The Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-03-17, Page 11RED CROSS
died glum .Jest`Xiend tanciat/
IN-THE KNOW people
find Investors Mutual
their best investment.
District Manager
Ph. 357-3661
Mr. and Mrs. George Tit*
fin of !mallow were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes-
ley Tiffin.
Mr, Charlie Falconer, John
and Mary of Glarrunis, and Mr.
Jim Falconer of Lucknow were
Sunday visitors with Misses An-
nie and Mary Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cur-
rie of East Wawanosh Twp. are
spending this week with mem-
bers of their family in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scholtz,
Dennis, Linda, Gregory and
Elwin moved on Saturday from
Tillsonburg to the farm they
purchased from Charles Martin.
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton
Scholtz and family of Goderich
were Sunday visitors with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sim-
mons visited on Sunday with
her father, Charles Martin, and
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim-
mons of Wingham.
Mrs. George Fisher and Mr.
and Mrs. Garnet Farrier assist-
ed with the entertainment put
on by Lucknow Agriculture So-
ciety in the District High
School on Saturday evening.
Mrs. Ira Wall is spending a
few days with her daughter,
Mrs. George Needham and Mr.
Needham, of Pinkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin
visited on Saturday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Brown of Lucknow, to celebrate
with them their 47th wedding
Should a demanding car buyer
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Alontcalm 2-door hardtop
Yes-because you'll find all the luxury, performance
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You are exactlythe type of individual
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Meteor surpasses your every wish.
It has all the luxury you require to
meet your demanding taste. Beauty
is the order of the day in elegant
Meteor interiors.
Touch your toe to the accelerator
for instant response. You acceler-
ate quickly, pass surely, safely.
Meteor's ride is the smoothest, quiet-
est you've ever experienced.
Meteor was styled with you in
mind. Your first glance tells you it's
the popular price style leader. Only
in the Meteor Admiration Society
will a demanding car buyer like you
find the luxury, performance and
styling you've been looking for.
Join now—take a
membership drive
the prestige car in the popular price field
Test drive the exciting Comet, Meteor, Mercury, Anglia, Cortina at your Mercury dealer.
1 Year $24 6 Months $12
3 Months $6
Clip this advertisement and
return it with your check or
money order to:
The Christian Science Monitor
One Norway Street
Boston, Mors. 02115
Mrs. Tessie Procter ofYork-
ton, Sask., visited last week
with Mrs. Pearl Wheeler.
Mrs. James Coultes, Mrs.
George Martin and Mrs. Garner
Procter visited on Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong
and family of Thorndale.
You benefit more than one
way! With our lube job and
oil changeover you get the
best quality, famous-brand
oils . . . and all work is
done by expert mechan-
ics, with skill and pre-
cision, to add more mile-
age, better performance.
Lube-Up Here and Save!
Whitechurch Personal Notes
loaves of bread on the front Miss Doris Carswell andJobn khave been in the village for the
WHITECHr Carswell of Kitchener were ECII—On Satur- seat of a vehicle, parked in the
three months, returned to
day evening '1:, relatives surprise driveway of a farm home not I week-end visitors with Mr, and ;their home on Monday at Min-
ed Mrs. 1)1>rtald MacDonald at far from this village. 'Mrs. Clarence Carswell, Ito, N.B,
the borne of ^s r. and Mrs. H.D. When the residents arrived Mr, and Mrs. Truman Mo- Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Jacob-
home less than two hours later, ; watt and Mrs, II. Pagel, who
there was no sign of either the 1 - — - — -
'son of Guelph were week-end
bread or the tray. On making
!guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
a trip to Whitechurch to pur e i
21 Tables at
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Pollock
chase bread that evening they . of Brockville and Miss Sharon
found the storekeepers were ; W I Euchre
Mrs. D. MacDonald
Has 85th Birthday
;Mean Theif
Fordwich Personals the baker left a tray with ten
Wingham Advance-Times, Thurs. March 13 1965 — Page 3
Mr, and Mrs, Paul Gros-
korth and Shauna of Toronto
spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Elwood
Mr. Jim Ross of Kitchener
spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel
Ross. Mr. Wayne Farrier of
Western University, London,
visited with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Garnet Farrier.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbert Schwichtenberg
and family of Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie,
Mrs. Fred Tiffin and Mr. Chas.
Tiffin spent Thursday in Lon-
Miss Sandra Pridham, who
had been practice teaching at
S. S. No. 10, returned to her
home near Mitchell on Friday
Mrs. Claude Coffin, who
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Coultes last week, return-
ed home to Galt on Thursday.
While here she prepared her
house for renting to Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Evans.
Mr. Russel Ross, with other
members of the Kinloss Cent-
ral School Board attended a
school meeting at Stratford to
meet with Minister of Educa-
tion William Davis, in hopes
of ironing out some of the
school problems that have aris-
en in this and surrounding com-
Little Karen Beecroft,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.W.
Beecroft, was ill last week with
the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Gershom John-
ston were, Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMichael
and family of Seaforth.
WHITE CHI "RCH —The regu-
lar meeting of the Women's In-
stitute wa.: held at the home of
Mrs. Ed Wzliat last Wednesday.
Mrs. Claude Coffin, president,
opened the meeting and wel-
comed the ladies in attend-
Mrs. Victor Emerson, sec-
retary-treasurer, read her re-
ports and a number of thank you
notes for the Valentine boxes.
Roll call was answered with an
item for the local newspaper or
the reading of a news item.
Appointed to bring in a slate
of officers at the April meeting
were Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mrs.
George Fisher, Mrs. Ezra
Scholtz and Mrs. Russel Ross.
Mrs. Fisher was re-appointed to
the hall board and Mrs. Emer-
son was named alternate district
director, to attend the meeting
in Teeswater of the Bruce South
district directors and executive.
Mrs. Johnston Conn offered
her home for the April meeting
and Mrs. McGuire will be host-
ess in May.
Mrs. Ezra Scholtz played
Irish numbers on the autoharp,
accompanied by Mrs. Garnet
Farrier on the piano and the
ladies sang the chorus.
The speaker, Mrs. George
Whitby, 1st vice-president for
the district, spoke on public
relations. She pointed out that
each member is a public rela-
tions officer and suggested
methods of creating good pub-
lic relations and to interest
mothers of 4-H members,
Current events were given by
Mrs. Wallace Conn and Mrs.
Johnston Conn gave the Federat-
ed News items. Mrs. Donald
Ross played a number on the
piano and Mrs. Russel Gaunt
gave the joke.
"Words once expressed can
never be recalled", was the
motto given by Mrs. Emerson.
She dealt with kind, hot, cold
and angry words, words used in
home life and in the training of
a child, and quoted two poems,
"Speak Gently" and "The Scan-
dal Monger".
Mrs. Coffin thanked the
group for the co-operation she
received during her three years
as president. She said she had
enjoyed happy times with the
Whitechurch W.I. and misses
this companionship since leav-
ing the village.
It was decided that the vil-
lage members will sponsor the
next euchre and the hostesses,
Mrs. Wm. Evans, Mrs. Don
Ross and Mrs. Emerson, served
Miss Katherine Warrell of Pal-
merston visited one day last
week with Miss Ruth Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klaassen
and Teddy, Misses Hannah Kla-
assen and Lorna Browne and Mrs.
Peter Browne spent one day last
week in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith
and family of Oakville were
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Keith.
Little Jeffrey Stewart, three-
year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Stewart, was confined to
Palmerston Hospital for several
days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wild-
fang, Paul and Brian of Cooks-
ville, were week-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Doig and
family of Glenmorris were Sat-
urday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Doig.
Rev. Harry Donaldson, rural
deal, of Seaforth was guest
minister at Trinity Anglican
Church Sunday morning for
Holy Communion service.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunt and
children visited Sunday with
relatives in Brampton.
Mrs. William Sothern, Miss
Sharon Elliott and Gary Sothern
were Waterloo visitors on Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. Robt Connell
spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Everitt Sparling in
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell
Brown and family of Forest, Mr.
and Mrs. Wray Cooper and Mr.
William Brown were guests Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Word was received in the
village last week that Mrs. John
• •
day evening a progressive eu-
chre party was held in the corn-
tnunity hall with the north
members of the W.I. as host-
esses, There were 21 tables of
Prize winners were: high
lady, Mrs. George Carter; high
gent, Frank Ross; low lady, Mrs.
Dave Gibb; low gent, Dave
Gibb; lucky draws, Mrs. Hasel-
grove and Dave Gibb.
The village W.I. members
will be hostesses for the next
Lunch was served by the host-
esses, Mrs. Russel Gaunt, Mrs.
Wallace Conn, Mrs. Bill Evans,
Mrs. Russel Ross, Mrs. Don Ross,
Mrs. Johnston Conn and Mrs.
Ezra Scholtz.
Mr. Gordon Fisher, Lonnie
and Lori of Guelph, visited
Saturday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Fisher,
Messenger meetings will be
held next Sunday at Calvin-
Brick Church and at the United
Church here,
A large crowd attended the
sale on Thursday afternoon at
the farm of Gershom Johnston.
Fair to good prices were realiz-
ed for implements and house-
hold articles.
Mrs. Will Cranston of St.
Augustine, formerly Ruby Ken-
nedy of Con. 2, Kinloss, is a
patient in Wingham and Dist-
rict Hospital.
Leroy and Garry Rintoul are
busy making maple syrup from
trees they have tapped on Gar-
ry's farm.
Mrs. T. Lamb of Goderich
was a recent visitor with Miss
Annie Kennedy, of Wingham.
Mrs. Albert Coultes was
hostess to 18 ladies interested in
liquid embroidery on Friday af-
ternoon when a representative
of a paint firm demonstrated.
Each guest had an opportunity to
decorate an article and took the I
finished item home. The host-
ess served lunch.
Mrs. C. Coffin Presides
For IBM* Meeting
MacDonald, t celebrate her
85th birthday, which was
March 0th,
All enjoyed games of euchre.
Mrs. MacDonald was the
recipient ,).f mimerous gifts.
Lunch was served along with
the beautifully decorated birth-
day cake.
sold out.
With lunches to pack the
household was greatly incon-
venienced by the thief.
Fordwich Personals
Mrs. Melpha Holland and Inglis is confined to hospital at
Leasburg, Florida, suffering
from pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore
and Miss Eileen Miller visited
Sunday in Baden, with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Bricker.
Pollock of Kitchener spent the
week-end with their parents,
Mn.! and Mrs. Harold Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernald King
and Shelly of ilarriston spent
Wednesday with relatives here,
Lloyd Nickel, Stanley Bride,
Stuart Douglas and William
McElwain attended the Lions'
bonspiel, held in Listowel last
Master Terry Sanderson was
able to return home last week
from the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pol-
lock and family of Ripley, Mr.
' and Mrs. Glenn Fraser of Ma-
ple, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fraser
and family of Toronto spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Howell Fraser on the oc-
casion of Mrs. Howell Fraser's
80th birthday.