The Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-12-23, Page 16Page 8 Wingham Advance=Times, Thursday, Dec. 23, 1965 440w4 11 t iirblie) to OIU (111(111// /or n /orin11) holiday )r'rl )o1I 11111! 11 j A: 1111/1111) [11111 111`ft l/1 /v! 4 W. B. CONRON, CLU • ‘' ['[1r INSURANCE AGENCY -' it Complete Insurance Coverage �' Agents for—Manufacturers Life Insurance Company Bes& Wishes 1brtheT toFkl We sincerely hope that your Christmas is a merry one, and that the coming year will be filled with every spiritual and material blessing. N. D. Cameron Ltd. TOBACCOS - CONFECTIONERY - SUNDRIES O. • 04. , i•" A, A Gw tri L No Delivery Christmas Day Demonstrates Salad Making At Meting FORDWICH-'The Christmas meeting of the Women's Insti* tute was held in the commun- ity hall. Mrs. Robert Gibson presided. She welcomed the ladies and extended season's greetings.. A very satisfactory report of the Milk Producers' banquet was given showing net proceeds of approximately $100.00, It was moved to serve lunch at the Federation of Agricalttlre an- nual meeting early in the new year. The roll call was answered by donations to the Salvation Army. The program was con- vened by Mrs. John Inglis, A sing -song of favourite Christmas carols, with Miss Elva Foster at the piano, was enjoyed. One member sang "Silent Night" in German and another sang it in Dutch. Mrs. J. Inglis demonstrated a jellied salad making. A read- ing, "Under the Old Elsner Tree" was given by Mrs. Win. McCann. A solo, "There's a Song in the Air", was sung by Miss M. McElwain. A reading was given by Mrs. A. Demer- ling, "Barging in on Christmas" followed by a solo "Happy Birthday, Gentle Saviour" by Miss Elva Foster. This song was written by Dale Evans of TV fame. Jellied salads and rolls were served at lunch. He Invented Toys Sir Isaac Newton, English phycist, mathematician, phi- losopher greeted his first Christmas, and his first day, in Lincolnshire, England, in 1642. Frail and sickly as a youth, he devoted many boyhood Decembers to inventing and making Christmas toys. Explorers Hold Christmas Meeting BELGRAVE--The Explorers met for their Christmas meeting on Sunday morning in the church school rooms. The call to worship was given by Mrs. Stan Hopper followed by sing- ing "Gentle Mary Laid Her Child" , Scripture lesson was fol- lowed by a litany, "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" was sung. Barbara ivleul- wyck read the poem, "The First Christmas". The offering was received by Carol Walker, Mrs. Laura Johnston read the story, "What Simon Said". "OCome, All Ye Faithful" was sung. The business was conducted by Ken Hopper with minutes and roll call read by Nancy An- derson. Evelyn Bieman gave the treasurer's report. Members practised a number for the Christmas Concert. World Friends were distributed by Gail Mayberry. C.G.I.T. Meeting BELGRAVE—The C. G. I. T. regular meeting was held last Wednesday in the church school- rooms. choolrooms. Janette Johnston was in charge. Minutes were read by the secretary, Rhonda Fear. The clean-up crew for this meeting was Ruth Ann Pletch and Lois Rinn. Next meeting, January 5, will be conducted by the following people: Games, Karen Pengelly; sing -song, Lois Rinn; worship, Maureen Hanna. The roll call was taken and treasurer's report given by Au- drey Coultes. The girls prac- tised for the vesper service. A motion was passed to start the mission study at the January meeting. Taps closed the meeting. WHAT "NOEL" MEANS "Noel," the French word for Christmas, means "birthday," "news," or "a shout of joy." Fordwich Personals Mr. Arthur Forester left last week for Fort Erie where he will spend several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tomlin, and then visit in Mexico and Texas. Mr. Jack Winters spent a few days last week with rela- tives in Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Frew and Sharon of Preston visited one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore. Miss Marian Harding under- went an appendectomy in Wal- kerton Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dun- can and Stephen of Toronto are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Connell. Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Sothern visited Sunday with Mr. and i\Irs William Mulvey eY atBel- more. B 1 - more. Mr. Walter Harrifield and Cecil Wilson attended the fun- eral in Iiagersville last week of the late Lir. Nyle Roth. Mr. Bob Bride of London was a week -end visitor at his home here. Wayne Marriner of Kitchen- er spent the week -end at his home here. Mrs. Ted Itlaassen and Ted- dy were Stratford visitors one day last week. The annual Sunday School concert of Trinity Anglican Church was held Friday evening in the Sunday School rooms. Mrs. Doug Bunker spent one day last week in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Connell, Mrs. Pearl Patterson and Mrs. A. Coles were Kitchener visit- ors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Camp- bell, Kerry and Alan visited one day last week with the lat- ter's father, Mr, George Moss who at present is confined to Westminster Hospital in London. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson visited a couple days last week in Flint, Michigan. Friends of Mr. George Pit- tendreigh will be sorry to learn that he slipped and fell on Sat- urday morning while going down for the mail and at pre- sent is confined to Listowel Hos- pital. Mrs. Elsie Dcmerling visit- ed one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Murray. Mr. henry Mundt left on Tuesday night for a two weeks' visit with relatives in Vancou- ver. Light Candies at Vesper Service I3ELGRAVE--The annual ves- per service of the C..G.I.T. was held on Sunday evening. The church was beautifully decorated with candles, small Christmas trees and poinsettias. A medley of carols preceded the service played by the or- ganist for the service, Miss Joyce Procter of London. Readers were Janette John-, ston and Rhonda Fear, The call to worship was followed by the congregation singing "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing". The C. G.I. T. choir sang " O Thou Joyful Day". The candle of His concern was lit by Joyce Coultes. The dandle of His light and Love was lit by Lois Rinn. The girls sang "All My Heart This Night Rejoices". Other candles were for His pre- sence by Linda McGee, can- dle of obedience by Maureen Hanna and candle of our dedi- cation by Kathy Chandler, LINDA McGEE PRESIDES MESSENGERS' MEETING WHITECHURCH—Calvin- Brick Messengers held their meeting on Sunday with Linda McGee presiding. She gave the call to worship. Joyce Taylor led in prayer. The Scripture was read by Doris Coultes and offering was received by Doug- las Shiell and Jim McGee, Lin- da McGee gave the offertory. Mrs. Norman Coultes gave the story, "When David fol- lowed the Star". The singing of three Christmas carols was en- joyed. Pianists for the meeting were Mrs. George McGee and Cathy Chandler. White Gift Service at United GORRIE--The Sunday School pupils of the United Church had charge of the White Gift ser- vice. The junior choir sang anthems with Miss Lynda John- ston as organist. Michael Grainger gave the call to worship and Scott Gal- braith read the Christmas story. The primary class sang an an- them. n- them. Margaret Siddall gave the story, "Why the Chimes Rang". The offering was received by two sets of twins, Carl and Darryl Siddall, Glen and Jim Koster. Murray Grainger and Rick Currah received the child- ren's White Gifts. The church windows attrac- tively displayed the open Bible, candle and Christmas decora- tions. Christmas greetings were read from Rev. Sweeney by Mr. Colin Fingland, Wingham, who pronounced the benediction. WARM V6SR-RES FOR A e�t.�/ryll��!/Gf/ e' MACHAN HARDWARE PLUMBERS 111 e RfsTfflns Best wishes for a day filled with happiness. ADAMS HAIRDRESSING SHUTER STREET WINGHAM REUBEN APPLEBY State Farm Representative Dial 357-1679 - 27 Patrick St., Wingham «', y ;S:c %,�iao':wk:tass»s,+a+w� �• �wsE;:<w:F:iS nK�y<:.:`,c'.t:tsY REETIllS e hope your holidays will be as full of warmth and friendliness, as merry and bright as the glad young voices of carol singers. A joyous Christmas to all. 4r May you/ be of stud cheer alt Clitittlitt.tx r tlawt)s.,.your heart lull to over - II i)whit; with all of the hi4k happiness aiul Oauittiful blessin(214 of the Day. ala;, the joyg of this ('hrislirtas he remembered vera' happily thrfstl!.;h Many .l 101144 ye°.!t• to t•trine, i BATESON'S MODEL DAIRY ti HOWARD FULLER PLUMBING PHONE 357-1640 Stanley Berry Limifei