The Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-11-10, Page 12Page 113 —. Wingbaut. Advance ,uTiMes, Thursday Nov, 1U, 1.9pt; Yung Children, 1 Beverley Soloman Unicef Collectors Presides at Y.P.S, Awards Are Presented. at Congregational Supper of Korea and Trinidad; Mrs. tiler Sleightholm, the Angola sittlation;,. Mrs, !lob Adams, Zambia and. Nepal; Mrs, Dave Gibb, the work in India; and Mrs. Gaunt, the work in Kenya. Mrs, Gaunt also gave a talk on the Holy Land, as seen by her cousin, James II. Currie. Mrs. George Thompson gave the meditation "If We Care Enough". Mrs. Gaunt closed the devotional exercises with prayer, The minutes were read by. Mrs. Carl Weber and ith mem- bers answered roll call with an article from the United Church Observer. A bale has been sent to the Manitoba Indian Reserve. The hostess served lunch. 4r4ww.. w4r v."*. vr. vv.- •-•-4" ,40 Rripo "Nreivoistorteivrorinswvrivsiwps 4reistivert pa "ow* vA4400,* 4.404,4 4 40 tt o . $0 ,k 4.04,8.4e 4 A e • hp," • 4%4* 44,4101 V$S$4414,:44$$4;f4,4 40.4;.:14:41044.„.. %41 / Voirifitar* ********* / P.*** ******** / # 4 i* e. **AV 4 • b 10* fr**, A*4 64 V.* "Pee • NI $ efr **** 4)4 r /*. N oksti ig %, 4 4 P A / 4•••• 41 14 AO ./ ,4# 4), $.4"1 • • 4 4 t ,74,4 • A, 0. AI', (4,1 4,it ef A se At fr 0 el "4 P4 1_411 *P ~f i ® 4 A #4, ,:11 4 "44 4.4 4 40 4 $••••• • 4 L.', ‘1••4.***4 ',4 • 4r.w•ate***** 4 .4 • •.4 4 0404% SP4 ,..4444,4* Ati 44 94444 040;4:.41404 444 k 4#4 .44 ,p.,0 4 14, • 4 olt4 01.44 OtAi ttitalfratitittei sittataattattattegill itte4 tit& 4t.' St &a t4 MAW•tititei fat t0±4 &ea aft•t4 /*A a 1 tiAlti*4 ea 4 att‘takeittagl &SAM ;SS Q CI A LITY LOYijIE P IR C E S • SCHNEIDERS e IENERS LEAN BEEF STEAKETTES FRESH GRADE A CHICK WING U. SCHNEIDERS SQUARE OL GNA 2 LB. DEVON SLICED Breakfast Bacon 9Tb -.•11R11100LIMS1.10.416.."1911 Lu MAPLE LEAF — 8 oz Cheese Slices " DI SPECIAL McCORMICKS — LB. PKG. 2/69, VAN CAMP'S — 15-oz. Sodas & Saltines Pork 'ens 5/ 9 eston Apple or aisin Pie 10c OFF 24-oz 3 Wind's Honey Dip Doughnuts 4c ().F.' 35' Campfire Marshmallows 111/2 -oz. • Oifetu,N.s.4%Aus..uu• NOTICE ! AS THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11th, TILL 1 P.M. we will not be able to handle telephone orders for town delivery Friday afternoon. So please arrange for telephone orders for THURSDAY or SATURDAY MORNING. 24-oz..23 LB. a 07 ONTARIO WASHED PARSNIPS ONTARIO GREEN CABBAGE Frozen Foods FRASER VALE FANCY — 10-oz. CU T GREEN BEANS CAMAY TOILET SOAP fic OFF — 3 REG. BARS 'Recipe or the Week CHICKEN PICKLE ASPIC FRASER VALE — 15-oz. FANCY RASPBERRIES Whitechurch News U.C.W. Meets at Iseeswater Home Mr, and Mrs. turershouiJohn- . toil kit WinOinin had a family gathering :or a euchre party in the Whiteeln,rch Community Memorial Ilan on sal orday evu.- Wog. Present for the occasion were Sir, and Mrs. Jack John- ston and 'amity ou London, Mr. and Sirs. Ted Robinson and faintly of Donnybrook, Sir, and Sirs, Clarence Mudd,: and Nutt- ily of and con, Kinloss, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wood and lainii> u! sealorth, Mr, and Mrs, Ross MeNliehael and tam- ily, also Seaford!, Mr, and Sirs, Kenneth Johnston and lam- ity ot Clinton, Str. and Mrs, stewart smith and 1:1101.11, of kitehener and Sirs. Pressick and daughters of Orillia were all,- scut, Callers on Sunday at the home 01 Mr. and Sirs. Il, MacDonald and Sirs, D. Mac- Donald and Sirs. Coulter were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron, and Sir, and Sirs, Fwarr :Mac- Pherson of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and Janet and Sir, and ,Sirs, John Crowston eel !neknow spent the week-cud with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Crow stow and family 01 Chatham, While Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw were away Mr..1 lerh Laidlaw spent the week-end with his daughter, Sirs, Jack Kerr, Mr. Kerr and family 01 liluevale. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Weber, Anti, Marlene and Clair, visit- cd on Saturday with Mrs. Robs (Atambers, a patient at Victor- ia Hospital, London. On Sun- day they visited with Mr. and Sirs, Carl Hartman of Palmer- ston. Sir, and Mrs. Herb Muck:ton of Con. 1, Kinloss were Sunday visitors with Mr, mid Mrs, Tom Morrison and family. Mrs, Cliff Young's class each. gave a paragraph they had writ- ten on their favorite Sunday School lesson, Miss Carolyn McGillvary played an organ SU-. lo. The secretary, Billie Moffat, gave out the certificates for perfect attendance. The teach , ers gave out prizes to their classes for achievements, and Mrs. Conlon presented the at- tendanee certificates for the Children of the Church, flight. cell received this award. Laura Jean Conlon read a letter from the Children's Aid Society for a donation received from the C,O.C. Donald Donaldson of holy- rood showed colored slides and gave a commentary on his trip overseas this past summer. Elmer Scott thanked Mr. Donaldson and Mr. Wart closed the meeting with prayer. WIIITECIIIIRCII—A large crowd attended the ,congrega- tional pot luck supper held Sat ,. urday night at the Langside Church. Around tf5 sat down to supper, Mr. Donald Watt ask-, ed the blessing, After supper a collection was received which is shared by the Ladies' Aid and the Sunday School, The program was held in the church auditorium with Elmer Scott, Sunday School superin- tendent presiding and reading the Scripture. In the absence of an organist, Phillip Steer led the singing, Janice Wall's class of three gave a number. Ross Moffat gave an accordion solo andN4rs. Charles Tiffin's class of five re- peated Scripture verses. Mrs, George Young's class gave a paragraph they had written on a Sunday School lesson and re- peated the Apostles' Creed, WIIITECI I VRC 1—'11w .P.S. tact in the t Church Sun- day School room on Tuesday evening. The officers are ileverley Soloman, president; Ist vice, Linda :Martin; secretary, Jim Morrison; treasurer, him' Wall; conveners, Janis Farrier, Sand- ra Fisher, Linda Martin, Edna Wall, Linda useholtz, Ileverley soloman, Diane Coultes, Joint Gib!) and Jim Morrison; lunch .,,onveners are sandra Fisher, Janis F,Irrier, Linda Martin. lieverley Soloman presided. The discussion has, " is it worth- while to send money to mis- sions when there is a need iii the surrounding arear Janis Farrier led in prayer. Roll call was answered by IL fIlellibt.V, 'l'he ol feritlg was re- ceived and the benediction pro- nounced by the president, ..And Pranksters W, met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Dan Tiffin, Tceswater„ In the absence of Sirs. Milian Moore and Mrs. George Mit- chell, the meeting was e011- veined by Mrs. mussel Gaunt, The theme was Missionary and Christian Education. The call to worship was given by • Sirs. Gaunt, Mrs, Elwood Groskortli read Scripture and Mrs, Gaunt led ill prayer. piano solo, "A Song With- out Words", was given by Sirs. Dan Tiffin. Mrs, Gaunt gave a reading,. "Missionary Main- tenance °I the church". Seven readings in connection with maintenance work in other countries were given by Mrs. Russel Purdon, which dealt with concern for people in Romig Kong; Sirs. Russel Chapman, the people in Japan and Jamai- ca; Mrs, Clifford Laidlaw, work WI; IITECII lallowe', en Item was a time for the young fry calling for treats, all dressed up as goblins, ghosts, clowns and witches, The wea- therman provided an ideal night and this group really had a good time. Early in the evening the col- lectors for UNICIT made their rounds, The older' teenage lads c:'imbed on folks' roots, turned TV aerials, tried to :-,..lease poultry which had reuired the night, scared tilt sheep and ended up burning bales of hay On the road, but the relic,: ended this perlOrtuance„ serious damage was done. Wanda: "lie wore my photo- graph over his heart and it stop- ped a bullet when that bank bandit fired at Kith" 1.111e.1: not surprised, dear. It would stop anything." ADVANCE-TIMES WANT ADS PAY FRESH: GRADE 'A' OVEN-READY FRESH GRADE 'A' OVEN-READY (5-6 Lb. Average) HICKEN TING CHICKENS 3-LB. AV. LE Lb. FRESH LEAN , Braising Ribs 49 Lb. Eli Vic S AVERAGE CIW Lb. LB SCHNEIDERS — 6-oz. Cooked MEATS 6 VARIETIES 2/ PORKY SMILE PICNIC SHOULDER SMOKE A CAMPBELL'S — 10-oz. 8/$1 0o Chili Beans VAN C :MP's — 14 oz 69$ SALMON 3/49 Weston Chelsea Buns 10c OFF 8s 39' TOMATO SOUP PURITY ALL-PURPOSE 25 LBS. $2.19 GOLD SEAL FANCY PINK 7 LBS. 67 FLOUR E. D. SMITH — 11-oz. Tomato Catsup 15 1/2 -oz. 5/$ 1.00 SCHNEIDERS CRISPY FLAKE SHORTPUNG 3c OFF — LB. PRINT 2/ 2 /7 ' u MELT-IN-MOUTH NestonV s Cookies or CREAM DELIGHT 13 1/4 -oz. IVORY LIQUID — 24-oz. tat Toothpaste 2 / 99' DETERGENT CREST GIANT PRODUCE F6CliRgi FRUIT (White or Pink) 96s 10/59 FAB POWDERED 3 9 DETERGENT 204 OFF 9 2 /4 3 GIANT ek HIGHLINER 14-oz. HADDOCK IN BATTER 49 39' OPEN PRIDAY EVGS. UNTIL 10100 /I; 2 tablespoons.. gelatin cup cold chicken stock tie cups hot chicken stock 1 cup sweet pickie fetish Strips of pimiento for garnish •HONE 357-1020 FOR DELIVERY FREE Soften gelatin in mid stork arid dissolve it in boiling stock. Chili until slightly thickened arid syrupy. Fold in relish rind turn into a one quart mold or individual Molds. Chill overnight. After untnolding garnish with pimicto. (Stock may hr made from Chicken Sony 13n.se accord ing to directions on the label). R GR O C LIMITE D