The Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-03-17, Page 6Page 6 — Wingham Advance-Times, Thurs., March 17, 1966 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A lovely home in Wroxeter, 2 storey solid brick, modern conveniences, oil furnace, etc. Located on a large landscaped lot. This home has been very well cared for and well worth your consideration. Lakelet area, 192 acres with 125 workable level clay loam, balance in cedar and hardwood bush. Bank barn 40x55, pres- sure, etc. 2 storey 8 room home has modern cupboards and pantry. Spacious living area with full basement with coal and wood furnace. Drilled well and springs give an adequate water supply. This well located farm is an excellent buy at only $17,900, with reasonable terms. Buy a good farm and you'll always have a good farm. Choice 150 acres in Gorrie area, 125 acres of level and work- able land with good drainage, balance in hardwood bush. Bank 'barn 60x60, pressure, bowls, etc. Huge implement building 45aL65' constructed to house additional stock with loft above. 11/2 storey 9 room home with completely new plumbing installation inside and out, nearly new coal and wood fur- nace, fully insulated, drilled well. All for only $24,900. Only $2,500 down. 100 acres Lucknow area, 80 acres work- able rolling land, 11/2 storey stone home, 7 rooms, plus 3 pc. bath, built in cupboards, coal and wood furnace. Bank barn 60x40, pressure, bowls, etc. Also a spring fed trout pond, Full price only $14,900. BEST VALUE EVER—Close to Wingham, 118 acres with 90 acres of level and workable real good soil. Spring fed stream crosses farm. Huge barn, new roof, pressure, etc. Lovely solid brick home recent-at ly renovated anti decorated with modern kitchenette break- fast nook, spacious living area, gas furnace and many, many more costly extras, Full price only $14,900 "4th better than average terms. DON HOLST M 4 ti A LIMITED quantity of lady's and gent's stone-set rings at HALF regular price at Hafer- mehl's Jewellery. 17b 2 UNIT SURGE milker for sale, in good condition. Cheap. Mrs. John Nicholson, phone Wroxeter 26J1. 17* GOOD HEAVY building 11x12 on skids; •timber frame 42x26, with rafters and braces. Never was outside in the open, Ab. Bacon, 388W6, Brussels, 10-17* McCORMICK DEERENTG W4 tractor for sale. Phone Lloyd Montgomery, 357-3739, 53 Manle St, 17-24* WALL PLAQUES that double for hot stands, beautifully dec- orated with Canadian flowers, birds and animals—only 97c ea. at Hafermehl's—reg. $1.50 val. 17b CARPET ENDS ideal for door- ways. Guaranteed not to slip. Solid rubber base 51x24, only $10.88 at Currie's Furniture. 10-17b FOR SALE—Snowblowers $175; wagons $100. See us now for barn stabling and hog barn stabling, Incor Farm Equip- ment, Clifford. J20-M24* LIMITED quantity of better jewellery in pendant sets, bracelets and pierced earrings at HALF price at Hafermehl's. 17b OWN YOUR OWN mobile home, 14-16-17 foot. As low as $39.00 a month. For informa- tion please call 357-3482. 10-17-24b HONDAS — We are writing orders now. Stock is good, free helmets with March orders. Don't be disappointed. Cul- ningham Motors, phone 881- 0740, Walkerton. 3to31b FARROWING CRATES—Save baby pigs. All steel, easy ad- justment. Mounted troughs for easy feeding or trough and bowl. For information George Troyer, R. R. 2, Hensall, Ont., phone 262-5282 or 236-4072 F10-M31b SAVE ON PAINT — 10% off regular prices on Kern Glo Enamel and Super Kern Tone. Your headquarters for Kern Lines. Alexander's Hardware. "Hot Spot Store." 17rrb CARS FOR SALE 1961 FORD convertible for sale, new top, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, Reasonably priced. Phone 357- 2238. 17-24b 1963 LeSabre BUICK for sale. privately owned with power steering, power brakes, push button radio and automatic. Phone 366-2358, Cargill, 17b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 4 YOUNG good heifer calves for sale. Orville Russell, R. R. 2, Teeswater, 17* 12 YOUNG YORK sows for sale due to farrow end of April. Phone 49R3, Fordwich, 17* SEED FOR SALE FARMERS are you sowing a pasture mixture that will put 300 lbs. of beef on your steers each summer, or a hay pasture mixture that will fill those milk pails to the brim? Try R. Crams & Son, seed merchants and cleaners at Pinkerton for satisfaction in your seed re- quirements, Top quality beef pasture mixture $8.15 per acre: Hay-pasture Mixture for those milk cows $8.13 per acre, Spec- ial price March 16-23, on local grown red clover, $20.00 per bus. Why pay more? For your grass seed and seed grain require- ments see Roy Cramm & Son at Pinkerton, phone Cargill 366-23941. 17-24b GOOD BUILDING LOT for sale. For particulars apply to Mrs. Lorne Sanderson, 17-24* 2-BEDROOM HOUSE for sale, full dry basement, wired for dryer, oil heat. Further details call 357-2117 any time. 17* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE on a farm. 3500 sq. ft, brick welding and machine shop with living apartment; waterfront Zocation; also new 2 bedroom house on same street. W, A. Cornell, Thornbury, Ont. 10-17* FOR SALE 1% STOREY FRAME HOUSE Being Part Lot 58, 59 and 60 and Lot 61, Village of Belgrave, Township of Morris; containing V- acres more or less. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 23rd, 1966. Terms: 10% down, balance in 30 days, Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. John G. Berry, Clerk-Treas., County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, 17b ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY Restaurant and Dining Room seating over 100. Two storey building contain. ing four modern apartments, all with four piece bath. Situated on a double corner lot measur- ing 66' by approximately 130' in the heart of a growing and prosperous town, Modern equipped restaurant doing an excellent turnover and showing a net profit of $17,000. Established 13 years and has shown a steady increase in turnover for the last 9 consecu- tive years. Open only 6 days per week, closed Sundays and holidays and ten days through Christmas and New Year's, First time offered — this is not through real estate. Full price $45,000.00 plus stock of around $1,000.00. Terms-10% off for cash or substantial down payment. Write Box 65, Advance-Times ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott, Broker, Edward A. Elliott, Salesman, 2 bedroom frame cottage, in- sul sided, 4 pee. bath, kitchen cupboards, hardwood flooring. North end. Reasonably priced. Concrete block 3 bedroom home, 1 block from schools, garage, finished recreation room in basement, water soft- ener. This home is in immacu- late condition. Modern cup- boards and bath, with immedi- ate possession. Three bedroom frame, insul sided. Needs some repairs, Very low priced. Building lots, 66'x132', com- pletely serviced. One lot, 100'x132', completely serviced, Reasonably priced. FOR RENT HEATED, modern 2-bedroom apartment for rent. Apply Box 84, Advance-Times. 17b RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again. We have just purchased the new Dust- less floor sanding machines. You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding, Alex- ander's Hardware, "Hot Spot Store." 17rrb SALES HELP WTD.—Male ADD to your income selling Rawleigh Products part time in part Huron County. Part time dealers making sales of $5 and more per hour, Also, full time district, Write Rawleigh, Dept, C-453-126, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal, 17b TAXI SERVICE GRANT'S TAXI DIAL 357-1836 Dierrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Dial 357-2174, Wingham FOR SALE Well situated 2 storey, 3 bed- room house, oil furnace, paved drive. Possession April 15. Full price $8,000.00. 2 storey brick family home, situated on a large lot, modern oil furnace, Priced reasonable. Cash buyer for a 3 bedroom, modern home, centrally located. If you have a property of this description you wish to sell, contact us. Se:ling rate for selling homes in Wingham is 3%, Choice building lot on Patrick St., priced for quick sale. 200 acre farm, 8 room house with bath, large barn equipped for beef cattle, silo, drilled well, water on pressure, close to school. Full price $17,500.00. Down payment $5,000.00, bal- ance on mortgage. Spring pos- session. Several farms from 100 to 300 acres in the surrounding dis- trict, WILFRED McINTEE & CO. LIMITED Realtor - Walkerton, Ontario RESTAURANT—$6,000 down payment. Brick veneer build- ing, seats 52, modern equip- men£, 6 room apartment above with 4 pc. bath. Yearly turn- over $24,000 approximately. $3,200.00—full price, 1 storey 5 room asphalt sided home in Bluevale. Partial basement, new oil fired furnace and out- side chimney, HD wiring, water on pressure. New built-in cup- boards and sink, also new asph- alt roof, Large lot with ample shade trees and good garden area. 150 acre farm, 134 workable, 2 hardwood bushes of value, balance in softwood bush and 2 spring creeks, 1 stocked with trout yearly. Bank barn 70'x36' with addition. Steel clad drive shed 50'x30'. 2 storey 7 room modernized brick home with car storage. Located between Wingham and Teeswater, Full price $15,750.00, with $6,300.00 down payment with good terms available. 50 acre farm, 42 acres work- able, balance hardwood bush. Bank barn 70'x40', (beef setup). Concrete silo 12'x25', drive shed 27'x20'. 1% storey 8 rm. partially modernized home, HD cable for electric stove, water on pres- sure to house and barn. Reas- onably priced. Spring posses- sion. Contact: FRANK J. CASKANETPE Box 167, or Dial 357-1702 Wingham. 17b NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WIL- LIAM WEIR. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, retired farm- er, who died on the 29th day of November, 1965, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 26th day of Maroh, 1966. After that date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 4th day of March, A.D. 1966, CRAWFORD & SHEPHERD, VI/Ingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, 10-17-24b MALE HELP WANTED O111.1401M COMIPROM101011110011•13. MAN to work in a seed clean- ing plant, part or full time. Farmer preferred, John Bum- stead & Son, phone 357-2272. 17b WANTED — Energetic young men with Grade X through XII, and the ability to advance, to apprentice in Motor Winding and Industrial Electrical Con- struction and Maintenance. Training complies with Dept. of Labour apprenticeship regula- tions. Apply to Schnurr 'Elec- tric Co., 64 Gordon St., Guelph, 11-24-31b 4.1:9=1:03....1911•101MISIMOMMIS FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP wanted from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., between 18 and 30, Experienced help preferred. Apply in person, Good's Coffee Shop. 17-24b REGISTERED NURSING As- sistant for St. Raphael Nursing Home. Good salary and bene- fits. Apply in writing Box 160, Durham, Ont. 10-17-24-31b 011111.0. ,140110ftrAMIXIISMIMINIMINKNOION TENDERS WANTED .10111,11114 •=1.2111••111 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the pur- chase of the present Municipal Office of the Township of Howick, possession to be had when vacated, Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk not later than 5 p.m., Monday, April 4th, Gorrie, Ont, Ivan Haskins, Clerk, Township of Howick, 'Gorrie, Ont, 17-24b GRAVEL TENDERS frvvr. OF EAST WAWANOSH Sealed tenders marked "Ten- der for Gravel" for approx, 10,- 000 cu, yds, gravel st screen. Contractor to supply crush and deliver to roads of said township under supervision of Road Supt.. Crusher to be fed by shovel. Contract to be completed by September 30, 1966. Certified cheque for $300.00 with tender, Tenders close April 2nd, 5 p.m, C. W. Hanna, Road Supt., Belgrave, 17-24b APPLICATIONS WANTED APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications for the position of caretaker of the Wingham Town Hall will be received by the undersigned until March 25. Please state salary required, List of duties may be obtain- ed from the Town Clerk, William Renwick, Clerk, 17b APPLICATIONS MORRIS TOWNSHIP Applications will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m., April 1, 1966, for Assistant Treasurer for Township of Morris, Applications to be in appli- cant's writing and clearly marked "Application." Any application not neces- sarily accepted. Mrs. Helen D. Martin, Clerk, Morris Township, Belgrave, Ont. 17-24b 1111.11.1101111.ha•Milino. WANTED HOUSE WANTED to rent in Wingham. Phone 357-1175. 17b OLD GUNS and rifles wanted. 222 rifle. Cameron's Billiards. 17rrb LEGAL MINSIMMIIMM•1111114111116C TAKE NOTICE that Stanley Czajka of 105 Diagonal Road in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron and Pro- vince of Ontario will apply be- fore the presiding Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron at the Court House in the Town of Goderich, Ontario on Friday the 22nd day of April, 1966 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in •the forenoon to change his name to Stanley Chadwick, DATED at Walkerton this 10th day of March, 1966. Donald Waechter, Walkerton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant, 17-24-31b PERSONAL BUS leaving for Florida April 2 and returning April 17, $165. Wingham Travel Service, 357- 2652. 10-17b 41110111)3101.1111011111.0Eillner AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE for Laverne Housser, at Lot 33, Con. A, Howick Township, 1% miles south of Wroxeter, Thurs- day, March 24, at 1:30 p.m,-8 grade Holstein springers; 17 reg. and grade Jersey cows; 6 Jersey heifers and calves; 12 can Esco milk cooler; milking machine; hammer mill and 5 hp motor; feed grain, hay and straw. 'Gordon Jackson, Auct, 17b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Lot 22, Con, A, Howick Twn, 1 mile north of Wroxeter, im- plements and household effects, SATURDAY, MARCH 19th at 1 o'clock. W6 International tractor; snow blower; cream separator: brooder stove; quantity of grass seed; bag truck; tractor man- ure spreader; IHC 3-furrow plow; tandem disc; 8-ft. culti- vator: dump rake; stone boat; rubber - tired wagon; tractor chains; some steel barrels; drag harrows; 500-gal, water tank; potash kettle: new stock trough; 13-run seed drill; fan- ning mill; scales; quantity of double strength. fertilizer. Furniture — Electric stove; Guelph organ; gramophone; space heater; antique heater; table; many other items. Terms—Cash. Cecil Yeoman, L. G. Bryce, Proprietor. Auctioneer. $80,000.00 Used Machinery Inventory AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 19th Starting time 12:00 o'clock 40 TRACTORS MF 90 Diesel-2; MF 85 Dies- el; MF 85 Gas; MF 65 Diesel; MF 50 Gas-2; MF 35 Diesel; IMF 202 Ind.; MH 44 Gas RC- 2; Mill 30 and Cultivator-2; Ferg, 20-85-2; EEC 275 Diesel; IHC H; IHC M; IHC A and Cultivator; IHC W4; AC WC 4; AC B; John Deere B-3; John Deere H; Oliver 55 Diesel; MM 11; IVDM Et; Oliver 60 ,and Cultivator; Ford 8N; Ford 9N —2; Case SC; Fordson; Ford Dextra; Cockshutt 30, COMBINES 10 SP, all makes, 20 PTO. 6 Balers; 30 'Plows; Corn Pickers; 25 Disc Harrows; Corn Planters; Spreaders; Cul- tivators; Mowers; Rakes; Till- age Tools; Hammer Mills; other miscellaneous equipment. Goods subject to previous sale or trade, Terms—Cash, or pre-arranged credit, Auctioneer—Wm. Johnson. LEE FARM EQUIPMENT Ltd. RODNEY, Interchange 15 and 401 Highway. 17b CREDIT UNION NEW LOCATION No. 5 DIAGONAL ROAD OPEN DAILY 10 to 12 and 1:30 to 5:30 MAR LATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows & Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses according to size and condition FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE IVIARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24 - HOUR SERVICE License No. 390-C-05 CARDS OF THANKS. The family of the late Mrs. John (Sarah) Hyndman wishes to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to the nurses and staff of Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, Dr. W. A, Mc- Kibbon, relatives and friends, Rev, R. M, Sweeney and the Moir funeral home in their recent sad bereavement, 17* Mrs. Leonard Crawford would like to take this opportunity to thank those who were so kind and thoughtful in so many dif- ferent ways during her recent bereavement of her mother, Mrs, W. A. Culbert. Also to those who were so thoughtful towards father, who is a 'pa- tient in Wingham and District Hospital. 17b Mere words cannot convey our deep gratitude to our friends for their floral tributes, Gideon Bibles, cards and spec- ial acts of kindness during our recent bereavement of a loving mother and grandmother, Mrs. 'A. F. Spencer, Toronto. Your kindness will always be remem- bered and was appreciated so much.—Molly E. Huebert and E, Kathleen Grose. 17b The family of the late Frank 0. Preston wishes to thank all those whose sympathy and as- sistance both before and after the funeral, was so much ap- preciated. Our thanks to all who were so kind and consid- erate, those who sent cards of sympathy and who helped in so many ways; the telephone op- erators who were so helpful in_ getting calls through. Particu- lar thanks to 'the lodges, Mary Hastings club, Women's Insti- tute and Rev. C. F. Johnson, whose message was apprecia- ted. — (Mrs.) Marjorie Camp- bell. 17* I would very much like to take this opportunity to thank the nurses and staff of Wing- ham and District Hospital, .Drs. Corrin and Klahsen for the care and kindness to Samuel Ash during his long illness and death.--Jennie Nicholson, 17* I wish to sincerely thank all my relatives and friends for the cards, letters, flowers and visits while I was seriously ill 'in Victoria Hospital, London, and a special thanks to Drs. Corrin and Klahsen, Mr. and Mrs. George Drehmann and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sewers. All their kind acts were deeply appreci- ated and will long be remem- bered.—James Ballagh. 17* IN MEMORIAM BROWN—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Ada Georgina Brown, (Paulin), who passed away three years ago March 17, 1963. This month comes with sad re- gret, It brings the day we shall never forget; You fell asleep without goodbye But memories of you will never die. — Always remembered and sadly missed by husband Wil- fred, and family, and grand- children. 17* RITCHIE — In loving memory of a dear husband, Gordon Ritchie, who passed away March 19th, 1957. GALLAWAY—In loving mem- ory of a dear husband and father, Oliver Gallaway, who passed away June 29th., 1950, This day we do remember With loving thoughts we give, To two eo longer with us But in our hearts still lives. As twilight wraps the tired day In pearly mist to fold away, We open wide sweet memory's door And live our dear dead past once more, Each tender joy, each sorrow shared, With you is lovingly brought forth and aired, Lest locked too tight within our hearts, They mould away while we're apart, —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by their wife, Ann, and family, Reita and George, 17b SANGSTER—In loving memory of a dear father, Thomas Sangster, who passed away one year ago March 15, 1965. —Always remembered by the family. 17* WELT-S—In loving memory of a father and mother, Mr. Josiah Wells, who passed away March 22, 1951, and Mrs. Wells on March 14, 1956. We mourn for them in silence, No eyes can see us weep, But many a silent tear is shed While others are asleep. —Ever remembered by the faAltlY. 17* YOUNG — In memory of Bill and Jack Young, who died March, 1964, Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps them near, —Sister Mary, 17b BIRTHS Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Wednesday, March 9, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. Spence Scott, Brussels, a daughter, Mariann, RINTOUL — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, March 13, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. Leroy Rintoul, R, R. 3, Wingham, a daughter. iNNE111111•0•1111•001•111101•11MEM MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING & DECORATING CHARLES RINTOUL Phone 357-3044, Wingham, FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished, Also old floors, New modern equipment, Phone 357-2750, Norman Rin- toul & Sons, 16rrb NOTICE If you are thinking of financ- ing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, 27 Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357- 1879. FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent- 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739. LLOYD MONTGOMERY FOR MEMORIALS OF DISTINCTION Let us help you choose a lovely and enduring family monument of ageless granite or marble. Our talented craftsmen will create a memorial of lasting beauty that will stand as an Imperishable •monument to the future family memory. Telephone collect 'for assistance without obligation: Stratford 271-6736. Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd., 38 Avondale Ave., Strat- ford, Ontario. A22rrb For Sale REAL ESTATE LIMITED Representative: Keith Fitzsimmons Wingham, Ph. 357-3840* - "Rural Ontario Specialists" - 100 BALES threshed straw for sale, Phone 357-1598. 17* MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 6',;"--85e a box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631, 11rrb FOR SALE—Two girl's winter coat sets, sizes 6 and 6X, in good condition. Phone 357- 1663. 10-17* 4.U\410iiii0/4 WIINTADS plit)Ptgr //40.1011 $110104*T PHONE 357-2320 AUTO MECHANIC OR ADVANCED APPRENTICE WANTED Steady employment, better than average benefits. PHONE — GODERICH 524.7308 STAN PREVETT FORD DEALER