The Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-02-24, Page 13WINGHAM SEE US FOR MATERIAL AND ADVICE. Everything for INDOOR and OUTDOOR BUILDING OR REPAIR BEAVER UMBER PHONE 357.2581 PHONE 357-2002 WINGHAM WINGHAM PHONE 357-2450 WINGHAM PHONE 357-3080 WINGHAM DIAL 357-2344 WINGHAM PHONE 357-1640 AS, REMODELLING YOUR HOME OR BUILDING A NEW ONE. You'll want to be sure you have adequate wiring for all your electrical needs. For that "COLDROOM" ELECTRIC HEATING is the answer — Ask for Free Estimates. BURKE ELECTRIC .4=00111.113161•11. REMODEL YOUR BATHROOM OR KITCHEN We have all the modern fixtures to make your new or remodelled bathroom or kitchen the one of your dreams. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP. PERCY CLARK HEATING and PLUMBING For all of your Construction Needs Call . . at CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors ALL THE MATERIALS TO DO IT NOW ARE IN STOCK FOR YOU — AT — HODGINS-McDONALD PHONE 357-3650 WINGHAM HAVING HEATING PROBLEMS? CALL ON US TO PROVIDE THE ANSWER TO YOUR HEATING DIFFICULTIES — OIL FURNACES AND BOILERS FOR ANY BUILDING. FREE ESTIMATES — Just give us a call. HOWARD FULLER Ready Mixed Concrete is the economical answer to your Building Project HEATED AND MADE TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS — POURED AT THE SITE. Maitland Ready-Mix PHONE TEESWATER 392-6881 FAMILY ON-THE-GROW? Need extra bedrooms? Or perhaps a rumpus room? Did you ever consider utilizing your basement or attic for this purpose? You can be sure of an attractive job when you call on us. — Specialist in Building Modern Kitchens — "WE BUILD — SELL AND ERECT" RON WINGFIELD PHONE 357-2510 WINGHAM SAVE TEMPERS, TIME AND MONEY Let our men handle the important job of painting and papering your home. It costs less to let experience take over and do it right. CHARLES RINTOUL PAINTING and DECORATING PHONE 357-3044 WINGHAM From a New Partition to a New Home... We take the job right in our stride. We have the skilled manpower to do the job right. We estimate carefully to give the customer every break in price. PHONE 357-2750 NORMAN MET° L WINGHAM 4 a FOR ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENTS DO IT NOW! PAINT AND WALLPAPER MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE! Choose from our new spring patterns. Now is also the time to select from our wide variety of floor coverings. THE WALLPAPE SHO Join the Winter Employment CAMPAIGN DON'T POSTPONE. DO IT NOW! WHEN MEN AND MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE Far further information concerning Jobs or Workers * Contact your NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 125 ARGYLE STREET PHONE 291-2920 LISTOWEL, ONTARIO e * r Seasonal unemployment af- fects every man and woman in Canada, not just the 250,000 workers who find themselves without jobs. It is not an econ- omic problem that can be solv- ed by the Unemployment In- suranee Act, It is not a social blemish that can be swept un- der the carpet, says the Royal FAO of Canada monthly letter. When total unemployment is at its peak, a quarter of a mil- lion men and women are out of work for no other reason than because it is winter. At least 40 per cent of these belong in the construction industry, most of the remainder come from pri- mary industries such as logging, fishing and agriculture; factor- ies which process the raw ma- terials, and transportation. The sad thing about it is that this annual depression is largely avoidable. We are victims of a pattern of thinking that belongs to the days when Canadians set- tied comfortably into hiberna- tion once the snow tell. CLIMATE MAIN FACTOR Climate is the fundamental influence in seasonable vari- ations in employment. This ef- fect varies from one community to another, depending on wheth- er it is a farming, manufactur-, ing or commercial centre and the general economic condi- tions of the area. It is simple, but inane, to say there is little we can do about the weather. Advances in technology during recent years have helped to overcome many of the difficulties formerly en- countered in performing various tasks in winter. in recent years concrete has been poured in mid-winter for some of the largest engineering projects in Canada, facilities for plough- ing highways have made truck- ing nearly as commonplace as in summer. Structural mem- bers like steel and aluminum present no problem. Heating on building sites is simple, using electricity, oil, gas, steam blowers and fans. Shelter is provided by plywood and fibre- board, and an entire building can be encased with plastic sheeting. The oil Industry has developed oils and greases which enable machines and equipment to function without trouble in sub-zero weather. The "Do It Now" campaign actively promotes home, farm and business improvements as part of its over-all aim. In- deed, this aspect of the cam- paign has steadily increased in scope and importance because of the increased realization by consumers, contractors and building supply dealers that it is good business to schedule reno- vation and redecoration for the winter months. Of the nearly 5 million oc- cupied dwellings in Canada more than 556/0 are over 15 years old. All of these hornet re- quire 4 continuing program of maintenance, repair and im- provement, It is estimated that the home improvement business in Canada presently represents a market potential of over half a billion dollars. Even in this day and age this represents big business and companies in the building supply and allied fields have, year by year, taken in- creasing advantage of the win- ter potentialities of this market. You will agree that some quite dramatic improvements can be made to a home. Such improvements not only create jobs for workers but also a de- mand for materials. In fact they have a chain reaction if a high proportion of Canadians decide to carry them out. Most homeowners have a continuing series of renovation and redecoration jobs in mind. Not only does this type of work make the home a more com- fortable place in which to live but also increases its value. Government sponsored low coat NHA Home Improvement Loans are available for this type of work and bank managers will be pleased to furnish details con- cerning them and also about Farm arid Small Business Im- provement Loans. Any job, even the smallest, scheduled for the wintermonths creates some employment at a season when in the past many workmen have been unemploy- ed. Unemployment is costly not only to the worker but also to the community. If there are jobs that need doing -- the community as well as the indi- vidual benefit when they are done in the winter months. This is why the message of the Winter Employment Campaign is ''Do It Now!" Beneath plastic or fibre- board wraps, the construction industry is forging ahead, pro- viding winter spending power as it goes and easing the depress.• ed economy which accompan- ies winter conditions. There is also the moral side to be con- sidered: a man without a job is an unhappy man — and every member of his family is unhap- py too. The slogan "Everybody Bene- fits When Everybody Works be rather idealistic, but it's a wonderful goal to shoot at just the same. Men and materials are on hand to tackle that work project, large or small, which many people may have been planning to leave until spring of summer. It's quite likely that neither skilled nor unskilled la- bour will be on hand in the warmer weather -- so why wait 'til spring? Special campaigns are being carried out across the country to induce winter work by build- • ing and decorating supply deal- ers and by those in the business of cleaning and repairing cloth- ing, drapes and rugs, those who overhaul lawn-mowers, out- board motors and other equip- ment and machinery. The National Employment Services office at Listowel will help anyone to locate an em- ployee for whatever period is necessary. Since the solution to winter unemployment is to be found at the local level and through ail citizens taking part in the drive for employment, each community should take an ac- tive part in the campaign. Many N.E.S. offices in the Ontario Region report increased organizational support this year. Quite a few women's organiza- tions, for instance, have adopted the Winter Employ- ment Campaign as a project for their support in the community. 0 DON'T POSTPONE .