The Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-02-24, Page 11Napoleon hated and feared eats, Compounds of silver are very poisonous. PHONE 357-2670 WINGHAM 0 a 4 RENOVATION SAVE 13 3 YEAR — Reg. $49.75 BATTE Y CLOCK $2 0/0 OTHER MAKES OFF 25% OFF uiova atches 7 EVERY ITEM ON COUNTER — ONLY 45-PIECE SET or 8 INN ARE :95 SCHICK HAIR DRYER REGULAR $40.00 for $27.95 COSTUME JEWELLERY — 50% OFF HAFERmEHes V "''"'"" %44.7.0t, EWELLERY Whigharn Advance.-Times, Thursday, Feb. 24, l960 Page 3 THE JUNIOR GIRLS' CHOIR took part in last week's var- iety concert at the high school. The group sang "Kind- ness" and "Nocturne" both nights of the annual event. The girls were warmly received by the audience. er Ice Capades on Wednesday evening and on Friday evening Mr. and Mrs, Russel Ross and Doris also attended the Ice Ca- pades there. Mr. Jim Falconer and Lois were Tuesday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rit- chie. The parents of the high school students were well rep- resented at the Wingham Dis- trict High School concert on Thursday evening. Miss Lila Humphrey of St. Helens is visiting with her sis- ter, Mrs. George Walker. Mrs. Clarence Walker and baby who had visited there the past two weeks, returned home on Satur- day with her husband and Cathy and Rickey remained for a furth er visit. BIRTII BURCHILL—In Wingham and District Hospital on Saturday,l February 19, 1966 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burchill, Wingham R.R.3, a daughter, Euchre Party at Currie's School WHITECHURCH—The regu- lar progressive euchre party was held on Friday evening at Currie's School with 16 tables in play. Winning prizes were: High lady, Mrs. Kenneth Cur- rie; low lady, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor; high gent, Lawrence Taylor; low gent, Wilfred Wal- ker. The travelling lone hand in hearts prize went to Mrs.Hazel- grove. Other prizes were, the person with the most red, Mrs. Ronald Coultes; the largest family present Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galbraith and family. The hosts and hostesses for the next party will be Mr. and Mrs. John L. Currie and Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. The sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston and Mrs. Gor- don McBurney and their help- ers served lunch. rayer is Them- Of WMS a,eeting ITS CALLED 71-15 ONTARIO MEDICAL SEQVIC.E6 INSURANCE PLAN. CMS FCf2s1-40PT/ IT STAt.4,t ON/JULY ANP cANGEr APPLICATION FARMS ATANY NOW/ RHT V. ::!!!!ec?:••ewere, • •.(.04 • 0, -•'1,*•!.'‘11:144.V9:0-*11;:,•• Awe-e-'••!...e!evieeN.oes,‘ ,etakV1111%iVe0 ....OR GET INSURANCE. DID YOU KNOW THAT THE ONTAPIO GOVERNMENT HAS A BRAN NEW PLAN FCR DOCTORS' BILLS F I DON'T" EVEN WANT -10 TALK ABOUT IT....I Ju9r WANT TO RDRGETAE3OUT NkY PocroQ5 alusi ilAvAgn/ mg ormaro 60/gvivim6'yrategh/4/p 77-/75,0z44; xriegY/1".4.-./r5o EVERYONE cAN NA ic,',4t-fri MO 4.1,477 -.AZ .1/014/ 4/772.E AlEYVk)/ -/F fl -10/N, .'4 CAN 1Z7C-77:a4 hE I J 4N27 11/6- C4N Cer):2.4 1.9// L S /XI/ 2 f O1 777/." ,4;n4w4y/ ./1,4eLV-41ENr/NCYAW.P/9 ..A/77,Qmy pa.r../N7ARy.44/42 An.Q/NatiP4141/..SAA/12 Mb:44Z icA0/1...90,114.)!. ADR./O4Y f -57- CGt-EA016,0* BO../.4z7E' An.C2W2:Z ,531,M4Y _rb7; /956 ONTARIO MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN Whitechurch Personal Notes Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Agar of Wingham were Tuesday eve- ning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes. Mrs. Russel Chapman return- ed home Thursday evening af- ter visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and family of Toronto. Pupils of S. S. No, 7, East Wawanosh and their teacher, Mrs. Bosman, and their parents on Saturday went by bus to the Ice Capades in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt attended the Kitchener Ice Capades on Saturday evening. Mr. Wallace Conn is attend- ing the Good Roads convention being held at the Royal York, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross and Doris visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Billie Caslick in hon- or of Miss Beth Caslick's birth- day. Mr. George Conn of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, Lon- don, is spending this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Conn. February is living up to the old tradition, "February with puff and blow fills the ditches with the snow". During the week-end we had the puff and blow, winch at times made visi- bility nil, with a good snowfall following. Due to the stormy weather the United Church services here were withdrawn. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, Misses Linda and Darlene Coul- tes went on the bus to Kitchen- WHITECHURCH—Mrs, Vic- tor Emerson opened the W.M. S. meeting at the home of Mrs. James McInnes with "Excuses for Not Taking Part in Church Work" and the poem, "In the Quietness of Prayer" . The theme of the meeting was prayer. Meditation was given by Mrs. Frank Coulter and Scripture was read alternately with Mrs. Dawson Craig as lead- er. The meditation on "Pray and Pump, Pump and Pray" was given by Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. Mrs. McInnes, in the topic, dealt with when, where and how to pray. "Begin the day with prayer and in the evening give thanks for the blessings of the day," the speaker said. The simple words of ordinary people or the more profound words of the highly educated are all the same to the Master. Mrs. Mc- Innes said people may pray wherever they are, whenever they feel the need of His help, whether it be in a crowd or in the quietness of their own bed- rooms, "Confess your short- comings and ask for guidance," she said. Mrs. Johnston Conn read "Best Loved Religious Poems" Final arrangements were made for World Day of Prayer, February 25. The offering was received by Robert Watt and dedicated by singing "We Give Thee But Thine Own", Mrs. Frank Coulter or an alternate will attend the Synodical at Ni- agara Falls. Used Christmas cards and stamps will be col- lected and sent where needed. Mrs. Dawson Craig read, "Hannah, A Praying Mother". A letter was read by Mrs, Dick- son of Taipei, Taiwan, by Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, telling of the work being done there and the need for educating the natives. Mrs. Craig conducted two quiz- zes and readings were given by Mrs. Russel Ross and Mrs. Earl Caslick. Mrs. Ross gave the courtesy remarks. At the Ladies' Aid meeting which followed, it was decided to leave the painting of the manse until a later date. Family Gathering At Johnston Home WHITECHURCII—On Satur- day evening Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Ritchie and family and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith and Diana, of Kitchener, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ger- shorn Johnston when they cele- brated the birthdays of May Ann Ritchie, Diana Smith and Mrs. Johnston. Later in the evening they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston and family of Lis- towel, Mr. and Mrs. Jack John- ston and family of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnston of Clin- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mc- Michael and family of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs, Ted Robinson and family of Donnybrook. Jim Robinson took all the older cousins to Belgrave to skate and enjoy the broomball game while the older members of the family played euchre. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and family and Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Diana remained for the week-end. Teacher: "Iceland is about the same size as Siam." Student (writing in note- book): "Iceland is about the same size as my teacher." if w 71 0 4