The Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-03-23, Page 8• HIRE • BUY • SELL* RENT" • SWAP • HIRE BUY • S 1.4.. RENT SWAP • BUY • SELL. RENT • Page,8 - "Ughanci Advang0,11410, TitUr$day,„ March. 24, 1981 eNT; SWAP * I RE • BUY • NT. SWAP OMR H I RE • CLASSIFIED ADS SET RESULTS SNOW TIRES STUDDED We are now equipped to stud your snow tires (Neiy Theo Daly) for extra traction and win- ter driving tuttety using Rea-Grip Stinis and Ken- (Grip Gun Frown $g AO v UP PER TIRE EN'S Alignment Service, Wiridhatit. :101230 Business and Professional Directory WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Sate Bus, Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Prederick P. Homuth R.O. Carol E. Honitith, RO Mrs, Viola H. Homuth, RO oirrOmETIOST8 JPhoive i.111-2'/12 HARRISTON ONTARIO BRAKES WITH TWO LIVES ARE A NEW CAR BONUS Keith McClure If you are buying a new car this year, one of the safety features with the most practical impact on your daily driving is the new "dual braking" system for the rear and front wheels. Briefly, the engineers have not created two systems as such but "split" the one master cylinder that previously brought fluid pressure on all four wheels into two reservoirs. One reservoir operates the front wheels and one the back. If one system fails, the other will remain untouched and can stop the car. Then, so that the motorist will know if one set of brakes is not operating, the system comes equipped with a warn- ing light that turns on in the event of a failure of either set of brakes. The system is required by the U. S. federal government on all cars purchased for government use, It also provides a method of testing the warning light in ease it should fail before the braking system. Some European auto makers have divided the braking between diagonal front and rear 'Wheels. This was considered until testing revealed the front and back system was superior for North America conditions. The new system will not mean faster stops, only insur- ance against hydraulic fluid leakage from the master drum or fluid lines that previously could have left the motorist with no braking power at all. This is a true bonus of safety in the new cars, See you next Thursday. J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Office - Meyer Block WINGHAM DIAL 351-1990 Alimomitioriogoommiiiinewo n, Crawford, Shepherd & Mill Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. J. Barley Crawford, QC. Norman A. Shepherd, MLA, kR. Alan R MW, B.A., LLB, WING804, ONTAIO Dial 351.3630 "sairromerisorismimmont FOR SALE vrar.ms in time for Easter, Mre, G, Allen, 194 Caeit- erine St., ph, 357-1094, 16-23* AS MY BUSINESS is sold. I have baciehoe and different tractors for sale Harold Con- gram, phone 357-2652, 10-23o erme,,e0NS all flavours half- gallon Jersey ice cream, March specials at 79c each, Wingham Meat Market, 2-9-16-23-30o SERVEL THERMO refriger- ator for sale, also one box or- gan and piano sheet music. Phone 357-3333 in mornings only. 23b OIL SPACE heater for sale, reconditioned, Priced at $35, or best cash offer. Call 357-3847. 23b SAVE ON PAINT - 10% off regular prices on Kern Glo Enamel, Super Kern Tone and Martin-Senour, Your headquar- ters for Kern lines, Alexander's Hardware, rrb 4-SECTION diamond harrows with steel stretch bar. In good condition, $25.00. Bob Mathers, 371J5, Brussels. 23* WELL TRAINED cattle dog for sale. Spayed female, Ed. Powell, R. R, 1 Wingham, ph. Wroxoter 547W2. 23* MILK it LTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 6k" 85c a box, Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631, 16rrb SEE CURRIES FURNITURE for 9 pc. Sklar livingroorn suite, 2 pc. chesterfield, 3 Knechtel tables, 2 lamps and 2 toss cushions, regular $452.76, now only $119,00. Easy budget terms available. Free delivery, storage, While at Currie's visit their trade-in department and get a real bargain for the cot- tage or rec. room, 23b VACUUM CILMANER SALES. Service on all makes, Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, ph, Hen- sail 262-5350 collect. My26rrb CANADA No. 1 Herta barley, grown of second gen. registered seed, cleaned and treated; also some second gen, Russell oats, Kinley McNaughton, phone Wroxeter 554J3. 23-30* PAINT- We have a quantity of discontinued colors in Kern Gio Enamel and Super Kern Tone, at a bargain. Buy one at regular price and get one free. We are also continuing our sayings to you of 10% discount on all dur paint lines, which includes Enamels, Latex Var- nishes, Stains and Antiquing kits. Alexander Hardware. 23b BRIGHTEN UP your room with a picture from Currie's Furniture. Special this week, reproduction of "Shack in the Woods," quality frame, 26x36, only $28,95. Many others to choose from, Also bedspreads by Heirloom, double bed size, assorted colors, week-end spe- cial only $10.69. Remember Currie's Furniture saves you money, 23b SPRING CLEANING TIME is here. At Pattison's you'll find a complete selection of disposal paper bags for your vacuum cleaner-Eureka, Filter Queen, Airway, GE, Westinghouse, Apex-Connor, Hoover, Singer, Sunbeam, Regina, Switson, Hamilton-Beach, Phillips, Beat- tie, Lewyt and Compact. Also vacuum cleaner hoses, $6.75, all makes. See our floor polishing accessories. Buffing pads, wax applier pads, steel wool pads, Pattison Radio & Electric, Winghezn, 16-23-30-6b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BILLIARD ROOM and smoke shop for sale, Apply Cameron's Billiards. 9rrb FOR SALE A modern house in the vil- lage of Gorrie, to close an es- tate. 1-2 bedroom home, 3 pc. bathroom, large living room, modern kitchen with cup- boards, full basement, new oil furnace, For information call 111, Fordwich, or write George Ashton, Fordwich, 23b WINGHAM DISTRICT 50 acre farm, 37 workable, 6 room red brick house with mo- dern conveniences. Full price $9,500. Owner will consider trade on 3 or 4 bedrobm house In Wingham, Apply: STANLEY KAY Lueirnow, Ont., or ph, 528-3531 Representative for WILFRED MeINTEE & Co. Limited, Realtor, 23b REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE. 'WINGHAM BODY SHOP For Sale or Rent Cement block building, Mt, tabling 1,600 sq, feet, plus 600 sq. ft, of office and stock room, This building is equipped with oil heating throughout, paint booth, and air compressor. Situated on lot with 200 ft. frontage and 100 foot depth, Possession, May 1st, 1967, Con- tact Lloyd Michel, Real Estate and Business Broker, Listowel, phone 291-2800 after 6 pin 99.erh ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott, Broker Edward A. Elliott, Salesman FOR SALE 11/.1 storey frame home, Mansville siding, four bed- rooms, broadloom, rugs, drapes, valances, fireplace, Hanover cupboards dishwasher, now furnace with deluxe humidifier, water softener and electronic dust remover; 2 four-piece baths, recreation room in base- ment, attached garage. 2 storey four bedroom frame Mansville siding home, hot water radiator heat; 1% bath- rooms; recreation room in basement; large garage; rugs, drapes, valances go with the home; water softener, Low tax- es, in residential area. Two storey, solid brick, four bedroom income home, hot water heat, Income from dental offices at the rear. This home is in excellent condition, Pos- session date June 30th, 1967, --- Excellent highway property, four miles west of Wingham, containing a 1% storey frame stucco home, four bedrooms, 1% bathrooms, cupboards, fur- nace, two pressure systems. Barn 30'x50', with shed 12'x20'. CARS & TRUCKS FOR SALE 1956 PLYMOUTH 6 cylinder sedan for sale. In good running order, Apply mornings only. Phone 357-3333, 23b 1955 METEOR 8 for sale, excel- lent condition; four new tires, Priced at $300 or best cash offer. Call Harvey Niergarth, 357-3847. 23b 1964 CHEV,%-toe truck; long, wide box with racki. Heavy duty tires in very good condi- tion, Priced for quick sale. Ph. 242W, Wroxeter, 23b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE YOUNG SOW for sale, due first week in May, 352W4, Brussels. Harold Keating, 23* POULTRY FOR SALE 2 GEESE and a gander for sale, Hugh Rinn, phone 357- 3048, 23b CHICKENS for sale-Day-old; 20 week pullets. Every kind. Charlie Scott, Auburn, 026- 7055. 23-30-6-13* HAY FOR SALE FOR SALE-2000 bales of hay on farm near Wingham. Phone 753-7440, Brantford, 2rrb 1000 BALES mixed hay for sale. Howard Wilkinson, R, R. 5 Brussels, 363W7, 23* arta 1110.111040•1• SEED FOR SALE SEED FOR SALE-No. 1 pas- ture trefoil and timothy mix- ture, $4.90 per acre. Lowland hay and pasture mixture, $5.30 per acre. Highland hay and pasture mixture of alfalfa, tim- othy, brome grass and meadow fescue (20 lbs.) sells at $7.18 per acre. Gramm's stock all varieties of clovers and grass- es, seed grain and Pride corn. Custom seed and grain clean- ing, We inoculate your trefoil and clovers while mixing them free. Buy your seed early arid save money. Some prices will be higher, Roy Cramm & Son, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 366- 2394. 9rrb ARTICLES FOR RENT RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again, We have Just purchased the •new Dust- less floor sanding machines. You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding, Alex- ander's Hardware. 24rrb Dead Stock Removal HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for fresh dead, disabled °Owe and horses, We pay lie per lb, Weighing Over 500 tioutk(14. Fee the Meet prompt and coarteeue service in WS district PLEASE CALL 601.1:W MARLATT MICA, Phone 133 Brussels, Ont, amour g0rvi0,6,4 days a Week Lletnae No. 390-C-06- FOR: RENT 3 - ROOM apartment for rent, bath, heated, 357-2151, 23rrb 2 - BEDROOM upstair apart- ment for rent on le Line. Sep- arate entrance, heated. Phone 357-2770, Available Apr. 1, 23b COUNTRY HOME- for rent, near Whitechurch, $15,00 a me. Phone e57-1689, 23* ONE - BEDROOM apartment for rent, in good residential area,. Available in April. 357- 3895, 23b 5-BEDROOM house for rent, in Morris. Township, on county road, All conveniences, 3 miles from Belgrave, George IVfichie, Brussels 374W13, 23-30* RENT A RUG SHAMPOOER, only $1,00 per day with pur- chase of Bissell Shampoo 22-oz, $2,39, or 64-oz, $4,98, at the Decor Shoppe, Wingham, ph. 357-2002, 23b JOB OPPORTUNITIES FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Home study 'prepares you to write Ontario provincial exam- inations for recognized certifi- cate, Grades 6-13, All books and supplies, Low monthly pay- ments, income tax deductable. For full information write Ca- nadian Academy, 40 Main St., West, Hamilton, Ont, A7rrb HELP WANTED WANTED for May 1, 1967-Re- liable couple to manage the Wingham Golf Club, Exper- ience preferred but not essen- tial. Apply to P. 0, Box 238, Wingham, One 16-23-30 MALE HELP WANTED WANTED - Maintenance man, experienced o n carpentry, painting, pipe fitting and will- ing to train for fourth class stationary engineer license. Age 30-40. Apply Building Sup- erintendent, Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. 23-30b FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS WANTED - Ap- ply in person, Good"s Coffee Shop, 9rrb POSITION AVAILABLE Secretary needed for employ- ment at CKNX Television, Ap- plicants should have a •thor- ough knowledge of shorthand and must be expert typists, Excellent salary and benefits available for the right person. Contact Ross Hamilton, phone 357-1310 for an interview, 23b WANTED WANTED - Guns and rifles. Cameron's Billiards. 1-15eow WANTED - Room and board, for young gentleman, commen- cing April 17th, Call collect Mount Forest 323-1854, 23b USED PIANOS wanted. All makes and types, Top prices paid. Write Box 17, Advance- Times, or phone 357-2321, 23b BABY WALKER wanted. Any- one having one for sale; please write Box 16, Advance-Times. 23* WANTED TO RENT-A house in Bluevale or Wingham dis- trict, Phone 357-2074, 23b OLD MOCKS WANTED, in any condition. Letters with particulars to K, Sandercott, Twilite Motel, R. R. 1, Hyde Park, Ont., or phone Wingham 357-2399. 23-30-7-14*rrb TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon, April 3, 1967, for the construc- tion of the McCALL DRAIN IMPROVEMENT DRAIN consisting of 3,100 lineal feet of covered drain, Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office, Tenders are, to be clearly marked as to contents and con- tain a certified Cheque for 10% of the bid price. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Mrs. Helen D, Martin, Clerk, Belgrave, Ont 16-23b GRAVEL TENDERS FOR. KINLOSS TOWNSHIP Tenders for crushing and hauling approximately 9,000 cu, yards of gravel. Contractor to properly strip pit, Gravel to pass through %" screen to be on the roads by August 1, 1967. Crusher to be shovel fed. Tend- ers to be in by March 31, 1967, to road superintendent, Frank Schumacher, R. R. 1 liblyrood. Certified cheque for 10% of tender to eteeornpany the same. 16.23b KINLOSS TENDERS FOR PPP RUN GRAVEL Tenders for loading and hauling pit run gravel, Tenders to be in to rbad superintendent by Metal 31, 1967. Gravel to be put on tis needed by road superintendent', Frank Schtei ibacber It, t. IlolyMed. Certified cheque for $200.00 to oceompatiy tender, 16.23b 'ENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED TowNsuip OF TURNBERRY Tenders will be received by the Township of Turnberry for the spraying of cattle for warble fly control in the mum. cipality. Tenders must be clear- ly marked as to =tents and mast state the price per head per spray, The successful bid- der must be fully covered by insurance for any damage in- curred, with liability insurance and also state what type of equipment will be used, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, and the tenders must be received not later than 6 pere, March 31, 1967. John V. Fischer, Clerk, Bluevale, Ont, 23-30b TENDERS FOR TRUCK Sealed tenders on forms and in envelopes available from the undersigned will be accepted until 5:00 prn. on MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1967 for one 1/2 -ton "economy type" panel truck. LA 1962 Chevrolet 9 passenger station wagon to be taken as trade-in, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted ..T, W, Britnell, P.Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, 23b TENDERS 1967 ADDITIONS TO HURON- BRUCE SECONDARY SCHL. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Sealed tenders properly iden- tified as to contents tor the general contract, addressed to the Huron-Bruce District High School Board, will be received by Kyles, Kyles & Garrett, Architects, 247 John Street South, Hamilton, Ontario, until 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 19, 1967. Each tender must be accom- panied by a Bid Bond or mark- ed cheque made payable to the Huron - Bruce District High Sdhool Board in the amount of $120,000,00, which Bid Bond shall carry a sixty-day limit from tender closing date. Mechanical and Electrical tenders will close in the Kitch- ener-Waterloor Builders' Ex- change Bid DepoSitory at. 3:00- t p.m, on Tuesday, April 18, 1967. The successful contractor will be required to furnish a Performance Bond of 100% of their contract price, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. General• building contractors may obtain plans and specifi- cations at the Hamilton office of the Architect: Kyles, Kyles & Garrett, 247 John Street South, Hamilton Ontario, on deposit of a cheque in the amount of $50.00 per set, made payable to Kyles, Kyles & Gar- rett. This deposit cheque will be returned on receipt of the complete issue of sets in good condition. HURON - BRUCE DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD WINGHAM, ONTARIO. 23-30-6b PERSONAL ATTENTION LADIES We are taking orders for Centennial Dresses, Place your order now and have yours made by Mrs. Harold Elliott, phone 357-1777, 9-16-23* MISCELLANEOUS MAIONM/AVVINMSMOINNIAIIMO BRIAN RINTOUL Licensed Auctioneer Phone 357-2349 Farm Sales a Specialty 16-23-30-6* PAINTING & DECORATING ROBERT E. SEARSON Phone 357-3044 - Wingham NlOrrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent- 53 Maple Street, Wingham LLOYD MONTGOMERY Dial 357-8739, Alt* GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd. for Memorials of Distinction. Lowest prices ih the area 68 Avondale Ave.- Stratford Phone 271-6736 Collett ANNOUNCING A NEW SERVICE In addition to our complete appliance and radio service we are now equipped to render PROMPT TV REPAIR, Experienced technician In charge, Transistor radio and car radio service. PATTISON RADIO & ELECTRIC Pidrrb LEGAL SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND 13Y VIRTUE of a Writ of Fier], Facia$ is" sued out of the County Court of the County of Huron, to me directed againe the lands and tenements of Herbert 0, Ross, defendant, at the suit of the Bank of Montreal, Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execu- tion and will offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court Rouse, in the Town of Goderiele at 2:30 in the al. terneon, on Monday, the 10th day of April, 1007, all the right, title, interest and equity of re. demption of the said Defend- ant, Herbert C, Ross, in and to the following parcel of land: In the Village of Fordwich, in the County of Huron, known as the west half of Lot 6, Plan 3, south of Louisa Street. On the premises is said to be located a frame garage and an L slisned frame house, TERMS: 10% down payment clay of sale, balance within 30 days, H, L, 'STURDY, SHERIFF, COUNTY OF HURON, 16-23-30-6b AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of livestock, machinery, hay, grain and some household ef- fects will be held for Stanley Lyon, eh lot 27, con 12, Hullett Township, 1% miles north. and % mile west of Londesboro or 3 miles south and % mile west of Blyth on Tuesday, March 28, at 1:30. Terms-Cash. Farm sold, Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer, Lucknow, 23b AUCTION SALE Farm implements, hay & grain at Lot 11, Con. 11, Turnberry Township, SATURDAY, MAR. 25, at 1:30 Machinery-1960 Minneapolis Moline tractor; 1961 Cockshutt tractor No. 540, power steering and PTO; Owatona swather model 29, 10-ft;,; John Deere spreader, 95 bus.; Cockshutt siderake No. 4; wagon, 5 ton, with groove and rack; wagon, 4 ton, George White with rack; bale elevator, 32-ft, Little Giant; Dion threshing machine, 22x32; Oliver grain drill, 17 run, new condition; Interna- tional cultivator, stiff tooth, 9- ft.; Cockshutt tiller, 6 plate; set drag harrows, 5 section; set drag harrows, 3 section; Inter- national cream separator; Surge milker, ' 2 unit, in top condition; snow blower to fit tractor with 3 point hitch; gas barrel, cap. 200 with pump; air compressor tank with gauge; 200 sap buckets, spiles and pan; chain saw; Sunbeam cattle clippers; lumber; posts; chains; shovels; forks, etc, Grain-Approx, 10 ton mixed grain; approx. 2,000 bales mix- ed hay, Terms-Cash, Farm - 150 acres, 2 houses, modern; good barn; lots water, to be auctioned, subject to a reserve bid. Proprietor, Glenn Appleby, Auctioneer, Jack Alexander, phone 357-3631, Wingham. 23b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Lot 8, Con. 9, Turnberry, 5 miles northeast of Wingham, for Harold Gilkinson, on MON- DAY, MARCH 27, at 1:00 p.m. Outstanding Holstein cows and heifers-Reg, Holstein cow, bred Sept, 4; Reg. Holstein cow, fresh; Reg. Holstein cow, fresh; Reg, Holstein cow, bred Dec, 8; grade Holstein, bred Jan. 7; grade Holstein, fresh; grade Holstein, bred Jan. 26; grade Holstein, bred Aug. 9; grade Hereford, fresh; grade Holstein, bred Dec. 9; grade Holstein, fresh; grade Holstein, bred Jan. 6; grade Holstein, fresh; heifer, bred Dec. 8; heif- er, bred Dec. 15; Holstein heifer, bred Feb. 7; Holstein heifer, bred Dec. 24; four 1-yre old Holstein heifers; 6 calves. LA.pprox, 30 yearling hens. Feed-Approx. 1500 bales of hay; approx, 500 bas. of mixed grain, Stonehoat; wheelbarrow; 2- wheel trailer; buffalo robe; cream separator (DeLaval); forks; chains; shovels; tools and many other useful articles, Some household effects. This is an outstanding herd that must be sold as the farm is sold. Terms - Cash, Harold Gilkinson, Prop. L. G. Bryce, Auct, 23b AUaTlot4 SAES, m CLEARING AV ON Farm stock, farm, implements, hay and grain, also real estate, Lot 9, Con, 1, Culross TWP., 3. Miles west of Belmore, miles east of NO, 4 Highway, TUESDAY, MAR 3U p,r4, Terms - Cash. Cattle-Durimea pew, fresh; Durham tow, fresh; Hereford eoac fresh; Hereford cow, bred Oct. 9; Ayshire .Cow, bred Aug. 27; Durham cow, bred' Aug, 11; Hereford cow, bred Oct, 6; heifer, bred Nov. 1; 11 1-yr,-old cattle; 10 palvee, Pigs-Sow with 12 pigs; sew with 12 pigs, Implements - Waterloo tractor, live PTO; Ford tree- tor; 28" Iiergott thresher; spring tooth cultivator; fertilizer Cocirshutt 3-fur- rem? plow; Cockshutt tiller; Minn, 4-bar eideralte; 'mower; drag harrows; snow blower; manure loader; chain harrows (new); John Deere manure spreader; platform scale; 11I-H binder; hay loader; walking plow; ,tractor chains; wheel- barrow; electric oat roller; 10" hammer mill; 125 ft. drive belt; 50 ft, belt; wagon and rack; 2-wheeled trailer; sap buckets and pan;. quantity of lumber; gas barrels; cream separator; 32 ft, extension ladder; set of double harness; sleigh bells, Feed-Approx, 600 bales of mixed hay; approx, 500 bus. of mi::erl grain; quantity of loose straw. Farm consisting of 107 acres, lot 9, con. 1, Culross, on which is situated a brick dwelling, bank barn and drive shed, water On pressure, Will be of- fered subiect to reserve bid and subject to prior sale, On the nronertv there is 7 acres of hardwood hush. Matt Schiestel, Prop, L, G. Bryce, Aunt. 23b ESTATE AUCTION SALE Consisting of farm, farm im- plements, hay and grain, household items of the late ALEXANDER INGLIS Lot 5, Con. B, Carrick Twp. 2 1/2 miles northeast of Belmore THURSDAY, MARCH 30th at 1:00 o'clock sharp Implements - International W4 tractor, in good condition; International 10-20 tractor; In- ternational 2 - furrow drag plow; 11-run Massey-Harris seed drill; 9-ft. International spring-tooth cultivator, on rub- ber; two 4-section harrows; stone boat; bale elevator; 6-ft. Cockshutt mower; New Idea side rake; dump rake; bay loader; 'International binder; Cockshutt manure spreader; trailer, in good condition; 2000 lb scales; anvil and vise; 32-ft. extension ladder; Meyers pres- sure pump; 20 cedar posts; quantity of lumber; 10 cords hardwood blocks; 20 sap buck- ets; 1960 Ford truck, %.-ton pickup; 2 rubber tired 'wagons. Hay and Grain-2,5e0 bales of hay; pile of loose straw; 400 bus, of mixed grain, Household-Frigidaire refrig- erator; Gilson washing ma- chine; sewing machine; 5 beds; McClary wood stove; Motorola radio; 3 dressers; 2 wash stands:2 day beds; china cab- inet; dining room table and 6 chairs; 2 sideboards; chest of drawers; piano, in A-1 condi- tion); power lawn mower, Property-The farm will be put tin for sale at 3 o'clock and consists of 100 acres, 80 acres of workable land, 12 acres of hardwood bush, the rest un- workable. Also located on ,the farm is a good red brick home with furnace, a barn and driv- ing shed, A spring-fed creek runs throuirh the farm as well. Terms on farm-10% down the day of the sale, the balance in 30 days. Terms - Cash, Tom Inglis, Administrator, Len Metcalfe, Auct, 23b NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF NELT.TP1 PERDUE, ALL PERSONS havirtg claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Belgrave, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 19th day of Febru- ary, 1967, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 25th day of March, 1967. After that date, the Execu- tor will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham, this first day of March, 1967. CRAWF'ORD,, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 9-16-23b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF 'ME ESTATE OF IRLMA RUTH P. JENKINS, late of Ahe Town of Huron, Housewife, Deceased. Wingham, in the County of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and others hav- ing claims against the estate of the said Irlma Ruth F. Jen- kins, decea-sed, are required to file their claims, duly verified, with the undersigned on or be- fore the seventh •day of April, A.D, 1967, and after the said date the executrix will distri- bute the estate haying regard only to the claims of which she Will then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontarit, this tenth day of March, A.D. 1967, MRS. EDNA SEGO, 5 Greenview St,, Guelph, Ontario, Executrix. 16-26-60b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OP GEORGE WILSERT ARM- STRONG ALL PERSONS having against the estate of the .above mentioned, late of the. Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Garage Own-, er, who died on the 7th, day of March, 1967, are required: to file proof of earne with the undersigned on or before the first day of April, 1967, After that date the Executor will proceed to, distribute the estate ,having regard only to the claims of which he shall. then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 10th day of March, AD. 1967, CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD 8; MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, 16.23-30b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OW THE ESTATE OF MARION H. WILLIAMSON', late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Spinster, Do. ceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Es- tate of the late Marion Williamson are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J, T, GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executrix of the said Estate, on or before the 1st day of April, A,D, 1967, and that after such date the Executrix will 'proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having re- gard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham, Ontariq this 7th, day of March, A.D. 1967, Agnes G, Williamson, Executrix of the Estate, By her Solicitor, J. T. GOODALL, Box 119, Wingham, Ont. 16-23-30h CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sin- cere thanke to friends and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy and acts of kind- ness in our recent bereavement in the loss of our father, Bert Armstrong. Special thanks to Dr, W. A. Mcleibbon, Rev. C. Jardine, Rev, C. F, Johnson, Rev. H, W. Hamilton and the Walker funeral home., - The Bert Armstrong family. 23b I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for cards, visits and treats while I was a pa- tient in Wingham and District Hospital Special thanks to Dr, W. 'A. McKibbon and nurses of the isolation ward.-David Mc- Dougall. 23* I wish to thank all my friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, flowers and visits while a patient in hospital. Special thanks to Drs, Corrin Klahsen and Flowers, nurses and Rev. G. L. Fish. It was all very much appreciated, Mrs. James E. Currie. 23* etetweeekereeeeteletteteeteeteetteetereee CARPS OF THANKS I wish to express sincere thanks to my friends for cards, visits :and treats while I was Patient in Wingham anti Dis- trict Hospital, I would also like to thank Drs, aorrIn and Wail, sen and the nurses on second floor. Thanks to our family far the extra work they have done and their many acts of kind. ness, It was all much appreci. ated.--Sparling Johnston, 231, I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my friends, rela- tives and neighbors for eards, treats, and visits while a pa- tient in Listowel Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hay and staff, also during my stay in Victoria Hospital, and to Dr, Busby and ifhe staff on 8th floor West, and to all who helped my wife at home. Their kindness will always be re- membered. Selah Brecken- ridge, 2301 IN MEMORIAM COULTER-In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Mrs. Fred Coulter, who passed away three years ago, March 23, 1964, Beautiful memories are all we have left Of one we loved so dearly, We shall never forget her lov- ing smile and happy face, A broken link we can never replace, Sad the parting no one can tell, Memories we treasure no one can steal, Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. -Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by husband Fred and family and grandchildren. 23b BIRTHS CAMPBELL-In Wingham and District Hospital, on Monday, March 20, 1967, to Mr, and Mrs. James Campbell, Wing- ham, a daughter, BONDI-In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Monday, March 20 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bondi, Wingham, a son, NABROTSKY - In Wingham and District Hospital, on Monday, March 20, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried Na- brotsky, R, R, 3 Teeswater, a son. ANNOUNCEMENT BALLAGH-Mr. and Mrs, El- mer F. Ballagh, Belmore, wish to announce the arrival of their chosen son, Barry Steven, age 3 years, a broth- er for Nancy, Wayne and Marilyn. CAVILLER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. 'Kennedy, CA. Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton GLASS MIRROR - PLATE FANCY GLASS WINDOW SASH GLAZED STAINTON HARDWARE We specialize in replac- ing Aluminum Storm Glass ( and Screens) (WINGHAM) LIMITED PHONE 357 2910