The Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-03-10, Page 13wishing won't
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Gorrie Personals
Mrs, Edward Newton has re-
turned from Oshawa after spend-
ing a few weeks with her daugh-
ter, Mrs, Wm, hart.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith
and Linda, Moleswnrth,
ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
George Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles McMil-
Ian, Teeswater, were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Halli-
day, Wingham, were dinner
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harry
Gowdy on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, George Sear-
son and family, Hanover, visit-
ed Saturday with Mr, and Mrs.
Robt, Searson,
Miss Leone Barris, Water-
loo, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. King,
Lloy Anne and Billy of Brussels,
31.ay be donatNl through your
local funeral director
• t.k
14 9$PITALSo. PiRI,$ONS,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Luella
Sanderson and Mr. Ed. Millar.
Mrs. Fred Dowdall, Toron-
to, visited Thursday and Friday
with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ilynd-
man and Mrs. John Ilyndman in
Wingham and District Iluspital,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Waite.
Bryan and Floyd of Drayton,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Fel-
ker on sunday,
The Howick Junior Farmers
square dancing team will be on
Wingham TV April 12 on Circle
H Ranch,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Finni-
gan, London, visited Mr. Ken
llastie and Mr. and Mrs, Robt.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grain-
ger spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Grainger,
Wallaceburg, and Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Grainger of De-
Mr. Harold Edgar, Moncton,
N.B., visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Edgar.
Mr. Percy Ashton spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Smith of Ripley and also
visited Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Newton of Clifford.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Toner
visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Grainger on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg,
Willowdale, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Thornton.
'65 PLYMOUTH 4-Door, 6 Stnd., Radio
'63 DODGE, 6 cyl. Standard, 4-Door, Radio
'63 PONTIAC 4-Door, 8 Auto., Radio
This car is locally owned and is spotless
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'63 VALIANT 4-Door, Radio
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'60 DODGE 2-Dr., 6 cyl., Std.
'60 DODGE 4-Dr., 8 cyl. Auto., with radio
Your Dodge - Plymouth - Chrysler - Valiant Dealer
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mr. John Gamble of Pal-
merston visited Sunday with
Mrs. Ruby Forester.
Miss Jean Browne of Listowel
spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Toner
and family of Palmerston visit-
ed Saturday with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Master Johnny Dunbar of
Toronto spent last week with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Len Wilson.
Glenn Martin, Henry Mundt
and Gerald Martin attended the
automotive Show, held in Tor-
onto last week.
Mrs. James Timperley has
taken a position in the local
Imperial Bank of Commerce
and began her duties on March
Mrs. Pearl Patterson, Mrs.
Geo. Pittendreigh and Miss
Minnie McElwain spent one day
last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Inglis, near Bel-
Mr. Larry Marriner returned
home Saturday after being con-
fined several days at St. Mary's
Hospital, Kitchener. Mrs.
Cliff Budd and Master Terry
Sanderson are both confined to
Palmerston hospital.
Mr. Brian Allan, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Mel Allan, spent four
days in Ottawa where he took
Bale of Clothing,
Quilts to C.A.S.
meeting of the 1.1.C.W. was
held Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. William Har-
dy with a good attendance.
The meeting was opened with a
Mrs. Tom Armstrong con-
ducted the business. It was
decided to give $10.00 to the
flower fund. Mrs. Morley John-
ston reported that a bale of
quilts and clothing had been de-
livered to the Children's Aid
Society at Goderich. A thank
you note was read. A family
night was planned and a special
meeting in May. Mrs. Stuart
Chamney read the minutes of
the previous meeting and gave
a financial report.
Mrs. Sam Thompson read
the Scripture lesson and Rev.
John Wheeler led in prayer, fol-
lowed by the Lord's Prayer in
unison. Mrs. Ray Fianna had
charge of the chapter in the
study book which was followed
by a discussion period. A hymn
was sung and Mrs. Thompson
gave a reading, "The World's
Bible". The offering was re-
ceived. Mrs. Charles Jeffer-
son closed the meeting with the
poem "Our Family Prayer".
Lunch was served by the hos-
tess, assisted by Mrs. James
Small. Mrs. Tom Armstrong
invited the ladies to her home
for the April meeting.
part with the Listowel District
High School wrestling team in
the all-Ontario tournament.
Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Reid
and Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Cowan of Wheatley spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs,
Nelson Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doig
of Toronto visited over the
week-end with V1r. and Mrs.
Harold Doig. Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Bremner and Doris of
Ethel were Sunday guests at the
same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Graham,
Karen and John of Toronto,
called on friends in the village
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Pitten-
dreigh, Miss Minnie McElwain,
John and Bill McElwain visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ian
Pittendreigh, in London.
Miss Glenna Hibberd of Kit-
chener was a week-end visitor
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt, Hibberd.
Mr., and Mrs. Roy Simmons
visited)Sunday with Miss Luella
Simmons at Huronview, Clin-
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn,
Karen and Judy of Orillia,
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Earl Ridley.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mul-
vey, Jeffrey and Cindy of Bel-
more visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Sothern.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Mitchell
of Kitchener visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Earnie D'Arcy.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons
left Monday for Minto, N.B.
where Mr. 'Parsons' mother is
seriously ill.
go to the goodly number from
Lakelet and district who were
prize winners at the Ice Carni-
val at Belmore arena on Satur-
day night.
LAKELET—The final classes
of night school were held last
Tuesday night at the Howick
Central School. Plans are be-
ing made for a fashion show to
be held later this month.
Hi-C Meeting
BELGRAVE—The Ili-C group
met in the church schoolrooms
on Sunday evening. The meet-
ing opened with a sing-song led
by Luuk Meulwyck, Marilyn
Taylor read the secretary's re-
port and the treasurer's report
was given by Dave Beecroft.
A discussion was held on the
calendar disposal. The topic
for discussion was "Called to
Be a Rebel", and was led by
Bob Taylor. The group divid-
ed for discussion and brought
back their findings. Taps clos-
ed the meeting.
GORRIE—The first meeting
of Gorrie 2 4-11 club, "Accent
on Accessories", was held at
the home of Mrs. Melvin Tay-
lor on March 4,
The election of officers took
place and resulted as follows:
President, Beverley Newtolir
vice-president, Jean Brown;
press reporter, Ruth Anne Tay-
lor. The leaders are Mrs. Mel-
vin Taylor and Mrs. Ronald
Mrs. Taylor outlined the
project and requirements of the
club members. The contents
of the sewing box was demon-
strated by Judy King. Mrs. Mc-
Clement led the discussion on
The Finished Look, Accessor-
ies to Complement Your Cos-
tume, Wardrobe Planning and
Basic Styles.
An exhibit of three different
styles of hats and various kinds
of trims were on display as well
as a co-ordination set and ac-
The first meeting of the
Gorrie 3. Club was held at the
home of Mrs. Glenn Johnston
on March 5th. Elected to of-
fice were Phyllis Hilton, presi-
dent; vice-president, Helen J
Johnston; press reporter, Barb-
ara Thornton.
Samples of material and
pamphlets were passed out.
Notes were on Accent on Ac-
cessories. The next meeting
will be on March 26 at the
home of Mrs. Clarence Sparl-
To Hold Lenten
Services in Homes
BELGRAVE—The Ladies'
Guild of Trinity Anglican
Church met on Wednesday of
last week at the home of Mrs.
Dave Armstrong with tenmem-
bers and one visitor present.
The meeting opened with pray-
er by the president, Mrs. Robt.
Procter, followed by the Lord's
prayer in unison. Scripture
reading was by Miss Nora Van-
Minutes were read by Mrs.
Clare VanCamp and Mrs.Coop-
er Nethery gave the treasurer's
report. It was announced that
Lenten services will be held in
the homes of the members of
the congregation, beginning
March 15.
The roll call was answered
by naming a historic book of
the Old Testament. Dues were
collected, and the birthdaybox
was passed. A bake sale was
held with Mrs. Hugh Rinn as
the auctioneer. The sale
realized $4.00. The monthly
raffle donated by Mrs. Law-
rence Vannan was won by Mrs.
Hugh Rinn.
Mrs. Procter closed the
meeting with prayer. Grace
was sung and lunch served by
the hostess.
GOP,RIE—The members of
the Gorrie W.I. entertained
their husbands ar a dinner at the
Gorrie Restaurant on Wednesday
evening when 30 persons sat
down to It hOlintcallS ,Ilt.q11 and
•.njoyed a pleasant evening.
August Keil and Glad Edgar had
the lucky plates. Stewart
Strong had the lucky number
in the Dutch auction.
Progressive euchre was play-
ed, Mrs. Cecil Wilson was
high lady and Mrs. John Bay-
lor, low; E. II. Strong had
highest score for the men and
Morley Johnson, low.
It was decided to continue
to have meetings on the first
Wednesday of each month in-
stead of the first Tuesday.
Women's Inst.
Offices Filled
meeting under home econom-
ics and health was held at the
home of Mrs. L. VanVelsor on
the afternoon of March 3. Af-
ter a pot luck luncheon Mrs.
Wm. Wright took over the
president's chair and welcomed
all present.
Mrs. Harry Adams opened
the meeting with a poem,
"Beauty of Nature". The roll
call, "Bring an old family or
group picture", brought many
interesting photographs.
The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and approv-
ed. The correspondence, con-
taining several thank you notes,
was read and the business dealt
Mrs. Wright remarked that
the leaders for the 4-H Club
had attended the course.
Mrs. J. Simmons brought in
the report of the nominating
committee and all offices have
been filled. The program com-
mittee will include the conven-
ers of the standing committee
and the executive.
The president's summary for
the year showed a good year for
the Institute. The reports of
the standing committees were
Mrs. Harry Adams read a
humorous poem, "Johnny Enter-
tains". Miss Marion Gibson
conducted a contest.
Junior was invited to supper
at Billy's house but refused.
When we asked why, Junior
sneered: "He just wants me to
help him eat up his cereal so he
can have the box tops!"
Pi 0
LOCAL M.P. ON TV — Four of the newly-
elected Members of Parliament appeared
on the English network CBC programme,
"The Nation's Business," with Progressive
Conservative party leader Rt. Hon. John G.
Diefenbaker. In the TV studio at Ottawa
are: Rev. David MacDonald, MP, Prince,
P.E.I.; Roger Regimal, MP, Argenteuil-
Montagnes, Quebec; Mr. Diefenbaker; Ro-
bert McKinley, MP, Huron, Ontario, and
Dr. Lewis Brand, MP, Saskatoon, Sask,
News from Fordwich
Wingham Advance-Times, Thugs,, March 10, 196o — Page 6
Gorrie 4-H Clubs Husbands Are
Get Under Way Entertained, W.I.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibson
and family of St. Catharines
were Saturday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Doig.
Miss Sharon Pollock of Kit-
chener spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bride
of Guelph visited Saturday with
the former's mother, Mrs. H.
M. Bride, at the Village Nurs-
ing Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart
and sons of Listowel visited Sun-
Gorrie News
Mrs. David Neilson, Eliza-
beth and Heather, attended the
Listowel Carnival and visited
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shiell,