehoor, who has
spent the past five months at
Delray Beach, Florida, return-
ed home last week.
Mrs. Arnold McDougall of
Palmerston visited one day last
week with Mrs. Jennie Mosure,
at the nursing home.
Euchre party
BELGRAVE—The euchre club
held its final party for the sea-
son last week when sandwiches,
tarts and tea were served and
the new officers elected.
Gershom Johnston was nam-
ed president; Berson Irwin,
vice-president; Edgar Wight-
man, second vice-president;
George Grigg, secretary-treas-
urer; Charlie Coultes, assistant
and Mrs. Winnie Smith, press
Eight tables of cards were in
play with high scores held by
Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Harold
Procter playing as a man.
Prizes for low scores were won
by Mrs. Annie Coultes and Mrs.
Cora McGill, playing as a
man. Mrs. Clarence Johnson
and Mrs. Harold Procter won
the novelty prizes.
Telephone rates
to be increased
In conformity with the regu-
lations of the Board of Trans-
port Commissioners for Canada,
the Bell Telephone Company of
Canada has reported ; to the
Board that the number of tele-
phones in the Wingham local
service area now exceeds the
present rate group by more than
five per cent.
If the Board directs the com-
pany to re-classify the Wing-
ham exchange into the next
higher rate group, telephone
rates would be increased slight-
ly to make them the same as
those in other exchanges with a
similar number of telephones in
their local-service areas, K.R.
Witherden, Bell Manager for
this area, explained. For ex-
ample, the monthly rate for
two-party residence service
would be increased by 10 cents
and that for individual residence
service by 20 cents.
Telephone rates for local
service in any exchange are
governed by the number of tele-
phones in the local-service
areas, recognizing the principle
that the value of service to each
customer increases as the num..
ber of telephones increases.
Telephone customers served
by the Wingham exchange now
have 2,119 telephones in the
local service area.
The following table pro-
vides examples of the new
monthly rates for typical class-
es of service in the present and
next higher rate groups for the
area, with the present rate ap-
pearing first:
Residence Service: individ-
ual line, $3,70, $3.90; two-
party line, $2.95, $3.05; mul-
ti-party line, $2.85, $2:95;
extension telephone, $1.00,
Business Service: individual
line, $6.30, $7.05; two-party
line, $5.05, $5.65; multi-par-
ty line, $4.00, $4.25; exten-
sion telephone, $1,35, $1,35.
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