The Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-07-07, Page 3a You don't have to be millionaire to invest like one. Just Call or Write THOMAS A. JARDIN District Manager Ph. 357-3661 WINGHAM SYNDICATE LIMITED JOHN C. WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Wallace Avenue N. — LISTOWEL, Ont. .1•111111. .et go gait Fxiend Xita/nciati There's No Point-- in suffering miles of sultry summer driving when all your needs can be served by the reliable mer- chants advertising regularly in the pages of ingbain Abtonweinte "FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS AND VIEWS" • • Promotions at Wingham District High School Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, July 7, 1900 — Page 3 Fordwich Personals PROMOTED TO GRADE X 5,YR, PROGRAMME Adams Jean; Adams Julia; Austin Mary; Bauer Gary; Black Robert; Blackwell Susan; 13ren- zil Gary; Bryans Barbara; Bry- ant Veronica; Cameron Bruce; Cameron Douglas; Carter Greg- ory, Casagrande Linda; Casliek Ross; Chandler Judith; Collar Donald; Corrigan Robert, Cook Douglas; Coultes Joyce; Cruick- shank Ellen; Cruickshank Joan; Czerniawski Susan; Dane Barry; deGroot Ann; Deyell Terry; Douglas Marion; Douglas Randy; Elliott Dorothy; Ewing Janna; Fear William; Fischer Joan; Gadke Iris, Gal- braith Judith; Gannett Gayle; Gardner Paul; Gibson Charles; Gibson Mary; Gordon Larry; Guest Paul; Halliday Walter; Hardie Don- nalea; Haskins Ruby; Haugh Thomas; Huether Douglas; Jo- hann David; Johnston George; Kieffer Anne; King Joanne, King Patricia, Lane Andrew; MacKay Garry; MacLennan Nor- man; Mair Norma; McBurney Brian; McCutcheon Vonne; Mc- Donald Murray; McDonald San- dy; McLean Douglas; McPher- son Jill; Millen James; Miller Carl; Miller Carol; Nesbit Monica; Newton Jean; Perrott Keith; Petteplace Shel- by; Pletch Donald; Rae John; Y. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361 1111111=••• Reece Lynne; Reid Judith; Ren- wick Katherine; Ritchie Ken- neth; Robb David; Ross John; Russell Mark; Schwartzentruber Nancy; Scott Ralph; Skinn WU- liani; Smith Douglas; Smith Murray; Strauss Kenneth; Templeman Monty; Tiffin Adele; Verbeek Antonie; Walsh Mary Ellen; Wardley Dale; Wel - wood George; Wenger Cathar- ine; Wheeler James; White Bar- bara; Willits MacMillan; Wil - son Gregg; Wright Margaret; Zurbrigg Patricia. PROMOTED TO GRADE X 4-YR. PROGRAMME Ahara Edward; Bakker Bryan; Ballagh William; Black Thom- as; Bosnian Donald; Rosman Joan; Bray Larry; Brooks Harvey; Brooks James; Carson Larke; Chambers Garry; Chettleburgh Mary; Courtney Larry; Craig Ross; Crawford Alexander; Daw Wilson; Dentinger Mary Lou; Desmarais Clovia; Dickert Murray; Dickison Joan Ann; Dos- man Dennis; Duck Dorothy; El- liott Bonnie; Elliott Linda; Elmes Kathy; Falconer Cheryl Ann; Farrier Janis; Feagan Bar- bara; Finley Douglas; Fisher Joyene; Forster Barbara; Forster Donald; France Barbara; Gal- braith Elizabeth; Galbraith Scott; Gardner Richard; Green- ley Kathy; Haasnoot John; Hall Joseph; Hand Donna; Hanna Maureen; Harrison Bette; Harrison Jane; Hastings Beverley; Heywood Grant; Kieffer Ronald; Koster Norman; Kreger Wayne; Lediet Preston; MacAdam James; Mac- Sween Gary; Mann Judith; Mar- tin Linda; Mason Wanda; Math- ers Darcy; McGlynn Daniel; McGuire Lee; McKee Dale; McMinn Leora; McPherson Phyl- lis; Metcalfe Dwight; Mitchell Donald; Mitchell Robert; Moran, Barry; Nethery Larry; Norman Wal- lace; Ohm David; O'Malley John; Ortlieb Annette; Paquette James; Parker Earnest; Pattison Barbara; Pattison Margaret; Pau- lin Ruth Ann; Penner Douglas; Phelan William; Pletch Ruth Ann; Rawn Beverley; Reid Lin- da; Remington Joan; Rich Ruth Ann; Rider Samuel; Ridley Stan- ley; Riley Judith; Ritchie James; Riese= Rita; Robb Donald; Ross Donna; Rutledge Terry; Schuler William; Schultz Den- nis; Skinn Aurelia; Smith Jose- phine; Snowdon Kenneth; Stef- fen John; Steurnol Glenys; Stokes Doris; Taylor Kenneth; Temple- man Susan; VanCamp Keith; Walden Pamela; Wallace Bren- da; Webber Nancy; Welsh Jud- ith; Wheeler John; Willie Bon- nie; Willie Sharon; Willie Wil- frid; Wintemute William. PROMOTED to SECOND YR. OCCUPATIONS PROGRAMME Bridge Glen; Burchill Gary; Craig Harvey; Edward Sheila; Elliott Marlene; Fisher Shirley; Fitch Sharon; Frieburger George; Green James; Gower Barbara; Harkness Ivan, Herd Ronald; Humphrey James; Kieswetter Joan; Leddy Anne Marie; Mac- Donald Bonnie; Mayberry Larry; McCauley Barrington; McEwan Duncan; Pollard Donald; Pol- lock Brian; Schiestel James; Whitehead Walter. PROMOTED TO GRADE XI 5-YEAR PROGRAMME Adams Jane; Anderson Mal- colm; Armstrong Robert; Bos- nian David; Brooks Terry; Byer Lewis; Cameron John; Camp-' bell Jane; Carter Elaine; Cham- ney Diane; Conron Barrie; Cor- rin Mary Joan; Coultes Audrey; Crewson Sheila; Cruickshank Mary Ann; DeVos Aart; Dezeeuw Mit- chell; Dickison Kenneth; Doll Patricia; Elliot Stanley; Elliott Douglas; Errington Ross; Fear Rhonda; Field David; Fleury Paul; Forsyth Bryan; Foxton Deborah; France Sheila; Fuller Wendy; Gadke Bradley; Garniss Douglas; Goldrich Jacqueline; Goldthorpe Paul; Gowing Neil; Grant Neil; Grant Catherine; Hafermehl Brenda; Hallahan Margaret; Harris Melanie; Hast- ings Linda; Hayes James; Hen- derson James; Hodgins Lanna; Hueston Heather; FluetherJoyce; Hutton Linda; Jacques John; Jef- frey Margaret; Jertnyn Gladys; Jermyn Ruth; Kaschenko Kath- leen; Kieffer Mary Teresa; King Diane; Langridge David; Low- man Martin; MacKay Brian; MacKenzie P,ennae; Malick Donna; Martyn Peter; Mathers Rae; McBurney Ivan; McDonald Douglas; McDonald Susanne; McDougall David; McDowell Judith; McKague Phyllis; Meyer Anne; Miller Brian; Miller Ro- bert; Moran Theodore; Morland Diana; Mowbray Douglas; Mun- dell Donna; Norman Denise; Oldfield Anne; O'Malley Patricia; Proc- ter Donald; Rathbun Andrew; Richardson Newton; Scott John; Scott Ian; Sillick Terry; Simp- son Dale; Stanley Valerie; Strong Marilyn; Taylor Ronald; Taylor Ruth Anne; Tiffin Robert; Tiffin Shirley; Turvey John; Valiance George; Vath Anne; Walker Patricia; Webster James; Wei- shar Ralph; Wenger Lee; Wheel. er Douglas; Wilbee Ruth; Wood Kaye; Woolcock David; Wor- rell Robert. PROMOTED TO GRADE XI 4-YEAR PROGRAMME Aitchison John; Allan Con- nie; Arkell William; Ash Elaine; Askes Jennie; Benedict Virgin- ia; Benson Robert; Boak Sandra; Bone Brenda; Borho Marlene; Brewer Gerald; Button David; Button Linda; Campbell James; Cantelon Joan; Carr Brian; Car- ter Allan; Coultes Brenda; Coul• tes Diane; Coultes Grant; Coup- land Carol; Courtney Leonard; Cronin Timothy; Dawson Murray; deBruyn Theresa; Dezeeuw Wesley; Deit- rich Elizabeth; Eadie Marjorie; Elliott Ronald; Elschener Barry; Finch Linda; Fish Linda; Fisher Sandra; Fisher Valerie; Geddes Brenda; Gorrie Stephen; Harkness Linda; Hart David; Henderson Keith; Henhoeffer Ruth; Hohnstein Jean; Hogan Ronald; Hooisma Jake; Huber Alan; Huber Lucille; Irvine Wayne; Irwin Judith; Kelling- ton Robert; Machityre Ardonna; Maclnnes Malcolm; MacMillan Robert; Martin Robert; May Geraldine; McArthur Douglas; McComb Louise; McDonald Janette; McDonald Larry; Mc- Gee Linda; McGlynn David; McGlynn Judia; McLean Dale; McPherson Elizabeth; Michie Lloyd; Miller George; Mitchell Ella; Morin Bernard; Mowbray Brian; Near Dianne; Niergarth Brenda; O'Donnell Thomas;Pal- mer Samuel; Parker Dennis; Peacock Lloyd; Pellett Linda; Perrott Susan; Phillips John; Procter Frank; Reinhardt Eliza- beth; Renwick Lana; Rider Syl- via; Rinn Lois; Rutledge Ken- neth; Sanders Jozef; Sanderson Jeanne; Saunders Nancy; Smith Larry; Smith Sandra; Snell Ger- ald; Stacey Sherry; Taylor James; Thompson Christine; Tiffin Douglas; Troupe Douglas; VanCamp Nan- cy; Vincent Donald; Voisin Ronald; Wadel Marlene; Wal- den Betty Anne; Weishar Allan; Wheeler Ivan; Whitby Nancy; Willie Donald; Wintemure Dan- iel; Work Kenneth. RECOMMENDED FOR A CERTIFICATE of TRAINING (2 Year Course) Bridge Wayne; Brooks Marie; Budnark Donald; Conley Roy- don; Dawson James; Galley Bar- ry; Harris Raymond; Hill Karen; Kirton Audrey; Latronico Linda; Martyn Randy; McKee Brian; McKee Norma; Rawn Sandra; Sanderson Wayne; Wardell Lois, PROMOTED TO GRADE XII 5-YEAR PROGRAMME Austin Edith; Balser Dean; Bennett Dawna; Boyd Bruce; Brooks Harry; Bronson Marni; Callan Peter; Casagrande Trino; Conn Alma; Corrin Norman; Craig Margaret; Cronin Donald; Currie Grant; Czerniawski Christina; deBruyn Ark; Douglas Gary; Elliott Joan- ne; Elston Murray; Fischer Alexandra; eisher Kevin; For- syth Michael; Gibson Ann; Gib- son Douglas; Gowing David; Graham James; Hamilton Car- man; Ila,skins Cheryl; Hether- ington Elizabeth; Hopper Brian; Ilucthcr David; Ireland Sheila; Ireland Wen- dy; Jardine George; Johnston Lynda; Johnston Terry; King Judith; King Pamela; Lillow Mary; Martin Linda; McBurney Ronald; McGlynn Randy, Mc- Kague Brian; McKercher Ann; McTaggart Linda; Miller Thom - as; Moffatt Brian; Muilwyck Luuk; Murray Virginia; O'Mal- ley Dorothy; Pletch Karen; Rae Donald; Rcavic Lynda; Reavie Sharon; Reed Gloria; Renwick Neil; Rut- ledge Gordon; Scheifele Ray; Skinn Kenneth; Tiffin Paul; Walden Bryan; Wall Edna; Wal- lace David; Warnsley Dianne; Wardley Mark; Welwood Jean; Welwood John; White John; White Mary; Woods Jane; Work- man Lynne. PROMOTED TO GRADE XII 4-YEAR PROGRAMME Adams Bonnie; Adams Tre- vor; Ahara Mary; Baker Bonnie; Ballagh Beverley; Benninger Frances; 13orho Mary Anne; Campbell Gordon; Casemore Diane; Chambers Leone; Cret- ier Dixie; Davidson Douglas; Detzler Barbara; Devries Shir- ley; Dinsmore Carol; Dobson George; Douglas James; Doug- las John; Eckenswiller Faye; Ellacott Carl; Elliott Brian; Elston Di- anne; Eskritt Barbara; Falconer Garry; Ferguson Barbara; Fisher Carol; Gardner Terry; Grant David; Grant lan; Griffith James; Grove Dianne; Harkness Katherine; Harkness Ronald; Henhoeffer Roy; Henry Barbara; Hunter Verna; Inglis Ian; Ireland Keith; Johnston Janette; Johnston Yvon- ne; Johnstone Helen; Kelling- ton Joyce; Lewis Rae; Long Gary; Lowe Ann; Lowe Linda; MacLean Barry; Manjin Renate; Mann Linda; Mathers Ruth; Mc- Afee Thomas; McLean David; McLennan Ruth; McPherson Nancy; Meurs Johanna; Meyer Donald, Morrison Donald; Mut- ter Harold; Ortlieb Evelyn; Perrott John; Phelan James; Reid Eileen; Roane Wendy; Ro- bertson James; Robinson Leon- ard; Rosenhagen Vana; Ross Elizabeth; Ross Malcolm; Rich- mond Keith; Schneider Ronald; Schuler Ruth; Skinn Marvin; Sleightholm Lloyd; Snell Elaine; Snowden William; Steinback Gary; Steuernol Peter; Sutcliffe Larry; Thompson Archie; Van Beers John; Vincent Murray; Walker Joyce; Walper Laura; Weishar Anita; Wheeler Harvey;, Wilson Paul. RECOMMENDED FOR SEC- ONDARY SCHOOL GRADU- ATION DIPLOMA (Successful Completion of Grade XII, 4 or 5 Year Programmes) ARTS & SCIENCE Bannerman John; Beattie Ro- bert; Blackwell John; Brown Lyle; Casemore Linda; Caslick Brian; Clark Brian; Collar Bry- on; Conn Muriel; Corrin Ray- mond; Coultes Lynda; Currah Patricia; Dauphin William; Dennis Douglas; Eadie Charles; Fear Katherine; Ferguson Lois; Finch Gordon; Galbraith Sally; Gibbons Ruth; Gibbons Wayne; Grant Jean; Gurney Rae; Hanna Bruce; Hardie Kay Marie; Henderson Lawrence; Herd Rose- mary; Higgins Marilyn; Holl- ingshead Gaye; Hopper Marj- orie; Hyndman James; Johnston Robert; Kerr William; Kieffer Corinne; Kilpatrick Grant; Kir- ton James; Lamont Larry; Logan Ralph; Lowy Douglas; Manjin Joseph; Mr, and Mrs. Larry Martinet and Kim of Kitchener were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Marriner. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Pitten- dreigh and little daughter of London visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, George Pittendreigh. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson and children of Toronto were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Holt. Mr. and Mrs; Gerald Potts of Burlington spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Holger Espen- sen and family are spending a few weeks in the Ottawa dis- trict where Mr. Espensen is em- ployed on construction work. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibson and family of St. Catharines spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig. Martyn John; Mason Mary Anne; Mason Peter; McBurney Car- man; McBurney Hugh; Mc- Charles John; McDonald Arch- ie; McKague James; Meechan Stella; Moore Margaret; Nichol Margaret; Nickel Marjorie; Powell Karen; Rae Margaret; Rathbun Mary; Reed Gary; Rowe Thomas; Scharbach Elizabeth; Schwartzentruber Mary Mae; Scott Keith; Sinclair Ruth; Skinn Mary Ann; Spry Susan; Taylor Larry; Thornton Jill; Thynne Heathe; Vath Dennis; Walden Gary; Walsh David; Wamsley Gail; Yuill Ross. BUSINESS & COMMERCE Aitchison Larry; Baird Clay- ton; Bauer Joan; Boyd Connie; Carter Peter; Caslick Elizabeth; Clarke Connie; Coleman Sus- an; Cronkwright Wendy; Dau- phin Julieanne; Ducharme Nan- cy; Edgar Louise; Edwards Thomas; Errington Everett; Field Richard; Finley Shirley; Forster Janet; Forster Ross; Grasby Donna; Hackett Mar- garet; Halliday Jean; Hohnstein Dorothy; Hopper Marjorie; Hotchkiss Patricia; Jouwsma Rine; Law Kathleen; Martin Linda; McIntyre Heather; Mc- Kay Donna; Millen Joyce; Montgomery Jacqueline; Mus- grove Faye; Phelan Mary Ann; O'Donnell Linda; Riley Marilyn; Roane Gilbert; Robinson Brenda; San- ders Elaine; Searson Nettie; Seli Susan; Smith Doreen;Smith Marjorie; Smith Norma; Staple- ton Linda; Taylor Marilyn; Tun- ney Pamela; Verbeek Johanna; Wall David; Weber Ann; Worm- ington Susan. SCIENCE, TECH., TRADES Brooks Larry; Brown Bevan; Darling Harvey; Detzler Joseph; Elliott Larry; Green John; Ham- ilton Randall; Huber Ross; Mac- Leod Malcolm; McMurray Gor- don; Pidgeon David; Pletch Bar- ry; Rich Warren; Robinson Clay- ton; Sleightholm David; Tout Douglas; Whitfield James. Mr, and Mrs, William Fel- ker left last week on a three weeks' trip through the United. States and the Western Provin- ces, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Harris and Jim and Mr. John Harris left Sunday for a month's trip through the States and the Wes- tern Provinces to Vancouver. Mrs. Hector Browne left Monday for Owen Sound where she will attend summer school for the next few weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. William Sothern, Miss Doris Carswell and David Inglis visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sothern in Pal- merston. Friends of Mrs. Don King will be sorry to hear that she is confined to Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Connell spent a couple days last week in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Duncan. Will Arrange Summer Outing WROXETER—The Harmony Unit of the U.C.W. met June 28. Mrs. Bruce Chambers gave the call to worship and an arti- cle, "What Is Happening to Sunday?" was read. Scripture reading was fol- lowed by the meditation and prayer. Mrs. Lyle Hart presented the topic from the study book. A hymn and a poem closed the worship period. Mrs. Glenn McMichael con- ducted the business. Mrs. Chambers and Mrs. Wm. Wright were appointed to look after the lunch for the U.C.W. in Aug- ust. Catering arrangements and a fall bazaar were discussed. Mrs. Geo. Dobson and Mrs. Glenn McMichael will arrange a summer outing. Lunch and a social hour followed the meet- ing. Functions Mark 25th Anniversary FORDWICH--Mr. and Mrs. Clare Harris were pleasantly surprised last week when neigh- bours and friends gathered at their home on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. They were presented with a sil- ver pitcher, a bread tray and water tumblers. They were also entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barris for dinner when the Harris family gave them a clothes hamper. The Friendship Circle of Molesworth Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Harris is a mem- ber, and the Brown family met at the church and presented them with door chimes. Mr. and Mrs. Harris thanked every- one for their kindness. ROBERT A, SIMPSON, right, gets a few pointers from employer and master gun- smith George Pohle. Mr. Simpson receiv- ed Certificate of Apprenticeship and Award of Merit from Ontario Department of La- bour on successful completion of four- year apprenticeship and high marks re- ceived in examinations held at Continental Gunsmithing Company, Toronto, where he is employed. He is the first apprentice in the gunsmithing trade to register with the Labour Department.