The Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-03-30, Page 8AND WHETHER IT COMES RAIN OR SHINE
\ ,l t.
6 \
Watch Repairs
Jewellery Repairs
If your basement playroom
gets the cold shoulder
from your furnace...
add extra neat...eieciricaiiy
The "family" Hospital
Insurance premium
must now be paid to
cover husband .and
wife. Notify your
"group" without de-
lay or if you both pay
premiums direct, no-
tify the Commission.
Ontario Hospital
Services Commission,
Toronto 7, Ontario.
When you turn ;::1
you are no sOnger
coverea by your
parents' Hosp;tal
Insurance. You must
take out
membership within 30
days. Get your ap-
plication form at a
bank, a hospital, or
the Commission.
To keep i7sured foi-
I;,w the irstruvion.s
on the Hospital In-
surance "Certificate
of Payment—Form
104" that your
present employer is
required to give you
on leaving.
18" to 21" 64" $ 5.95
22" tO 26" 64" $ 6.95
27" 36" to 64" 7.95 $
37" to 39" 64" $ 8.95
40" tO 43" 64" 9.95 $
44" to 46" 64" $10.95
47" to 50" 64" $11.95
51" to 54" 64" $12,95
We have all Blinds in stock for immediate installation
Blinds installed at a small cost
DIAL 357.1430 WINGHA1V1 s pith* Street
Pa Wingharn A 'anee.aime Thur y Mereh express, $1, 0001. board remun-
eration and mileage, $2, 000;
employee benefits, 5500 ; truck
maintenance, 51, '400; ca pi ta l,
50,000; advertising, y000; re-
funds to sehools„ $1,300-, total,
$97,80 0 ; estimated surplus, $1,-.
Expenditures; salaries, $4.4,
700; books, $20, 0001 periodi-
cals, $000; rebinding, $500;
supplies, 53,, 00 0; utilities. (hy,
dro, water, rent, caretaking,
fuel, insurance) 57,000; tele ,
phone, S.4.1001 repairs and main ,
tenanee, i'0,5()(1 ; postage and
Huron County library board
makes. first official report News from Whitechurch
Miss Poreen PisttiSOlt 0:
Stratford Teachers' College is
spending her Faster vacati,An
the home of her parent:,
and Mrs. Roy l'attisk,,n, East Si.
w anosh,
Mr. and Mrs. To.i
Linda and Larry of Downsview
were Good Friday visitors with
his parents, Mr_, and Mrs, Bill
Mr. t;ary Chapman of the
Hamilton School of Technology
spent Faster week-end at his
home liege.
Mr. and ',its. Ben MeClen-
aehan rerimed from Brussels on
Mersin to sps.nd until Satin',
ija‘ v. ith ':Ir. and Mrs. Carl Mc•
Clenaghen, On Good Friday
Mr. and Mrs. 1”win MeClen-
a,,9 ,an, Nitre) and Connie of Sr,
hcrraF• vi ,:itet.1 at the MeClen-
ae:iae home and Mr. Ben Mc-
elena tlieln reeirtivd their
holm: w;th then,
Mrs, Ben ..:ei:lenagilan re-
turned to -;russels on Saturday to
the home o! ',Irs. Andersen.
Easter visitor with Mr. and
st. Marie and :am-
ill: wen. Let rewire Mr. and
all concerned until the change-
over has been completed and
the operation of the system be-
gins to function in a normal
manner," he urged.
The Townships of flay, Mot.,
ris, East Wawanosh and Mullett,
are now included in the County
Library System, as recommend-
ed by the Board with bylaw
amended accordingly.
Mr. Thompson pointed out
that with the addition of these
four municipalities, the Sys-
tem now has 100 per cent mem-
bership of municipalities.
To dare the Board has: (1)
initiated an insurance survey;(9' COAT
GODERIC1-1...The new Huron
County Public Library Board
made its first official report to
County Council Monday of last
week when Duff Thompson,
chairman, Clinton, addressed
councillors and students who
were in attendance at the after-.
noon session,
The Board has been in opera.'
tion only since the January Ses-
sion of County Council and
monthly meetings are being
held, Mr, Thompson said,
There are many problems to be
faced in connection with the
transition from a cooperative to
a public library system, "The
Board asks the indulgence of
111.41111111 ....... /1/14 iiiiiiii 1 iii 111.11 iiiii 11111 /1111 11 41/.1111111 ,,,,,,,,,,,, !"".. ,,,,,,,, .."'""""'""""‘"" 0.,,1,11111. We have a very lovely selection this year
and the season's new shades are most in-
teresting. Do come in and look over the
stunning models. Our collection includes
Plain Shades, Smart Checks and Floral in
Regular and Reversible styles,
$19.98 - $24.98 - $26.98 & $29.98
appointed George McCutcheou,
a member of the Board to Mid,
western Regional Library Board;
(3) sent letters to three acered ,,
iced universities endeavouring
to secure rhe services of a qua-
lified county librarian; (4) writ-
ten to University of Western
Ontario urging any interested
student to take advantage of Me
bursary offered by Midwestern
Regional Library Board; (5) at.
thorized Duff Thompson, chair.
man; Frank McFadden, Bay-
field; and Mrs, C, 'Huffman,
county librarian, to attend OR-
tario Library Contention in Fort
William May 15-18; (0) made
arrangements to meet with
Bruce County Library regarding
problems concerning Locknow
and Whitechurch.,
Chairman Thompson pointed
out that in preparing the bud-
get, allowance has been made
for the secretary-treasurer. This
money will be paid by the Li-
brary Board back to the County
of Iluron to offset the cost of
administration through the
clerk-treasurer's office.
He said another item refers
to refunds to schools of 51,300.
This refund is to cover school
fees paid from January 1 to
June 30, since with the incep-
tion of the Public Library Ser-
vice as of January 1, 1007,
there are no further fees being
paid. Their fund, of course,
will occur only in 1967.
Huron County Library 1967
budget is as follows;
Revenue: Province of Ontar-
io, basic grant, $25, 000; in-
centive grant, $10, 000; opera-
tional grant, $30, 000; County
of Huron, $34, 000; total, $99,-
Good Friday and
Easter services Reader in England
says picture was
taken in 1913
Choose an umbrella from
our spring selection
$2.98 - $3.98 - $4.98
(Wingham) Limited
WROXETER—The congrega-
tions of Carrie and Wroxeter
Lnited Churches held Good Fri-
day service at the Wroxeter
Church. A mixed quartet com-
posed of Mrs. Jack Clarke, Mrs.
Vern Hupfer, Oliver Riley and
Vern I iupfer sang "My Dream of
the Saviour", The choir sang
the anthem, "Father, Forgive;
They Know not What They Do'.
Rev, R. Sweeney chose as his
text, "It was the third hour, and
they crucified him", Accord-
ing to the Scripture Christ died
for us. Ile was victorious over
death. There is a great mys-
tery why God sent Jesus in His
own image to live and die the
painful death at Calvary. It was
a mighty deed that the _Heaven-
ly Father carried through in love
for his Son, and for the love of
people on earth.
Christ was a form of servant;
obedient to death on the cross
for us, yet he was no sinner.
Christ rehearsed the Scriptures
in his death. What is true of
God once, is true always. As
followers of Jesus, we identify
ourselves with the risen Saviour
of men.
On Palm Sunday four new
members were received into the
church: Margaret Wright, Rickey
Clarke, Murray Gibson and Gar-
ry Chambers.
Easter service was held Sun-
day morning with the choir sing-
ing the joyful festival anthem,
"Christ Is Risen". A chorus of
girls sang, "The Christ of the
Rev. Sweeney chose as his
text "God raised him from the
dead". Jesus took the exceed-
ing sinfulness of the world on
Himself for us. It was not pos-
sible for death to master Jesus,
for God raised Him, The sting
of death was taken away from
us when Jesus died, The resur-
rection of Jesus gave us a new
life of strong disciplined love.
The Sacrament of Holy Com-
munion was celebrated by a
large number during the service.
—Mrs. Dorothy Ryan, Kathy
and Gregory of Toronto spent
Easter with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Elliott.
—Mr. and Mrs. Miller Davis
left Malton on Friday to spend
a few days in New York,
—Mr. and Mrs. Don McLean,
Linda and Paul of Kitchener
spent the week-end with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Sharpe of Teeswater and Mr.
and Mrs. Grant McLean.
Mrs, Sylvester Lambert Of St.
Catharines and Mrs, Crosby and
Laura of Grimsby.
Mr, and Mrs. Melvin MO ,"
Cleneghan of Waterloo were
Saturday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl NieCleneglian and
Mr. Paul Geiger of Waterloo
spent the week-end at the same
home. All attended the Holmes-
Barbour reception.
As we go to press Old Man
Winter is giving way to Spring,
Rain is falling and many report
seeing robins around the village.
On the south side of the homes
the snowdrops are to be seen
with other green things starting
to sprout in the flower beds.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Far-
rier, Brian, Colleen and Carol
of Long Branch and his mother,
Mrs. W. R. Farrier, Miss Beth
Barbour of Toronto and Mr.
Wayne Farrier of London were
Good Friday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Garnet Farrier and
Mrs. Gibson Gillespie, Mr. and
Mrs. Carman Farrier and family
are visiting also with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hig-
gins of Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henry
of Brampton were Sunday visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Me-
Mrs. George NieKague of
Teeswater was a Sunday visitor
with Nir. and Mrs. James Mc-
Visitors for the week-end
with Mrs.- Cecil Falconer were
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer,
Allan and Kevin of Streetsville,
Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer,
Brian, Paul and Susan Lynn of
Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Purdon, Sylvia and Raymond of
Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Angus
Falconer on Saturday were curl-
ing at Harriston. Mr. and Mrs.
Relison Falconer and family
were also visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Stacey of Wingham
and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Pur-
don and family visited with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Purdon of Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh MacMil-
lan, Paul, Gregory and David of
Sarnia were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore
and family of Wroxeter were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Moore and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes,
Debbie, Kevin and Blaine of
Dresden and Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
bert Schwichtenberg, Lori Jane
and Kerry of Port Elgin, were
Sunday visitors with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coul-
tes. Debbie remained to visit
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Mervyn Pipe of Brussels
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coul-
Mr. George Young, Mrs.
Charles Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs.
Clark Johnston and Mr. Russel
Ritchie were in London Sunday
to visit with Mrs. Charles John-
ston at Victoria Hospital, and
with Mr. Charles Tiffin and
Mrs. Russel Ritchie at St, Jo-
seph's Hospital. Mrs. Ritchie
expects to get home in the near
A meeting of the Whitechurch
Water Signers is being held on
April 4 at 8:30 at the home of
Mrs. Albert McQuillan, to dis-
cuss business.
rora Page On0
Canada. I worked for
Joe Chamney; Lena Chamney in
the back row was Thirteen and
Cecil was six. Clarence was
seven years old. I know most
of the
I Ns as very thrilled when
saw the picture of the children.
IT brought back old memories.
I had some good times while I
was at Joe Chamney's and made
a lot of friends. I still write to
Marion Simpson and her sister,
Ethel Manners.
Marion was over here last
May t«r three weeks, My wife
and Marion travelled to Scot-
land and then looked around
London when they came back
:rum Scotland. She stayed with
us here and we toured through
Devonshire and other places.
Jim Chalk who worked for
Marion's father until he died,
and then for John MacRae, Ross
MacRae's father, lives near me
and I take the papers up toJim's
home when I have read them
and we chat about the good
times we had in Canada.
I am very grateful to Marion
Simpson for this Christmas pre-
sent -- to have the Wingham
Advance-Times regularly and I
thank y'eu. for your Christmas
card to let me know the papers
would be sent to me.
Jim Chalk and I wish to be
remembered to all our old
friends around Wingham and
I am sirs,
yours faithfully,
S. II. Edwards,
(Known as Steve)
41111111111111111111111111111111111111W —Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leeson,
Timothy, Sean and Lyanne of
Stittsville spent Easter week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
—Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lott
and Colin of Bracebridge spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Lott and visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Thompson and
other relatives.
—Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Finni-
gan and Timmie of Petawawa
speht the week-end with Mrs.
Annie Nicol and Mr. John Fin-
nigan and visited Mrs. Finnigan
who is a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London.
—Miss Jane Cruikshank of
Laurentian College, Sudbury,
spent a few days last week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Cruikshank who returned
home from Florida on Thursday,
—Mr. Robert Golley visited
a few days last week in Kitch-
ener with Mr. and Mrs. Mac
—Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Evans
and Miss Treva Irwin of Ker-
wood, Mr. and Mrs. Jim New-
man and Kim of Cobourg and
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edgar and
family of Guelph visited over
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Newman.
—Mr. and Mrs. 3. Gibbons
visited on Easter Sunday with
their son Frank and Mrs. Gib-
bons and family in London.
—Robert Douglas of Ryerson
Institute, Toronto, spent the
week-end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Vaughan Douglas.
—Mr. and Mrs. Barry Fuller
of Don Mills spent the Easter
week-end with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fuller and
Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson Riley.
—Mr. and Mrs.Colin Powell
of Portsmouth, England who
were married Wednesday and
are flying over today (Thursday)
will be staying with their aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ian
Edward until they get settled
here in Canada.
—Miss Carol Ogg and Miss
Dianne Warner of London spent
Monday in Wingham with Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Gruber.
--Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tan-
ner, Josephine Street, attended
the 30th wedding anniversary of
his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Turnbull at Port Elgin on Good
—Miss Eleanor Errington,
nurse-in-training in Toronto,
and Everitt Erringtort of Walker-
ton spent the Easter holiday at
the hone of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Errington.
—Mrs. James Taylor who has
been staying with her daughter,
Miss Lilla Taylor in Preston for
the winter months, has returned
to her home. Miss Taylor is
spending the Easter holidays
--Mr. and Mrs. Evan Wilson
and son Arthur of Wheatley call-
ed on Mrs. Andrew Wilson and
Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson over
the week=end.
Why waste living space? With economical
electric heat you can change a chilly basement
into a cosy playroom, a cold attic into a
comfortable bedroom. And you don't have
to overheat the rest of the house to do it
Electric heat is easy and economical to install
exactly where you need it without any
costly structural changes. There are many
types of electric units to choose from—
radiant, baseboard or Tan-type. Thermostatically
controlled, one of them is the ideal answer
to your heating problem, Ask your local
electric utility or electric heating
contractor for details.
—Mr. Robert Mowbray and
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mowbray
were in London on Saturday
where they visited at the home '
of the former's daughter, Mrs.
Jas. Wilson and Mr. Wilson who
were celebrating their 25th
wedding anniversary. Mr. and
Mrs. Wilton were former resi-
dents of Whitechurch.
Good Friday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ahara
were Mrs. Ahara s s father, Mr.
C. I. McConney, her brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McCon-
ney and family and Miss Esther
Glaeser, all of Toronto. Mr.
McConney and Miss Glaeser re*
trained for a few days.
and Mrs. Wayne Nit.
ol, Jimmie and Susan of Brarnp,
ton spent the holiday with Mrs.
Annie Nicol and Mrs. lean
Moore. PLAN NOW.
to attend the
East Wawanosh
—Mr, and Mrs. Murray
Keyes, Todd and twins, Guy
and Kent of London, and Mr.
and Mrs., Jack Adair and family
of Molesworth visited on Sun-
day with their mother, Mrs.
Melville Bradburri, Josephine
Wingham Public Utilities